Spending, CPI, demographics of overall market

2018 Pet Services Spending was $8.72B – Where did it come from…?

Next, we will look at Pet Services. They are by far the smallest Segment at $8.72B but in 2018, they made the most “noise”. Spending increased $1.95B (+28.9%). This was by far the biggest increase in history. The number of outlets offering Services has been strongly increasing in recent years as brick ‘n mortar retailers look for a way to combat the growing influence of online outlets. After all, you can certainly buy products, but you can’t get your dog groomed on the Internet. This created a highly price competitive market for Pet Services. In 2017 there was a slight increase in visit frequency, but Pet Parents just paid less. This resulted in a 1.0% decrease in Services spending. In 2018 consumer behavior changed as a significant number decided to take advantage of the increased availability and convenience of Pet Services and spending literally took off.

To better appreciate the significance of this huge spending lift, let’s put it into historical perspective. The $1.95B increase in Pet Services spending was larger than the total annual spending for the segment for every year prior to 1999. It was also more than twice as big as the previous largest increase of $0.82B in 2012. This is great news as Pet Services now has a stronger “presence” at the Pet Industry “table” and Pet Spending becomes a little more balanced. Let’s look a little deeper into the demographics.

Let’s start by identifying the groups most responsible for the bulk of Services spending in 2018 and the $1.95B increase. The first chart details the biggest Pet Services spenders for each of 10 demographic categories. It shows their share of CU’s, share of Services spending and their spending performance (Share of spending/share of CU’s). The differences from the products segments are immediately apparent. In order to better target the bulk of the spending we had to alter the groups in three categories – income, education and area. The performance level should also be noted as 7 of 10 groups have a performance level above 120%. This compares to 6 for Total Pet, Veterinary and Supplies but only 4 for Food. These big spenders are performing well but it also indicates that there is a large disparity between the best and worst performing segments. Income is absolutely the biggest factor in Services Spending. The categories are presented in the order that reflects their share of Total Pet Spending which highlights the differences of the 7 matching groups.

  1. Race/Ethnic – White, not Hispanic (85.5%) down from 87.9%.This big group accounts for the vast majority of spending in every segment but Services Spending became slightly more diverse in 2018 as their performance fell from 128.3% to 123.8%. However, they are still tied for 5th in terms of importance.
  2. # in CU – 2+ people (77.3%) down from 79.8% The share of market for 2+ CU’s is very close for all segments but lowest in Services and the only one with a share less than 80%. Their performance of 109.6% is down from 111.9% also last. The explanation is that Singles had a great year. They are 29.5% of CUs and spent 44% more on Services.
  3. Housing – Homeowners (80.8%) down from 86.4%. Homeownership is a big factor in pet ownership and spending in all industry segments. The Homeowners’ share of Services spending fell sharply in 2018 as did their performance, from 137.4% to 127.3%. Homeownership fell from 3rd to a tie for 5th in terms of importance for increased Services spending. Homeowners w/mtge spent 34% more, but those w/o a mtge spent 5% less and … Renters $ were up 82%.
  4. Income – Over $70K (72.3%) up from 71.2% This group’s performance rating is 179.4%, down from 185.2% but still shows that CU income is the single most important factor in increased Pet Services Spending. The slight gain in share with a slight drop in performance can be explained by the slowly growing CU income. CUs under $70K spent 27% more on Services but they had 2% fewer CUs. The over $70K spent 23% more but gained 6% in CUs.
  5. Education – College Grads (68.9%) up from 68.8% Income generally increases with education. Services spending moves up with each increasing level of education. This is why we again shifted the group up to College Grads. Performance of 157.9% was down from 161.9% but a college education is still the 2nd most important factor.
  6. Occupation – All Wage & Salaried (71.4%) up from 64.1% – Last year we had a special group called “I’m the Boss” which consisted of Mgrs & Professionals, Self-employed and Retirees. This year regular workers took the lead. Their performance rating increased from 104.9% to 116.9%, but Occupation is no longer a member of the influential 120% club. As many “non bosses” stepped up, Services spending became more balanced in terms of Occupation.
  7. # Earners – “Everyone Works” (71.5%) up from (64.9%) All adults in the CU are employed. Income is important so a relatively high market share is expected. However, their performance grew to 123.8% from 113.3% and they returned to the 120% club at #5. This lift reflects the youth movement. Younger CUs generally have more earners.
  8. Age – 35>64 (63.7%) up from 61.0%. Their performance also increased significantly from 114.3% to 120.4%. A big lift in spending by the 35>44 yr olds caused the big spending group to grow younger from 45>74 yr olds. Services spending is becoming a little more balanced in this category, but age still ranks 7th in importance for Services $.
  9. CU Composition – Married Couples (62.8%) down from 64.5%. Married couples are a big share of $ and have 120+% performance in all segments. Their performance fell to 126.6% from 130.3% but they moved up to 4th place in terms of importance to Services spending. Married Couples spent 25.5% more on Services but that wasn’t as big a lift as the +44% by Singles or even the +30% by Single Parents, so they lost a little ground.
  10. Area – City/Suburbs >2500 (85.3%) up from 79.8% in share, while performance increased from 97.7% to 104.7%. Last Year the big group was all Suburban. In 2018 Central City virtually tied Suburbs >2500 for the spending lead. To get 60% and properly reflect the urban trend in this segment, we combined those 2 groups.

We changed 3 of the groups for Services – Income, Education and Area, to better target the biggest spenders. Income is even more important to Services spending than it is to Veterinary, where we only changed Income. The performance levels in Services spending in categories related to income – Income, # Earners, Occupation and Education, are markedly higher than Veterinary which shows an even  bigger spending disparity between the segments in Services.

Now, we’ll look at 2018’s best and worst performing Pet Services spending segments in each category.

Most of the best and worst performers are not a surprise. However, there are 8 that are different from 2017, the most of any segment – 4 of the best and 4 of the worst. Also, half the changes were in 2 categories – Age & Generation. The 4 new winners, Gen X, 35>44, Center City and Married, Oldest Child < 6, do reflect the very definite “youth movement” behind the big 2018 lift in Services Spending. Changes from 2017 are “boxed”. We should note:

  • Income is even more important to Pet Services. While the 364.0% Performance by the $200K> group is less than last year’s 398.8%, it is 41% higher than Veterinary and 130% higher than the best performing income segment in Food.
  • Generation – Gen X took over the Top Spot from the Boomers and Millennials got off the bottom. It was a good year for the younger generations.
  • Age – The 35>44 group reflects the youth movement. They are the best performers and spend the most $. It is also significant that the <25 group got off the bottom. All groups from 35>64 perform at 100+%. In 2017 it was 45>74.
  • Area –Center City became the performance leader, going from 90% to 117.3%, and was within $0.02B of taking the Spending $ lead from Suburbs >2500. Areas >2500 pop. were up $2B and accounted for 85.3% of total Services $.
  • CU Composition Married Couples, with an oldest child <6 may seem like a surprise, but they won in 2016. They also had the biggest % increase of ANY segment, +152.6%. Marriage and children are important factors in Services spending. Married Couples only and those with children of any age all perform over 100%. They all earn their share.

In Pet Services spending performance, we see 2 major factors – income, which is not a surprise in this most discretionary segment and youth, which is a surprise in a segment that has skewed older.

It’s time to “Show you the money”. Here are segments with the biggest $ changes in Pet Services Spending.

Pet Services Spending was up $1.95B, the biggest lift in history. In this chart you see the strong demographic impact as 9 of 12 categories had an individual segment that accounted for at least 47% of the increase. At the same time, the drops were small. The largest was only $0.17B. In fact, 6 of 12 categories had no segments that spent less. There were 7 repeats, 4 winners and 3 losers from 2017 but only 5 of 24 segments switched their position from first to last or vice versa, the same as Supplies. All of this indicates little turmoil, just strong, widespread growth. Here are the specifics:

  • Area Type – The winner and loser flipped as spending became more urbanized. Areas >2500 were up $2.04B.
    • Winner – Center City – Pet Services Spending: $3.71B; Up $1.51B (+68.5%)
      • 2017: Suburbs <2500
    • Loser – Suburbs <2500 – Pet Services Spending: $0.94B; Down $0.07B (-7.0%)
      • 2017: Center City
    • Comment – Center city won in 2015 & 2016 then lost in 2017. In 2018, they returned to the top.
  • Race/Ethnic – African Americans flipped from 1st to Last but all racial/ethnic groups spent more.
    • Winner – White, Not Hispanic – Services: $7.46B; Up $1.51B (+25.3%)
      • 2017: African American
    • Loser – African American – Services: $0.41B; Up $0.10B (+33.3%)
      • 2017: Hispanic
    • Comment – White, Non-Hispanics returned to their “usual” position at the top of this category.
  • Generation – The Winner and Loser are repeats.
    • Winner – Gen X – Services: $3.34B; Up $1.44B (+75.9%)
      • 2017: Gen X
    • Loser – Baby Boomers – Services: $2.76B; Down $0.17B (-5.9%)
      • 2017: Baby Boomers
    • Comment – Gen X became the biggest Services Spenders in 2018, taking over from the Baby Boomers. Boomers spent less in all segments, but their smallest decrease was in Services. Over 1/3 of their decrease came from fewer CUs, down 2.1%.
  • Housing – The winner and loser in Housing are also repeats from 2017.
    • Winner – Homeowner w/Mtge – Services: $5.19B; Up $1.31B (+33.7%)
      • 2017: Homeowner w/Mtge
    • Loser – Homeowner w/o Mtge – Services: $1.86B; Down $0.11B (-5.4%)
      • 2017: Homeowner w/o Mtge
    • Comment – Renters also spent a lot more, +$0.88B. The drop by Homeowners w/o mtge is tied to Retirees.
  • Occupation – The high income group, Mgrs & Professionals, was a repeat winner.
    • Winner– Mgrs & Professionals – Pet Services Spending: $3.89B; Up $1.06B (+37.5%)
      • 2017: Mgrs & Professionals
    • Loser – Retired – Pet Services Spending: $1.23B; Down $0.17B (-12.1%)
      • 2017: Self-employed
    • Comment – The Services spending increase was widespread as only Retirees spent less.
  • # Earners– No repeats or flips. 2 Earners was the big winner and No Earner, 2+ CUs was the only group to spend less.
    • Winner – 2 Earners – Pet Services Spending: $3.91B; Up $1.01B (+34.9%)
      • 2017: 1 Earner, 2+ CU
    • Loser – No Earner, 2+ CU – Pet Services Spending: $0.53B; Down $0.04B (-7.4%)
      • 2017: 3 Earners
    • Comment – The # of Earners became more important as “Everyone Works” CUs provided 94% of the increase.
  • Age – No repeats or flips and no real surprise as the 35>44 year olds do have the second highest income.
    • Winner – 35>44 yrs – Pet Services Spending: $2.00B; Up $0.96B (+93.3%)
      • 2017: 75+ yrs
    • Loser – 65>74 yrs – Pet Services Spending: $1.24B; Up $0.01B (+0.5%)
      • 2017: 55>64 yrs
    • Comment: All age groups spent more on Services as even the 65>74 yr olds eked out a $0.01B increase. The 35>44 yr olds led the way, followed by 45>54, then 25>34. In fact, CUs under 55 spent $1.89B more on Services, 97% of the increase. CUs 55 and over are 44% of the population but only generated 3% of the increase.
  • Region – The Midwest flipped from 1st to last, but the South is a new winner.
    • Winner – South – Pet Services Spending: $3.05B; Up $0.96B (+45.6%)
      • 2017: Midwest
    • Loser – Midwest – Pet Services Spending: $1.63B; Up $0.14B (+9.1%)
      • 2017: West
    • Comment – All regions spent more and all, but the Midwest, had at least a 21% increase.
  • Education – College Degree flipped from last to first and returned to the top after a year in the cellar.
    • Winner – Adv. College Degree – Pet Services Spending: $3.09B; Up $0.91B (+41.5%)
      • 2017: BA/BS Degree
    • Loser – HS Grad – Pet Services Spending: $0.55B; Up $0.02B (+3.8%)
      • 2017: Adv. College Degree
    • Comment – Again, all segments in this category spent more on Services. BA/BS had the second biggest increase, so College Grads accounted for 70% of the $1.95B spending lift.
  • # in CU – 2 Person CUs were the repeat winner.
    • Winner – 2 People – Pet Services Spending: $3.58B; Up $0.63B (+21.4%)
      • 2017: 2 People
    • Loser – 5+ People – Pet Services Spending: $0.52B; Up $0.06B (+12.3%)
      • 2017: 4 People
    • Comment: All size CUs spent more on Services. Singles finished a strong second with a $0.61B increase,
  • CU Composition – The winner and loser are both new and Singles are definitely an unusual winner.
    • Winner – Singles – Services: $1.98B; Up $0.61B (+44.2%)
      • 2017: Unmarried, 2+ Adults
    • Loser – Single Parents – Services: $0.21B; Up $0.05B (+30.0%)
      • 2017: Married, Oldest Child <6
    • Comment – CUs of every possible composition spent more on Services. Singles won, but Married Couples with children of any age spent $0.59B more, a 31% increase.
  • Income – The winner is new but not unexpected. The loser is a repeat from 2017.
    • Winner – $200K+ – Pet Services Spending: $2.07B; Up $0.58B (+38.5%)
      • 2017: $100 to $149
    • Loser – $30 to $39K – Pet Services Spending: $0.27B; Down $0.08B (-22.8%)
      • 2017: $30 to $39K
    • Comment – All income groups but one spent more on Pet Services. However, as expected the increase was skewed more towards the higher income groups. Income groups over $100K represent 25.8% of all CUs. They spent $1.36B more on Services, 69.7% of the increase. The $30>39K group had the only decrease. This income range corresponds to the average income of Retirees, so they undoubtedly were the primary negative driver.

