Information by distribution channel

2022 Top 100 U.S. Retailers – Sales: $2.85 Trillion, Up 6.8% 165,205 Stores with Pet Products……plus the Internet!

The U.S. Retail market reached $8.07 Trillion in 2022 from all channels – Auto Dealers, Supermarkets, Restaurants, Online retailers and even Pet Stores. The $705B, +9.6% lift was down significantly from the pandemic recovery of +$1.14T, +18.4% in 2021. However, the Total Retail market is now $1.9T, 30.8% ahead of 2019. That’s a strong annual growth rate of +9.4%. (Data courtesy of the Census Bureau’s monthly retail trade report.)

In this report we will focus on the top 100 Retailers in the U.S. Market. The base data on the Top 100 comes from Kantar Research and was published by the National Retail Federation (NRF). The historical data for some companies that weren’t in the Top 100 all years from 2019>2022 was gathered from other reliable sources. In 2020, Restaurants were removed from the list and only Convenience stores sales for Gas Stations were included. I adjusted the 2019 list to reflect this change. This change means that the Top 100 now only includes Relevant Retail companies. The Top 100 account for 35.2% of the total market. This share peaked at 39.0% during the 2020 pandemic and has slowly declined since then. However, the Top 100 are still the “Retail Elite”. The vast majority of the group also stock and sell a lot of Pet Products so their progress is critically important to the Pet Industry. Let’s get started in our analysis. The report does contain a lot of data, but we’ll break it up into smaller pieces to make it more digestible.

We will begin our report with an overview chart of the 2019>2022 annual sales history for major segments of the Retail Marketplace. The U.S. Retail market has strongly recovered from the 2020 pandemic trauma and the resurgence has become widespread across most channels. Our regular retail sales reports have shown that different defined retail channels often took a different path from 2019 to 2021. In the Spring of 2021 and throughout 2022 the retail market faced a new challenge – strong inflation. The YOY price increases were the largest in decades, even reaching double digits near the end of 2021. The high rate didn’t start to slow until the Fall of 2022. The Top 100 analysis allows us to see if the company revenue size was a factor in their overall pandemic/price journey from 2019>2022. The following chart shows the annual sales and market share as well as the changes in both for large retail subgroups that are based upon the amount of their annual revenue. Note: In comments we’ll show Avg Growth Rates – Actual & Real (Inflation Related)

  • The Total Retail Market grew $705B, +9.6% in 2022. That is less than the $1.14T, +18.4% in 2020. However, the growth rate since 2019 is 9.4%, which is still double the rate of recent years: 2019, 3.6%; 2018, 4.9%; 2017, 4.3%. Factoring in inflation, Real 19>22 growth was +3.4% compared to 18>19: +3.2%; 17>18: +3.0%; 16>17: +5.7%
  • The “Non-Relevant” Retail Group (Restaurants, Auto Dlrs, Gas Stations) was hit hardest by the pandemic as sales fell -9.7% in 2020. However, they had a strong recovery as 20>22 sales grew $932B, producing an average 19>22 growth rate of 8.8%. However, high inflation was a factor for all groups. Gas Stations led the way as 19>22 prices were up +50.2%.
  • Relevant Retail was the hero of the pandemic as they kept Total Retail positive in 2020. Their sales surged in the 2021 recovery then the increase slowed to +8.0% in 2022. They were still up $365B producing an average growth rate since 2019 of +9.75%. Their Real growth rate (considering inflation) was +5.75%. However, their share of Total Retail has fallen 3.5% after peaking in 2020. The story is a bit more complex. Let’s drill deeper into this group.
  • The Top 100 Retailers make up 57.5% of Relevant Retail and 35.2% of Total Retail. They have shown consistent growth since 2019 but their market share has fallen since peaking in 2020 for Relevant Retail and 2019 for Total Retail. Their avg growth since 2019 is +7.1%, but Real Growth using the latest Top 100 CPI data is +3.6% – 51%.
  • The biggest subgroup in $ales in the Top 100 is the Top 10 which accounts for 59% of the Top 100’s revenue, up from 55% in 2019. This group has been unchanged since 2015 and consists of Amazon, plus truly essential brick ‘n mortar retailers. Their biggest sales surge occurred in 2020 which was their peak in Retail market share. Their average growth rate since 2019 is +9.5%. The group is unchanged, so we know their Real growth was +5.7% – 60%.
  • The Retailers ranked from #11 to #100 change slightly every year. Their sales in 2022 ranged from $3.7B to $76B and they accounted for 41% of the Top 100’s revenue. They have an unusual sales pattern in that their $46B decrease in 2020 is the only negative sales on the chart outside of the big drop by Rest/Auto/Gas. They did have a strong 10.7% increase in 2021 but that fell to 6.1% in 2022. They have also lost market share in Total & Relevant Retail every year since 2019 but are still a big part of U.S. Retail. Avg 19>22 Growth: +3.9%; Real: 1.0% – only 26%.
  • The Relevant Retailers outside of the Top 100 don’t get a lot of “press” but maybe they should. They currently account for 42% of Relevant Retail $ and 26% of Total Retail. They had the biggest percentage increase of any Relevant Retail subgroup in all measurements since 2019. Their avg. increase since 2019 is +13.8%. Real: +9.8%, the best numbers of any group on the chart. While this performance is amazing, perhaps the most important fact is that they delivered 62% of Relevant Retail’s sales increase in 2020 and even 56% of the lift from 2019>2022.

There is no doubt that the big retailers are critical to the success of the U.S. Retail Market. However, there are sometimes “hidden heroes” that should be noted.

The Top 100 outperformed Total Retail in 2020 but not in 2021 or 2022. In fact, the sales growth since 2019 trails Total Retail, Relevant Retail and even Rest/Auto/Gas. It still generates 35.2% of Total U.S. Retail $ so it is still very important. We also should remember that the Top 100 is really a contest with a changing list of winners. Companies drop out and new ones are added. This can be the result of mergers, acquisitions, surging or slumping sales or even a corporate restructuring. In 2022, Smart & Final was acquired by Chedraui and Price Choppers merged with Tops. 4 dropped off:

  • Bed, Bath & Beyond (Home Gds) • Restoration Hdwr (Home Gds)   • Save Mart (Supmkt)   • Urban Outfitters (Appar)

On the plus side, 4 new companies were added.

  • Amway (Home Gds) • Raley’s Supermarkets (+Bashas’)   • Neiman Marcus (Dept Str)  • Schnucks (Supmkt)

I think that we now have a good overview of U.S. Retail and the Top 100 so let’s ask and answer a very relevant question. How many Top 100 companies are buying and selling Pet Products? This will reinforce that Pets have become an integral part of the American Household and how fierce that the competition for the Pet Parents’ $ has become.

  • We should note that the data in the chart only reflects the performance of the companies in the 2022 list since 2019 and is not being compared to the Top 100 list of companies from prior years
  • 87 are selling some Pet Products in stores and/or online. 2 of the companies added pet products to their offerings for the 1st time in 2022. Plus, 87 is 7 more companies than the 1st “official” all Relevant Retail Top 100 list in 2020.
    • Their Total Retail Sales of all products is $2.74 Trillion which is…
      • 96.4% of the total business for the Top 100
      • 55.4% of Relevant Retail
      • 34.0% of the Total Retail market
    • 74 Cos., with $2.58T in sales sell pet products off the retail shelf in 165,205 stores – 12,000 more than 2020.
      • 1 company on the current list added pet products to their shelves in 2022.
      • As you can see by the growth in both sales and store count since 2019, “in store” is still the best way to sell pet.
    • Online only is another story and the story gets complicated.
      • Amazon includes Whole Foods, which has stores so the Amazon $ are in the “Pet in Store” numbers.
      • 1 Retailer in the 2022 list added pet products to their offerings. This group had decreased sales and closed stores in 2020. Fortunately, 21 & 22 brought a rebound in both areas, but they still have the lowest 19>22 increase in $.
    • Some non-pet specialty retailers like Lulumon and Signet have had extraordinarily strong post pandemic growth. However, the growth in the non-pet group has generally slowed in 2022. They have also closed 5% of their stores, which is now thankfully on hold. Perhaps, more of them will see Pet as a new growth opportunity.

The pandemic caused our Pets to become an even more important part of our households. They are truly family. Pet products have long been an integral part of the strongest retailers and are now even more widespread across the entire U.S. marketplace. Of the Top 100, 165,205 stores carry at least some pet items at retail. However, there are thousands of additional “pet” outlets including 15,000 Grocery Stores, 10,000 Pet Stores, 16,000 Vet Clinics, 6,000 Pet Services businesses and more. Pet Products are on the shelf in over 215,000 U.S. brick ‘n mortar stores… plus the internet. Pet Products have become part of the new “normal” for the majority of U.S. Retailers.

Before we analyze the whole Top 100 list in greater detail let’s take a quick look at the Top 10 retailers in the U.S.

Except for changes in rank, this group has been incredibly stable. The list has been the same since 2013, with one slight qualification. In 2015 Albertsons purchased Safeway. The new Albertsons/Safeway group replaced the stand-alone Safeway company in the list. There is one change to the chart. We have added average annual 19>22 growth rates – both Actual & Real (Inflation was factored in using specifically targeted CPIs) Now let’s get into the numbers.

  • Their Total Retail Sales were $1.67 Trillion which is:
    • 58.8% of Top 100 $ales, about equal to the 2020 peak (58.9%) but up considerably from 2019 (55.0%).
    • 33.8% of Relevant Retail, down from 35.5% in 2020 but about the same as 2019 (34.0%).
    • 20.7% of Total U.S. Retail $, down from 23.0% in 2020 but exactly the same as 2019 (20.7%).
  • In ranking, Kroger & Home Depot swapped places. Walgreens fell from 6th to 8th, so Target and CVS moved up.
  • Sales vs 21 & 19 are up for all but Walgreens. The biggest growth vs 21 came from Costco but Amazon is still the leader vs 19. In average growth, 5 have rates over 10%. The group averages +9.5% with +5.7% (60%) being real.
  • Store count stabilized and turned up 0.3% in 22 but is still down vs 19 for 5 companies and -0.1% for the group.

Now we’ll look at the detailed list of the top 100. It is sorted by channel groups with subtotals in key columns. For some groups there will be 2 subtotals. The subtotal in Blue compares the data history for just the 2022 list. The Black subtotal compares this year’s totals to those from previous year’s lists. Note: I used the same CPI rate for both Blue & Black Real averages because there was little difference in group share from 2019 to 2022.  There is not a lot of highlighting, but:

  • Pet Columns ’22 & ‘21 – a “1” with an orange highlight indicates that products are only sold online.
  • Rank Columns – 2022 changes in rank from the 2021 list are highlighted as follows:
    • Up 4-5 spots = Lt Blue
    • Up 6 or more = Green
    • Down 4-5 Spots = Yellow
    • Down 6 or more = Pink

Let’s get started. Remember, online $ are included in the sales of all companies.

Note:(*) in the 2019 columns of some companies means the 2019 base was estimated from other sources.


  • Alcohol Retailers first made the list in 2020 as consumers started dining at home. The behavior is accelerating.
  • Apparel – They were hit hard by the pandemic, had a strong recovery in 2021, then the increase slowed in 2022. In 2022 sales decreased for companies focused on clothing while it increased for specialty and accessory stores. The average increase for the 22 group was Actual: +5.5%; Real: +4.8% (87%). Their performance differed from that of the category because the 2022 group had fewer companies than 2021 but more than 2019.
  • Auto – Growth slowed a little in 2022 but the only negative for this group is that Advance Auto’s average Real Sales growth is down -1.4% from 2019. Group Avg Growth: +9.8%; Real: +3.6%.
  • Book Stores – Barnes & Noble has had slow steady growth since 2019 and low inflation so 52% is real.
  • Commissary/Exchanges – They have been on hold since 2019. Sales grew a little in 22 but real sales growth is -5.7%.
  • Convenience Stores – Sales are up in 22 but most of the growth is due to 7-Eleven’s acquisition of Speedway. The 22 group has 8.0% average growth but only 24% is real. However, that’s much better than -4.9% for the category.
  • The decline in Department Stores was accelerated by the pandemic. Sales in the category grew in 22 because of the addition of Neiman Marcus. Neiman Marcus’ sales are up slightly from 2019 but Dillard’s has the only significant actual and real growth since 19. Both the 22 group and the category are both actually and really down vs 2019. J.C. Penny, a hallmark in the department store channel, has by far the worst performance.
  • Drug Stores – All but Walgreen’s increased sales in 2022 but the store closures continued. Vs 2019 only Walgreen’s and Good Neighbor Pharmacy have reduced sales but all have fewer stores. The average growth rate since 2019 is low at +2.7% but inflation is low so real growth is +2.1% (78%)

  • Electronics/Entertainment – Sales Growth slowed in 22 and even fell for 3 companies. Store closures continued for electronics retailers.
    • Amazon Retail growth slowed in 22 to only 36% of their average growth since 2019, but 85% is Real.
    • Qurate was down for the year and the only company down vs 2019. Their avg real sales growth from 19 is -6.5%.
    • 2 Electronics stores are down vs 2021 but all are up vs 2019. They continue to close stores. However, strong deflation has even pushed real sales significantly above actual.
    • 22 group avg growth: +12.0%;Real: +12.5%. This is much better than the category because 22 is a smaller group.
  • Farm – Tractor Supply growth slowed but is still +11.4%. Avg Growth: +19.1%; Real: +13.8% (72%). Plus, more stores.
  • Hobby & Crafts– Hobby Lobby is the best performer, but both companies are up in all measurements. Avg Group Growth: 5.9%; Real: +5.4%. 92% is real.
  • Home Improvement/Hardware – Growth slowed in 2022 but the only negatives on the chart come from True Value closing a few stores in 21 and the -1.6% real sales avg for Menards. Consumers are still focused on their homes.
    • Harbor Freight is still growing fast. They earned a spot in the Top 100 in 2021.
    • Vs 2021 & 2019 sales were up for all across the board with the biggest $ lifts coming from the 3 biggest guys.
    • It is also a very healthy sign when 6 of 7 companies continue to add more stores.
    • 22 Group Avg Growth: +11.5%;Real: +6.3% (55%). The category is slightly better because the group # is up by 1.
  • Jewelry – Signet switched from closing to opening stores. Strong growth continues. Avg: 21.2%; Real: 18.7% (88%).
  • Mass Merchants have 3 of the 7 largest volume retailers in America – Wal-Mart, Costco and Target. However, the value and selection offered by the whole group has increased its importance to consumers even more due to the pandemic.
    • In 2022 Wal-Mart $ were up 8.7%, better than 6.9% in 2021 and above their average increase in sales: +7.7%. Their business is driven by SuperCenters. Groceries drove up inflation so their real sales avg increase was 3.7%, only 48%. They did stop closing discount department stores in 2022 but their store count is still -0.5% from 2019.
    • Costco’s 2022 $ increase was +16.9%, up from +15.8% in 2021 and 23% more than their 13.7% average. Average real growth was 9.7% (71%). They also continued to open new stores, +5.9% vs 2019.
    • Target posted a 6th consecutive sales increase in 2022, +2.8%. However, this was down a lot from +13.2% in 2021 and their 11.7% average. Their real avg growth rate is 7.7%, 66%. Their store count is up 4.3% from 2019 as they are opening more supercenters. However, they are also adding more fresh groceries to their discount stores.
    • Meijer’s $ales were +5.6% from 21, up from 2.3% last year but below their avg of 6.1%. Their avg real growth is 2.1%, only 34%. Coincidentally, their avg growth rate from 2019 now exactly matches their 6.1% growth in stores.
    • BJ’s is now the growth leader, +22.8% vs 21 and +55.3% vs 2019. However, we should note that Costco ranks 2nd in both comparisons. BJ’s also has 8.7% more stores than in 2019. Costco is +6.1%. BJ Avg growth: +15.8%; Real: +11.8%, 75%. Club stores have moved to the forefront.

