2018 Pet Services Spending was $8.72B – Where did it come from…?
The best year ever for this segment, largely driven by the younger groups!
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
The best year ever for this segment, largely driven by the younger groups!
Spending flattened out in the second half but Supplies still had a modest gain with far less turmoil than the other segments.
If you nothing else but work the show floor, you can spend 1 minute and 21 seconds with each exhibitor. You need a plan!
Still THE place to find whatever you need or want in terms of pet products!
A $2B drop in spending…but some good news. 47% of 92 demographic segments actually spent more on Pet Food.
A $1 Billion increase in Supplies wasn’t enough to overcome the $2B drop in Food.
The key spending trend in 2018 was a “youth” movement!
Boomers Pet Spending plummets but the younger…and older groups all step up!
Boomers dial back spending but everyone else “steps up”.
Baby Boomers cut back but other groups step up to generate a spending increase!