We’ve now seen the winners and losers in terms of increase and decrease in Services Spending $ for 12 Demographic Categories. 2018 was a fabulous year. In 6 categories all segments spent more. Moreover, the winning increase in each category averaged +$1.04B up from +$0.25B in 2017, while the biggest decreases averaged -$0.02B up from -$0.27B.  That certainly shows a widespread lift . The major trend was definitely to the younger groups. Income reasserted its importance, certainly in terms of the number of Earners. Singles definitely stepped up and we also saw a spending move back to more populated areas. The $1.95B increase was the biggest in history and we have detailed the winners in performance and $. However, there were many who performed well but didn’t win an award. They deserve….


It wasn’t all higher incomes, the $40>49K group more than doubled their Services Spending. With +$.75B, Renters definitely contributed. The Blue Collar workers rolled back their Food Spending in 2018 but increased Services $ by 70%. The 2017 winner for biggest increase, 1 Earner, 2+ CU actually did better in 2018. Gen X won the awards, but the Millennials weren’t far behind. The 45>54 yr olds are mostly Gen Xers and they did their part, finishing 2nd in Age Groups. The spending increase was widespread. In fact, only 8 of 92 demographic segments less on Pet Services in 2018. That means 84 (91.3%) spent more.


The Services segment has usually been “above” changes in other segments. Since 2010 prices have steadily increased but so did Spending …until 2017. An increase in outlets offering Services created a much more competitive environment. While prices didn’t deflate, inflation slowed significantly, and “deals” abounded as Retailers began a pitched battle for Consumers’ Services $. The net result was turmoil and a 1% decrease in spending. In 2018, the abundance of outlets and competitive prices finally had their intended impact. Many more consumers took advantage of the convenience of Pet Services and spending literally took off.

Pet Services are definitely needed by some groups. However, for most demographics, Services are a convenience and spending is very discretionary in nature. The result of this is that CU income is of paramount importance to increased Services spending. This impacts many demographic categories and we adjusted the big spender groups in 2 categories specifically to accommodate this difference in behavior and to better target where most of the $ are coming from. Just how important is income? 40.3% of CU’s have an income over $70K and account for 72.3% of Services Spending. This is a performance rating of 179.4% – the highest rating earned by any group in any category in any industry segment.

Performance is an important measurement. We identified 7 categories with high performing big groups. There were 6 for Veterinary and Supplies but only 4 for Food. This indicates greater demographic disparity in Services Spending.

  • Income  · Occupation     · Higher Education     · Homeownership    · CU Composition     · Race/Ethnicity    · Age

3 of these groups are directly related to income – Education, Occupation and Income. However, for 2 – Race/Ethnicity and Age, the consumer has no control over their inclusion. They can’t control their age, but it turns out that age was the single biggest factor in Pet Services spending in 2018. The biggest spending group changed from 45>74 to 35>64. However, it wasn’t just the added Gen Xers. The Millennials also stepped up.

Although the lift was widespread, as 91% of all demographic segments spent more on Services, there was a big disparity in the amount spent. This is apparent as 10 of the 12 best performing segments also had the biggest $ increase and the average increase was $1B, up from $0.25B in 2017.

The Youth movement was apparent in the improved performance of segments which reflect their demographics:

  • Preference for Urban areas
  • Higher education
  • More CU Earners
  • Presence of children…or Singles

… to name a few. In 2018, the Gen Xers and Millennials stepped up and took a position of prominence in Services Spending and raised the visibility of the Services Segment.

At Last – The “Ultimate” Pet Services Spending Consumer Unit consists of 3 people – a married couple, with 1 child under 6. They are White, but not of Hispanic origin. At least one of them has an advanced College Degree. They are 35 to 44 years old and both of them work, in managerial positions. They’re doing well with an income over $200K. They live in the Center City of a metropolitan area of over 2.5 million in the Western U.S. and are still paying off their mortgage.





2018 Pet Supplies Spending was $19.8B – Where did it come from…?

Next, we’ll turn our attention to Pets and Supplies. We’ll see some differences from Pet Food as the spending in the Supplies segment is more discretionary in nature. There are other factors too. Many supplies categories have become commoditized so pricing changes (CPI) can strongly impact Consumers’ buying behavior in this segment. Supplies’ Spending can also be affected by the spending behavior in other segments, especially Food. Consumers often trade $ between segments. In the second half of 2016, Supplies began a 24 month spending lift. The increase totaled $4.97B and ended in the second half of 2018 with a slight drop, -$0.01B. Coincidentally, the drop correlated with new added tariffs on Supplies. The net 2018 result for Supplies was a $1.22B (6.6%) spending increase.

Let’s see which groups were most responsible for the bulk of Pet Supplies spending in 2018 and the $1.22B lift. The first chart details the biggest pet supplies spenders for each of 10 demographic categories. It shows their share of CU’s, share of Supplies spending and their spending performance (Share of spending/share of CU’s). Although their share of the Pet Supplies $ may be different, all of the big spending groups are the same as Total Pet. Remember, for Food the age group is slightly older. The categories are presented in the order that reflects their share of Total Pet Spending. This highlights the differences in importance. All 10 of the groups have over a 60% market share. Pet Food had 9. We’re also back to 6 groups with performance over 120%. Pet Food had only 4. Education and Age dropped out. Higher Education correlates with higher income and income is more important in Supplies spending. Supplies spending also skews younger

  1. Race/Ethnic – White, not Hispanic (86.3%) up from (84.2%) This large group accounts for the vast majority of spending in every segment. Their performance rating was up from 122.9% to 125.0%. They are #4, but in a virtual 3 way tie for 3rd in terms of importance in Supplies Spending. Minority groups account for 31% of all CUs but spend only 13.7% of Supplies $. This is primarily due to lower income for Hispanics and African Americans and a lower rate of pet ownership in African American and Asian American CUs.
  2. # in CU – 2+ people (82.7%) down from (82.8%) Their Supplies performance was 117.3%, up from 116.1%. They lost share but increased performance because of a big increase in the number of single CUs, but singles perform so poorly. 2 People CUs dominate share. However, the performance in 2+ CUs is 100+% for all sizes. In Supplies spending, it definitely “just takes two.”
  3. Housing – Homeowners (79.9%) up from (79.4%) Homeownership is a major factor in pet ownership and spending in all industry segments. Their performance was down slightly to 125.9%, from 126.2%, but they held on to 3rd place in terms of importance for increased Pet Supplies spending. All groups, Homeowners and Renters spent more. However, the bulk of the spending lift – $0.8B (65%) came from Homeowners with a mortgage.
  4. Income Over $50K (73.3%) up from (71.3%) With a performance rating of 137.6%, down from 138.8%, CU income is the single most important factor in increased Pet Supplies Spending. The increased discretionary nature of much of Supplies spending pushes the share and performance level  higher than that of Pet Food. However, it is still significantly below the Service Segments. Higher Income still generally generates Higher Pet Supply Spending.
  5. Education – Associates Degree or Higher (68.2%) up from (65.6%) Higher Education gained market share and their performance level rose from 122.2% to 125.0%. They stayed 4th in importance for generating greater Supplies spending. Higher Education generally produces higher income.
  6. Occupation – All Wage & Salary Earners (65.2%) up from (63.4%) – The performance of this group was 106.8%, up from 103.8%. In a marked contrast to Pet Food, they gained in share and performance as all wage/salary groups spent more on Supplies. However, half of the group’s spending comes from the higher income Mgrs/Professionals.
  7. # Earners – “Everyone Works” (65.4%) up from (62.5%) In this group, all adults in the CU are employed. Income is important in Supplies Spending and the only thing holding this group back is the poor performance by 1 earner, singles. CUs with 2+ Earners spent $1.22B more on Supplies. The group performance went from 109.1% to 113.2%.
  8. Age – 35>64 (65.2%) up from (64.1%) Traditionally, Supplies Spending skews more towards the younger groups. The 35>64 group maintained their dominance and even gained a little ground. Supplies Spending was up in all age segments of this group, but it was primarily driven by the 35>44-yr olds. The 65>74 yr olds spent less which contributed to the 35>64 performance level increasing to 123.2% from 120.0%. However, they stayed in 6th place.
  9. CU Composition – Married Couples (64.8%) up from (64.2%) Married couples are a big share of $ and perform well whether alone or with children. They gained slightly in share, as all segments spent more, especially Couples Only. Their performance also grew slightly from 129.7% to 130.5% and they remain 2nd in importance.
  10. Area – Suburban (63.3%) up from (63.0%) Suburban CUs are the biggest spenders in every segment. They gained a little ground in Supplies and their performance improved to 114.4%, from 113.3% in 2017. All areas spent more but the Suburbs over 2500 population had the biggest lift.

The biggest spending groups for Pet Supplies are the same as Total Pet and 9 of 10 are the same as Food. However, the discretionary nature of Supplies causes spending to be more impacted by income than Food. Groups associated with higher income, like Education and # Earners, perform better than in Food. Homeownership and Marriage had the most growth in Supplies $. Having 6 groups with 120+% performance also indicates greater disparity between segments.

Now, we’ll look at 2018’s best and worst performing Pet Supplies spending segments in each category.

Almost all of the best and worst performers are those that we would expect. In Pet Supplies spending, there are only 3 that are different from 2017. That is by far the least change of any segment, 4 fewer than Pet Food and 2 less than for Total Pet. As we move deeper into the data, we will start to see even more differences between the Industry Segments. Changes from 2017 are “boxed”. We should note:

  • Income matters in Supplies spending.
    • The 228.5% Performance by the $200K> group is 44.1% better than the best income segment in Food.
    • 9 of the 12 winners for best performance had the highest income of any segment in the category. The other three came in 2nd – White, not Hispanics, Suburbs <2500 and the West.
    • In Categories associated with Income, including # Earners, Occupation and Higher Education, the disparity between the best and worst performers grew in 2018. This indicates less balance in spending.
  • Occupation – Blue-Collar workers lost last year. This year it was Retirees. After a huge lift in all segments in 2017, they cut back spending on everything but food in 2018. They still spent $0.5B more in 2018 on supplies than in 2016.
  • # in CU –In 2018 the performance of 2 to 4 people CUs was again very close. 4 edged out 3 for the win. However, even 5+ earned their share at 100.6%. That truly leaves Singles “standing alone”. It just takes 2.

It’s time to “Show you the money”. Here are segments with the biggest $ changes in Pet Supplies Spending.