  • Office Supply Stores – This channel continues its consistent decline as Consumers maintain their move to online ordering of these products. The only positive on the chart is that Staples sales were up +0.6% from 2021. The group’s average sales growth since 2019 is -3.8%; Real: -10.4%. Store count is down even more, -17.3% from 2019.
  • Pet Stores growth in 2022 was +7.3%, down significantly from +22.3% last year but they are up +45.5% from 2019. Most of the growth in all measurements is coming from online sales.
    • Chewy and PetSmart numbers are reported individually as they are now separate companies.
    • With the strong consumer movement to online purchasing, Chewy is still the big story in this channel. They have the most sales. Their 21>22 increase was +13.6%, down from 24.4% in 21, but 76% of the Pet Store group’s 2022 $ increase. Their 64.5% sales increase vs 2019 is also nearly double that of the retail outlets. Avg Growth rate: +18.0%; Real: +14.9%. 83% of their big increase is real.
    • PetSmart’s 21>22 growth was only +2.2%, 90% less than the +23.1% in 21. Sales are still up +32.5% from 2019 and they continue to expand their retail footprint with 3.4% more stores than in 2019. Their average growth rate is +9.8%. Real growth is +6.7%, 68%. This is not as good as Chewy’s, but still very good.
    • Petco’s growth since 2019, +35.8% is slightly ahead of PetSmart. It also slowed markedly in 2022 to +4.1%, from +17.6% in 21. Avg growth: +10.7%; Real: +7.6%, 71%. The biggest difference between the 2 is that Petco has cut back on their retail stores, even in 2022. Their store count is now down -7.7% from 2019.
  • Small Format Value Stores – These stores offer value and convenience, but there are 2 types – Big Lots & $ Stores
    • Group sales grew +7.4%, up from +2.0% in 21. Avg 19>22 Growth: +8.2%; Real: +4.1%, 50%.
    • Dollar General & Dollar Tree were responsible for almost all of the group’s growth in both $ and stores. Dollar General was the leader in both areas. Avg Growth: +10.9%; Real: +6.9%, 63%. Dollar Tree also looked pretty good with 6.8% more stores and avg growth of +6.3%. However, their Real growth was +2.3%, only 37%.
    • Big Lots’ $ fell -11.1% from 21. Their store count is down -3.1% from 19. Avg $ Growth 19>22: +0.9%; Real: -3.1%
  • Sporting Goods – Sales vs 21: +4.7%, down from +13.6% in 21. All but Academy were up vs 21 but all are up vs 19. The store count has also grown despite slight drops by Dick’s and Bass Pro. Avg $ Growth: +9.1%; Real: +4.7%, 52%.
    • Camping World has the best performance vs 21 & 19 in both $ales and store growth.
    • Dick’s had the biggest actual $ increase from 19>22 despite closing 1.9% of their stores since 2019.
    • Bass Pro has the worst performance. They closed 3.1% of their stores in 20&21. Avg Growth: +2.5%; Real: -1.9%.
  • Supermarkets – As usual there was some turmoil. Because of a merger & acquisition 2 companies were replaced. 1 other dropped out and 2 new were added. Ave Growth: +7.0%; Real: 0.9%, only 13%. Store count -0.7% from 2019.
    • All were up vs 2021 in $ and only 2 were down vs 2019
    • 7 companies cut back on stores in 2022 and 8 have fewer stores than in 2019.
    • The category avgs and store count situation are better than for 2022 group because the group is bigger in 22.
    • With $540B in sales from 17K stores, all carrying Pet Products, this group is essential both to the Retail Market and the Pet Industry.

Wrapping it up!

This report is focused on 2022 but we can also see the still evolving impact of the pandemic. In 2020 many non-essential retailers were hit with restrictions and closures. On the plus side, consumers turned their focus to essentials and their homes. This helped drive incredible growth in many retail channels.

In 2021 the Total Retail market moved into a full recovery with spectacular growth. Many channels showed a strong sales rebound from 2020. Others built upon their pandemic success while many returned to a more normal growth pattern. However, a few continued to decline. The Top 100 companies had participants in all of these patterns.

In 2022 we were hit by strong inflation in many categories which slowed both actual and real growth.

The Top 100 is a contest with the winners changing slightly every year. It is a critical part of the U.S. Market, accounting for almost 60% of Relevant Retail Revenue and 35+% of Total Retail. Sales have increased annually but the Top 100’s share of Total Retail peaked in 2020 and in 2019 for Relevant Retail and has steadily declined. The Top 10 has had consistent annual growth but sales in the #11>100 actually fell in 2020 and their 19>22 increase is only about 1/3 of the Top 10’s lift. However, we should remember that we discovered a new hero in 2021 – Relevant Retail, not in the Top 100. The 19>22 Sales by these smaller guys are +47%, 50% more than the Top 10. Their performance continues to be amazing.

Pet Products are an important part of the success of the Top 100. 87 companies (96.4% of $) sell Pet items in 165K stores and/or online. The 74 companies that stock pet products in their stores generated $2.58T in total sales. How much was from pet? Let’s “Do the math”. If we take out the $23.6B done by Top 100 Pet stores and the remaining companies generated only 1.7% of their sales from Pet, we’re looking at $43.4B in Pet Products sales from 71 non-pet sources! (The 1.7% Pet share is based on the Economic Census.) If you add Product sales for Pet Stores back in, Total Pet Products sales for the Top 100 are $67B. The APPA reported $89.6B in Pet Products sales for 2022. That means 71 mass market retailers accounted for 48.4% of all the Pet Products sold in the U.S. and 74 Top 100 companies generated 74.8%. Pet Products are widespread in the retail marketplace but the $ are concentrated. All Pet Industry participants should monitor the Top 100 group.

Retail sales increases slowed in 2022 as inflation became a major factor. The situation is still evolving but the Top 100 will always be a critical part of U.S. Retail. I hope that this detailed look helped put this group into a better perspective.

Retail Channel Monthly $ Update – June Final & July Advance

While inflation continues to slow, its cumulative effect on consumer spending is still being felt. The rate of sales increases is still slower than the decrease in inflation in a number of channels, which causes a drop in the amount of product sold. A recovery may have started but there is still a long road ahead, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We will begin with the Final Report for June and then go to the Advance Report for July. Our focus is comparing to last year but also 2021 and 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we’ll focus on Pet Relevant Channels.

The data will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels. The charts will show 11 separate measurements. To save space they will be displayed in a stacked bar format for the channel charts.

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month in 2022 and 2021.
    • Current Month Real change for 2023 vs 2022 and vs 2021 – % factoring in inflation
  • Current Ytd change – % & $ for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019.
    • Current Ytd Real change % for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019
  • Monthly & Ytd $ & CPIs for 22>23 and 21>23 which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (CPI Details are at the end of the report)

First, the June Final. All were down from May. However, all but Gas Stations were up vs 22, 21 & 19. When you consider inflation, the negatives (11) were more than in May (7). Gas Stations are still really down vs 2019. The biggest change may be that Relevant Retail is again “really” down monthly vs 22. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The June Final is $0.4B more than the Advance. Specifically, Restaurants: +$0.9B; Auto: +$1.0B; Gas Stations: -$0.7B; Relevant Retail: -$0.7B. The drop in sales for Relevant Retail from the Advance Report made one big difference. In the Advance Report for June vs 2022, their “real” sales were +0.1%. In the Final June Report their “real” sales vs June 2022 were -0.1% – a small, but significant change. Sales were down from May for all big groups but actual sales for all but Gas Stations were positive in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Strong deflation caused Gas Stations sales to again drop monthly and YTD vs 2022. There were 11 real sales drops, 8 vs 2021. Restaurants have the most growth and are the only group with all positives. The big deal is that real sales for Relevant Retail vs 22 & 21 are all negative. The monthly data vs a year ago has now been negative 7 of the last 8 months. They are #1 in performance since 2019 but only 49% of the growth is real.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in June in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

Overall– Only 2 were up from May, but vs 22, 7 were up vs June 22 and 10 Ytd. 7 were “really” down monthly & Ytd. Vs 2021, 9 had increases but only 5 monthly & 3 Ytd were real. Vs 2019, Off/Gift/Souv & Disc Dept Strs were really down.

  • Building Material Stores – The pandemic focus on home has produced sales growth of 35.7% since 2019. Prices for the Bldg/Matl group have inflated 20.2% since 2021 which is having an impact. HomeCtr/Hdwe stores are down for the month & Ytd vs 22 but up vs 21 &19. Farm Stores are up in all measurements. However, both have all negative real numbers vs 2022 & 2021. Importantly, only 22.1% of their 19>23 lift was real. It was only this high because most of the lift came prior to the inflation wave. Avg 19>23 Growth: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 7.4%, Real: 1.3%; Farm: 11.5%, Real: 5.2%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. They have been very different in inflation but the gap is closing as the Grocery rate is now only 12% higher than Drugs/Med products. Drug Stores are positive in all measurements and 74% of their growth since 2019 is real. While the $ are up for Supermarkets their 2023 real sales are down vs 2022 & 2021 and just slightly positive vs 2019. Only 8% is real growth. Avg 19>23 Growth: Supermarkets: +6.3%, Real: +0.6%; Drug Stores: +5.4%, Real: +4.0%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are up from May but are only actually & really positive YTD vs 2022 and 2019. Prices are still deflating -0.9%, a big change from +5.4% in 21>22 and +6.5% in 20>21. The result is that 60% of their 43.7% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth Rate is: +9.5%; Real: +6.0%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – All were down vs May. However, actual sales vs 22, 21 & 19 were up for all but Disc Dept Strs vs June 22 & 21. In real sales, Clubs/SupCtrs were only up vs June 21 but $/Value Stores were up in all but Ytd vs 21. Disc Dept Stores are the worst performer and are now really down -0.9% vs 2019. The other channels average 35% In real growth. Avg 19>23 Growth: SupCtr/Club: 6.2%, Real: 2.2%; $/Value Strs: +6.7%, Real: +2.7%; Disc. Dept.: +2.5%, Real: -0.2%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Actual sales are up 1.3% from May but down from June 22. They were up in all other measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Their real sales numbers are all negative including -6.8% Ytd vs 2019. Their recovery started late and their slow progress may have stalled in June. Avg Growth Rate: +0.9%, Real: -1.7%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are down from May but above $100B again at $100.8B – another monthly record. All measurements are positive, but their growth is only 54% of their average since 2019. However, 80% of their 98% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +18.6%, Real: +15.4%. As expected, they are still by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level of $100B for the first time in 2021. In 2022 their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov, rose in December, fell in Jan>Feb, turned up in Mar>May, then fell in June. Ytd Real sales are down vs 22, but all other measurements are positive. They are still the % increase leaders vs 2021 and 72% of their 56.6% growth since 2019 is real. Average 19>23 Growth: +11.9%, Real: +8.9%. They are still 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. Pet Stores are surely contributing.

Inflation remains an important factor in Retail. In actual $, 7 channels reported increases in sales vs 2022 and 9 vs 2021. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth drops to 4 vs 2022 & 5 vs 2021. Inflation has impacted sales increases. June was not a strong month. The lift was 30% below May & 50% of Jan & Feb. The impact is very visible at the retail channel level. Inflation grew slightly in July. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for July.

Since 2019, we have seen the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $700B in a month for the first time and broke the $7T barrier in 2021. Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T in 2021 and all big groups set annual $ales records. In 2022 radical inflation was a big factor. At first, this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Total Retail hit $8T and all groups again set new annual records in 2022. In 2023, sales got on an up/down rollercoaster. All were down in June and Total Retail was down in July but 2 groups were up. Except for Gas Stations, all actual sales are positive vs 22, 21 & 19. There is also some stability in that of the groups’ total of 20 “real” sales measurements vs 22 & 21, 11 are positive, including monthly sales vs 22 for Relevant Retail. Of Note: The lift vs 2022 is up from June for Relevant & Total Retail but still far below Jan & Feb levels.

Overall – Inflation Reality – Total, Auto & Gas prices all deflated. For Relevant Retail, the rate was slightly below the sales lift. For Restaurants, inflation remains high, +7.1% but they still have the strongest performance vs 2022 & 2021. The biggest news is that monthly real sales for Relative Retail vs last year are positive again. They have been negative for 8 of the last 10 months. However, their Ytd Real sales are still down vs 2022 & 2021. They still have a ways to go.

Total Retail – Since June 2020, every month but April 23 has set a monthly sales record. December 22 $ were $748.9B, a new all-time record. Sales have been on a rollercoaster. They grew in May, fell in June & grew in July. Inflation has become deflation, but sales growth is still low. Sales are up 2.5% vs last year. That’s only 32% of their average 19>23 growth. Also, real sales are down monthly and Ytd vs 21 and only 35% of the 19>23 growth is real. Inflation in Total Retail has radically slowed vs 2022 but we still see its cumulative impact. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +7.9%, Real: +3.0%.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t begin recovery until March 2021. However, they have had strong growth since then, setting an all-time monthly record of $91B in December and exceeding $1T in 2022 for the 1st time. They are the best performing big group vs 22 & 21. Inflation decreased to 7.1% in June from 7.6% last month but is still +15.0% vs 21 and +21.4% vs 19. 39.6% of their 41.4% growth since 19 is real but they remain 2nd in performance behind Relevant Retail. Recovery started late but inflation started early. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +9.0%, Real: +3.9%. They just account for 13.2% of Total Retail $, but their performance improves the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021 but much of it was due to skyrocketing inflation. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster. Inflation started to drop mid-year, but it caused 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group in 2021>2022. This is bad but their real 2022 sales numbers were much worse, down -8.2% vs 2021 and -8.9% vs 2019. 2023 started off a little better in Jan>Feb, got worse in Mar>Apr, grew in May, then fell in Jun>Jul. Again, only monthly & Ytd real sales vs 21 are negative. Prices are -1.3% vs 22, monthly & Ytd. Only 7% of 19>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.8%, Real: +0.6%.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and inflation began. Sales got on a rollercoaster in 2022 but reached a record $583B. Inflation started to slow in August and prices slightly deflated in Dec & Feb then strongly dropped in Mar>Jul, -15.0% Ytd vs 22. However, prices are still +15.3% vs 21. The deflation is directly tied to the monthly & Ytd sales drops vs 22. Real Ytd sales vs 22 are up slightly but still down vs 21 & 19.  Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.2%, Real: -1.2%.The numbers show the cumulative impact of inflation and demonstrate how strong deflation can be both a positive and a negative.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – They account for 60+% of Total Retail $ in a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020, and they led the way in Total Retail’s recovery. Sales got on a roller coaster in 2022 but all months in 2022 set new records with December reaching a new all-time high, $481B, and an annual record of $4.81T. In 2023, Jan & Feb had normal drops then grew in March, starting another roller coaster. Sales fell in Jun>Jul, but all actual sales are up vs 22, 21 & 19. Real sales are only down Ytd vs 22 & 21. Monthly Real sales vs last year are again positive but have been negative in 8 of the last 10 months. 48% of their 19>23 $ are real – #1 in performance. Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.3%, Real: +4.3%. This big group is where America shops. The fact that real sales turned positive again gives us hope.

Inflation is slowing but the cumulative impact is still there. Sales increases are also slowing, but the fact that 55% of all real sales numbers vs 22 & 21 are positive again is a good sign. Restaurants are still doing well, and Auto is improving. Gas Stations are now seeing the negative impact of strong deflation with a continued drop in actual sales. However, as always, our biggest concern is Relevant Retail. Their situation has definitely improved. Ytd real sales vs 22 & 21 are still negative, which clearly shows the impact of cumulative inflation. However, monthly real sales vs 22 have been positive in 2 of the last 3 months. This is not the end of the crisis, but a slow turnaround appears to be continuing.

Here’s a more detailed look at July by Key Channels in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +8.3%, Real: +4.3%. Only 4 channels were up from June but 6 were up vs 22 & 8 vs 21. Only 4 had a “real” increase vs 22 or 21. The negative impact of inflation appears to be slowing sales increases.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. Their Actual $ are up from June but down for all comparisons but Ytd vs 21 & 19. Their real sales are down in all measurements, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.15%, Real: -2.5%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. $ales are down vs June but up in all other measurements. Their real sales are down in all measurements but Ytd vs 19. Only 35% of their 27.8% 19>23 lift is real – the impact of inflation. Avg Growth: +6.3%, Real: +2.4%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. $ are up from June and in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. However, inflation hit them hard. Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 2019 and only 6.9% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +6.2%, Real: +0.5%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are down from June but up in all other measurements, both actual and real vs 22, 21 & 19. Their inflation rate has been relatively low so 73% of their 23.9% growth from 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.5%, Real: +4.1%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – Clothes initially mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 21 with strong growth through 2022. $ales are up from June and vs 22, 21 & 19. However, Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 21 & 19. Another positive is: 63% of their 2019>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +3.8%, Real:+2.4%
  • Home Furnishings – In mid-2020 consumers’ focus turned to their homes and furniture became a priority. Inflation has slowed but was very high in 2022. Actual sales are down from June and in all other measurements but Ytd vs 2019. Their real sales are again all down, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +3.6%, Real: -0.5%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. $ales are down from June and in all measurements but Ytd vs 19. However, consistent deflation has caused real sales to be up in all measurements. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.5%, Real: +2.4%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. In 2022 the lift slowed as inflation grew to double digits. Inflation is still high at 7.4%. Sales are down from June and they are again all negative vs 2022. They still have the highest Inflation of any channel so real sales are negative in all but Ytd vs 2019. Also, just 20% of their sales growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +7.7%, Real: +1.7%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. Actual $ales are down from June but positive for all but Ytd vs 21. Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 22 & 19. Prices deflated again in July and their inflation rate has been much lower than most groups so 65.7% of their 30.6% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.9%, Real: +4.7%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 at +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. Sales are down vs June but positive in all but real $ vs July 22. Their increase vs 2021 fell to 2nd place but vs 2019 they are still 2nd. NonStore is #1 in both. 67% of their 43.6% 19>23 growth and even 50% of their 21>23 growth is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth is: 9.5%, Real: 6.6%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021 as sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier. Their growth slowed significantly in 2022 and now 2023. $ are up from June and all other measurements are positive. 78% of their 88.0% growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth: +17.1%, Real: +14.0%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, there was a new challenge, the worst inflation in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed since July 22, which should help the Retail Situation. Sales were down from June for 3 big groups and 7 smaller channels. Inflation continues to slow in most channels and even deflate in a few. However, some channels like Auto, Gas Stations, Grocery and Bldg Material stores still have high cumulative inflation rates so they are still struggling. Only a few channels are doing well. The new problem is that the sales increase rate vs 2022 for many channels has slowed and is even below the lower inflation rate. Real monthly sales for Relevant Retail have been positive vs 22 for 2 of the last 3 months but are still negative for 7 of 11 channels. The turnaround for Relevant retail is not widespread. It is primarily being driven by NonStore with a little help from Health Care, Electronics/Appliances  and Miscellaneous (includes Pet Stores). We still have a long way to go for a full recovery from the inflation tsunami.

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates. The data also includes the CPI changes from 2021 to 2023 to show cumulative inflation.

Monthly 22>23 CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.


