The Pet Market Bounces Back !/? 2009 > 2014 – Part 3: The Total Pet Market – The Bottom Line
Growth continues but Veterinary & Supplies Segments are a concern.
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
Growth continues but Veterinary & Supplies Segments are a concern.
Strong sales but what about price deflation in supplies?
…But the Veterinary Segment stumbles.
Average annual growth rate – 5.92%, But more than half came from price increases!
“Petflation” – Pet Services are pushing prices up!
Pet Retail Sales have gone up 165.9% since 1997. Prices have increased 66.8%
Strong Pet Businesses make a Strong Pet Industry!
SuperZoo & GPE – Both huge Pet trade shows. 1/3 of the exhibitors are unique to each show.
With 900+ Exhibitors you have 1½ minutes for each, if you don’t eat, drink, go to a class, go to the restroom or allow time for walking. You may need a plan!