In 2018 Supplies Spending was up $1.22B. However, the ongoing lift, which began in the second half of 2016 ended in the second half of 2018 as spending flattened and then turned down slightly. In the chart, there are 6 repeats from 2017 – 5 winners and 1 loser. 5 segments switched from last to first or vice versa. However, this is much less turmoil than in the Food Segment. Tech/Sls/Clerical, 4 People CU’s and Millennials were surprise winners. However, the biggest surprise or change from 2017 was that in 3 of 12 Demographic Categories every segment increased spending on Supplies. In 2017 it was 10. This provides perhaps the first indication of the impact of the spending downturn in the second half of 2018. Here are the specifics:

  • Race/Ethnic – The White, Non-Hispanics share of Supplies spending is 86.3%, but they produced 117%% of the lift.
    • Winner – White, Not Hispanic – Supplies: $17.08B; Up $1.43B (+9.1%)
      • 2017: White, Not Hispanic
    • Loser – Asian Americans – Supplies: $0.41B; Down $0.19B (-31.3%)
      • 2017: African Americans
    • Comment – African Americans spent 11.8% more in 2018 but Hispanics spent 6.7% less. In 2017 all groups increased Supplies Spending. In 2018 the White, Not Hispanic group increased their dominance in Supplies.
  • Generation – The Boomers flipped from 1st to last but everyone else spent more.
    • Winner – Millennials – Supplies: $4.57B; Up $0.90 (+24.7%)
      • 2017: Baby Boomers
    • Loser – Baby Boomers – Supplies: $6.86B; Down $0.62 (-8.3%)
      • 2017: Silent Generation
    • Comment – Just as they did in the Food Segment, the Millennials stepped up with the biggest increase, but once again, the Gen Xers weren’t far behind, +$0.85B
  • Housing – All segments maintained their positions and all increased spending.
    • Winner – Homeowner w/Mtge – Supplies: $10.80B; Up $0.80B (+8.0%)
      • 2017: Homeowner w/Mtge
    • Loser – Renter – Supplies: $3.98B; Up $0.15B (+3.8%)
      • 2017: Renter
    • Comment – Renters finished last but this year that meant a 3.8% increase. Unfortunately, Renters continue to lose ground to Homeowners. One factor is that the number of CUs is falling as Homeownership slowly increases.
  • # Earners – 1 Earner, 2+ CUs flipped for the second consecutive year and are back on the bottom.
    • Winner – 2 Earners – Pet Supplies Spending: $8.26B; Up $0.80B (+10.6%)
      • 2017: 1 Earner, 2+ CU
    • Loser – 1 Earner, 2+ CU – Pet Supplies Spending: $4.13B; Down $0.17B (-4.1%)
      • 2017: No Earner, Single
    • Comment – Income is always a big factor and the # of Earners became more important in 2018, at least for the 70.5% of CUs with 2 or more people. Singles spent more on Supplies regardless if they worked or not. However, in 2+ people CUs, unless there were 2 or more earners, Supplies spending decreased. The 2 Earner CUs beat out the 3+ Earner CUs for the biggest increase for 1 simple reason. There are 4 times more of them.
  • Occupation – The Tech/Sales/Clerical flipped to 1st from last.
    • Winner – Tech/Sls/Clerical – Pet Supplies Spending: $3.26B; Up $0.77B (+31.0%)
      • 2017: Mgrs & Professionals
    • Loser – Retired – Pet Supplies Spending: $3.05B; Down $0.42B (-12.0%)
      • 2017: Tech/Sls/Clerical
    • Comment – Last year all groups spent more on Supplies. In 2018 all groups but Retirees spent more, even Blue-Collar workers. However, 63% of the increase was driven by Tech/Sls/Clerical workers. Their “Bosses”- Managers & Professionals and the Self-Employed supplied 32%.
  • Education – BA/BS Degrees led the way for the second consecutive year.
    • Winner – BA/BS Degree – Pet Supplies Spending: $6.27B; Up $0.76B (+13.8%)
      • 2017: BA/BS Degree
    • Loser – < High School Grads – Pet Supplies Spending: $0.60B; Down $0.17B (-22.4%)
      • 2017: High School Grads
    • Comment – There was another clear dividing line. All High School Grads with some college courses, specific job training or a formal degree spent more. Those with only a High School diploma or less, spent less.
  • Area Type – Suburbs Over 2500 population kept the top spot.
    • Winner – Suburbs >2500 – Pet Supplies Spending: $8.89B; Up $0.70B (+8.6%)
      • 2017: Suburbs > 2500
    • Loser – Suburbs < 2500 – Pet Supplies Spending: $3.64B; Up $0.12B (+3.5%)
      • 2017: Rural
    • Comment – All areas spent more but those with a population over 2500 supplied 80% of the increase.
  • Region – In 2017 All groups spent more. In 2018 all but the Northeast spent more.
    • Winner – Midwest – Pet Supplies Spending: $4.27B; Up $0.67B (+18.6%)
      • 2017: Northeast
    • Loser – Northeast – Pet Supplies Spending: $3.35B; Down $0.40B (-10.7%)
      • 2017: Midwest
    • Comment – A dual flip. The Midwest flipped from last to first, but they now have 2 consecutive years of increases. They narrowly edged out the South for the win. The “score” was +$0.67B to +$0.64B.
  • Income – Last year all groups spent more. This year it was truly a mixed bag with a new winner and loser.
    • Winner – $200K > – Pet Supplies Spending: $2.95B; Up $0.61B (+26.2%)
      • 2017: $150 to $199K
    • Loser – $70 > 99K – Pet Supplies Spending: $2.88B; Down $0.16B (-5.2%)
      • 2017: <$30K
    • Comment – The Mixed Bag: <$40K and $70>99K groups spent less. $40>69K and Over $100K groups spent more.
  • Age – Last year all groups spent more. This year the 65>74 yr olds were the only group to spend less.
    • Winner – 35>44 yrs – Pet Supplies Spending: $4.05B; Up $0.56B (+16.0%)
      • 2017: 55>64 yrs
    • Loser – 65>74 yrs – Pet Supplies Spending: $2.36B; Down $0.09B (-3.8%)
      • 2017: <25 yrs
    • Comment: There were no repeats or flips and a very simple result with only 65>74 year olds spending less. The 35>44 year olds led the way but they had some help. In fact, the 25>54 year old range spent $1.13B more and accounted for 93% of the increase.
  • CU Composition – Married Couples Only had a bad year in Food but again had the biggest increase in supplies $.
    • Winner – Married, Couple Only – Supplies: $6.05B; Up $0.47B (+8.5%)
      • 2017: Married, Couple Only
    • Loser – Single Parents – Supplies: $0.63B; Down $0.19B (-23.4%)
      • 2017: Unmarried, 2+ Adults
    • Comment – The increases were small but widespread. All CUs but Single Parents and Married Couples with no children, but at least one other adult living with them spent more.
  • # in CU – For the second consecutive year, all groups registered an increase.
    • Winner – 4 People – Pet Supplies Spending: $3.11B; Up $0.34B (+12.3%)
      • 2017: 2 People
    • Loser – 5+ People – Pet Supplies Spending: $1.92B; Up $0.16B (+9.2%)
      • 2017: 3 People
    • Comment: The increases were very balanced across all sizes. 4 person CUs were up $0.34B. 5+ person CUs were up $0.16B. The smaller CUs, 1-3 people were all up from $0.22 to $0.28B.

We’ve now seen the winners and losers in terms of increase/decrease in Pet Supplies Spending $ for 12 Demographic Categories. In 2018, 24 months of strong growth slowed. 3 of 12 categories had no segments that spent less on Supplies but that was down from 10 in 2017. We saw many of the traditionally strong performers on the top again. There were 3 somewhat surprising winners, 4 Person CU’s, Tech/Sls/Clerical and Millennials, which all skew younger in age. However, not every good performer can be “the” winner and some of these “hidden” segments should be recognized for their outstanding performance. They don’t win an award, but they deserve…


The numbers from these segments certainly merit their recognition for Honorable Mention. They also reinforce the gains in importance of Education, Income, Youth and Population density to increased Supplies spending. Adv. Degrees were the best performers and BA/BS had the biggest increase, but Assoc. Degree spent 20% more on Supplies. $100>149K finished 2nd but reinforces the importance of Income. Over $100K: +$1.31B. Under $100K: -$0.09B. The 25>34 yr olds had the second biggest increase, but the 25>44 yr olds provided 70% of the total lift. The South was within 5% of the winning Midwest region. Having “kids” was important as 3 people CUs was second only to 4 people CUs. Population mattered as Center City was second to Suburbs >2500. 2018 was not as great as 2017 but it was still pretty good as 72 of 92 Demographic Segments 78.3% spent more on Supplies.


While Pet Food spending has shown a definite pattern, Pet Supplies have been on a roller coaster ride since 2009. Many Supplies categories have become commoditized and react strongly to changes in the CPI. Prices go up and spending goes down…and vice versa. Supplies spending has also been reactive to big spending changes in Food. Consumers spend more to upgrade their Food, so they spend less on Supplies – trading dollars. We saw this in 2015. Then in 2016 the situation reversed. Consumers value shopped for Food, so they spent some of the “saved” money to increase their spending on Supplies.

That brought us to 2017. Both Supplies and Food prices deflated while the inflation rate in both of the Services segments dropped to lows not seen in recent years. Value was the “word” and it was available across the market. Perhaps the biggest impact was that the upgrade to super premium Food significantly penetrated the market. This could have negatively impacted Supplies Spending, but it didn’t. Supplies’ spending increased in 93% of 92 demographic segments.

2018 started out as expected with a $1B increase in Supplies and a small lift in Food. Then the government got involved. In July the FDA issued a warning on grain free dog food and spending dropped over $2B. New tariffs were implemented on Supplies and spending flattened out then turned down $0.01B in the 2nd half. Because of shipping timing, the retail impact of Tariffs is delayed. However, in the 2nd half of 2018 they seem to have started to affect Supplies spending.

Among the demographic categories in which a consumer has some control, Higher Income, Marriage, Homeownership and Higher Education are still the biggest factors in increased Supplies spending. In 2018 Income stayed on top but some categories directly associated with income, Occupation, # of Earners and Higher Education also increased in importance.

Increased Tariffs mean increased prices which negatively impacts Supplies Spending. Let’s take a demographic look. The 12 best performing segments were all 1st or 2nd in income. The 12 worst performers were all at or near the bottom in income. 8 of the 12 groups with the biggest increase were also in the top 2 in income. Half of the losers were in the income basement. There were 20 segments with decreased Supplies Spending. Half had very low income.

It appears that 2018 increased the overall importance and reach of income in Supplies Spending. The one exception was the Millennial Movement. They rank only 3rd in income but the older ones are at or above the national average.

It will be interesting to see how the tariffs affect 2019 Supplies Spending.

Finally – The “Ultimate” Pet Supplies Spending CU consists of 4 people – a married couple, with 2 children, the oldest is over 18. They are in the 45 to 54 age range. They are White, but not of Hispanic origin. At least one of them has an advanced College Degree. Both of them work, running their own business and their oldest child just started a part time, after school job. They’re doing well with an income over $200K. They live in a small suburb, adjacent to a big city in the Western U.S. and are still paying off the mortgage.



2018 Pet Food Spending was $28.85B- Where did it come from…?

As we continue to drill ever deeper into the demographic Pet spending data from the US BLS, we have now reached the level of individual Industry segments. We will start with Pet Food, the largest and arguably most influential of all. We have noted the trendy nature of Pet Food Spending – 2 years up then spending goes flat or turns downward for a year. This pattern began in 1997 but has become more pronounced since 2003. After the dip in 2016, Food spending increased by $4.6B in 2017 due to a deeper market penetration of super premium foods. We then expected a small increase in 2018 but what we got was a $2.27B decrease (-7.3%). This was likely due to the reaction to the FDA warning on grain free dog food. A pattern of over 20 years was broken by 1 statement. Let’s take a closer look.

First, we’ll see which groups were most responsible for the bulk of Pet Food spending and the $2.27B drop. The first chart details the biggest pet food spenders for each of 10 demographic categories. It shows their share of CU’s, share of pet Food spending and their spending performance (Share of spending/share of CU’s). 9 of the groups are the same as Total Pet. However, Pet Food spending by Age group has become more balanced and skewed slightly older. The categories are presented in the order that reflects their share of Total Pet Spending. This highlights the differences in importance. In Pet Food the # of earners is far less important while Marriage matters more. Also, while Income is still the highest performing demographic characteristic, it carries less weight in Food spending. Another big difference is that Total Pet had 6 groups performing at or above 120%. Pet Food had only 4. This indicates that Pet Food spending and Pet ownership is spread more evenly across demographic segments. Pet Products also had only 4 groups over 120%. This shows the influence of the Pet Food Segment which still accounts for 59% of Pet Products $ and 37% of all Pet Spending.