Retail Channel Monthly $ Update – May Final & June Advance

While inflation continues to slow, its cumulative effect on consumer spending is still being felt. The rate of sales increases is still slower than the decrease in inflation in a number of channels, which causes a drop in the amount of product sold. A recovery may have started but there is still a long road ahead, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We will begin with the Final Report for May and then go to the Advance Report for June. Our focus is comparing to last year but also 2021 and 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we fill focus on Pet Relevant Channels

The data will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels. The charts will show 11 separate measurements. To save space they will be displayed in a stacked bar format for the channel charts.

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month in 2022 and 2021.
    • Current Month Real change for 2023 vs 2022 and vs 2021 – % factoring in inflation
  • Current Ytd change – % & $ for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019.
    • Current Ytd Real change % for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019
  • Monthly & Ytd $ & CPIs for 22>23 and 21>23 which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (CPI Details are at the end of the report)

First, the May Final. All were up from April, and all but Gas Stations were up vs 22, 21 & 19. When you consider inflation, the negatives were fewer than in April. However, Gas Stations are still really down vs 2019. The most significant change may be that Relevant Retail is now “really” up vs May 22. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The May Final is $2.8B more than the Advance Report. Specifically, Restaurants: +$1.4B; Auto: +$1.0B; Gas Stations: +$0.4B; Relevant Retail: N/C. Sales were up from April for all big groups and actual sales for all but Gas Stations were positive in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Strong deflation caused Gas Stations sales to drop monthly and YTD vs 2022. There are some real sales drops, especially vs 2021. Restaurants have the most growth and are the only group with all positives. To reiterate, the most significant data may be that real sales for Relevant Retail vs May 22 are positive. They have been down for 7 straight months. They are #1 in performance since 2019 but only 48% of the growth is real.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in May in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

Overall– All 11 were up from April, but vs 22, 8 were up vs May 22 and 10 Ytd. 6 were “really” down monthly & Ytd. Vs 2021, 9 had increases but only 4 monthly & Ytd were real. Vs 2019, only Off/Gift/Souv & Disc Dept Strs were really down

  • Building Material Stores – The pandemic focus on home has produced sales growth of 35.7% since 2019. Prices for the Bldg/Matl group have inflated 20.8% since 2021 which is having an impact. HomeCtr/Hdwe stores are down for the month & Ytd vs 22 but up vs 21 &19. Farm Stores are up in all measurements. However, both have all negative real numbers vs 2022 & 2021. Importantly, only 21.5% of their 19>23 lift was real. It was only this high because most of the lift came prior to the inflation wave. Avg 19>23 Growth: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 7.3%, Real: 1.3%; Farm: 11.3%, Real: 5.0%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. However, they have been very different in inflation. The gap is closing but the Grocery rate is still 32% higher than Drugs/Med products. Drug Stores are positive in all measurements and 73% of their growth since 2019 is real. While the $ are up for Supermarkets their 2023 real sales are down vs 2022 & 2021 and just slightly positive vs 2019. Only 9% is real growth. Avg 19>23 Growth: Supermarkets: +6.4%, Real: +0.6%;Drug Stores: +5.0%, Real: +3.7%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are up from April and are actually & really positive vs 2022. However, they are actually & really negative vs 21. Prices are still deflating -0.9%, a big change from +5.4% in 21>22 and +6.5% in 20>21. The result is that 60% of their 44.6% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth Rate is: +9.7%; Real: +6.1%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – All were up vs April and $ stores had the biggest lift. Actual sales vs 22, 21 & 19 were also up for all but Disc Dept Strs vs May 22 & 21. In real sales, the only positive was in Ytd sales for $/Value Stores vs 22. Disc Dept Stores are the worst performer and are now really down -0.1% vs 2019. The other channels average 34% In real growth. Avg 19>23 Growth: SupCtr/Club: 6.2%, Real: 2.2%; $/Value Strs: +6.6%, Real: +2.6%; Disc. Dept.: +2.7%, Real: -0.01%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Actual sales are up 10.9% from April but down from May 22. They were up in all other measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Their real sales growth is down monthly vs 22 & Ytd vs 19. All other real numbers are positive. Their recovery started late but they are making slow progress. Avg Growth Rate: +0.9%, Real: -1.8%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are up from April and above $100B again at $105.3B – another monthly record. All measurements are positive, but their growth is only 43% of their average since 2019. However, 79% of their 97% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +18.5%, Real: +15.4%. As expected, they are still by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level of $100B for the first time in 2021. In 2022 their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov, rose in December, fell in Jan>Feb, then turned up in Mar>May. (May was +18%) Ytd Real sales are down vs 22, but all other measurements are positive. They are still the % increase leaders vs 2021 and 71% of their 55.2% growth since 2019 is real. Average 19>23 Growth: +11.6%, Real: +8.7%. They are still 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. Pet Stores are surely contributing.

Inflation remains an important factor in Retail. In actual $, 8 channels reported increases in sales vs 2022 and 9 vs 2021. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth drops to 5 vs 2022 & 4 vs 2021. Inflation has impacted sales increases. May was a strong month but the lift was still 30% less than in Jan & Feb. The impact is very visible at the retail channel level. Inflation has continued to slow. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for June.

Since 2019, we have seen the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $700B in a month for the first time and broke the $7T barrier in 2021. Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T in 2021 and all big groups set annual $ales records. In 2022 radical inflation was a big factor. At first, this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Total Retail hit $8T and all groups again set new annual records in 2022. In 2023, sales fell for all groups in Jan>Feb, rose in March, fell in April, grew again in May, then dropped in June. Except for a decrease by Gas Stations, all actual sales are positive vs 22, 21 & 19. There is also some stability in that of the groups’ total of 20 “real” sales measurements vs 22 & 21, 11 are again positive, including monthly sales vs 22 for Relevant Retail. The biggest change is that the lift vs 2022 is notably smaller, especially for Relevant & Total Retail.

Overall – Inflation Reality – Total, Auto & Gas prices all deflated. For Relevant Retail, the rate was slightly below the sales lift. For Restaurants, inflation remains high, +7.6% but they still have the strongest performance vs 2022 & 2021. The biggest news is that monthly real sales for Relative Retail vs last year have been positive for 2 straight months after 7 consecutive negatives. However, their Ytd Real sales are still down vs 2022 & 2021. They still have a ways to go.

Total Retail – Since June 2020, every month but April 23 has set a monthly sales record. December 22 $ were $748.9B, a new all-time record. Sales dipped in Jan>Feb, rose in Mar, fell in Apr, grew in May, then fell in June. Inflation has become deflation, but sales growth is still low. Sales are up 1.7% vs last year. That’s only 21% of their average 19>23 growth. Also, real sales are down monthly and Ytd vs 21 and only 36% of the 19>23 growth is real. Inflation in Total Retail has radically slowed vs 2022 but we still clearly see its cumulative impact. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.0%, Real: +3.1%.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t begin recovery until March 2021. However, they have had strong growth since then, setting an all-time monthly record of $91B in December and exceeding $1T in 2022 for the 1st time. They are the best performing big group vs 22 & 21. Inflation decreased to 7.6% in June from 8.2% last month but is still +15.7% vs 21 and +21.2% vs 19. 39.6% of their 40.9% growth since 19 is real but they remain 2nd in performance behind Relevant Retail. Recovery started late but inflation started early. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.9%, Real: +3.8%. They just account for 13.1% of Total Retail $, but their performance improves the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021 but much of it was due to skyrocketing inflation. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster. Inflation started to drop mid-year, but it caused 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group in 2021>2022. This is bad but their real 2022 sales numbers were much worse, down -8.2% vs 2021 and -8.9% vs 2019. 2023 started off a little better in Jan>Feb, got worse in Mar>Apr, grew in May, then fell in June. Again, only monthly & Ytd real sales vs 21 are negative. Prices are -0.7% vs 22 and are down -1.4% Ytd. 10% of 19>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.9%, Real: +0.7%.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and inflation began. Sales got on a rollercoaster in 2022 but reached a record $583B. Inflation started to slow in August and prices slightly deflated in Dec & Feb then strongly dropped in Mar>Jun, -14.0% Ytd vs 22. However, prices are still +17.5% vs 21. The deflation is directly tied to the monthly & Ytd sales drops vs 22. Look at the rates. Real sales vs 22 are up slightly but still down vs 21 & 19.  Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.5%, Real: -1.0%. The numbers show the cumulative impact of inflation and demonstrate how strong deflation can be both a positive and a negative.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – They account for 60+% of Total Retail $ in a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020, and they led the way in Total Retail’s recovery. Sales got on a roller coaster in 2022 but all months in 2022 set new records with December reaching a new all-time high, $481B, and an annual record of $4.81T. In 2023, Jan & Feb had normal drops then grew in March, starting another roller coaster. Sales fell in June, but all actual sales are up vs 22, 21 & 19. Real sales are down vs June 21 & Ytd vs 22 & 21. Monthly Real sales vs last year have been positive for 2 straight months after 7 negatives in a row. 49% of their 19>23 $ are real – #1 in performance. Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.4%, Real: +4.3%. This big group is where America shops. The fact that real sales have been positive for 2 consecutive months gives us hope.

Inflation is slowing but the cumulative impact is still there. Sales increases are also slowing, but the fact that 55% of all real sales numbers vs 22 & 21 are positive again is a good sign. Restaurants are still doing well, and Auto is improving. Gas Stations are now seeing the negative impact of strong deflation with a continued drop in actual sales. However, as always, our biggest concern is Relevant Retail. Their situation has definitely improved. Ytd real sales vs 22 & 21 are still negative, which clearly shows the impact of cumulative inflation. However, monthly real sales vs 22 have been positive for 2 straight months. This is not the end of the crisis, but a slow turnaround appears to be continuing.

Here’s a more detailed look at June by Key Channels in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +8.4%, Real: +4.3%. Only 2 channels were up from May but 7 were up vs 22 & 21. Only 4 had a “real” increase vs 22 and 5 vs 21. The negative impact of inflation appears to be slowing sales increases.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. Their Actual $ are down from May and for all comparisons but Ytd vs 21 & 19. Their real sales are down in all measurements, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.3%, Real: -2.4%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. $ales are down vs May but up in all other measurements. Their real sales are down in all measurements but vs June 21 & Ytd vs 19. Only 34% of their 27.5% 19>23 lift is real – the impact of inflation. Avg Growth: +6.3%, Real: +2.3%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. $ are down from May but up in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. However, inflation hit them hard. Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 2019 and only 7.6% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +6.3%, Real: +0.5%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are down from May but up in all other measurements, both actual and real vs 22, 21 & 19. Their inflation rate has been relatively low so 74% of their 23.4% growth from 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.4%, Real: +4.0%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – Clothes initially mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 21 with strong growth through 2022. $ales are down from May but up vs 22, 21 & 19. However, Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 21 & 19. Another positive is: 64% of their 2019>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +3.8%, Real:+2.5%
  • Home Furnishings – In mid-2020 consumers’ focus turned to their homes and furniture became a priority. Inflation has slowed but was very high in 2022. Actual sales are down from May and in all other measurements but Ytd vs 2019. Their real sales are again all down, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +4.0%, Real: -0.2%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. $ales are up from May but down in all measurements but vs Jun 22 & Ytd vs 19. However, consistent deflation has caused real sales to be up in all measurements. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.6%, Real: +2.5%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. In 2022 the lift slowed as inflation grew to double digits. Inflation is still high at 8.8%. Sales are down -8.1% from May which caused them to be all negative vs 2022. They still have the highest Inflation of any channel so real sales are negative in all but Ytd vs 2019. Also, just 22% of their sales growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.1%, Real: +2.0%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. Actual $ales are up from May but only positive Ytd vs 22 & 19. Real sales have the same pattern. Prices actually deflated to -0.1% vs June 22 and their inflation rate has been much lower than most groups so 64.7% of their 30.6% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.9%, Real: +4.6%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 at +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. Sales are -1.8% vs May but positive in all other measurements. They still have the biggest increase vs 2021 and vs 2019 they are 2nd only to NonStore. 67% of their 44.8% 19>23 growth and even 53% of their 21>23 growth is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth is: 9.7%, Real: 6.8%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021 as sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier. Their growth slowed significantly in 2022 and now 2023. $ are down from May but all other measurements are positive. 78% of their 88.7% growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth: +17.2%, Real: +14.0%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, there was a new challenge, the worst inflation in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed in Jul>Jun which should help the Retail Situation. Sales were down from May for all big groups and 9 smaller channels. Inflation continues to slow in most channels and even deflate in a few. However, some channels like Auto, Gas Stations, Grocery and Bldg Material stores still have high cumulative inflation rates so they are still struggling. Only a few channels are doing well. The new problem is that the sales increase rate vs 2022 for many channels has slowed and is even below the lower inflation rate. Real monthly sales for Relevant Retail have been positive vs 22 for 2 straight months but are still negative for 7 of 11 channels. The turnaround for Relevant retail is not widespread. It is primarily being driven by NonStore with a little help from Health Care, Electronics/Appliances  and Miscellaneous (includes Pet Stores). We still have a long way to go for a full recovery from the inflation tsunami.

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates. The data also includes the CPI changes from 2021 to 2023 to show cumulative inflation.

Monthly 22>23 CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.

Retail Channel Monthly $ Update – April Final & May Advance

While inflation continues to slow, its cumulative effect on consumer spending is still being felt. The rate of sales increases is still slower than the decrease in inflation in a number of channels, which causes a drop in the amount of product sold. A recovery may have started but there is still a long road ahead, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We begin with the Final Report for April and then go to the Advance Report for May. Our focus is comparing to last year but also 2021 and 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we fill focus on Pet Relevant Channels

The data will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels. The charts will show 11 separate measurements. To save space they will be displayed in a stacked bar format for the channel charts.

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month in 2022 and 2021.
    • Current Month Real change for 2023 vs 2022 and vs 2021 – % factoring in inflation
  • Current Ytd change – % & $ for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019.
    • Current Ytd Real change % for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019
  • Monthly & Ytd $ & CPIs for 22>23 and 21>23 which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (CPI Details are at the end of the report)

First, the April Final. All were down from last month, and driven by drops in Gas Stations and Auto, Total Retail was down vs April 2022. When you consider inflation, the negatives become widespread. Gas Stations are still really down vs 2019. The biggest concern is that Relevant Retail was down in all “real” measurements vs 21 & 22. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The April Final is $3.0B less than the Advance Report. Specifically, Restaurants: -$0.4B; Auto:-$0. 1B; Gas Stations: N/C; Relevant Retail: -$2.5B. Sales were down from March and driven by drops in Auto & Gas Stations, consumers spent slightly less vs last year. However, Total Retail, Restaurants & Relevant Retail were positive in all other actual Sales numbers vs 22, 21 & 19. Auto was “really” down vs 21 and Gas Stations are really down Ytd vs 21 & 19. The most significant data may be that real sales for Relevant Retail vs 2022 have now been down for 12 of the last 13 months. In April all real numbers vs 22 & 21 are negative. They are #1 in performance since 2019 but only 49% of the growth is real.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in April in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

Overall– 6 of 11 were down from Mar, but vs 22, 7 were up vs Apr and 10 Ytd. 8 were “really” down monthly & 6 Ytd. Vs 2021, 9 had increases but only 2 monthly were real and 4 Ytd. Vs 2019, Office/Gift/Souvenir was the only real negative.

  • Building Material Stores – The pandemic focus on home has produced sales growth of 35.4% since 2019. Prices for the Bldg/Matl group have inflated 23.1% since 2021 which is having an impact. HomeCtr/Hdwe stores are down for the month vs 22 & 21 & Ytd vs 22 while Farm Stores are up in all measurements. However, both have all negative real numbers vs 2022 & 2021. Importantly, only 21.5% of their 19>23 lift was real. It was only this high because most of the lift came prior to the inflation wave. Avg 19>23 Growth: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 7.4%, Real: 1.4%; Farm: 10.7%, Real: 4.5%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. However, they are radically different in inflation. The rate for Grocery products is still 78% higher than for Drugs/Med products. Drug Stores are positive in all but real $ vs April 21 and 74% of their growth since 2019 is real. While the $ are up for Supermarkets their 2023 real sales are down vs 2022 & 2021 and just slightly positive vs 2019. Only 10% is real growth. Avg 19>23 Growth: Supermarkets: +6.4%, Real: +0.7%; Drug Stores: +4.9%, Real: +3.7%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are down from March and are now negative vs 22 & 21 except for actual and real YTD $ vs 22. Prices are currently deflating -0.04%, a big change from +5.4% in 21>22 and +6.5% in 20>21. The result is that 59% of their 44.6% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth Rate is: +9.7%; Real: +6.1%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – All but Disc Dept Strs were up vs March. In actual sales, they also had the only negative – vs April 22. In real sales, the only positives were in monthly & Ytd sales for $/Value Stores vs 2022. Disc Dept Stores are by far the worst performer with only 12% real growth since 2019. The other channels average 35%. Avg 19>23 Growth: SupCtr/Club: 6.2%, Real: 2.2%; $/Value Strs: +6.5%, Real: +2.5%; Disc. Dept.: +3.1%, Real: +0.4%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Actual sales are down from March but up in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. However, their real sales growth is still down monthly vs 2022 & 2021 and Ytd vs 2019. Their recovery didn’t start until the spring of 2021, but they are making progress. Avg Growth Rate: +1.3%, Real: -1.3%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are up +6.2% from March but below $100B at $97.B – still another monthly record. All measurements are positive, but their growth is only 33% of their average since 2019. However, 80% of their 99% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +18.7%, Real: +15.6%. As expected, they are by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level of $100B for the first time in 2021. In 2022 their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov, rose in December, fell in Jan>Feb, then turned up in Mar>Apr. Real sales are down vs April & Ytd 2022, but all other measurements are positive. They are still the % increase leaders vs 2021 and 72% of their 58.3% growth since 2019 is real. Average 19>23 Growth: +12.2%, Real: +9.2%. They remain 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. Pet Stores are certainly contributing.

