Why Invest in the Pet Industry?
Because it makes $ and sense!
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
Because it makes $ and sense!
The Holiday Retail Lift is not what it once was!
Pet Supplies CPI up 1.4% in one month
The U.S. Government Consumer Expenditure report now will feature “Pets” as a separate spending category.
Supply segment drives the overall Pet Market prices down!
Take your business “above the tree line” – to the summit!
Service prices are up for the month and food and supply prices are down.
Pet Supply prices continue to fall. What is behind this deflation?
November, the month with “black Friday” is not the month to buy Pet Products and Services.
Service prices going up…supply prices continue down…just like last year…but now Food prices falling!