  1. Race/Ethnic – White, not Hispanic (83.2%) down from 86.6%. This large group accounts for the vast majority of spending in every segment. Like 7 other big groups, their performance fell. It was down to 120.5% from 126.4%, but this category still ranks #4 in terms of importance in Pet Food Spending demographic characteristics. While Hispanics, African Americans and Asian American account for over 31% of U.S. CU’s, they spend only 17% of Pet Food $. However, this is up from 13% last year. Pet ownership is relatively high in Hispanic households and they fueled the growth, but it remains significantly lower for African Americans and Asian Americans.
  2. # in CU – 2+ people (80.3%) – down from 82.4%.The share of market for 2+ CU’s is over 80% for all segments but Services. Their overall Food performance fell from 115.6% to 113.8% largely because it was a bad year for 2 person CUs and a good year for singles. 2 Person households are still the performance leader but in the 2+ group only 4 person CU’s underperform…slightly. Their lowest performance rating is 94%, which is not bad. The old adage about Pet Spending is still true, “It just takes two.”
  3. Housing – Homeowners (76.8%) – down from 80.9%. Homeownership is a huge factor in pet ownership and more pet spending. However their share dropped and their performance fell from 128.6% to 121.0%. Homeownership went from 2nd to 3rd in terms of importance for increased pet Food spending. It was an incredibly bad year for Homeowners w/o a mortgage and a good year for renters.
  4. Income – Over $50K (68.7%) – down from 70.5%. Although their performance rating dropped significantly from 136.9% to 128.9%, CU income is still the single most important factor in increased Pet Food Spending. However, the over $50K income group has its smallest market share and lowest performance in the Food Segment. Since Pet Food is a “must buy” for Pet Parents, this is evidence that pet ownership is common across all income levels. The drop in share and performance was largely driven by a $2.9B decrease in spending by the $50>149K group.
  5. Education – Associates Degree or Higher (62.8%) – up from 55.4%. Education regained importance in Pet Food Spending. The performance of higher education grew from 102.4% to 115.2%. All groups with a formal degree after High School spent more. The other groups, especially HS grads w/some college spent less.
  6. Occupation – All Wage & Salary Earners (60.4%) – down from 67.7% – In an exact reversal of 2017, the spending of Blue-Collar workers dropped precipitously while the Self-employed spent more. Even though Tech/Sls/Clerical workers increased spending, the performance of All Wage & Salary earners fell from 110.8% to 98.9%. This big group is no longer “earning their share” in Pet Food Spending.
  7. # Earners – “Everyone Works” (58.2%) – down from 58.4%. There was little change from last year as their performance also fell slightly from 101.9% to 100.7%. Income matters most in Pet Food Spending but it appears that the # of Earners matters very little, regardless of whether overall spending in the segment is up or down.
  8. Age – 45>74 (60.4%) – down from 65.9%. There was a huge decrease by the 55>64-yr olds but the 35>54 yr olds also spent less. The 65>74 group increased spending by $0.92B so the “big” group became 45>74. The performance of the new group fell from 128.2% to 118.7% so “Age” category dropped out of the 120+% club.
  9. CU Composition – Married Couples (61.3%) – down from 62.5%. Although they lost a little in share and their performance fell from 126.3% to 123.5%, they moved up from 5th to 2nd place due to Married CUs with children.
  10. Area – Suburban (60.1%) up from 55.4%. Suburban areas are the biggest Food spenders and they gained share. Their performance jumped from 99.6% to 108.4% due to a bad year by Rural and a $1.5B gain by Suburbs >2500

9 out of 10 big spenders for Pet Food are the same as those for Total Pet and Pet Products but generally have a lower market share and performance. Pet Food spending fell $2.27B in 2018. We have strong initial indications that much of the drop came from a complete reversal of spending from the groups that upgraded in 2017, possibly due to the FDA warning. Income is still important but there are indications of more balanced spending in most demographic categories.

Now, we’ll look at 2018’s best and worst performing Pet Food spending segments in each category.

Even as we drill down to the Industry segment level, many of the best and worst performers are the ones that we would expect. In Pet Food spending, there are  7 that are different from 2017, which is 2 more than for Total Pet but the same as Pet Products. 7 of 12 winners are the same as Pet Products but all the losers match. This demonstrates the impact that the Food spending decrease had on overall Pet Products. Changes from 2017 are “boxed”. We should note:

  • Income is important in every segment. However, Food is the only segment in which the winner is not $200K+. Also, every income group above $50K is performing at or above 100% in Pet Food Spending.
  • # Earners – 1 Earner, 2+ CU’s took the top spot for the second consecutive year. While income is still the biggest factor, the number of earners is far less important in Pet Food than any other segment – more balanced spending.
  • Occupation & Education – The winners and losers returned to more “normal” segments.
  • Generation – As usual, the Boomers won, but the Millennials are no longer the worst performers – finally!
  • Age – Despite a terrible year, the 55>64-yr olds finished on top. The big news is the <25 group got off the bottom.
  • CU Composition – Married, Couples Only won for the 4th straight year.
  • Area – Rural won again but their performance fell from 238.9% to 154.2% and they dropped from 1st to 2nd

It’s time to “Show you the money”. Here are segments with the biggest $ changes in Pet Food Spending.

There is 1 repeat from 2017 – the South lost again. 17 of the 24 segments (71%) flipped from 1st to last or vice versa – talk about turmoil! 6 of the 12 categories had dual flips but we still had some surprise winners, like Millennials, 65>74 yr olds and Renters. It is at this level where the demographic uniqueness of the different industry segments truly shows up. Here are the specifics:

  • Income – The winner and loser flipped in 2018.
    • Winner – $150 to $199K – Pet Food Spending: $2.83B; Up $1.08B (+62.3%)
      • 2017: $40 to $69K
    • Loser – $50 to $69K – Pet Food Spending: $3.77B; Down $1.38B (-26.8%)
      • 2017: $150 to $199K
    • Comment – Only the $150>199K and $30>39K group spent more on Food in 2018, +$2.03B. The other groups – High, Middle and Low were down -$4.3B.
  • Generation – The Millennials finally earned some of their publicity with a win.
    • Winner – Millennials – Pet Food Spending: $6.04B; Up $0.99B (+19.6%)
      • 2017: Boomers
    • Loser – Boomers – Pet Food Spending: $11.78B; Down $3.93B (-25.0%)
      • 2017: Silent
    • Comment – Boomers are still the biggest spenders but are subject to big $ swings with their 4th consecutive flip.
  • Area Type – Rural gave back all of their 2017 gains and flipped from 1st to last.
    • Winner – Suburbs >2500 – Pet Food Spending: $12.97B; Up $0.78B (+6.4%)
      • 2017: Rural
    • Loser – Rural – Pet Food Spending: $3.70B; Down $2.47B (-40.0%)
      • 2017: Central City
    • Comment – Areas over 2500 pop. spent more, +$0.88B. Areas under 2500 spent a lot less, -$3.15B
  • Occupation – A dual flip from 2017.
    • Winner – Self-Employed– Pet Food Spending: $2.41B; Up $0.78B (+47.6%)
      • 2017: Blue-Collar Workers
    • Loser – Blue-Collar Workers – Pet Food Spending: $4.64B; Down $3.58B (-43.6%)
      • 2017: Self-Employed
    • Comment – This is where the spending flip becomes better defined. Blue-Collar Workers clearly backed down from their 2017 food upgrade, which was a likely reaction to the FDA warning. At the same time, the Self-Employed grew in number and took the opposite route by spending significantly more per CU on Pet Food.
  • Age – The 65>74 yr olds are truly a surprise winner.
    • Winner – 65>74 yrs – Pet Food Spending: $4.80B; Up $0.75B (+18.5%)                  
      • 2017: 55>64 yrs
    • Loser – 55>64 yrs – Pet Food Spending: $6.73B; Down $03.51B (-34.3%)
      • 2017: <25 yrs
    • Comment: The 55>64-yr olds flipped from 1st to last but all groups from 35>64 spent less. However, the older and younger groups spent more. The result was that Pet Food spending became more balanced in terms of age.
  • Housing – The unusual growth from renters came from both younger and older groups.
    • Winner – Renters – Food: $6.69B; Up $0.74B (+12.4%)
      • 2017: Homeowners w/o Mtge
    • Loser – Homeowners w/o Mtge – Food: $7.13B; Down $3.06B (-30.0%)
      • 2017: Homeowners w/Mtge
    • Comment – Homeowners w/o Mtge flipped from first to last but the decrease didn’t come from Retirees. Their spending was up. It likely came from Baby Boomers who have paid off their home but are still working.
  • # Earners – No Earner, Singles were the only group to increase CU spending on Pet Food.
    • Winner –– No Earner, Single – Pet Food Spending: $2.28B; Up $0.64B (+38.8%)
      • 2017: 1 Earner, 2+ CU
    • Loser – 1 Earner, 2+ CU – Pet Food Spending: $7.12B; Down $1.51B (-17.5%)
      • 2017: 2 Earners
    • Comment – 1 Earner, 2+ CUs flipped from biggest increase to biggest decrease but still remained the top performing group. This happened often in 2018 and shows just how big of a lead that they had on other groups.
  • Race/Ethnic – A dual flip as Hispanics moved to the top with a 29% spending increase.
    • Winner –– Hispanic – Pet Food Spending: $24.01B; Up $0.62B (+29.3%)
      • 2017: White, Not Hispanic
    • Loser – White, Not Hispanic – Pet Food Spending: $2.74B; Down $2.93B (-10.9%)
      • 2017: Hispanic
    • Comment – The U.S. is slowly becoming more racially/ethnically diverse. In 2014 White, Not Hispanics were 70.2% of U.S. CUs. In 2018 their share was down slightly to 69.0%. This group is by far the biggest spender in every Pet Industry Segment. However, they have their smallest share in Food, and it is slowly shrinking. In 2014 it was 86.7%. In 2018 it was down to 83.2%. Since it is a necessity, Food spending is one indicator of Pet ownership. Pet Ownership by Hispanics is relatively high. It may be increasing in Asian American and African American CUs.
  • CU Composition – A dual flip, but Married Couple Only is still the performance leader.
    • Winner – Married, Oldest Child <6 – Food: $1.16B; Up $0.56B (+93.4%)
      • 2017: Married, Couple Only
    • Loser – Married, Couple Only – Food: $9.06B; Down $2.05B (-18.4%)
      • 2017: Married, Oldest Child <6
    • Comment – In 2017 Married Couples with the oldest child <6 was the only segment in this category to have a decrease. In 2018, they were on top. However, Married, Oldest Child 6>17, Single Parents and Singles also spent more. Every other group spent less. It was an unusual year in Pet Food spending.
  • Education – Another dual flip and more evidence of the reversal of the 2017 upgrade.
    • Winner – Assoc. Degree – Food Spending: $3.4B; Up $0.52B (+18.0%)
      • 2017: HS Grad w/some College
    • Loser – HS Grad w/some College – Food Spending: $5.67B; Down $3.44B (-37.7%)
      • 2017: Assoc. Degree
    • Comment – Those with an Associate’s degree, College Grads, High School Grads and even those who didn’t finish High School all spent more on Food, but they couldn’t overcome the huge drop by HS Grads with some College.
  • # in CU – A final dual flip, but once again the loser remains the best performing segment in the category.
    • Winner – 3 People – Pet Food Spending: $4.67B; Up $0.47B (+11.2%)
      • 2017: 2 People
    • Loser – 2 People – Pet Food Spending: $12.28B; Down $2.53B (-17.1%)
      • 2017: 3 People
    • Comment: 3 person CU’s and singles were the only sizes with increased Food spending. This means that married couples with only 1 child had the biggest increase in pet food spending in 2018.
  • Region – Last year every region spent more. This year they all spent less.
    • Winner – West – Pet Food Spending: $6.78B; Down $0.14B (-2.1%)
      • 2017: Midwest
    • Loser – South – Pet Food Spending: $10.73B; Down $1.16B (-9.7%)
      • 2017: South
    • Comment – Although The South kept the “loser” position, the fact that every region spent less shows the widespread impact of the 2018 Pet Food spending reversal.