Even as it slows, inflation remains an important factor in Retail. In actual $, 7 channels reported increases in sales vs 2022 and 9 vs 2021. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth drops to 3 vs 2022 & 2 vs 2021. Inflation is slowing but not as fast as sales increases. Inflation has increased its impact at the retail channel level. Recent data indicates that Inflation continues to slow. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for May.

Since 2019, we have seen the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $700B in a month for the first time and broke the $7T barrier in 2021. Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T in 2021 and all big groups set annual $ales records. In 2022 radical inflation was a big factor with the largest increase in 40 years. At first, this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Total Retail hit $8T and all groups again set new annual records in 2022. In 2023, sales fell for all groups in Jan>Feb, rose in March, fell in April, then grew again in May. Except for a drop by Gas Stations, all actual sales are positive. The biggest change is that of the groups’ total of 20 “real” sales measurements vs 22 & 21, 11 are positive. Last month there were only 6. This clearly shows that the slowing inflation rate is starting to have an impact.

Overall – Inflation Reality – The May $ increase rate was low but below the inflation rate for all but Restaurants. At 8.2%, their inflation remains high, but they still have the strongest performance vs 2022 & 2021. The biggest news is that monthly real sales for Relative Retail are positive again. That’s 2 of the last 4 months. However, they have been down in 12 of the last 14 months so their Ytd Real sales are still down vs 2022 & 2021. They have a ways to go to catch up.

Total Retail – Since June 2020, every month but April 2023 has set a monthly sales record. December 2022 $ were $748.9B, a new all-time record. Sales dipped in Jan>Feb, rose in Mar, fell in Apr, then grew in May. Inflation is slowing but sales growth remains low. Sales are up 2.8% vs last year. That’s only 35% of their average growth since 2019. Also, real sales are down monthly and Ytd vs 21 and only 35% of the 19>23 growth is real. Inflation in Total Retail has radically slowed vs 2022 but this clearly shows its cumulative impact. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +7.9%, Real: +3.0%.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t begin recovery until March 2021. However, they have had strong growth since then, setting an all-time monthly record of $91B in December and exceeding $1T in 2022 for the 1st time. They are the best performing big group vs 22 & 21. Inflation decreased to 8.2% in May from 8.4% last month but is still +16.1% vs 21 and +20.9% vs 19. 40.2% of their 40.8% growth since 19 is real but they fell to 2nd in performance behind Relevant Retail. Recovery started late but inflation started early. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.9%, Real: +3.9%. They just account for 13.1% of Total Retail $, but their performance improves the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021 but much of it was due to skyrocketing inflation. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster. Inflation started to drop mid-year, but it caused 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group in 2021>2022. This is bad but their real 2022 sales numbers were much worse, down -8.2% vs 2021 and -8.9% vs 2019. 2023 started off a little better in Jan>Feb, got worse in Mar>Apr, then grew in May. Now, only monthly & Ytd real sales vs 21 are negative. Prices are +0.1% vs May 22 but are still deflated Ytd. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.7%, Real: +0.7%.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and inflation began. Sales got on a rollercoaster in 2022 but reached a record $583B. Inflation started to slow in August and prices slightly deflated in Dec & Feb then strongly dropped in Mar>May, -10.9% Ytd vs 22. However, prices are still +19.4% vs 21. The deflation is directly tied to the monthly & Ytd sales drops vs 22. Look at the rates. Real sales vs 22 are up slightly but still down vs 21 & 19.  Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.5%, Real: -1.2%.The numbers show the cumulative impact of inflation and demonstrate how strong deflation can be both a positive and a negative.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – They account for 60+% of Total Retail $ in a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020 and they led the way in Total Retail’s recovery. Sales got on a roller coaster in 2022 but all months in 2022 set new records with December reaching a new all-time high, $481B, and an annual record of $4.81T. In 2023, Jan & Feb had normal drops. Sales in March turned up, fell in April, then rose in May. All actual sales are up vs 22, 21 & 19 and only Ytd real sales are down vs 22 & 21. Monthly Real sales vs last year have been positive in 2 of the last 4 months but negative  in 12 of the last 14 months. 48% of their 19>23 $ are real – #1 in performance. Their Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.4%, Real: +4.3%. This huge group is where America shops. The fact that real sales have been up in 2 of the last 4 months gives us hope.

Inflation is slowing but the impact is still there. Sales increases are slow, but the fact that 55% of all real sales numbers vs 22 & 21 are now positive is a good sign. Restaurants are still doing well and Auto is improving. Gas Stations are now seeing the negative impact of strong deflation with a drop in actual sales. However, as always, our biggest concern is Relevant Retail. Their situation has definitely improved. Only Ytd real sales vs 22 & 21 are negative. This shows the impact of cumulative inflation. However, monthly real sales vs 22 have been positive in 2 of the last 4 months. This is not the end of the crisis, but it could be the beginning of a turnaround.

Here’s a more detailed look at May by Key Channels in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +8.4%, Real: +4.3%. All channels were up from April but only 6 were up vs 22 & 8 vs 21. Only 5 had a “real” increase vs 22 and 4 vs 21. The negative impact of inflation is visible in both actual & real data.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. Their Actual $ are up from April but down for all comparisons but Ytd vs 21 & 19. Their real sales are down in all measurements, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.4%, Real: -2.3%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. $ales are up from April and in all other measurements. However, their real sales are down in all measurements but Ytd vs 19. Only 34% of their 27.3% 19>23 lift is real – the impact of inflation. Avg Growth: +6.2%, Real: +2.3%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. $ are up from April and in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. However, inflation hit them hard. Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 2019 and only 9.0% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +6.3%, Real: +0.6%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are up from April and in all other measurements, both actual and real vs 22, 21 & 19. Their inflation rate has been relatively low so 74% of their 22.2% growth from 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.1%, Real: +3.9%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – Clothes initially mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 21 with strong growth through 2022. Actual Sales are up from April and only down vs May 22. However, Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 21 & 19. Another positive is: 63% of their 2019>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +3.7%, Real:+2.4%
  • Home Furnishings – In mid-2020 consumers’ focus turned to their homes and furniture became a priority. Inflation has slowed but was very high in 2022. Actual sales are up from April but down in all other measurements but Ytd vs 2019. Their real sales are now all down, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +4.1%, Real: -0.1%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. $ales are up vs April but down in all measurements but Ytd vs 19. However, deflation has caused real sales to be up in all measurements. Consumers bought more but paid less. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.4%, Real: +2.2%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. In 2022 the lift slowed as inflation grew to double digits. Inflation slowed and Sales are up for the 3rd consecutive month. The only negative is Ytd vs 2022. They still have the highest Inflation of any channel so real sales are negative in all but Ytd vs 2019. Also, just 22% of their sales growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.0%, Real: +1.9%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. Actual $ales are up from April and positive in all other measurements. Real sales are only down monthly and Ytd vs 21. Their inflation is lower than most groups so 64.5% of their 30.7% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.9%, Real: +4.6%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 at +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. Sales are up 12.5% from April and positive in all measurements. They still have the biggest increase vs 2021 and vs 2019 they are 2nd only to NonStore. 67% of their 43.9% 19>23 growth and even 53% of their 21>23 growth is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth is: 9.5%, Real: 6.6%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021 as sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier. Their growth slowed significantly in 2022 and now 2023. $ are up from April and all measurements are positive. 78% of their 87.6% growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth: +17.0%, Real: +13.9%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, there was a new challenge, the worst inflation in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed in Jul>May which should improve the Retail Situation. Sales were up from April for all big groups and all 11 smaller channels. While Inflation continues to slow in most channels, some channels like Auto, Gas Stations, Grocery and Bldg Material stores still have high cumulative inflation rates so they are still struggling. Only a few channels are doing well. The new problem is that the sales increase rate vs 2022 for many channels has slowed and is even below the lower inflation rate. Real sales for Relevant Retail are now positive vs May 2022 but are still negative for 5 of 11 channels. The turnaround for Relevant retail is not widespread. It is primarily being driven by NonStore, Health Care and smaller channels like Sporting Goods & Miscellaneous (includes Pet Stores). We still have a long way to go for a full recovery from the inflation tsunami.

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates. The data also includes the CPI changes from 2021 to 2023 to show cumulative inflation.

Monthly 22>23 CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.

Retail Channel $ Update – March Final & April Advance

While inflation continues to slow, its cumulative effect on consumer spending is now being felt. The rate of sales increases has slowed even more than inflation. This has caused a drop in the amount of product sold in many channels. Some have even turned negative in the actual $ sold vs previous years. A recession is the biggest fear, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We begin with the Final Report for March and then go to the Advance Report for April. Our focus is comparing to last year but also 2021 and 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we fill focus on Pet Relevant Channels

The data will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels. The charts will show 11 separate measurements. To save space they will be displayed in a stacked bar format for the channel charts.

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month in 2022 and 2021.
    • Current Month Real change for 2023 vs 2022 and vs 2021 – % factoring in inflation
  • Current Ytd change – % & $ for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019.
    • Current Ytd Real change % for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019
  • Monthly & Ytd $ & CPIs for 22>23 and 21>23 which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (CPI Details are at the end of the report)

First, the March Final. All were up from last month and only Gas Stations and Auto had any decreases vs 21 or 22. When you consider inflation, Auto was down vs 21 and Gas Stations vs 19 & 21. Total Retail & Relevant retail were really down vs Apr 21 but Relevant Retail was also down for the month & Ytd vs 2022. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The March Final is $6.0B less than the Advance Report. Specifically, Restaurants: -$4.6B; Gas Stations: -$0.7B; Auto: +0.9B; Relevant Retail: -$1.6B. Sales were up from February as expected and consumers continue to spend more vs last year in all but Gas Stations. In fact, Total Retail, Restaurants & Relevant Retail were positive in all actual Sales measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Auto was “really” down vs 21 and Gas Stations are really down Ytd vs 21 & 19. The most significant change is that the real sales for Relevant Retail vs 2022 turned negative again. It has now been down for 11 of the last 12 months. They are still in 1st place in performance since 2019 but only 50% of their growth is real.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in March in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

Overall– All 11 were up from Feb, but vs 22, 10 were up vs Mar and Ytd. 8 were “really” down monthly & 6 Ytd. Vs 2021, 7 had increases but only 3 monthly were real and 4 Ytd. Vs 2019, Office/Gift/Souvenir was the only real negative.

  • Building Material Stores – The pandemic focus on home has produced sales growth of 38.7% since 2019. Prices for the Bldg/Matl group have inflated 23.4% since 2021 which is having an impact. HomeCtr/Hdwe stores are down for the month vs 22 & 21 & Ytd vs 22. Farm Stores are a little better, only down vs March 2021. However, both have all negative real numbers vs 2022 & 2021. Importantly, only 22.1% of their 19>23 lift was real. It was only this high because most of the lift came prior to the inflation wave. Avg 19>23 Growth: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 8.2%, Real: 2.2%; Farm: 10.6%, Real: 4.5%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. However, they are radically different in inflation. The rate for Grocery products is over 2 times higher than for Drugs/Med products. Drug Stores are positive in all numbers vs 22, 21 & 19 and 75% of their growth since 2019 is real. While the $ are up for Supermarkets their 2023 real sales are down vs 2022 & 2021 and just slightly positive vs 2019. Only 10% is real growth. Avg 19>23 Growth: Supermarkets: +6.4%, Real: +0.7%; Drug Stores: +5.1%, Real: +3.8%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are up 30% from February, slightly positive vs 2022 but down vs 2021. Real sales are only positive Ytd vs 2022. Their current inflation rate is 1.1%, a big drop from +5.4% in 21>22 and +6.5% in 20>21. The result is that 59% of their 45.4% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth Rate is: +9.8%; Real: +6.1%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – All channels are up vs February. In actual sales, the only negative was Disc Dept Stores Ytd vs 2021. In real sales, the only positives were in monthly & Ytd sales for $/Value Stores vs 2022. Disc Dept Stores have the worst performance of any channel in all measurements and only 17% real growth since 2019. The other channels average 36%. Avg 19>23 Growth: SupCtr/Club: 6.1%, Real: 2.2%; $/Value Strs: +6.4%, Real: +2.4%; Disc. Dept.: +3.3%, Real: +0.6%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Actual sales are up from February and in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. However, their real sales growth is still down monthly vs 2022 & 2021 and Ytd vs 2019. Their recovery didn’t start until the spring of 2021, but they are making progress. Avg Growth Rate: +1.2%, Real: -1.5%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are up +13.0% from February and above $100B, a monthly record. They are positive for all measurements, but their growth rate is only 43% of their average since 2019. However, 80% of their 101.3% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rate: +19.1%, Real: +16.0%. As expected, they are by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level of $100B for the first time in 2021. In 2022 their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov, rose in December, fell in Jan>Feb, then turned up in March. Real sales are down vs March & Ytd 2022, but all other measurements are positive. They are still the % increase leaders vs 2021 and 73% of their 59.5% growth since 2019 is real. Average 19>23 Growth: +12.4%, Real: +9.4%. They remain 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. I’m sure that Pet Stores are contributing.

There is no doubt that high inflation is an important factor in Retail. In actual $, 10 channels reported increases in sales vs 2022 and 7 vs 2021. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth drops to 3 vs 2022 & 2021. Inflation is slowing but not as fast as sales increases. Inflation has increased its impact at the retail channel level. Recent data indicates that Inflation again slowed a little. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for April.

Since 2019, we have seen the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $700B in a month for the first time and broke the $7T barrier in 2021. Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T in 2021 and all big groups set annual $ales records. In 2022 radical inflation was a big factor with the largest increase in 40 years. At first, this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Total Retail hit $8T and all groups again set new annual records in 2022. In 2023, sales fell for all groups in Jan>Feb, rose in March then fell in April. Except for dips by Auto & Gas Stations, all actual sales are slightly positive. The biggest change is that of the groups’ total of 20 “real” sales measurements vs 22 & 21, only 6 are positive. 3 of those are from Restaurants but even their sales vs April 2022 are really down. This clearly shows the growing impact of cumulative inflation.

Overall – Inflation Reality – The April $ increase rate for all vs 2022 was below the inflation rate, producing negative real numbers. You also see the impact of cumulative inflation as real sales are down for all but Restaurants vs 2021. Restaurants still have the strongest performance vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. The biggest negative is in Relative Retail. Monthly & Ytd Real sales are down vs 2022 & 2021. Consumers pay more but buy less.

Total Retail – Every month since June 2020 has set a monthly sales record. December 2022 $ were $748.9B, a new all-time record. Sales dipped in Jan>Feb, rose in March then fell in April. Inflation is slowing but so is sales growth. Sales are up 0.2% vs last year. That’s the lowest rate since the -6.7% drop in May 2020. Also, real sales are down vs April 22 as well as monthly and Ytd vs 21. Plus, only 36% of the 19>23 growth is real. Inflation is slowing but it has been above 4% since March 2021. We are starting to see the cumulative impact. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.1%, Real: +3.2%.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t begin recovery until March 2021. However, they have had strong growth since then, setting an all-time monthly record of $91B in December and exceeding $1T in 2022 for the 1st time. They are the best performing big group vs 22, 21 & 19. Inflation decreased to 8.4% in April from 8.6% last month but is still +16.1% vs 21 and +20.6% vs 19. 42.0% of their 41.9% growth since 19 is real but that is less than the 53.3% of their 40.7% growth since 21. Recovery started late but inflation started early. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +9.1%, Real: +4.1%. They just account for 13.1% of Total Retail $, but their performance improves the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021 but much of it was due to skyrocketing inflation. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster. Inflation started to drop mid-year, but it caused 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group in 2021>2022. This is bad but their real 2022 sales numbers were much worse, down -8.2% vs 2021 and -8.9% vs 2019. 2023 started off a little better but got worse in March & April. April $ are down vs 22 & 21 and Ytd Real sales vs 2021 are also down. Their Ytd real sales vs 19 are still positive but slowing, despite continued deflation. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.9%, Real: +1.0%.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and inflation began. Sales got on a rollercoaster in 2022 but reached a record $583B. Inflation started to slow in August and prices slightly deflated in Dec & Feb then dropped 17% in Mar and 12.4% in April. However, prices are still +31.0% vs 21. The deflation actually caused monthly & Ytd sales vs 22 to drop but Ytd real sales are up. However, all real sales vs 21 & 19 are still down. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.9%, Real: -1.3%.The numbers show the cumulative impact of inflation and demonstrate how strong deflation can be both a positive and a negative.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – They account for 60+% of Total Retail $ in a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020 and they led the way in Total Retail’s recovery. Sales got on a roller coaster in 2022 but all months in 2022 set new records with December reaching a new all-time high, $481B, and an annual record of $4.81T. In 2023, Jan & Feb had normal drops. Sales in March turned up then fell in April. All actual sales are up vs 22, 21 & 19 but all real sales vs 22 & 21 are down. Real sales vs last year have now been negative in 12 of the last 13 months. 49% of their 19>23 $ are real, which shows that Inflation is a problem that began in 2022. Their Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.5%, Real: +4.4%. The performance of this huge group is critically important. This is where America shops. The fact that real sales are down again is bad news.

