The Pet Market Bounces Back !/? 2009 > 2014 – Part 2: Pet Food and Pets & Supplies
Strong sales but what about price deflation in supplies?
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
Strong sales but what about price deflation in supplies?
…But the Veterinary Segment stumbles.
Average annual growth rate – 5.92%, But more than half came from price increases!
“Petflation” – Pet Services are pushing prices up!
Pet Retail Sales have gone up 165.9% since 1997. Prices have increased 66.8%
Strong Pet Businesses make a Strong Pet Industry!
SuperZoo & GPE – Both huge Pet trade shows. 1/3 of the exhibitors are unique to each show.
With 900+ Exhibitors you have 1½ minutes for each, if you don’t eat, drink, go to a class, go to the restroom or allow time for walking. You may need a plan!