We’ve now seen the “winners” and “losers” in terms of increase/decrease in Pet Food Spending $ for 12 Demographic Categories. The results strongly reinforce our initial observations of a spending reversal by the groups that largely drove the $4.6B increase in 2017. Since the spending drop occurred in the second half, it is likely a reaction to the FDA warning about grain free dog food made in July of 2018. In this situation there were a number of segments with a huge decrease in spending. However, we have identified 11 of the 12 “winning” segments which unsuccessfully tried to reverse the $2.27B decrease in Pet Food Spending. They were not alone. Not every good performer can be a winner. Some “hidden” segments should also be recognized for performance. They don’t win an award, but they get…


The spending lift by the <25 group may be the most significant because it signals increased involvement with pets. The $30>39K income group reflects the positive performance by Retirees. Asian Americans’ spending was up 35.5% which is a great sign as this group has the lowest percentage of pet ownership. Single Parents rarely win any spending awards. Their 13.7% increase deserves recognition. Also, the “bosses” generally get the credit, but the Tech/Sales/Clerical workers spent $0.54B more in 2018. Finally, the Millennials had the biggest increase, but the Gen Xers weren’t far behind, +$0.61B. The drop in Pet Food Spending was widespread, but 2018 wasn’t all bad news. 43 of 92 demographic segments, 46.7% spent more on Food.


As we have noted, the Pet Food spending drop in 2018 was unexpected as it broke a pattern of 2 years up followed by 1 year of flat or declining sales which has been going on since 1997. This trendy nature increased with the first significant move to premium foods in 2004. The Melamine crisis in 2007 intensified the pattern and resulted in a series of “waves” which became a tsunami with the introduction of Super Premium Foods.

The 25 to 34 yr old Millennials were the first to “get on board” with Super Premium in the second half of 2014. In 2015 a substantial portion of consumers began to upgrade to this new trend. The result was a $5.4B spending increase. These consumers were generally more educated, often worked as managers or were self-employed and had higher incomes. One negative was that they often paid for the upgrade by spending less in other segments. In 2016 the anticipated drop in spending happened. The “upgraded” group began value shopping for their new food and found great deals online and in some stores. They spent some of the $3.0B “saved” Food dollars in other segments but not enough to make up for the drop in Food. Total Pet Spending was down $0.46B. In 2017 we were ready for a new “wave”. Thanks to a very price competitive market, what we got was a deeper penetration of Super Premium foods. This group of upgraders was mostly middle-income, not college educated and often Blue-collars workers. Most also were in the 55>64 year old age group. The result was a $4.6B increase but this time there was no trading $ with other segments.

That brings us to 2018. We expected a small annual increase in Pet Food and spending in the first half was up $0.25B. Then the bottom dropped out as spending fell $2.51B in the second half. The timing of this spending drop, in correlation with the FDA warning on grain free is too close to be a coincidence. When we got the 2018 data, we began an in depth demographic analysis of Pet Food Spending. It turns out that the big decrease in pet food spending was coming directly from the groups who had fueled the big 2017 increase. They had obviously backed off from the previous year’s upgrade “en masse”. Fear for their pet’s welfare is the obvious reason for such an abrupt turnaround. This is especially true since the primary motivator for pet parents is the health and well-being of their pet children, especially regarding nutrition.

As you have seen from our analysis, it certainly caused turmoil in the segment as 71% of the demographic groups with the biggest change in Pet Food $ switched from first to last or vice versa from their position in 2017. However, It wasn’t all turmoil and bad news. 47% of 92 democratic segments increased pet food spending. They may have upgraded even more, added supplements or wanted more facts on grain free. The other good news is that the average gap between the best and worst performing segments in 12 categories fell by 23%. Pet Food spending is becoming even more demographically balanced in America. We’ll see what 2019 brings. Are we starting a new pattern or maybe no pattern?

Finally – 2018’s “Ultimate” Pet Food Spending CU is 2 people – a married couple, alone. They are 55>64 years old. They are White, but not of Hispanic origin. At least one has an advanced college degree and they both work in their own business. They earn $150 to $200K but are still paying for a mortgage on their house in a small suburb in the Midwest.



2018 Pet Products Spending was $48.65B – Where did it come from…?

We looked at the Total Pet Spending for 2018 and its key demographic sources. Now we’ll start drilling down into the data. Ultimately, we will look at each individual segment but the first stop in our journey of discovery will be Pet Products – Pet Food and Supplies. Food and Supplies are the industry segments that are most familiar to consumers as they are stocked in over 200,000 U.S. retail outlets, plus the internet. Every week over 22,000,000 U.S. households buy food and/or treats for their pet children. Pet Products accounted for $48.65B (61.9%) of the $78.6B in Total Pet spending in 2018. This was down $1.046B (-2.1%) from the $49.69B that was spent in 2017. We have seen that this drop was caused by the reaction to the FDA warning on grain free dog food which drove food spending down in the second half combined with new tariffs on Supplies, which flattened spending in that segment in the second half.

Overall, in 2018 Pet Food spending fell -$2.27B, while Supplies spending growth slowed to +$1.22B. We’ll combine the data and see where the bulk of Pet Products spending comes from.

We will follow the same methodology that we used in our Total Pet analysis. First, we will look at Pet Products Spending in terms of the same 10 demographic category groups that were responsible for 60+% of Total Pet spending. Then we will look for the best and worst performing segments in each category and finally, the segments that generated the biggest dollar gains or losses in 2018.

The first chart details the biggest pet product spenders for each demographic category. It shows their share of CU’s, share of pet products spending and their spending performance (spending share/share of CU’s). Although their share of the total products $ may be different from their share of the Total Pet $, the biggest spending groups are the same. The categories are presented in the order that reflects their share of Total Pet Spending. This highlights the differences. In Pet Products spending, the # of earners and occupation are less important while marriage and area type matter more. We should also note that, like Total Pet Spending, Income is the highest performing demographic characteristic. In Pet Products there are 4 groups with a performance rating of over 120%, which is down from 5 last year. This is two less than Total Pet, which indicates that Pet Products spending is spread more evenly across the category segments.

  1. Race/Ethnic – White, not Hispanic (84.5%, down from 85.7%) They are no longer the largest group but still account for the vast majority of spending in every segment. With a 122.3% performance rating, this category still ranks #4 in terms of importance in Pet Products Spending demographic characteristics. Hispanics, African Americans and Asian American account for over 30% of U.S. CU’s, but they only spend 15% of Pet Products $. Although pet ownership is relatively high in Hispanic American households, it is significantly lower for African Americans and Asian Americans.
  2. # in CU – 2+ people (81.3%, down from 82.5%) The spending numbers for Pet Products are higher than those for Total Pet, 80.9%. If you put 2 people together, pets very likely will follow. If you have a pet, you must spend money on food and supplies. Their overall performance of 115.2% is lower because of a bad year for 2 person CUs and a great year for singles. Performance decreases as the number of people in the CU increases but all CU sizes with 2 or more people perform above 100% so they all “earn their share”. The key is “It just takes two.”
  3. Housing – Homeowners (78.1% down from 80.3%). Controlling your “own space” has long been the key to pet ownership, larger pet families and more pet spending. At 123.0% performance, homeownership fell from to second to third place in terms of importance for increased pet products spending. Homeownership increased by 0.6% in 2018, but Renters had a big year in Pet Products spending, +9.0%.
  4. Income – Over $50K (70.5%, down from 70.9%). Pet Parenting is common in all income groups but money does matter in spending behavior for all industry segments. With a performance rating of 132.4%, (down from 137.7%) CU income is still the single most important factor in increased Pet Products Spending. As a general rule,  Higher Income = Higher Pet Products Spending. However, in 2018 much of the decrease in share and performance was due to decreased spending by the middle income groups. $50>99K was down -$2.17B.
  5. Education – Associates Degree or Higher (65.0%, up from 59.0%). Their performance level also skyrocketed from 109.9% to 119.2%. In 2017 there was a big spending lift by High School Grads with some College. They reversed course in 2018, down -$3.3B. All education levels below Associates Degree spent less, every group with a formal degree spent more. Pet Parents don’t need a College degree, but higher education once again produces increased $.
  6. Occupation – All Wage & Salary Earners (62.4%, down from 66.1%). Pet ownership is widespread across all segments in this group. The low performance, 102.1%, down from 108.2%, reflects increased balance, but some turmoil. There was a big spending drop from blue-collar workers but a lift from Tech/Sls/Clerical and self-employed.
  7. # Earners – “Everyone Works” (61.2%, up from 59.9%). Their performance is 105.8%, up from 104.5%. In this group, all adults in the CU are employed. After a great 2017 by CU’s with 2+ people and only one earner, their spending fell $1.7B in 2018. 2 & 3 Earner CUs spent more in 2018, along with No Earner, Singles. Income is a still a priority in Pet Products Spending, but not how many people work to get it.
  8. Age – 35>64 (61.9%, down from 66.4%). Their performance also decreased from 124.3% to 117.0% and they dropped out of the 120+% performance club. Although the 35>54 group increased spending by $.45B, the 55>64 year old Baby Boomers’ spending fell $3.33B. Increases by every other age group made spending more balanced.
  9. CU Composition – Married Couples (62.7%, down from 63.1%). Pet parenting and marriage both represent strong commitments. Their performance decreased from 127.5% to 126.4%, but they moved up to 2nd place. Married Couples only spent less. Married w/children spent more but overall, Marriage is very important in Pet Products $.
  10. Area – Suburban (61.4%, up from 58.2%). Their performance also jumped from 104.7% to 110.7%. Suburban households are the biggest pet spenders. However, population truly mattered in 2018. Suburban and Rural areas under 2500 population were down $2.9B. Suburban areas over 2500 were up $1.5B and Center City was up $0.36B.

Although the biggest spending groups are the same for Pet Products as for Total Pet, there are subtle differences in market share and performance. Money still matters most but how you earn it matters less. It appears that Pet Products Spending is becoming more balanced  across almost all demographic categories.

Now, let’s drill deeper and look at 2018’s best and worst performing Products spending segments in each category.

Most of the best and worst performers are the ones that we would expect. However, there are 7 that are different from 2017. That is the same as last year but 2 more than Total Pet. Changes from 2017 are “boxed”.

We should note: Only 1 of the Product winners is different from Total Pet – 55>64 yr olds, who won despite a 30 point drop in performance. The performance of the matching segments is lower than Total Pet, with 1 exception – the Suburbs <2500. Their performance fell from 170% to 160% but they still grabbed 2nd place, behind the $200K+ group.

The average performance of the 2018 Product winners was 134.6%, down sharply from 142.8% – 9 were down. The average for the losers was 63.4%, up from 60.0% – 9 were up. The narrowing of the gap between best and worst reinforces that Pet Products spending is becoming more balanced across America. We should also note:

  • Generation – The biggest change was Gen X replaced the Boomers at the top for the first time since….
  • Occupation – Self-employed bounced back in income and their spending reflects the increase. Blue Collar workers were the group most affected by the second half drop in Food spending.
  • Region – The West held on to the top spot but now only 2 regions are performing above 100%
  • Age – The under 25 group got involved with pets and moved out of last place.

Except for Gen X, the winners are the ones we expected, but the gap between top and bottom has narrowed.

It’s time to “Show you the money”. Here are segments with the biggest $ changes in Pet Products Spending.

In this section we will see who drove Pet Products spending down. There is only one repeat from 2017 – the Midwest won again. There was definitely turmoil as 15 Segments switched positions – from first to last or vice versa. However, there are other surprises, like the performance of 65>74 yr olds, Tech/Sales/Clerical workers, Hispanics and Millennials.