Inflation is slowing slightly but the impact is growing. Sales increases are slowing, and the fact that 70% of all real sales measurements vs 22 & 21 are negative is very concerning. Restaurants are still doing well while Auto & Gas Stations are still struggling despite ongoing deflation. However, the biggest concern is Relevant Retail. They have definitely returned to Inflation Phase II – Consumers spend more but the amount bought decreases. The Apr sales increase rate is the lowest since the pandemic drop in April 20. This can lead to Phase III, when actual sales drop. Let’s hope for a turnaround.

Here’s a more detailed look at April by Key Channels in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +8.5%, Real: +4.4%. Only 3 channels were up from March but 5 were up vs 22 & 7 vs 21. Only 3 had a “real” increase vs 22 and 5 vs 21. The negative impact of inflation is visible in both actual & real data.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. Their Actual $ are down from March but up for all comparisons but vs April 22. However, their real sales are down in all measurements, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +1.0%, Real: -1.7%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. $ales are up from March and in all other measurements. Their real sales are also up slightly in all measurements but Ytd vs 21. Only 36% of their 28.5% 19>23 lift is real – the impact of inflation. Avg Growth: +6.5%, Real: +2.5%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. $ are down from March but up in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. However, inflation hit them hard. Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 2019 and only 9.6% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +6.4%, Real: +0.7%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are down from March but up in all other measurements, both actual and real vs 22, 21 & 19. Their inflation rate has been low so 75% of their 22.1% growth from 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.1%, Real: +3.9%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – Clothes initially mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 21 with strong growth through 2022. Actual Sales are down from March and vs April 22. Real sales are down vs April 22 & 21 and Ytd vs 22. However, 62% of their 2019>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +3.7%, Real:+2.4%
  • Home Furnishings – In mid-2020 consumers’ focus turned to their homes and furniture became a priority. Inflation has slowed but was very high in 2022. Sales are down from March and in all measurements but Ytd vs 21 & 19. Their real sales are all down vs 22 & 21 and only 8% of their 19>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +4.7%, Real: +0.4%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. $ales are down vs March and in all measurements but Ytd vs 21 & 19. However, real sales are up for all but vs April 22. This happened because of strong deflation, -6.4>-7.6%. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.6%, Real: +2.4%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. In 2022 the lift slowed as inflation grew to double digits. Sales are up 4% vs last month – 2 consecutive increases. The only other positives are Ytd vs 21 & 19. They have the highest Inflation of any channel so real sales are negative in all but Ytd vs 2019. Also, just 22% of their % sales growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +7.9%, Real: +1.9%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. $ales are down from March and in all other measurements but Ytd vs 22 & 19. Real sales are all down except vs 19. Just 3 months ago all measurements were positive. Their inflation is lower than most groups so 62% of their growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.5%, Real: +4.1%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 at +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. Sales are up from March and for all but real April 23 vs 22. They still have the biggest increase vs 2021 and vs 2019 they are 2nd only to NonStore. 68% of their 42.8% 19>23 growth and even 50% of their 21>23 growth is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth is: 9.9%, Real: 7.0%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021 as sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier. Their growth slowed significantly in 2022 and now 2023. $ are down from March but all measurements are positive. 78% of their 89.2% growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth: +17.3%, Real: +14.1%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, there was a new challenge, the worst inflation in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed in Jul>Apr which should improve the Retail Situation. Sales were down from March for all big groups and 8 of 11 smaller channels. While Inflation continues to slow in most channels, some channels like Auto, Gas Stations, Grocery and Bldg Material stores still have high cumulative inflation rates so they are still struggling. Only a few channels are doing well. The new problem is that the sales increase rate vs 2022 for many channels has slowed and is now below the lower inflation rate. This is evident in Relevant Retail as Real sales are now negative for all but Ytd vs 2019. However, actual & real sales vs 22 are now negative for most channels. Only 3 – NonStore, Clubs/$ Strs & Health Care are both actually and really positive vs 22. We seem to have returned to Inflation, Phase II, increased $ales but a decrease in the amount sold. However, some channels may be moving to Phase III, when actual $ales also decrease.

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates. The data also includes the CPI changes from 2021 to 2023 to show cumulative inflation.

Monthly 22>23 CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.

Inflation: A Historic Look – 1992 > 2022

There is no doubt that the current inflation wave is big news with rates higher than we have seen in decades. Through a series of graphs, we hope to put the current situation into a better perspective. We will track the change in CPI of a few key, major expenditure groups over the last 30 years – from 1992 to 2022, then show the evolving impact on Total Retail and a major Pet Relevant channel. In our 1st chart we will compare the CPI change of the 2 biggest groups – Commodities and Services so that we can better appreciate their influence on the National CPI.

We will show the specifics for certain years including: every 10 years, the great recession, and the pandemic. There are also some data highlights: light blue = deflation, red = the highest annual inflation rate; pink = 2nd highest rate; yellow = 3rd highest rate.

In what may be a surprise to many of you, the Services segment leads the way in Inflation. They also have the biggest share of the CPI index, 60%, + or minus 4%, every year from 1992 to 2022. We should note that mortgage payments/rent (a service expenditure) accounts for 1/3 of the total CPI number. This is major part of the budget for most households, but changes occur less frequently since the price is generally determined by mortgages or leases.

  • Services – There were no deflationary years for Services. Prices just kept increasing. They had doubled by 2017 (25 yrs) and had increased by 139% in 2022, which produced an annual average inflation rate of +2.9%. The 3 biggest increases occurred in: 2022 = +6.2% (No surprise); 2001 = +4.1%; 2006 = 3.8%. Inflation did slow a little during the great recession 2009>11 and actually fell below 1% to +0.8% in 2010. We have a similar pattern for Services in the Pet Industry. The CPI for Veterinary and Non-Vet Services has been tracked since 1997. Prices for both segments have increased every year but at a higher rate than for National Services. Non-Vet Services = +3.3%; Veterinary = +4.7%.
  • Commodities – These are products. They have a wide range – from Food at Restaurants to gasoline to groceries. You can see that the pricing is much more volatile for this group. They have increased by 71% since 1992 for an annual average increase of +1.8%, 38% below Services. Prices have also deflated in 5 years, with the biggest drop -3.3% in 2015. The second biggest drop, -2.9% occurred in 2009 in the heart of the Great Recession, but they quickly recovered. A very significant trend started in 2013 as prices stabilized then fell in 2015. They essentially remained at this lower level until the beginning of the Pandemic Pricing surge in 2021. This surge produced the 2 highest annual inflation rates for this group: 2022 = +10.9%; 2021 = +7.8%.
  • National CPI – In 2022, prices reached double the level of 1992, with an average annual inflation rate of +2.5%. While inflation in Commodities segments, like Groceries and Gasoline get far more publicity, the Services group has slightly more influence over the National numbers. However, big changes in any large segment, like Gasoline or Groceries can definitely have an impact. The size and consistent inflation of Services has driven the National CPI up every year but 2009, -0.4%. The 2 biggest increases occurred in 2022 = +8.0%; 2021 = +4.7%. However, because of the frequency of purchases, inflation in Commodities is more noticeable. Let’s take a closer look.

The next graph compares 30 years of Commodity inflation to one of its subcategories – Pet Products. While the CPIs for individual Pet Industry Segments have only been tracked since 1997, the pricing of Pet Products (Pets, Food & Supplies) has been recorded since 1977. The US BLS recognized that Pets were an important part of U.S. Households long before there were any major Pet chains, SuperStores or even “Pet Parents”. Remember, in 1992 and earlier most pet products were purchased in Grocery stores. According to the Economic Census, this didn’t change until 1997.

As you can see the inflation patterns for Commodities and Pet Products were basically the same until 2008. Both turned up in 2008, but the Pet Products lift was the biggest single year increase from 1992>22 for Pet Products, +9.19%. This was followed by a +7.2% increase in 2009. Prices rose 17% in 2 years. In reaction to the Recession, Commodities prices fell -2.9% in 2009 and Pet Products fell -1.0% in 2010. Both recovered quickly and prices essentially flattened out for Commodities until 2021 and Pet Products until 2022. There was some minor turmoil as most of the deflationary years for both occurred during this “flat” period – Pet Products (4 of 6) and Commodities (3 of 5). For both the highest inflation occurred in 2022 – Pet Products (+9.18%) and Commodities (+10.9%). Commodities prices increased +19.6% from 2020 to 2022. While Pet Products still has the bigger cumulative increase at +74%, Commodities, at 71%, significantly narrowed the gap. Except for the timing of their big 2 year “lift” these 2 groups have a very similar pricing pattern.

Now let’s look at the impact of inflation on sales. Price Inflation can reduce the amount of product sold. At the very least it reduces the “real” amount of a sales increase. Consumers get less for their money. In our next graph we will track the sales for Total Retail from 1992 to 2022. We will factor inflation into the numbers to show the “real” increase in product sold over the years. We are using the All Commodities CPI in our calculations. It’s an accurate representation. The Census Bureau defines a retail outlet as one whose primary business is the sale of products to consumers. This ranges from restaurants to gas stations to department stores. Note: The outlet may also sell services but not a significant amount.

Actual Total Retail Sales quadrupled in 30 years from $2T to 8T. There were only 2 years when they declined 2008 & 2009, which was due to the onset of the Great Recession (Pink highlights). The market recovered in 2011. It took a total of 4 years to get back to 2007 Sales numbers. (Black Outline). It took 13 years for sales to double from $2T to $4T and another 13 to reach $6T. However, the Pandemic Recovery in 2021 & 2022 pushed the market from $6T to $8T in just 4 years. $1.9T of the lift occurred from 2020>2022 with $1.2T occurring in 2021 and $0.7T in 2022. These are the 2 largest annual increases from 1992>22. The average annual increase for Total Retail $ over 30 years was +4.8%.

The Commodities CPI increased by 71% in 30 years, an average annual inflation rate of +1.8%. Prices deflated in 5 years with the biggest drop, -3.3% occurring in 2015. The biggest lifts prior to the Pandemic period occurred in 2008, +4.3% and 2011, +5.3%. After the 2011 increase prices remained close to the +45% cumulative level until the big lifts in 2021 (+7.8%) and 2022 (+10.9%). Commodity Prices rose 19.6% in just 2 years. The biggest prior 2 year increase was +8.3% in 2010>11. The current lift is more than twice as large and must impact retail sales.

“Real” Total Retail Sales increased 136% from 1992 to 2022, an average annual increase of 2.9%. They declined in 3 years. The 2008 & 2009 declines mirrored the drops in Actual Sales but 2022 was different. Due to +10.9% inflation, Cumulative real sales declined despite a +9.1% increase in actual sales. There are other examples of the impact of inflation. Actual Sales recovered from the 2008>09 drops in 4 years. For real sales it took 2 years longer. Also, Actual Sales doubled in 13 years. It took 25 years for Real Sales. Finally, the goal is to always have over 50% of the cumulative actual sales increase to be real. This was true in Total Retail for 25 of 30 years. The percentage was below 50% from 2011>14 but hit bottom at 45% in 2022. Real sales is a measure of the amount of product sold. High inflation can negatively affect consumer spending. At first, they spend more but get less. If it continues, it can lead to a drop in spending.

Now, we’ll turn to the data that you’ve all been waiting for – the impact of Pet Products inflation on Pet Store Sales.

As you can see, this graph is different from the others. The primary reason is that monthly and annual sales data for Pet Store $ales is still not reported by the Census Bureau even though their own numbers from the Economic Census show that Pet Store sales exceed the amount sold by at least 6 other channels that are reported monthly. The data reported is from the Economic Census which occurs every 5 years. We will have the 2022 numbers in the Fall of 2024. To give you a 30 year look I gathered data going back to 1987. The data is plotted by Total Sales $ for the reporting years rather than by % of increase from 1987. The Real Sales $ were computed by factoring in cumulative Pet Products inflation from 1987. The US BLS has been gathering this CPI data monthly since 1977. This is a good CPI match as even with the growth of Services, Pets & Pet Products accounted for 93+% of Pet Store Sales in 2017, according to the Economic Census. The % shown next to the “real” $ reflects the amount of the Actual cumulative $ increase that is real.

The growth is beyond spectacular. From 1987 to 2017, Actual $ales increased by $17B, (1250%) with an average annual increase of +9.1%. This spectacular growth was due to a number of factors – the creation and growth of Pet Chains and SuperStores, the transition from Pet Owners to Pet Parents, Baby Boomers moving into their higher income years and the increasing personalization of our Pet Children. Real Sales growth was +9B, (660%) with an annual growth rate of +7.0% – still amazing! About the only negative to be found is in the definite drop in the percentage of actual growth that is real. In the 90s it was above 70%. It fell into the 60+% range at the start of the Millennium but since 2012 it has dropped into the low 50s. This was primarily driven by extreme inflation from 2006>09, +21%. Prices deflated -1.2% from 2012>17 which caused the slight increase in % so there is no doubt that inflation has a real retail impact. That leaves us to  wonder what will happen in 2022. We already know the CPI facts. Pet Product Prices only increased +3.8% from 2017>21 but then jumped +9.2% in 2022 and are now double what they were in 1987. We look forward to getting the Sales data. A first “peak” will come from the mid-year 2022 Consumer Expenditure Survey which will be released shortly.

Retail Channel Monthly $ Update – February Final & March Advance

By 2021, the market had generally recovered from the impact of the pandemic. In 2022 & 2023, we were hit by extreme inflation, with some rates higher than we have seen in 40 years. Obviously, this can affect retail sales, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We begin with the Final Report for February and then go to the Advance Report for March. Our focus is comparing to last year but also 2021 and 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we fill focus on Pet Relevant Channels

The data will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels. The charts will show 11 separate measurements. To save space they will be displayed in a stacked bar format for the channel charts.

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month in 2022 and 2021.
    • Current Month Real change for 2023 vs 2022 and vs 2021 – % factoring in inflation
  • Current Ytd change – % & $ for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019.
    • Current Ytd Real change % for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019
  • Monthly & Ytd $ & CPIs for 22>23 and 21>23 which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (CPI Details are at the end of the report)

First, the February Final. All but Auto were down from last month, but all but Gas Stations were up vs February of 22 & 21. Considering inflation, all were really up for the month & Ytd vs 2022. Vs 2021 & 2019 only Auto & Gas Stations had any “real” negatives. Here are the specifics for the major retail groups. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The February Final is $2.9B more than the Advance. All were up. Restaurants: +$0.6B; Gas Stations: +$0.4B; Auto: +1.4B; Relevant Retail: +$0.6B. Except for Auto, sales were down from January as expected, but consumers continue to spend more vs last year in all but Gas Stations. In fact, Total Retail, Restaurants & Relevant Retail were positive in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Auto was “really” down vs 21 and Gas Stations are really down Ytd vs 21 & 19. The most significant change is that the real sales for Relevant Retail vs the previous year are now positive for the first time in 10 months. They are now tied with Restaurants for 1st place in performance since 2019 but only 50% of their growth is real.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in February in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

Overall– 8 of 11 were down from Jan but vs 22, 10 were up vs Feb and all Ytd. 4 were really down monthly & Ytd. Vs 2021, all had increases. 8 monthly were real and 7 Ytd. Vs 2019, Office/Gift/Souvenir was the only real negative.

  • Building Material Stores – The pandemic caused consumers to focus on their homes which has produced sales growth of 35.4% since 2019. Home Ctr/Hdwe has the most Ytd growth vs 2021, but Farm stores are the leaders vs 2022 & 2019. Prices for the Bldg/Matl group have inflated 23.7% since 2021 which has produced all negative real numbers vs 2022 & 2021. Importantly, only 24.0% of their 19>23 lift was real. It was only this high because half of the lift came prior to the inflation wave. Avg 19>23 Growth: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 7.6%, Real: 1.8%; Farm: 9.3%, Real: 3.4%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. However, they are radically different in inflation. The rate for Grocery products is over 3 times higher than for Drugs/Med products. Drug Stores are positive in all numbers vs 22, 21 & 19 and 71% of their growth since 2019 is real. While the $ are up for Supermarkets their 2023 real sales are down vs 2022 & 2021 and just barely positive vs 2019. Only 4.5% is real growth. Avg 19>23 Growth: Supermarkets: +6.0%, Real: +0.3%; Drug Stores: +4.1%, Real: +2.9%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are slightly up from January and positive in all other measurements. Their current inflation rate is 1.1% which is down sharply from 5.4% in 21>22. It was even higher in 20>21, +6.5%. However, 63% of their 52.5% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth Rate is: +11.1%; Real: +7.4%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – Only $/Value Stores are up vs January, but actual sales were up for all channels vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. In real sales, the only negatives were in Ytd sales for Disc. Department Stores vs 22 & 21. They have the worst performance of any channel in all measurements and only 13% real growth since 2019. The other channels average 39%. Avg 19>23 Growth: SupCtr/Club: 6.7%, Real: 2.8%; $/Value Strs: +6.9%, Real: +3.0%; Disc. Dept.: +3.1%, Real: +0.4%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Sales are down from January. However, their sales growth since they started their recovery in the spring of 2021 has been strong enough to make them positive in all measurements vs 2022 & 2021. They are still really down vs 2019 but they are making progress. Avg Growth Rate: +1.7%, Real: -0.9%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are down -6.4% from January but still a monthly record. They are positive for all other measurements, but their growth rate is only 51% of their average since 2019. However, 80% of their 99.2% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rate: +18.8%, Real: +15.8%. As expected, they are by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level of $100B for the first time in 2021. In 2022 their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov, rose in December then fell in Jan>Feb 2023. In fact, real sales are down vs February 2022, but all other measurements are positive. They are still the $ increase leaders vs 2021 and 75% of their 66.9% growth since 2019 is real. Average 19>23 Growth: +13.7%, Real: +10.8%. They remain 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. I’m sure that Pet Stores are contributing.

