Retail Channel $ Update – February Monthly & March Advance
As expected, sales grew in March but the lift was far below average. The recovery is definitely slowing!
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
As expected, sales grew in March but the lift was far below average. The recovery is definitely slowing!
March Total Petflation rose to 3.8% from 3.5% in February but YTD it slowed to 4.0% from 4.1%.
Retail has largely recovered from the Pandemic, but the price surge recovery is still ongoing.
With only the 2nd Jan>Feb sales lift in 30 years, Total Retail continues its slow recovery!
The National YOY CPI rose from 3.1% to 3.2% but Total Petflation fell from 4.7% in January to 3.5% in February.
Total Pet Spending is a sum of the segments. Compare their demographic performance side by side to find the similarities and differences.
With only 1 minute and 10 seconds to spend with each exhibitor, you need a plan!
Sales fell from December for every channel and all increases vs 2023 except for Health/Drug stores were well below their 19>24 average.
GPE 2024 returns to a new normal with surges in companies offering OEM and foreign exhiibitors!
In January, Petflation slowed to 4.7% from 5.1% but this is still the 4th highest January rate since 1997!