  • Generation – Millennials edged out Gen X for the top spot and had the biggest lift of any segment in any category.
    • Winner – Millennials – Products Spending: $10.61B; Up $1.89B (+21.7%)
      • 2017: Baby Boomers
    • LoserBaby Boomers – Products Spending: $18.65B; Down $4.55B (-19.6%)
      • 2017: Silent Generation
    • Comment – Only Boomers spent less, everyone else combined couldn’t make up the difference.
  • Area Type – After a big 2017, Rural flipped from first to last.
    • Winner – Suburbs >2500 – Products Spending: $21.86B; Up $1.49B (+7.3%)
      • 2017: Rural
    • Loser – Rural – Products Spending: $5.36B; Down $2.34B (-30.4%)
      • 2017: Central City
    • Comment –Urbanization? All areas under 2500 pop. down $2.9B; Areas over 2500 pop. up $1.85B.
  • Occupation – Another flip, as Blue-Collar workers gave back their big 2017 lift in food.
    • Winner – Tech, Sales, Clerical – Products Spending: $8.22B; Up $1.31B (+18.9%)
      • 2017: Blue-Collar Workers
    • Loser – Blue-Collar Workers – Products Spending: $7.88B; Down $3.34B (-29.8%)
      • 2017: Self-employed
    • Comment – The non-manager, white collar workers stepped up and the Self-Employed returned to prominence, but they couldn’t overcome the negative Blue Wave.
  • Education – In 2017 Education was less of a factor in Pet Products spending. In 2018 it returned to prominence.
    • Winner – BA/BS Degree – Products Spending: $14.16B; Up $1.28B (+9.9%)
      • 2017: HS Grad w/some College
    • Loser – HS Grad w/some College – Products Spending: $9.05B; Down $3.3B (-26.7%)
      • 2017: Assoc. Degree
    • Comment – Once again there is a simple dividing line. If you have a formal degree after HS, you spent more on Pet Products, +$2.3B. All other education segments spent less, -$3.35B.
  • Income – The lower Middle Income group was the most impacted by the decline in Food Spending.
    • Winner – $150 to $199K – Products Spending: $5.10B; Up $1.22B (+31.5%)
      • 2017: $40 to 69K
    • Loser – $50 to $69K – Products Spending: $6.39B; Down $1.32B (-17.1%)
      • 2017: $30 to $39K
    • Comment – The total middle-income group, $50>99K was down $2.17B. Only the Over $150K and the $30>39K groups generated positive numbers, but not enough to overcome drops from everyone else.
  • Housing – The 2017 winner and loser swapped places. This year’s winner also reflects the Millennial influence.
    • Winner – Renter – Products: $10.67B; Up $0.88B (+9.0%)
      • 2017: Homeowner w/o Mtge
    • Loser – Homeowner w/o Mtge– Products Spending: $12.14B; Down $2.78B (-18.6%)
      • 2017: Renter
    • Comment– The biggest group, Homeowners w/Mtges hasn’t been on the radar for 2 years. They were up $.88B.
  • # in CU – A dual flip. The loser reflects the spending drop by Married Couples Only – The Winner: Married, w/1 child.
    • Winner – 3 People – Products Spending: $8.08B; Up $0.75B (+10.2%)
      • 2017: 2 People
    • Loser – 2 People – Products Spending: $20.21B; Down $2.31B (-10.3%)
      • 2017: 3 People
    • Comment: All CU sizes spent more on Supplies but only singles and 3 person CUs spent more on Food. The result was that they were the only groups to increase Pet Products spending.
  • # Earners – Another dual flip but No Earner, Singles was truly a surprise winner.
    • Winner – No Earner, Single– Products Spending: $3.57B; Up $0.72B (+25.1%)
      • 2017: 1 Earner, 2+ CU
    • Loser –– 1 Earner, 2+ CU Products Spending: $11.25B; Down $1.69B (-13.0%)
      • 2017: No Earner, Single
    • Comment – The # of Earners is less of a factor in Pet Product spending, unless you have 2 or more people in your CU. In those cases, (81% of America) only CUs with 2 or more earners spent more.
  • CU Composition – One last dual flip. The winner reflects the strong performance by the younger groups.
    • Winner – Married, Oldest child <6– Products: $1.94B; Up $0.66B (+51.9%)
      • 2017: Married, Couple Only
    • Loser – Married, Couple Only – Products: $15.11B; Down $1.57B (-9.4%)
      • 2017: Married Oldest Child <6
    • Comment – Married Couples only are perennially the best performers but 2018 was a bad year…for Food. They spent more on Supplies. Married Couples with children, oldest child from 6>17 and singles also spent more on both Food and Supplies. The overall lift by Supplies for most groups couldn’t overcome the drop in Food.
  • Age – These results show that the Boomers’ product spending drop came from the younger members of the group.
    • Winner – 65>74 yrs – Products Spending: $7.15B; Up $0.66B (+10.1%)
      • 2017: 55>64 yrs
    • Loser – 55>64 yrs – Products Spending: $11.08B; Down $3.33B (-23.1%)
      • 2017: <25 yrs
    • Comment: All groups <45 or 65+ spent more on Products. The 45>64 yr olds spent less, but it gets complicated. The under 35 and over 75 groups spent more on both Food and Supplies. 35>64 age range spent less on food but more on Supplies. The “winning” 65>74 yr olds did the opposite. – A very good reason to look at each segment.
  • Race/Ethnic – White, Non-Hispanics account for 84.5% of Pet Products’ $, but the minorities are very slowly gaining.
    • Winner – Hispanic – Products Spending: $4.25B; Up $0.51B (+13.7%)
      • 2017: White, Not Hispanic
    • Loser – White, Not Hispanic – Products Spending: $41.09B; Down $1.50B (-3.5%)
      • 2017: Asian Americans
    • Comment – The spending by African Americans and Asians was essentially flat. However, the Hispanics stepped up with a big lift in Food $. The U.S. is becoming more ethnically/racially diverse. Let’s hope that Pet Products spending does too.
  • Region – The Midwest hung on to the top spot by having the biggest increase in Supplies Spending
    • Winner – Midwest – Products Spending: $11.12B; Up $0.39B (+3.6%)
      • 2017: Midwest
    • Loser – Northeast – Products Spending: $7.84B; Down $1.08B (-12.1%)
      • 2017: South
    • Comment – Every region spent less on Food but only the Northeast also spent less on Supplies.

We’ve now seen the “winners” and “losers” in terms of increase/decrease in Pet Products Spending $ for 12 Demographic Categories. 2018 was not a great year for Pet Products Spending due to Food. Many 2017 big spenders like Boomers, Blue Collar Workers, HS Grads with some College and Rural areas did a reversal in 2018. A lot of Segments spent more but their efforts failed to counter the drop in Food spending. Of course, not every good performer can be a winner but some of these “hidden” segments should be recognized for their outstanding effort. In 2018 there were actually quite a lot of them. I’ve narrowed it down to 6. They don’t win an award, but they deserve….


Pet Products spending was down $1B in 2018. However, It was a mixed bag. An increase in Supplies couldn’t quite counter the big drop in Food. A significant increase, +39%, came from the <25 group. This bodes well for the future. It also wasn’t “all about money” as the $30>39K income group spent 25% more. Education once again became more important in Pet Products spending but not just college degrees. The Associates Degree group finished second behind the BA/BS group, but had a 19% increase. Marriage is the second most important factor in Pet Products spending but the CUs with Children were the drivers. Regardless of their children’s age, all groups increased spending. We can’t leave out singles. They are the worst performing group but are 30% of U.S. CUs. They stepped up with a 5% increase. Finally, the large Suburbs had the biggest increase, but Center City also spent more. In 2018, more population, at least in the West and Midwest, meant increased spending. Pet Products spending was down in 2018 but it wasn’t all bad news. 50 of 92 segments had an increase, so 54% spent more.


Spending on Pet Products has been on a roller coaster ride since 2015. Many consumers upgraded to Super Premium Food and cut back on Supplies in 2015. In 2016 they value shopped for Food and Spent some of the saved money on Supplies. In 2017 there was increased availability and value in both segments. More Consumers recognized the opportunity and spent $7B more.

2018 was calm, until the second half when the FDA warning on grain free caused many consumers to downgrade their food and new tariffs on Supplies flattened spending growth. On the surface, big changes weren’t immediately apparent. The demographic groups responsible for most of Pet Products Spending were the same as those in 2017. However, there were changes in their spending share and rankings. Higher Education and Marriage moved up while the number of Earners and Age became less important. In terms of their performance, Income, Marriage and Homeownership stayed on top. However, there were now only 4 groups with 120+% performance as the Age Group dropped out of the club. Total Pet has the same 4, Plus Age and Higher Education. This indicates that Pet Products spending is more balanced than Total Pet in certain demographic categories and this movement continues.

When we looked at the performance of individual segments, the winners were “back to normal” with the groups that we have come to expect through the years, with one major exception – Gen X replaced Baby Boomers as the top performing generation. This was a huge change and the impact became more apparent when we looked at $ changes.

The first thing that we note is that the Boomers spending fell $4.6B. You see the widespread impact as 2017’s big winners like Blue Collar, HS Grads with Some College and Rural “gave it all back” in 2018. In an apparent reaction to the FDA Dog Food warning, they undoubtedly downgraded their Food. This along with the new tariffs on Supplies created incredible turmoil in the 2018 market. 15 of the 24 segments switched positions compared to 2017, from 1st to last or vice versa. However, it wasn’t all bad news. 50 of 92 demographic segments (54%) actually increased Pet Products spending in 2018. Both young and old stepped up. You see this in the performance of winners like Millennials, Renters, 65>74 yr olds, Married with an oldest child under 6 and many more. Although they weren’t able to overcome the massive influence of the Boomers, it bodes well for the future. What about 2019? Hopefully, the Food segment will return to a more normal market. The big question is how will a full year of added tariffs affect Supplies spending?

Finally…The “Ultimate” 2018 Pet Products Spending CU is a married couple, alone. They are in the 45 to 54 age range. They are White, but not of Hispanic origin. At least one of them has an advanced College Degree. Both of them work in their own business, earning over $200K. They still have a mortgage on their house located in a small Suburb  in the West.



2018 Total Pet Spending was $78.60B – Where did it come from…?

Total Pet Spending in the U.S. reached $78.60B in 2018, a $1.47B (1.9%) increase from 2017. These figures and others in this report are calculated from data in the annual Consumer Expenditure Survey conducted by the US BLS. 2018 was a much more sedate year for the industry after the spectacular lift in 2017. However, it was only calm on the surface. When you look at each segment there was a certain amount of turmoil. The FDA warning on grain free dog food, the new tariffs on supplies and increased inflation in Veterinary all had a negative impact on spending in the second half. The good news was a record surge in Services Spending. 2018 also saw a $6.5B drop in spending by the Baby Boomers. Fortunately, other groups, especially the younger ones, stepped up. The situation certainly deserves a closer look.

The first question is, “Who is spending most of the $78+ billion dollars?” There are of course multiple answers. We will look at Total Pet Spending in terms of 10 demographic categories. In each category we will identify the group that is responsible for most of the overall spending. Our target number was to find demographic segments in each category that account for 60% or more of the total. To get the finalists, we started with the biggest spending segment then bundled related groups until we reached at least 60%.

Knowing the specific group within each demographic category that was responsible for generating the bulk of Total Pet $ is the first step in our analysis. Next, we will drill even deeper to show the best and worst performing demographic segments and finally, the segments that generated the biggest dollar gains or losses in 2018.

In the chart that follows, the demographic categories appear in ranked order by Total Pet market share from highest to lowest. We also included their share of total CU’s (Financially Independent Consumer Units) and their performance rating. Performance is their share of market vs their share of CU’s. This is an  important number, not just for measuring the impact of a particular demographic group, but also in measuring the importance of the whole demographic category in Spending. These are all large groups with a high market share. A performance score over 120% means that this demographic measure is extremely important in generating increased Pet Spending. I have highlighted the 6 groups with 120+% performance. (I rounded up for the 35>64 age group).

The groups are the same as in 2017, but some rankings have changed. Everyone Works and Education gained in share ranking and performance. Suburban gained share but not rank. The performance of the other 7 groups fell, indicating more balanced spending. Homeowners, All Wage & Salaried, Married Couples and 35>64 yr olds fell in share ranking.