There is no doubt that high inflation is an important factor in Retail. In actual $, 10 channels reported increases in sales vs 2022 but 11 vs 2022. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth drops to 7 vs 2022 but 8 vs 2021 (in Jan it was only 4) This is a clear indication slowing inflation has lessened its impact at the retail channel level. Recent data indicates that Inflation again slowed a little. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for March.

Since 2019, we have seen the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $700B in a month for the first time and broke the $7T barrier in 2021. Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T in 2021 and all big groups set annual $ales records. In 2022 radical inflation was a big factor with the largest increase in 40 years. At first, this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Total Retail hit $8T and all groups again set new annual records in 2022. In 2023, sales fell for all groups in Jan>Feb then rose in March. Except for a dip by Gas Stations, all actual sales are positive. The biggest change is that real sales vs 21 are negative for all but Restaurants which shows the impact of cumulative inflation. BTW, Restaurants are positive in all measurements.

Overall – Inflation Reality March inflation vs 2022 fell below the $ increase rate for all but Relevant Retail. However, you see the impact of cumulative inflation as real sales are down for all but Restaurants vs 2021. Restaurants have the strongest performance in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. The biggest negative is in Relative Retail. Monthly Real sales are down vs 2022 & 2021 and Ytd real sales are again down vs last year. Consumers pay more but buy less.

Total Retail – Every month since June 2020 has set a monthly sales record. December 2022 $ were $748.9B, a new all-time record. As expected, sales dipped in Jan>Feb then rose in March. Inflation is slowing but so is sales growth. Sales are up 3.1% vs last year. That’s the lowest rate since 3.0% in February 2021. Also, only 38% of the 19>23 growth is real but that’s better than 9%, 21>23. March sales are actually really down -4.5% vs 2021. Inflation is slowing but it 1st hit 4% in March 2021. We are starting to see the cumulative impact. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.5%, Real: +3.4%.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t begin recovery until March 2021. However, they have had strong growth since then, setting an all-time monthly record of $91B in December and exceeding $1T in 2022 for the 1st time. They are the best performing big group in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Inflation increased to 8.6% in March from 8.3% last month and is now 16.0% vs 21 and 20.3% vs 19. 47.5% of their growth since 19 is real but that is less than 59.6% of even greater growth since 21. Recovery started late but inflation started early. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +10.4%, Real: +5.4%. They just account for 13.7% of Total Retail $, but their performance improves the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021 but much of it was due to skyrocketing inflation. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster. Inflation started to drop mid-year, but it caused 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group in 2021>2022. This is bad but their real 2022 sales numbers were much worse, down -8.2% vs 2021 and -8.9% vs 2019. 2023 started off a little better but got worse in March. $ are up 0.4% vs 22 but are down vs 21. Ytd Real sales vs 2021 are also down. Their Ytd real sales vs 19 are still up but there is little improvement despite continued deflation. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +6.9%, Real: +1.1%.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and inflation began. Sales got on a rollercoaster in 2022 but reached a record $583B. Inflation started to slow in August and prices slightly deflated in Dec & Feb then dropped 17% in Mar. However, prices are still +22.5% vs 21. The deflation actually caused monthly & Ytd sales vs 22 to drop but real sales are up. However, all real sales vs 21 & 19 are still down. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.0%, Real: -1.0%. The numbers show the cumulative impact of inflation and demonstrate how strong deflation can be both a positive and a negative.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – They account for 60+% of Total Retail $ in a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020. They led the way in Total Retail’s recovery, which became widespread across the channels. Sales got on a roller coaster in 2022. However, all months in 2022 set new records with December reaching a new all-time high, $481B, and an annual record of $4.81T. In 2023, Jan>Feb had normal drops, but sales in March turned up. However, the increase was small so that real monthly sales & Ytd vs 22, along with monthly vs 21 were down. That means that real sales vs last year have been negative in 11 of the last 12 months. In fact, 50% of their 19>23 $ are real compared to only 4% for 21>23. Inflation is a cumulative problem that began in 2022. Their Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.6%, Real: +4.5%. The performance of this huge group is critically important. This is where America shops. The fact that real sales are down again is bad news.

Inflation is slowing slightly but the impact is still there. Sales increases are also slowing, and the fact that some real sales for Total & Relevant Retail have again turned negative is not a good sign. Restaurants are doing great while Auto & Gas Stations are still struggling despite ongoing deflation. However, the biggest concern is Relevant Retail. They may be moving back to Inflation Phase II, where Consumers spend more but the amount bought decreases. The sales increase rate is slowing even faster than inflation. This can lead to Phase III when sales actually drop. Let’s hope for a turnaround.

Here’s a more detailed look at March by Key Channels in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +8.6%, Real: +4.5%. All 11 channels were up from February but only 7 were up vs 22 & 6 vs 21. Only 3 had a “real” increase vs 22 and/or 21. The negative impact of inflation is very visible in this real data.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. Their $ are up from February and for all comparisons but vs March 21. However, their real sales are down in all measurements, even vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.5%, Real: -2.1%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. $ales are up from February and in all other measurements. Their real sales are down vs March 22 & 21 and Ytd vs 21. 34% of their 27.1% 19>23 lift is real. This shows the impact of inflation. Avg 19>23 Growth: +6.2%, Real: +2.2%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. $ are up from February and in all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. However, inflation hit them hard. $ Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 2019 and only 4.6% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +6.0%, Real: +0.3%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are up from February and in all other measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Their inflation rate is low so 74% of their 21.7% growth from 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.0%, Real: +3.8%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – Clothes initially mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 21 with strong growth through 2022. Sales are up vs February but down vs 22. After 3 months of all positive measurements, real sales are down vs March 21 & Ytd vs 22. 66% of their 2019>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +3.9%, Real:+2.6%
  • Home Furnishings – In mid-2020 consumers’ focus turned to their homes and furniture became a priority. Inflation has slowed but was very high in 2022. Sales are up from February & Ytd vs 22, 21 & 19 but down vs March 22 & 21. Their real sales are all down vs 22 & 21 and only 18% of their 19>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.5%, Real: +1.1%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. $ales are up vs February but down in all other measurements. However, real sales are up Ytd vs 22, 21 & 19. This only happened because of strong deflation, -6.3>-7.9%. Avg 2019>23 Growth: -1.7%, Real: +0.08%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. In 2022 the lift slowed as inflation grew to double digits. After 4 drops, Sales are up 25.5% from February. They are also up Ytd vs 21 & 19 but down in all other measurements. They have the highest Inflation of any channel so real sales are negative in all but Ytd vs 2019. Also, just 26% of their % sales growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +8.3%, Real: +2.4%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. $ales are up from February and in all other measurements but vs Mar 21. Real sales are up except vs 21. This is not bad, but it comes after 2 months of all positives. Their inflation is lower than most groups so 71% of their 42% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +9.2%, Real: +6.8%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 at +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. Sales are up from February and for all but real March 23 vs 22. They still have the biggest increase vs 2021 and vs 2019 they are 2nd only to NonStore. 70% of their 52% 19>23 growth and 59% of their 21>23 growth is real – amazing! Their Avg 19>23 Growth is: 11.0%, Real: 8.1%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021 as sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier. Their growth slowed significantly in 2022 and now 2023. $ are up from February and all measurements are positive. 78% of their 91.8% growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth: +17.7%, Real: +14.5%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, there was a new challenge, the worst inflation in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed in Jul>Mar which should improve the Retail Situation. Sales were up from February for all channels but Gas Stations. Inflation continues to slow in most channels, which increases Real Sales – the amount of products sold. Some channels like Auto, Gas Stations, Grocery and Bldg Material stores still have high cumulative inflation rates so they are still struggling but a few channels are doing well. The new problem is that the sales increase rate vs 2022 for many channels has slowed and is now below the lower inflation rate. This has produced negative real sales for most channels. This is evident in the Relevant Retail group as Real sales vs last year have again turned negative. However, it is also true for 8 of 11 smaller channels. After a brief respite, we may be moving back to Inflation, Phase II, increased $ales but a decrease in the amount sold. Hopefully, we can avoid Phase III, when $ales also decrease.

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates. The data also includes the CPI changes from 2021 to 2023 to show cumulative inflation.

Monthly 22>23 CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.

Retail Channel Monthly $ Update – January Final & February Advance

By 2021, the market had generally recovered from the impact of the pandemic. In 2022, we were hit by extreme inflation, with rates higher than we have seen in 40 years. Obviously, this can affect retail sales, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We begin with the Final Report for January and then go to the Advance Report for February. Our focus is comparing to last year but also 2021 and 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we fill focus on Pet Relevant Channels

The data will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels. Starting with February, the charts will show 11 separate measurements so we switched to a stacked bar format for the channel chart.

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month in 2022 and 2021.
    • Current Month Real change for 2023 vs 2022 and vs 2021 – % factoring in inflation
  • Current Ytd change – % & $ for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019. Note: January Monthly & Ytd are obviously the same. We will include actual and Real data for Jan 2023 vs 2019 for this report.
    • Current Ytd Real change % for 2023 vs 2022, 2021 and 2019
  • Monthly & Ytd $ & CPIs which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (CPI Details are at the end of the report)

First, the January Final. All were down from last month, but all were up vs January of 22, 21 & 19. Considering inflation, only Relevant Retail was really down for the month vs 2022. Vs 2021 & 2019 the real data for the big groups associated with cars was not good. Here are the specifics for the major retail groups. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The January Final is $8.2B more than the Advance. Restaurants had the only negative: -$0.5B; Gas Stations: N/C; Auto: +1.3B; Relevant Retail: +$7.3B. Sales are down from December as expected but consumers continue to spend more vs last year. At least for the 1st month, the Real numbers vs 2022 are positive except for a slight dip by Relevant Retail. Auto & Gas Stations are still really down vs 2021 and Gas Stations sold less product than they did in 2019. The inflation impact on Relevant Retail is concerning. Their Real $ales vs the prior year have now been negative for 10 straight months. They have also fallen behind Restaurants to 2nd place in performance since 2019 but 58.6% of their growth is Real.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in January

Overall– All were down from December but up vs 2022. Only 3 were really down. Vs 2021, all had increases but only 4 were real – the impact of cumulative inflation. Vs 2019, Office/Gift/Souvenir & Supermarkets were only real negatives.

  • Building Material Stores – The pandemic caused consumers to focus on their homes which has produced sales growth of 31.1% since 2019. Home Ctr/Hdwe has the most growth since 2021 but Farm stores are the leaders vs 2022 & 2019. Prices for the Bldg/Matl group have inflated 21.4% since 2021 which has produced a lot of negative real numbers. Importantly, only 22.8% of their 19>23 lift was real. It was only this high because half of the lift came from 20>21, prior to the inflation wave. Avg 19>23 Growth: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 6.8%, Real: 1.5%; Farm: 8.2%, Real: 3.2%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. However, they are radically different in inflation. The rate for Grocery products is 4 times higher than for Drugs/Med products. Drug Stores are positive in all numbers vs 22, 21 & 19 and 75% of their growth since 2019 is real. While the $ are up for Supermarkets their 2023 real sales are down vs 2022, 2021 and now 2019. Avg 19>23 Growth: Supermarkets: +5.5%, Real: -0.2%; Drug Stores: +4.0%, Real: +3.0%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are down 44.9% from December but up vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. Their current inflation rate is 1.5% which is down sharply from 5.4% in 21>22. It was even higher in 20>21, +6.5%. However, 75% of their 55.2% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg 19>23 Growth Rate is: +11.6%; Real: +9.0%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – All channels were down from December but up vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. $/Value store are the only channel really up vs 2022. Vs 2021 all channels are really down. As expected, Disc. Dept Stores have the worst performance of any channel in all measurements. The other channels have 47% real growth since 2019. Avg 19>23 Growth Rate: SupCtr/Club: 6.8%, Real: 3.4%; $/Value Strs: +6.2%, Real: +2.8%; Disc. Dept.: +3.7%, Real: +1.3%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Their recovery didn’t start until the spring of 2021. Sales are down 37.2% from December but their sales growth has been strong enough to make them positive in all measurements vs 2022 & 2021. They are still really down vs 2019 but they are making progress. Avg Growth Rate: +1.3%, Real: -1.2%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are down 21.2% from December but still a monthly record. They are positive for all other measurements, but their growth rate is only 53% of their average since 2019. However, 90% of their 99.7% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rates: +18.9%, Real: +17.3%. As expected, they are by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – This is a group of specialty retailers. Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level in 2021 as annual sales reached $100B for the first time. In 2022 their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov, rose in December and then fell 21% in January. All other measurements are very positive, and they are still the $ increase leaders vs 2021. Plus, 85% of their 68.1% growth since 2019 is real. Average 19>23 Growth: +13.9%, Real: +12.1%. They are 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. I’m sure Pet Stores are helping.

There is no doubt that high inflation is an important factor in Retail. In actual $, all 11 channels reported increases in sales vs 2022 & 2021. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth falls to 8 vs 2022 but only 4 vs 2021. This is a clear indication of the ongoing strong impact of cumulative inflation at the retail channel level. Recent data indicates that Inflation again slowed a little. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for February.

We have had memorable times since 2019, including the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $700B in a month for the first time and broke the $7T barrier in 2021. Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T in 2021 and all big groups set annual $ales records. In 2022 radical inflation was a big factor with the largest increase in 40 years. At first, this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Total Retail hit $8T and all groups again set new annual records in 2022. As expected, sales fell for all groups in January and now February. The only other February negatives are from Auto or Gas Stations. This comes despite actual price deflation in both. The other big groups and Total Retail are positive in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019.

Overall – Inflation Reality February inflation vs 2022 fell below the $ increase rate for all but Gas stations. However, you see the impact of cumulative inflation as real sales are down for Gas Stations and Auto vs 2021. Restaurants have the strongest performance in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. There is another positive. Although the increase was small, real Ytd sales vs last year are finally up for both Total & Relevant Retail.

Total Retail – Every month since June 2020 has set a monthly sales record. December 2022 $ were $748.9B, a new all-time record. As expected, sales dipped in January & February. February is usually the low point for retail sales, but all measurements are positive vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. Inflation is slowing but so is sales growth. Sales are up 5.6% vs last year. That’s the lowest rate since 3.0% in February 2021. Also, only 46% of the 19>23 growth is real but that’s better than 26%, 21>23. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.6%, Real: +4.2%. Inflation slows but continues to have a cumulative impact.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t truly start to recover until March 2021. However, they have had strong growth since then, setting an all-time monthly record of $91B in December and exceeding $1T in 2022 for the 1st time. They have the best performance of any big group in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. Inflation increased to 8.3% for February from 8.1% last month and is now 15.5% vs 2021 and 20.0% vs 2019 but 59.8% of their 49.7% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +10.6%, Real: +6.7%. They only account for 13.6% of Total Retail $ales, but their performance helps to improve the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021 but much of it was due to skyrocketing inflation. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster. Inflation started to drop mid-year, but it caused 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group in 2021>2022. This is bad but their real 2022 sales numbers were much worse, down -8.2% vs 2021 and -8.9% vs 2019. 2023 has started off a little better. Sales are up vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. Plus, real sales are only down vs 2021. After 8 negative months, Jan>Feb real Ytd Sales vs 2019 are positive. Prices have now deflated for 3 straight months. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +7.2%, Real: +1.7%.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and inflation began. Sales got on a rollercoaster in 2022 but reached a record $583B. Inflation started to slow in August and prices deflated in December & February. However, it is still +35.7% vs 2021. Monthly sales vs the previous year actually decreased in February for the 1st time in 2 years. Real sales are even worse. Monthly, they are down vs 2022 & 2021 and Ytd they are down vs 2021 & 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.6%, Real: -1.8%. The numbers show the cumulative impact of inflation. In 2023 consumers paid 39% more to buy 7% less gas than in 2019.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – This group accounts for 60+% of Total Retail $. It has a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020. They have led the way in Total Retail’s recovery, which became widespread across the channels. Sales went on an up/down roller coaster in 2022. However, all months in 2022 set new records with December reaching a new all-time high, $481B, and an annual record of $4.81T. In 2023 Jan>Feb had normal drops, but sales in February set a record and were up in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. After 10 straight negative months, real sales vs last year have now turned positive. In fact, 58% of their 19>23 $ are real compared to only 23% for 21>23. This shows that inflation is a cumulative problem that began in 2022. Their Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.6%, Real: +5.2%. The performance of this huge group is critically important. This is where America shops. The fact that real sales are now positive is great news.

Inflation is slowing slightly but the impact is still there. Sales increases are also slowing, but the fact that real sales for Total & Relevant Retail are finally both slightly positive is a good sign. The biggest concern is with Auto & Gas Stations. Their extreme inflation is now deflating but they are struggling. Restaurants were hit hard by the pandemic, but they are now by far the best performers. For Relevant Retail, we may be moving back to Inflation Phase I, where Consumer spending grows but the amount bought still increases – just at a lower rate. Let’s hope that inflation continues to slow.

Here’s a more detailed look at February by Key Channels in the Stacked Bar Graph Format

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +8.6%, Real: +5.2%. 9 of 11 channels were down from January but 10 were up vs 2022 & 2021. 7 were really up vs 2022 & 8 vs 2021. The negative impact of inflation is less but still there in the real data.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. Their $ are up from January and for the month & Ytd vs 2022 & 2021 & 2019. However, their real sales are down vs February 2022 & Ytd vs 2022 & 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +0.9%, Real: -1.9%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. Sales are down from January but up in all other measurements. 45% of their 29.3% 19>23 lift is real, but that’s much better than the 6% from 21>23. This shows the impact of inflation. Avg 19>23 Growth: +6.6%, Real: +3.2%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. $ are down from January but up vs 22, 21 & 19. However, inflation hit them hard. $ Real sales are down for all but Ytd vs 2019 and only 4% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +5.9%, Real: +0.2%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are down from January but are up in all other measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Their inflation rate is low so 77% of their 19.8% growth from 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +4.6%, Real: +3.6%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – They were nonessential, and clothes mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 21 with strong growth through 2022. Sales grew after the big drop in January and for the 3rd straight month all other all measurements are positive. 75% of their 2019>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +4.5%, Real:+3.5%
  • Home Furnishings – In mid-2020 consumers’ focus turned to their homes and furniture became a priority. Inflation has slowed but was very high in 2022. Sales are down from January but up vs 22, 21 & 19. However, their monthly real sales are down vs 22 & 21 and Ytd vs 21. Only 25% of their 19>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.7%, Real: +1.5%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. $ales are down in all measurements except vs February 2021. However, all real sales are up. This only happened because of strong deflation, -6>8%. Avg 2019>23 Growth: -1.6%, Real: +0.06%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. In 2022 the lift slowed as inflation grew to double digits. Sales fell Nov>Feb but are still up vs 22, 21 & 19. Inflation actually increased to 11.8% from 9.6% in January. Real sales are negative in all measurements but Ytd vs 2019. Also, only 30% of their Ytd 35.2% sales growth since 2019 is real. In December 2022, it was 54%. Their Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +7.8%, Real: +2.5%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. February $ are down from January but they are positive in all other measurements for the 2nd straight month. Inflation in this group is lower than most groups and most comes from Sporting Goods. 78% of their 41.4% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +9.0%, Real: +7.2%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 at +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. Sales are down from January but up for all other measurements. They still have the biggest increase vs 2021 and vs 2019 they are 2nd only to NonStore. 79% of their 50.8% growth since 2019 is real, which is also 2nd to Nonstore. Their Avg 19>23 Growth is: 10.8%, Real: 8.8%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021 as sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier. Their growth slowed significantly in 2022 and now 2023. $ are down from January but all other measurements are up. 87% of their 88.5% increase since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth: +17.2%, Real: +15.4%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, there was a new challenge, the worst inflation in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed in Jul>Feb which brought a significant improvement to the Retail Situation. Sales were down from January for almost all channels, but this is no surprise as February is often the sales low point of the year.  Inflation continues to slow in most channels, which increased Real Sales – the amount of products sold. Some channels like Auto, Gas Stations, Grocery and Bldg Material stores still have high cumulative inflation rates so they are still struggling but most other channels are showing a marked improvement. This is evident in the Relevant Retail group as Ytd Real sales vs last year turned positive after 10 straight negative months. In fact, all their measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019 were up. This pattern was duplicated by 6 of 11 major retail channels. Inflation is still high and the rate of sales increase is lower but we may be turning the corner in our struggle against the pricing tsunami that has hit the U.S. Retail Market.

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates. We have expanded the data to include the CPI changes from 2021 to 2023 to show cumulative inflation.

Monthly 22>23 CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.


Retail Channel Monthly $ Update – December Final & January Advance

By 2021, the market had generally recovered from the impact of the pandemic. In 2022, we were hit by extreme inflation, with rates higher than we have seen in 40 years. Obviously, this can affect retail sales, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We begin with the Final Report for December and then go to the Advance Report for January. Our focus is comparing to last year but also 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we fill focus on Pet Relevant Channels

The information will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels of:

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month a year ago
    • Current Month Real change – % vs same month in a year ago factoring in inflation
  • Current Annual change – % & $ for 2022 vs 2021. January 2023 will be compared to 2022 & 2021
    • Current Annual Real change % for 2022 vs 2021. January 2023 will show real change vs 2022 & 2021
  • Current Annual change 2022 vs 2019 – % & $. January 2023 will also be compared to January 2019.
    • Current Annual Real change 2022 vs 2019 – % factoring in inflation. Real Change also for January 2023 vs 2019.
  • Monthly & Annual $ & CPIs which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (Details are at the end of the report)

First, the December Final. All but Gas Stations were up from last month and all were up for December & Y/E vs 2021. Considering inflation, only Relevant Retail was down for the month but for year-end numbers, only Restaurants were up. Here is the December data for the major retail groups. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The December Final is $1.2B less than the Advance. Restaurants had the only positive: +$1.2B; : Auto: -1.2B; Gas Stations: -$0.3B; Relevant Retail: -$0.8B. Sales are up from last month and consumers continue to spend more vs 2021. However, the “real” numbers vs 2021 tell a slightly different story. All but Relevant Retail are really up for the month but only Restaurants are really up year-end vs 2021. Auto & Gas Stations also finished 2022 really down vs 2019. The inflation impact on Relevant Retail is concerning. Their Real YTD $ales vs 2021 were negative for 9 straight months and they finished -$1.2%. They do have the best performance since 2019 as 59.7% of their 31.8% growth is “Real”.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in December

Overall– 10 of 11 were up from November. Vs Dec 2021, 9 reported more $ but only 2 were really up. In Y/E vs 2021, 10 had increases but only 3 were real. Vs 2019, Disc Dept Stores are again the only real negative. In Sep/Oct all were up.

  • Building Material Stores – Sales are down vs Nov for Home Ctr/Hdwe, but up 6.6% Y/E vs 21. Farm stores are +5.4% vs Nov but +7.5% vs Dec 2021. Y/E sales are +6.1%. The Bldg/Matl group had a Y/E (annual) inflation rate of 10.9% which has produced negative real numbers. The pandemic caused consumers to focus on their homes which has produced sales growth of 36.5% since 2019. Importantly, 54% of this lift was real, primarily because the bulk of the lift came from 20>21, prior to the inflation wave. Avg Growth Rate: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 10.8%, Real: 6.0%; Farm: 12.3%, Real: 7.7%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. However, they are radically different in inflation. The Y/E rate for Grocery products is 4 times higher than for Drugs/Med products. Drug Store $ are up from November but really negative vs 2021. However, 88% of their growth since 2019 is real. The Real Sales for Supermarkets are down for the month & Y/E. Also, only 14% of their growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rate: Supermarkets: +7.0%, Real: +1.0%; Drug Stores: +4.9%, Real: +4.4%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are up 39.8% from November and up vs 2021. Y/E sales are 1.7% above 2021. Their current inflation rate is 3.5% which is down from 7.5% in April but Y/E it is 5.4%. It was even higher in 20>21, +6.5%. However, 72% of their 48% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth Rate was: +14.0%; Real: +10.4%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – All channels were up from November and only Discount Dept Stores were down for the month and Y/E vs 2021. All real numbers for all channels monthly and Y/E vs 2021 are negative. Disc. Dept Stores were hurting before COVID and their Y/E sales are “really” down vs 2019. The other channels have 36% real growth. Avg Growth Rate: SupCtr/Club: 5.9%, Real: 2.0%; $/Value Strs: +7.9%, Real: +4.2%; Disc. Dept.: +2.3%, Real: -0.5%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Their recovery didn’t start until the spring of 2021. Sales are up 41% from November and their 2022 sales growth has been strong enough to make them positive in all measurements vs 2021 & 2019. They have made remarkable progress. Avg Growth Rate: +3.5%, Real: +0.8%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are up 7.2% from November and set a new all-time record. They are positive for all other measurements, but their Y/E growth rate is only 55% of their average since 2019. However, 89% of their 75.8% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rates: +20.7%, Real: +18.7%. As expected, they are by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – This is a group of specialty retailers. Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level in 2021 as annual sales reached $100B for the first time. Their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov, then rose in December but were really down vs Dec 21. 2022. Y/E measurements are very positive and they are by far the $ increase leaders over 2021. Plus, 85% of their 55.5% growth since 2019 is real. Average Growth Rate is: +15.8%, Real: +13.7%. They are 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. I’m sure Pet Stores are helping.

There is no doubt that high inflation is an important factor in Retail. In actual $, 9 channels reported increases in monthly $ and 10 in Y/E $ over 2021. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth falls to 2 for monthly & 3 for Y/E. This is a clear indication of the ongoing strong impact of inflation at the retail channel level. Recent data indicates that Inflation again slowed a little. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for January.

We have had memorable times since 2019, including the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $700B in a month for the first time and broke the $7T barrier in 2021. Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T in 2021 and all big groups set annual $ales records. In 2022 radical inflation was a big factor with the largest increase in 40 years. At first this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Total Retail hit $8T and all groups again set new annual records in 2022. As expected, all groups were down from December, but all were up vs January 2022. Plus, in the amount of product sold, only Relevant Retail was down vs 2022 but Auto & Gas Stations were down vs 2021. Gas Stations are also still really down vs 2019.

Overall – Inflation Reality January inflation vs 2022 fell below the $ increase rate for all but Relevant Retail. However, you see the impact of 2022 inflation as real sales are down for Gas Stations and Auto vs 2021 and only minimally up for Relevant & Total Retail. Restaurants were down vs Dec, but up strongly in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. There is a slight positive. For the 1st time in 9 months real sales vs 2021 are up vs 2021 for Total & Relevant Retail.

Total Retail – Every month since June 2020 has set a monthly sales record. December 2022 $ were $748.2B, a new all-time record. 2022 was somewhat normal as sales dipped in September then grew in Oct>Dec before falling in January. January $ are -16.2% vs December, +6.2%% vs Jan 2022, +21.0% vs 2021 & +37.6% vs 2019. However, when you factor in inflation, only 43% of 19>23 sales growth is real but that’s better than 22>23: 33% and 21>23: 17%. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.3%, Real: +3.8%. Even as inflation slows, it continues to have a cumulative impact.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t truly start to recover until March 2021. However, they reached a record $876B in 2021. Sales continued to grow in 2022, setting an all-time monthly record of $90.8B in October and exceeding $1T in 2022 for the 1st time. They are the only big group that is positive in all measurements vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. Inflation slowed to 8.1% for January from 8.2% last month. However, it is still 14.9% vs 2021 and 19.6% vs 2019. 62.8% of their 52.8% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +11.2%, Real: +7.4%. They only account for 13.8% of Total Retail $ales, but their performance helps to improve the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster – Jan down, Feb/Mar up, Apr>May down, then flipping monthly with January being down. They had 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group in 2021>2022. This is bad but their real Y/E sales numbers were much worse, down -8.2% vs 2021, the worst of any group. 2023 has started off a little better. Sales are up vs 2022, 2021 & 2019. Plus, real sales are only down vs 2021. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +7.3%, Real: +1.7%. Prices have deflated for 2 straight months. Real Sales vs 2019 are positive for the 1st time since April 2022.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and reached a record $584B in 2022. Sales got on a rollercoaster in 2022 but have trended down Nov>Jan. They have fallen to 2nd place behind restaurants with the biggest increases vs 2022, 2021 and 2019 but it is still not reality. Gasoline inflation has slowed. However, it is still 42.7% vs 2021. Monthly real sales are again positive, but sales are still really down -3.2% vs 2021 and -5.4% vs 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +9.0%, Real: -1.4%. The numbers show the cumulative impact of inflation. Consumers spend more but buy less, even less than they bought 4 years ago.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – This group accounts for 60+% of Total Retail $. It has a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020. They finished 2020, up +7.1% and 2021 got even better as they reached a record $4.50T. They have led the way in Total Retail’s recovery which became widespread across the channels. Sales went on an up/down roller coaster in 2022. However, all months in 2022 set new records with December reaching a new all-time high, $481B, and an annual record of $4.81T. January had its normal drop, but real sales were also down vs 2022 and only 7% of the 21>23 growth is real. From 2019>23 sales grew 35.6% and 55% was real. This shows that inflation is a cumulative problem that began in 2022. Their Avg 2019>23 Growth: +7.9%, Real: +4.6%. The performance of this huge group is critically important. This is where America shops. Real sales are down 2.1% so consumers bought less than in 2022. They just paid more. That’s not good.

Inflation is slowing slightly but the cumulative impact is still there. Relevant Retail is now really down vs last year for 11 straight months. All other groups are up. However, when you check the real growth vs 2021, Auto & Gas Stations are still “really down” and Total & Relevant Retail have negligible real growth. Restaurants are by far the best performers. For Relevant Retail, we are still in Inflation Phase II. Consumer spending grows but the amount bought declines. Let’s hope that we can continue to avoid Phase III, when consumer spending drops.

Here’s a more detailed look at January by Key Channels

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +7.9%, Real: +4.6%. All 11 channels were down from December but 10 were up vs 2022 & 2021. 7 were really up vs 2022 & 6 vs 2021. The negative impact of inflation is less but still there in the real data.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. They are down 47% from December but up vs January 2022 & 2021 & 2019. However, they are really down vs 2022 & 2019. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +1.1%, Real: -1.4%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. Inflation is still a big factor in their numbers. Sales are down from December but up vs 22 & 21. Their real sales are all down vs 22 & 21 and only 38% of their 25.4% lift from 2019 is real. Avg 19>23 Growth: +5.8%, Real: +2.3%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. Inflation has hit them hard. $ are down from December. The increases vs 22 & 21 are strong, but inflation is stronger. Real sales are down for both and only 2.4% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +5.8%, Real: +0.2%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are down from December but are up in all other measurements vs 22, 21 & 19. Their inflation rate is low so 76% of their 17.7% growth from 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +4.2%, Real: +3.2%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – They were nonessential, and clothes mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 21 with strong growth through 22, especially December. January sales fell -52.5% but for the 2nd straight month all other all measurements are positive. 76% of their 2019>23 growth is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +4.4%, Real:+3.4%
  • Home Furnishings – In mid-2020 consumers’ focus turned to their homes and furniture became a priority. Inflation has slowed but was very high in 2022. Sales are down from December but up vs 22, 21 & 19. However, their real numbers are still down vs 2021 and only 18% of their growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +5.3%, Real: +1.0%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. Sales are down in all measurements but real sales vs 2022. This only happened because of an 8.0% deflation rate from 22>23. Avg 2019>23 Growth: -3.3%, Real: -1.6%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. The 2022 spring lift ended in May. Sales fell in Nov>Jan after a slight lift in October. Sales are up vs 22, 21 & 19, but when you factor in double-digit inflation, the real amount sold is down vs 22 & 21. Also, only 22% of their strong 30.5% sales growth since 2019 is real. In December 2022, it was 54%. Their Avg 2019>23 Growth is: +6.9%, Real: +1.6%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. January $ fell -42.4% from December but are now positive in all other measurements. Inflation in this group is lower than most groups and most comes from Sporting Goods. 77% of their 39.0% growth since 2019 is real. Avg 2019>23 Growth: +8.6%, Real: +6.8%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. Sales are -18.6% from December but up for all other measurements. In 2022 they had the biggest increase vs 2021 and vs 2019 they were 2nd only to NonStore. In 2023 they are 3rd vs 2022 but 77% of their 45.2% growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth is: +9.8%, Real: +7.8%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021 as sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier for the year. Their growth slowed significantly in 2022 and now 2023 but all measurements vs 22, 21 & 19 are positive. 87% of their 81.2% increase since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth: +16.0%, Real: +14.3%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, there was a new challenge, the worst inflation in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed in Jul>Jan. On the surface, the Retail impact is almost invisible. Sales in the total market and in the Relevant Retail group set new records in 2022 but the growth rate slowed and the amount purchased fell, Phase II of strong inflation. December was again the peak of the Holiday Shopping season and monthly sales. As expected, sales fell across the board in January. Except for Relevant Retail the amount of product sold by the big groups in January was more than in 2022. This was not widespread among the individual retail channels. It was largely due to the biggest channels – Grocery, General Merchandise and Bldg/Hdwe/Farm. While inflation has slowed in most product categories, it is still very high for Food at Home and Tools/Hdwe. This had a big impact on real sales in specific channels and Relevant Retail, which has now been “really” negative vs last year for 11 straight months. Will this continue?

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates.

Monthly CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.

Retail Channel Monthly $ Update – November Final & December Advance

By 2021, the market had generally recovered from the impact of the pandemic. In 2022, we are being hit by extreme inflation, with rates higher than we have seen in 40 years. Obviously, this can affect retail sales, so we’ll continue to track the retail market with data from two reports provided by the Census Bureau and factor in the CPI from US BLS.

The Census Bureau Reports are the Monthly and the Advance Retail Sales Reports. Both are derived from sales data gathered from retailers across the U.S. and are published monthly at the same time. The Advance Report has a smaller sample size so it can be published quickly – about 2 weeks after month end. The Monthly Final Report includes data from all respondents, so it takes longer to compile the data – about 6 weeks. Although the sample size for the Advance report is smaller, the results over the years have proven it to be statistically accurate with the final monthly reports. The biggest difference is that the full sample in the Final report allows us to “drill” a little deeper into the retail channels.

We begin with the Final Report for November and then go to the Advance Report for December. Our focus is comparing 2022 to 2021 but also YTD 2019. We’ll show both actual and the “real” change in $ as we factor inflation into the data.