  1. Race/Ethnic – White, not Hispanic (86.3%) This is the 2nd largest group and accounts for the vast majority of Pet Spending. Their performance rating fell slightly to 125%. This category now officially ranks #5 in terms of importance in Pet Spending demographic characteristics but they are in a virtual tie for 3rd place with 2 other groups. Although this demographic, along with age, are 2 areas in which the consumers have no control. Spending disparities are enhanced by differences in other areas like Income, CU Composition and homeownership. There are also apparently cultural differences which impact Pet Spending. Asian Americans are first in income, education and spending but last in Pet Spending as a percentage of total spending – 0.33% vs a national average of 0.98%.
  2. # in CU – 2+ people (80.9%) It just takes two. Singles still have the lowest performance of any group, but they gained ground in 2018. This gain along with a drop in spending by 2 person CU’s caused the overall performance of 2+ CUs to drop to 114.7%. However, 4 person CUs also gained so only singles and 5+ person CU perform under 100%.
  3. Housing – Homeowners (79.8%) Controlling your “own space” has long been a key to larger pet families and more pet spending. However, 2018 was a good year for renters. Homeowners had the biggest drop in both share and performance. Their 125.7% performance dropped them to 3rd place in terms of importance for increased pet spending. The homeownership rate for Millennials is substantially lower than previous generations when they were the same age but it is increasing. We also saw an impact from more older Americans “downsizing”.
  4. Income – Over $50K (74.9%) Although Pet Parenting is common in all income groups, money does matter. With a performance rating of 138.9%, CU income is the single most important factor in increased Pet Spending. Their performance decreased from 141.6% in 2017. This was driven by a spending drop in the $50>99K range, along with a strong lift from those earning $30>49K.
  5. Education – Associates Degree or Higher (69.5%) Income generally increases with education level and so does Pet spending. Education can also be a key factor in recognizing the value in product improvements, like super premium foods. In 2018 this higher educated group spent $4.9B more on their pets and moved up from 7rd to 5th in share of pet spending. This move also reflects the spending lift by the younger groups as they are generally more educated than Boomers+. At the same time High School Grads with some College substantially decreased their Pet spending so the performance of the Associates Degree and More group moved up from 120.1% to 127.5% – from 6th to 2nd place. This moves Education back to the forefront in terms of importance in Pet Spending.
  6. Occupation – All Wage & Salary Earners (64.4%) – Pet ownership is widespread across all segments in this group. After a big lift In 2017, the blue-collar workers radically cut back their pet spending, especially on Food. All Wage & Salary Earners’ performance fell to 105.4%, by far the lowest of any group. It remains below 110% because there is still a big spending (and income) disparity within the group and the self-employed also had a great year!
  7. # Earners – “Everyone Works” (63.8%) This is a composite of CU’s, regardless of size, where all adults are employed. This group’s ranking in share of overall pet spending jumped from 9th to 7th. Their performance increased from 108.2% to 110.3%. Younger CUs have more earners. You see one sign of their increased 2018 Pet $ right here.
  8. Age – 35>64 (63.2%) This group’s share of spending fell from 6th to 8th because the 55>64 yr olds spent $4B less. The 35>54 group couldn’t quite make it up. The 65+ and under 35 groups also had a good year which pushed the 35>64 yr old’s performance down from 123.2% to 119.5%. However, they are still ranked 6th in overall importance.
  9. CU Composition – Married Couples (62.2%) With or without children, two people, committed to each other, is an ideal situation for Pet Parenting. In 2018, primarily due to a drop in spending by married couples only CU’s, this group fell from 8th to 9th in share of spending. A big spending lift by singles also contributed to a decrease in performance from 128.1% to 125.2%. which dropped them from 3rd to 4th in importance.
  10. Area – Suburban (61.0%) Homeownership is high and they have the “space” for pets. Their share of pet spending increased from 59.8%. Their performance also increased from 107.6 to 110.0%. The gain in share and performance was due to a great year for Suburbs over 2500 pop. All areas under 2500, both rural and suburban had a bad year. Rural areas were down $3.23B which drove Suburban performance up, despite a $2.7B increase by Center Cities.

Total Pet Spending is a sum of the spending in all four industry segments. The “big demographic spenders” listed above are determined by the total pet numbers. Although the share of spending and performance of these groups may vary between segments, every one of them generates a minimum of 58.2% of the spending in every segment. As we analyze individual segments, some of the groups will change to better reflect where most of the business is coming from.

The group performance is a very important measure. Any group that exceeds 120% indicates an increased concentration of the business which makes it easier for marketing to target the big spenders. Although Income over $50K is the clear winner, there are other strong performers. The high performance in 6 groups also indicates the presence of segments within these categories that are seriously underperforming. These can be identified and targeted for improvement.

Now, let’s drill deeper and look at 2018’s best and worst performing segments in each demographic category.

Most of the best and worst performers are just who we would expect and there are only 5 that are different from 2017. Changes from 2017 are “boxed”. We should note:

  • Income is very important, which is shown by the 221.5% performance. All income groups over $70K have 100+% performance. However, there was also radically improved performance from the $30>49K group.
  • Generation – Baby Boomers fell from the top spot for the first time since… However, the Gen Xers stepped up.
  • Age – It was a youth movement. The 45>54 yr olds took over the lead from the 55>64 yr old Boomers and the under 25 group escaped the bottom to be replaced by the oldest Americans.
  • Occupation – After a 1 year break, the high income Self-Employed Group moved back to the top.
  • CU Composition – Although the performance of Married Couple Only fell, they are the winner for a 3rd consecutive year. Married w/children improved performance, but the big news is Singles moved up and out of the loser spot.

Except for the move from Boomers to GenX, there was little change in the “players”, so most expected winners are still doing well. In the next section we’ll look at the segments who literally made the biggest difference in spending in 2018.

We’ll “Show you the money”! This chart details the biggest $ changes in spending from 2017.

Now we will truly see the difference between 2018 and 2017. There are 24 Winners and Losers. 2 Losers and 1 Winner are repeats but 13 segments (54%) actually switched from the biggest increase to the biggest decrease or vice versa.

  • Generation – The Boomer Bust had a widespread impact and the negatives were often incredibly big numbers.
    • Winner Gen X – Pet Spending: $25.15B; Up $3.81B (+17.9%)
      • 2017: Baby Boomers
    • Loser – Baby Boomers – Pet Spending: $29.61B; Down -$6.48B (-18.0%)
      • 2017: Silent Generation
    • Comment – It took the contribution of many segments to generate overall positive numbers for 2018.
  • Housing – Homeowners w/Mtge, the biggest segment in this category, won for the first time since 2014.
    • Winner – Homeowner w/Mtge – Pet Spending: $42.92B; Up $3.29B (+8.3%)
      • 2017: Homeowner w/o Mtge
    • Loser – Homeowner w/o Mtge– Pet Spending: $19.81B; Down -$3.37B (-14.6%)
      • 2017: Homeowner w/Mtge
    • Comment – Winner and loser flipped. W/O Mtge group was driven down by older workers with paid off homes.
  • Area Type – Central City led the way in the movement to Urbanize Total Pet Spending – another flip.
    • Winner – Central City – Pet Spending: $23.59B; Up $2.66B (+12.7%)
      • 2017: Rural
    • Loser – Rural – Pet Spending: $7.05B; Down -$2.99B (-29.8%)
      • 2017: Central City
    • Comment – Areas under 2500 population – down -$3.23B. Areas over 2500 – up $4.7B.
  • Education – HS Grads with some College gave back 88% of their 2017 gain and flipped from winner to loser.
    • Winner – BA/BS Degree – Pet Spending: $25.13B; Up $2.63B (+11.7%)
      • 2017: HS Grad w/some College
    • Loser – HS Grad w/some College – Pet Spending: $12.99B; Down -$3.47B (-21.1%)
      • 2017: Assoc. Degree
    • Comment – The BA/BS group led the way but groups with at least an Associate degree were up $4.87B. Higher Education, which generally generates higher income, has moved back up in importance in Total Pet Spending.
  • Age – The 55>64 yr olds flipped again, but this time it was from winner to loser.
    • Winner – 35>44 yrs – Pet Spending: $14.46B; Up $2.31B (+19.0%)
      • 2017: 55>64 yrs
    • Loser – 55>64 yrs – Pet Spending: $17.50B; Down $3.95B (-18.4%)
      • 2017: <25 yrs
    • Comment: The 55>64 yr olds stood alone as every other age group increased their Total Pet spending.
  • Income – No repeats or flips here but the over $150K group was up $3.12B
    • Winner – $150 to $199K – Pet Spending: $9.12B; Up $1.96B (+27.4%)
      • 2017: $100 to $149K
    • Loser – Under $30K – Pet Spending: $9.47B; Down -$1.44B (-13.2%)
      • 2017: $30 to $39K
    • Comment – Although the increase was definitely skewed towards higher incomes, it was a roller coaster ride. Over $100K – Up $3.45B; $50>99K – Down -$1.54B; $30>49K – Up $1.0B; Under $30K – Down -$1.44B
  • Occupation – Another dual flip between the winner and the loser and we’re back to a more “expected” outcome.
    • Winner –– Self-Employed – Pet Spending: $7.24B; Up $1.83B (+33.8%)
      • 2017: Blue Collar Workers
    • Loser – Blue-Collar Workers – Pet Spending: $11.84B; Down -$2.77B (-18.9%)
      • 2017: Self-Employed
    • Comment – In 2017 Blue-Collar workers were the big movers. In 2018 they gave back 64% of their gain. In 2018 Self-employed workers gained 4% in CUs and 28% in Income and spent some of the extra $ on their pets.
  • CU Composition – Married Couples only, the perennially best performing segment, flipped from winner to loser.
    • Winner –– Singles – $14.99; Up $1.64B (+12.2%)
      • 2017: Married, Couple Only
    • Loser – Married, Couple Only – $24.58B; Down -$1.72B (-6.5%)
      • 2017: Married Oldest Child <6
    • Comment – In 2018 there were 2 choices for increased pet spending. You needed to be single or a married couple with children of any age. Every other CU composition segment spent less.
  • # in CU – This dual winner/loser flip is mind blowing and likely unprecedented.
    • Winner – 1 Person – Pet Spending: $14.99B; Up $1.64B (+12.2%)
      • 2017: 2 People
    • Loser – 2 People – Pet Spending: $33.36B; Down -$1.96B (-5.6%)
      • 2017: 1 Person
    • Comment: In a “normal” year 2 people is the magic number. In 2018 the rules changed. 1, 3 or 4 person CUs spent more. 2 and 5+ person CUs spent less. I guess this shows that married couples are “limited” to 2 children.
  • Region – The Midwest held on to the winners spot in 2018.
    • Winner – Midwest – Pet Spending: $17.76B; Up $1.32B (+8.0%)
      • 2017: Midwest
    • Loser – Northeast – Pet Spending: $13.85B; Down -$0.97B (-6.6%)
      • 2017: West
    • Comment – Only the Northeast spent less. The other regions had a combined increase of $2.44B.
  • # Earners – 1 Earner, 2+ CUs went from Winner to Loser. More earners usually means more income and spending.
    • Winner – 2 Earners – Pet Spending: $31.13B; Up $0.89B (+2.9%)
      • 2017: 1 Earner, 2+ CU
    • Loser – 1 Earner, 2+ CU – Pet Spending: $16.82B; Down -$1.23B (-6.8%)
      • 2017: No Earner, Single
    • Comment – CUs where everyone works were up $2.34B. Apparently the only situation that the # of earners didn’t matter in 2018 was for Singles – No Earner, Up $0.85B; 1 Earner, Up $0.79B.
  • Race/Ethnic – Same Winner & Loser. White, Not Hispanics account for 86% of Pet $, but only 48% of the increase.
    • Winner – White, Not Hispanic – Pet Spending: $67.86B; Up $0.71B (+1.1%)
      • 2017: White, Not Hispanic
    • Loser – Asian American – Pet Spending: $1.51B; Down -$0.11B (-6.9%)
      • 2017: Asian American
    • Comment – Only Asian Americans spent less. Hispanics and African Americans spent a total of $0.86B more.

We’ve now seen the best overall performers and the “winners” and “losers” in terms of increase/decrease in Total Pet Spending $ for 12 Demographic Categories. Not every good performer can be a winner but some of these “hidden” segments should be recognized for their outstanding performance. They don’t win an award, but they deserve….


Let’s start with the Millennials. The Gen Xers were the best performers and had the biggest increase, but the Millennials were not far behind with a $3.4B increase. You also see the impact of this youth “movement” in other honorees. The Under 25 group is officially getting in the Pet Parenting game with a 41% spending increase. Married with Children CUs had a $2.4B spending increase but the biggest lift, +45%, came from those with the youngest children and probably younger parents. Homeowners, with and without mortgages had a net spending drop of -$0.08B. Without Renters, the industry would have had no increase in Total Pet $. Renters are also more likely to be younger but there is also a growing number of downsizing older Americans in this segment.

College Grads get all the accolades. However, in 2018 the Associates Degree group was up $1.75B (+22.4%) with 111% performance. In Occupation, it is all about Managers or Self-Employed. The regular white collar workers had a $1.64B increase with 103% performance. Without the contribution of these 2 groups, 2018 Total Pet Spending was down.