Both reports include the following:

  • Total Retail, Restaurants, Auto, Gas Stations and Relevant Retail (removing Restaurants, Auto and Gas)
  • Individual Channel Data – This will be more detailed in the “Final” reports, and we fill focus on Pet Relevant Channels

The information will be presented in detailed charts to facilitate visual comparison between groups/channels of:

  • Current Month change – % & $ vs previous month
  • Current Month change – % & $ vs same month in 2021
    • Current Month Real change – % vs same month in 2021 factoring in inflation
  • Current YTD change – % & $ vs 2021
    • Current YTD Real change – % vs 2021 factoring in inflation
  • Current YTD change vs 2019 – % & $
    • Current Real change YTD vs 2019 – % factoring in inflation
  • Monthly & YTD $ & CPIs which are targeted by channel will also be shown. (CPI details are at the end of the report)

First, the November Final. Only Relevant Retail and Total were up from last month but all were up for November & YTD vs 2021. However, considering inflation, only Restaurants and Gas Stations were up for the month and YTD, only Restaurants were up. Here is the November data for the major retail groups. (All $ are Actual, Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The November Final is $1.8B less than the Advance. Relevant Retail had the only positive: +$0.3B; Restaurants: -0.8B; Auto: No Change; Gas Stations: -$1.3B. Sales are up from last month and consumers continue to spend more vs 2021. However, the “real” numbers vs 2021 tell a slightly different story. Only Restaurants and Gas Stations are really up for the month but again only Restaurants are really up in YTD $. Auto & Gas Stations also remain really down YTD vs 2019. The inflation impact on Relevant Retail is significant and concerning. Their Real YTD $ales vs 2021 have been negative for 8 straight months. They do have the best performance since 2019 as 60.9% of their 32.2% growth is “Real”.

Now, let’s see how some Key Pet Relevant channels did in November

Overall – 6 of 11 were up from October. Vs Nov 2021, 9 reported more $ but only 3 were really up. In YTD vs 2021, 10 reported increases but only 4 were real. Vs 2019, Discount Dept Stores are the only “real” negative. In Sep & Oct all were up.

  • Building Material Stores – Sales are down vs Oct for Home Ctr/Hdwe, but up 7.2% YTD vs 21. Farm stores are -8.5% vs Oct but +11.7% vs Nov 2021. YTD sales are +6.0%. The Bldg/Matl group has a YTD inflation rate of 10.9% which has produced negative real numbers. The pandemic caused consumers to focus on their homes which has produced sales growth of 36.6% since 2019. Importantly, 55% of this lift was real, primarily because the bulk of the lift came from 20>21, prior to the inflation wave. Avg Growth Rate: HomeCtr/Hdwe: 10.8%, Real: 6.2%; Farm: 12.2, Real: 7.7%
  • Food & Drug – Both channels are truly essential. Except for the pandemic food binge buying, they tend to have smaller fluctuations in $. However, they are radically different in inflation. The YTD rate for Grocery products is 4 times higher than for Drugs/Med products. Drug Store $ are down from October but positive in all other measurements and 88% of their growth since 2019 is real. The Real Sales for Supermarkets are down for the month & YTD. Also, only 14% of their growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rate: Supermarkets: +6.8%, Real: +1.0%; Drug Stores: +4.9%, Real: +4.3%.
  • Sporting Goods Stores – They also benefited from the pandemic in that consumers turned to self-entertainment, especially sports & outdoor activities. Sales are up 6.2% from October but down vs 2021. YTD sales are still 1.5% above 2021. Their current inflation rate is 2.7% which is down from 7.5% in April but YTD it is still 5.4%. It was even higher in 20>21, +6.5%. However, 72% of their 48% lift since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth Rate was: +14.0%; Real: +10.4%.
  • Gen Mdse Stores – All channels were up from October and only Discount Dept Stores were down for the month and YTD vs 2021. All real numbers for all channels monthly and YTD vs 2021 are negative. Disc. Dept Stores were hurting before COVID and their YTD sales are again “really” down vs 2019. The other channels have 37% real growth. Avg Growth Rate: SupCtr/Club: 5.9%, Real: 2.1%; $/Value Strs: +7.8%, Real: +4.2%; Disc. Dept.: +2.6%, Real: -0.1%
  • Office, Gift & Souvenir Stores – Their recovery didn’t start until the spring of 2021. Sales are down 30% from October and Real Sales are down vs November 2021 but their 2022 sales growth has been strong enough to make them positive in all other measurements vs 2021 & 2019. They have made remarkable progress. Avg Growth Rate: +3.3%, Real: +0.6%
  • Internet/Mail Order – Sales are up 18% from October and set a new monthly record. They are positive for all other measurements, but their YTD growth rate is only half of their average since 2019. However, 89% of their 78.9% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rates: +21.4%, Real: +19.4%. As expected, they are by far the growth leaders since 2019.
  • A/O Miscellaneous – This is a group of specialty retailers. Pet Stores are 22>24% of total $. In May 2020 they began their recovery which reached a record level by December 2021 as annual sales reached $100B for the first time. Their sales dipped in January, July, Sept>Nov but all measurements have been positive for every other month. In 2022, they are by far the Sales increase leaders over 2021. Plus, 85% of their 56.4% growth since 2019 is real. Average Growth Rate is: +16.7%, Real: +14.6%. They are 2nd in growth since 2019 to the internet. I’m sure Pet Stores are helping.

There is no doubt that high inflation is an important factor in Retail. In actual $, 9 channels reported increases in monthly $ and 10 in YTD $ over 2021. When you factor in inflation, the number with any “real” growth falls to 3 for monthly & 4 for YTD. This is a clear indication of the ongoing strong impact of inflation at the retail channel level. Recent data indicates that Inflation again slowed a little. Let’s look at the impact on the Advance Retail $ales for December.

We have had memorable times since 2019. Some big negatives, including the 2 biggest monthly drops in history but a lot of positives in the Pandemic recovery. Total Retail reached $600B in a month for the first time and broke the $7 Trillion barrier in 2021.  Relevant Retail was also strong as annual sales reached $4T and all big groups set annual $ales records in 2021. In 2022 radical inflation is a big factor with the largest increase in 40 years. At first this reduces the amount of product sold but not $ spent. Only Gas Stations were down from Nov, but all groups were up vs December & YTD 2021. However, in the amount of product sold: Monthly: Only Relevant Retail was down. YTD: All were down but Restaurants.

Overall – Inflation Reality December inflation vs 2021 fell below the $ increase rate. Gas Stations were down vs Nov, but all are up for the month and YTD vs 2021. When you factor inflation into the data, all but Relevant Retail are really up for the month vs 2021. However, the real YTD sales vs 2021 are down for all but Restaurants for the 9th straight month.

Total Retail – Every month in 2022 has set a monthly sales record. December $ are $749.4B, a new all-time record. 2022 has become somewhat normal as sales dipped in September then grew in Oct>Dec. December $ are +7.8% vs November, +5.3% vs December 2021 and +9.2% vs YTD 2021. However, when you factor in inflation, monthly sales are up +0.5% but YTD sales are down for the 10th consecutive month. Plus, only 39% of the 31.5% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rate: +9.6%, Real: +3.9%. Even as inflation slows, it continues to have an impact.

Restaurants – They were hit hard by the pandemic and didn’t truly start to recover until March 2021. Sales in the last 9 months of 2021 exceeded $70B and 2021 was the biggest year in history, $876B. January sales fell from December but then turned up, setting new all-time monthly records in March>May. $ fell in June, set a new record in July and then fell again in Aug>Sep. October sales hit $90B for the 1st time, fell in November, then rose in December. They are the only big group that is positive in all measurements vs 2021 & 2019. Inflation slowed to 8.2% for December from 8.4% last month. However, it remains 7.5% YTD. 55.2% of their 32.4% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth Rate: +9.8%, Real: +5.6%. They only account for 12.7% of Total Retail $ales, but their performance helps to improve the overall retail numbers.

Auto (Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers) – This group actively worked to overcome the stay-at-home attitude with great deals and a lot of advertising. They finished 2020 up 1% vs 2019 and hit a record $1.48T in 2021. In 2022 sales got on a rollercoaster – Jan down, Feb/Mar up, Apr>May down, then flipping monthly with December being up. They have 4 down months in actual sales which are the only reported sales negatives by any big group vs 2021. This is bad but their real YTD sales numbers are much worse. Extremely high inflation has pushed their real YTD sales down -8.1% vs 2021, the worst of any group. Plus, their 23.8% growth since 2019 is really down -7.7%. Avg Growth: +7.3%, Real: -2.6%. Inflation slowed for 6 months then prices deflated in December. The 4 drops in $ales were tied to high inflation.

Gas Stations – Gas Stations were also hit hard. If you stay home, you drive less and obviously need less gas. This group started recovery in March 2021 and reached a record $584B for the year. Sales fell Jan>Feb, turned up Mar>Jun, fell in Jul>Sep, up in Oct then down in Nov>Dec. They have the biggest increases vs 2021 and 2019 but it is not reality. Gasoline inflation slowed then deflated -0.9% in December. However, it is 32.1% YTD. Monthly real sales are again positive, but YTD sales are still really down -2.2% vs 2021 and -2.5% vs 2019. Avg Growth Rate: +13.9%, Real: -0.9%. The YTD numbers show a big impact of inflation. Consumers spend more but buy less, even less than they bought 3 years ago.

Relevant Retail – Less Auto, Gas and Restaurants – This the “core” of U.S. retail and accounts for 60+% of Total Retail $. This group has a variety of channels, so they took many different paths through the pandemic. However, their only down month was April 2020. They finished 2020, up +7.1% and 2021 got even better as they reached a record $4.50T. They have led the way in Total Retail’s recovery which became widespread across the channels. Sales fell in Jan>Feb, went on an up/down roller coaster from Mar>Oct, then grew in Nov & Dec. All months in 2022 set new records with a new all-time high in December, $482B, and an annual record of $4.81T. However, their YTD increase is 28% below their 9.6% avg growth since 2019. Now, we’ll look at the impact of inflation. 59.7% of their 31.8% growth since 2019 is real. However, real sales vs 2021 are down -2.3% for the month and -1.2% YTD. This shows that inflation is only a 2022 problem. Their Avg Growth Rate: +9.6%, Real: +6.0%. The performance of this huge group is critically important. This is where America shops. Real annual sales are down 1+% so consumers bought less than in 2021. They just paid more. That’s not good.

Inflation is slowing slightly but the impact is still there. All groups but Restaurants have no YTD (annual) real growth vs 2021 and Auto & Gas Stations are still “really down” vs YTD 2019. We’ve now had 10 straight months of real YTD drops for Total Retail and 9 straight for Relevant Retail. We are still in Inflation Phase II. Consumer spending grows but the amount bought declines. Inflation slowed markedly for Auto & Gas Stations and prices even deflated in December, so they have avoided Phase III, when consumer spending drops. We hope that this pattern is repeated in Relevant Retail.

Here’s a more detailed look at December by Key Channels

  • Relevant Retail: Avg Growth Rate: +9.6%, Real: +6.0%. 9 of 11 channels were up from November and 8 were up vs December 2021, but 10 were up YTD vs 2021. The negative impact of inflation is less but still there in the “real” data.
  • All Dept Stores – This group was struggling before the pandemic hit them hard. They began recovery in March 2020. They are up 33% from November but down vs December 2021. Their YTD actual $ are down vs 2019. They were positive Apr>Nov. They are still “really” down in all measurements vs both 2019 & 2021. Avg Growth: -0.1%, Real: -3.1%.
  • Club/SuprCtr/$ – They fueled a big part of the overall recovery because they focus on value which has broad consumer appeal. Inflation is a big factor in their current numbers. Sales are up from November and vs 2021. Their real numbers are all down vs 2021 and only 36.2% of their 19.6% lift from 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +6.2%, Real: +2.3%.
  • Grocery- These stores depend on frequent purchases, so except for the binge buying in 2020, their changes are usually less radical. Inflation has hit them hard. $ are up from November. The increases vs 2021 are strong but inflation is stronger. Real sales are down and only 13.1% of the growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +6.9%, Real: +1.0%.
  • Health/Drug Stores – Many stores in this group are essential, but consumers visit far less frequently than Grocery stores. Sales are up from November but are really down vs Dec 2021. All other measurements vs 2019 & 2021 are positive. Their inflation rate is low so 89% of their 16.4% growth from 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +5.2%, Real: +4.6%.
  • Clothing and Accessories – They were nonessential, and clothes mattered less when you stayed home. That changed in March 2021 with strong growth through May 2022. December sales are +41% from November and +3.5% from 21. For the 1st time in 2022, all measurements are positive. 84% of their 2019>22 growth is real. Avg Growth: +5.0%, Real:+4.3%
  • Home Furnishings – Sales dipped Mar>May in 2020. Then as consumers’ focus turned to their homes, furniture became a priority. Inflation has been high. Monthly Sales are -0.7% vs 2021 and only up 1.0% YTD. All of their real numbers vs 2021 are very negative. Only 11.1% of their growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +5.9%, Real: +0.7%.
  • Electronic & Appliances – This channel has many problems. Sales fell in Apr>May of 2020 and didn’t reach 2019 levels until March 2021. Sales are up +14.6% from November but down vs 2021. Deflation pushed their real December sales up +1.8%. Their sales are even down vs 2019 – both actual and real. Avg Growth: -1.0%, Real: -0.15%.
  • Building Material, Farm & Garden & Hardware –They truly benefited from the consumers’ focus on home. This year’s spring lift ended in May. Sales fell in Nov>Dec after a slight lift in October. Monthly & YTD sales are up vs 2021, but when you factor in double-digit inflation, the real amount sold is down for both measurements. However, 54.0% of their strong 36.5% sales growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth is: +10.9%, Real: +6.2%.
  • Sporting Goods, Hobby and Book Stores – Consumers turned their attention to recreation and Sporting Goods stores sales took off. Book & Hobby Stores recovered more slowly. December $ jumped +30.4% from November and are ahead of 2021, monthly & YTD. However, real YTD $ are still down vs 2021. Inflation in this group is lower than most groups and most comes from Sporting Goods. 78.7% of their 39.0% growth since 2019 is real. Avg Growth: +11.6%, Real: +9.3%.
  • All Miscellaneous Stores – Pet Stores have been a key part of the strong and growing recovery of this group. They finished 2020 +0.9% but sales took off in March 21 and have continued to grow. December sales are +5.2% from November and up vs 2021. Since April they have held the top spot in YTD increase vs 2021. Their YTD growth since 2019 is 2nd only to NonStore and 80% of the 42.2% growth since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth is: +16.1%, Real: +13.9%.
  • NonStore Retailers – 90% of their volume comes from Internet/Mail Order/TV. The pandemic accelerated online spending. They ended 2020 +21.4%. The growth continued in 2021. In December monthly sales exceeded $100B for the 1st time and they broke the $1 Trillion barrier for the year. Their YTD Growth has slowed significantly in 2022 but all measurements are positive. 87.2% of their 71.1% increase since 2019 is real. Their Avg Growth is: +19.6%, Real: +17.5%.

Note: Almost without exception, online sales by brick ‘n mortar retailers are recorded with their regular store sales.

Recap – The Retail recovery from the pandemic was largely driven by Relevant Retail and by the end of 2021 it had become very widespread. In 2022, a new challenge came to the forefront – extreme inflation, the worst in 40 years. Overall, and in most product categories it has slowed in Jul>Dec. On the surface, the Retail impact is almost invisible. Sales in the total market and in the Relevant Retail group continue to grow but the growth rate has markedly slowed compared to last year. Overall, the retail market is generally in phase II of strong inflation – spending grows but the amount purchased falls. December is the traditional peak of the Holiday Shopping season and monthly sales. “How did it go?” The channels most impacted are – Clothing, General Merchandise, Electronics, Nonstore, Sporting Gds and Miscellaneous. These channels produced 63% of Relevant Retail December $ but 82% of the increase from November & the lift from 2021. They were up 6.6% from 2021 and real sales were +2.3%, much better than -2.3% for Relevant Retail. The December lift was smaller than we hoped for, but it still happened. BTW – 59% of the increase came from Nonstore.

Finally, here are the details and updated inflation rates for the CPIs used to calculate the impact of inflation on retail groups and channels. This includes special aggregate CPIs created with the instruction and guidance of personnel from the US BLS. I also researched data from the last Economic Census to review the share of sales by product category for the various channels to help in selecting what expenditures to include in specific aggregates. Of course, none of these specially created aggregates are 100% accurate but they are much closer than the overall CPI or available aggregates.

Monthly CPI changes of 0.2% or more are highlighted. (Green = lower; Pink = higher)

I’m sure that this list raises some questions. Here are some answers to some of the more obvious ones.

  1. Why is the group for Non-store different from the Internet?
    1. Non-store is not all internet. It also includes Fuel Oil Dealers, the non-motor fuel Energy Commodity.
  2. Why is there no Food at home included in Non-store or Internet?
    1. Online Grocery purchasing is becoming popular but almost all is from companies whose major business is brick ‘n mortar. These online sales are recorded under their primary channel.
  3. 6 Channels have the same CPI aggregate but represent a variety of business types.
    1. They also have a wide range of product types. Rather than try to build aggregates of a multitude of small expenditure categories, it seemed better to eliminate the biggest, influential groups that they don’t sell. This method is not perfect, but it is certainly closer than any existing aggregate.
  4. Why are Grocery and Supermarkets only tied to the Grocery CPI?
    1. According to the Economic Census, 76% of their sales comes from Grocery products. Grocery Products are the driver. The balance of their sales comes from a collection of a multitude of categories.
  5. What about Drug/Health Stores only being tied to Medical Commodities.
    1. An answer similar to the one for Grocery/Supermarkets. However, in this case Medical Commodities account for over 80% of these stores’ total sales.
  6. Why do SuperCtrs/Clubs and $ Stores have the same CPI?
    1. While the Big Stores sell much more fresh groceries, Groceries account for ¼ of $ Store sales. Both Channels generally offer most of the same product categories, but the actual product mix is different.