Pet spending increased $12.8B (19.9%) from 2014 to 2017. It was primarily driven by the movement to upgrade to Super Premium Food, but it did not come easy. Value shopping, especially on the internet, and trading $ between segments created turmoil in the industry. Furthermore, 77% of the increase came in 2017. That brings us to 2018.

In 2018, the spending increase was minor, $1.47B (1.9%). This bland increase included a $2.3B drop Pet Food and a $2B record increase in Services. There were also outside factors at work. The FDA warning regarding grain free dog food and added tariffs to Supplies depressed spending in the second half of the year. However, the biggest change was a $6.5B drop in spending by the Baby Boomers. Fortunately, the other groups, especially the younger ones, stepped up to keep things positive but there were some changes in the spending demographics. The demographic groups responsible for most of Total Pet Spending were the same as those in 2017. However, there were changes in their spending share rankings. More Earners and Higher Education moved up in rank and performance, while 35>64 yr olds, Married Couples and Wage/Salary earners fell in rank. In fact, the performance of 7 groups fell indicating more balanced spending.

In terms of performance, the most influential demographic big spending groups remained at 6. However, Income now stands alone at the top with the other 5 clearly on a lower tier. Knowing the demographic segments in these categories allows industry participants to more effectively target their best customers and… those most in need of improvement.

The most significant change in the best and worst performing individual demographic segments was Gen Xers replacing Boomers at the top. The biggest changes occurred in $ and there was turmoil. 13 segments (54%) switched from Winner to Loser or vice versa. Overall, the youth movement was probably the key spending trend in 2018 and is reflected in the increased spending by a number of segments – not just age groups, including Center City, renters, singles and married couples with children. As always, to get to the heart of the matter and to more actionable data you must “drill down”. This will become even more apparent as we turn our analysis to the individual industry segments.

But before we go…The “Ultimate” Total Pet Spending Consumer Unit in 2018 consists of 2 people – a married couple, alone. They are in the 45 to 54 age range. They are White, but not of Hispanic origin. At least one of the them has an Advanced College Degree. They have their own business and are doing well  – over $200K. They’re working to pay off their house located in a lovely, small suburb of a metropolitan area with a population of about 3,000,000 in the West.



2018 U.S. Pet Spending by Generation – A Baby Boomer Bust?

In 2018 Americans spent $77.60B on our companion animals, 0.98% of $8.0 Trillion in total expenditures. Pet Spending was up only $1.47B (+1.9%), a marked change from the +$9.8B in 2017. There were a number of factors affecting pet spending in 2018. The FDA warning regarding grain free dog food helped drive spending down. Increased tariffs on Supplies flattened spending late in the year in that segment. Veterinary Services had a small increase, but it was almost entirely driven by inflation. The only truly good news came from Services, which had the biggest increase in history.

In this report we will look at how these factors and others affected the Pet Spending for today’s most “in demand” demographic measurement – by Generation. Baby Boomers have driven the industry. Are they starting to fade? Are Gen Xers and Millennials stepping up? Using data from the US BLS Consumer Expenditure Survey we will look for answers.

We’ll start by defining the generations and looking at their share of U.S. Consumer Units (CUs are basically Households)


              • Millennials: Born 1981 to 1999. In 2018, Age 19 to 37
              • Gen X: Born 1965 to 1980. In 2018, Age 38 to 53
              • Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964. In 2018, Age 54 to 72
              • Silent Generation: Born 1928 to 1945. In 2018, Age 73 to 90
              • Greatest Generation: Born before 1928. In 2018, Age 91+

  • Baby Boomers are still the largest number of CU’s at 43.8M and 33.3% of the total but they are losing ground. In fact, they have 1.3M fewer CU’s than in 2016.
  • The 2 Oldest Generations will continue to lose CUs primarily due to death or movement to permanent care facilities. On the other side, the Gen Xers increased their CU count. One factor is a rising divorce rate in the 45+ age group.
  • Millennials have the largest number of individuals, but they rank only third in the number of CU’s. However, this number is rapidly growing as once again a significant number gained financial independence in 2018.

Now let’s look at some key CU Characteristics

The only significant change was the increase in homeownership by the Gen Xers and Millennials. However, the overall homeownership numbers didn’t change due to a decrease by the oldest Americans.

  • CU Size – CUs with 2+ people account for 70.5% of all U.S. CUs (down from 71.3% in 2017) and 80.9% of pet $ (down from 82.5% due to a spending drop by 2 person CUs). Despite 2+ million more CUs, Millennials held their ground. CU size, with all the related responsibilities, still peaks with the Gen Xers and then starts dropping. The Boomers are the last group with 2+ CUs. However, their size fell from 2.2 to 2.1 probably because many adult children moved out.
  • # Children < 18 – 28.0% of U.S. CU’s have children and they generate 30.5% of Pet Spending. Driven by a $2.4B increase by Married Couples with children, CUs with children are once again earning their share. However, the story is more complex. As expected, Single parents spent the least, but the big change came in Married Couple only CUs – down -$1.72B. However, the Pet Spending drop for all 2+ CUs without children was even worse, -$2.5B. Thankfully, single CUs were up $1.64B. There were no changes in the # of children per CU in 2018 but there were definite changes in pet spending behavior. Married with Children and singles both spent significantly more on their pets. The Married with Children group tends to skew younger, but singles have higher numbers at both ends of the age range.
  • # Earners – While not as important as income, Pet spending is also tied to the number of earners in a CU. 2+ person, 2 Earner CUs annually spend 19% more on their pets than 1 Earner CUs. As the chart shows, the “earning” is being done in America by Gen Xers, Millennials and Boomers. However, the Boomers will inevitably fade.
  • Homeownership – Owning and controlling your own space has been a major factor in increased Pet Ownership and spending. Driven by the younger groups, homeownership increased to 63.48% from 62.9%. Homeowners w/mtges spent $3.3B more on their pets but couldn’t overcome a -$3.4B drop from homeowners w/no mtge. As a result, the homeowners share of Total Pet Spending fell from 81.4% to 79.8%. Ultimately, renters, with a $1.64B increase kept the industry positive for the year. The key to increased pet spending in 2018 was paying a monthly housing bill.
    • Millennials are still the most common renters in society, but their level of Homeownership increased from 35% to 37%. However, it is still only 58% of the national average and about 2/3 of the rate of Gen Xers and Boomers when they were the same age.
    • Gen Xers passed the national average in 2018 and Homeownership continues to increase up to age 90.

Next, we’ll compare the Generations to the National Avg.:

In Income, Total CU Spending, Total Pet Spending and the Pet Share of Total CU Spending

CU National Avg: Income – $78.635; Total CU Spending – $61,160; Total Pet Spending – $598.41; Pet Share – 0.98%

  • Income – The Gen Xers are the leaders and widened the gap with a 12.1% increase. The Boomers earn 25% less but are the only other group to exceed the national average. Income drops radically in the older groups as retirement becomes almost universal. Millennials’ income grew 9% but is less than the Boomers and only 63% of the Gen Xers.
  • Total Spending – The Gen Xers make the most and spend the most but it’s not out of line with their income. Boomers also spend more than the average but their after tax income still supports it. The older groups are actually deficit spending in relation to their after tax income. The Millennials’ spending increased 3.1%, second only to the +3.3% by Gen Xers. With increases in CUs, Income and Spending, the Millennials’ retail importance is still growing.
  • Pet Spending – Only 2 groups exceed the national average. However, for the first time, Boomers don’t hold the top spot. That now belongs to the Gen Xers. Millennials also made a significant move, up to 81.4% from 69.6% in 2017.
  • Pet Spending Share of Total Spending – The national number fell slightly from 0.99% to 0.98%. However, the most significant change can be seen in comparing the 2017 and 2018 numbers for all groups. The Boomers dominated in 2017, with 1.28% of all their expenditures being spent on their pets. In 2018, they are still the only group to spend more than 1% of their total on their pets. However, every other group had an increase. In fact, all CUs under 90 yrs old now spend at least 0.92% of total spending on pets. This is an amazing balance and bodes well for the future.

Now, let’s look at Total Pet Spending by Generation in terms of market share as well as the actual annual $ spent for 2014 through 2018. The 2018 numbers are boxed in red (decrease) or green (increase) to note the change from 2017.

  • Boomers are still the biggest force in Pet Spending, but their share fell precipitously to 37.7% from 46.8% in 2017.
  • There are definite age-related patterns which are readily apparent in the bar graph. Spending in the oldest groups is relatively low and falling. In contrast, the two youngest groups are showing consistent year after year growth which spiked in 2018. The Boomers are in the middle. They still have the biggest share but are also the most likely group to have a strong reaction to trends, especially in this era of super premium foods. With their tremendous buying power, this can cause major spending swings impacting the whole industry.
  • In 2018, the Boomers spending plummeted, -$6.5B, but the Gen Xers and Millennials stepped up, +$7.2B. The older groups also contributed, with double digit percentage increases.
  • Boomers – Ave CU spent $672.03 (-$132.91); 2018 Total Pet spending = $29.61B, Down -$6.48B (-18.0%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $0.14B; They have been on a spending roller coaster and are now back to their 2014 $ level.
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $708.32 (+$91.95); 2018 Total Pet Spending = $25.15B, Up $3.81B (+17.9%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $7.39B; Their annual Pet spending growth since 2014 has been the most consistent of any group, but their 2018 increase of $3.8B surpassed their total increase from 2014 to 2017.
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $486.85 (+$73.71); 2018 Total Pet Spending = $16.92B, Up $3.42B (+25.4%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $7.23B; The Millennials had a big lift in spending in 2014 but Spending grew only slightly in 2015. Since then, their total pet spending has grown by over $7B, with almost half of this coming in 2018.
  • Silent Gen. – Ave CU spent $420.46 (+$51.66); 2017 Total Pet Spending = $6.72B, Up $0.66B (+10.8%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.15B; They still spend a relatively high amount on their pets, but age is becoming a factor.
  • Greatest Gen.– Ave CU spent $179.73 (+76.82); 2017 Total Pet Spending= $0.19B, Up $0.06B (+40.8%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.34B; After a lifelong commitment to their pets, their Pet Parenting days are fading away.

The Boomers backed off in Pet Spending in a big way in 2018, but the younger groups immediately made up the difference…and more. Plus, the oldest groups also stepped in to help generate a more positive year for the industry.

Let’s look at the individual segments. First, Pet Food…

  • For Boomers and the younger groups, the up and down, trendy nature of Pet Food is readily apparent, but the swings in spending are more pronounced for the Boomers. In the older generations, pet ownership is fading.
  • The Millennials’ have led the way in food trends, including value shopping and their performance in any given year was matched in the following year by Gen Xers and Boomers …until 2018, when the Boomers broke the pattern.
  • Boomers – Ave CU spent $264.73 (-$84.19); 2018 Pet Food spending = $11.78B, Down $3.93B (-25.0%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $2.04B – After a big lift in 2017, spending plummeted, in part as a reaction to the FDA warning.
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $234.05 (+9.53); 2018 Pet Food spending = $8.32B, Up $0.61B (+7.9%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $1.33B If this highest income group reacted to the FDA, it was to further upgrade their food.
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $174.76 (+$20.36); 2018 Pet Food Spending $6.04B, Up $0.99B (+19.6%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $1.76B They are the only group with increases in 2016, 2017 and 2018. They are growing in numbers and in their commitment to their pets. Since 2014 they have been the pioneer in food upgrades.
  • Silent Generation – Ave CU spent $170.43 (+$13.80); 2018 Pet Food spending = $2.67B, Up $0.10B (+3.9%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.21B; They remain committed to their pets, but their numbers are starting to fade.
  • Greatest Gen. – Ave CU spent $34.76 (-$16.94); 2018 Pet Food spending = $0.03B, Down $0.03B (-53.1%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.15B; CUs are down 60% since 2014. At 91+ years old, their pet parenting days are ending.

Pet Food Spending is driven by trends. In 2018, the FDA warning for grain free dog food created a turmoil. Boomers dialed back to more regular food. However, it appears that the younger groups were unaffected or may have upgraded to even more expensive varieties. Now, let’s look at Supplies Spending.

  • Boomers still have the largest share, barely, but the younger groups have their biggest “presence” in Supplies. Gen Xers and Millennials together account for 57.6% of Supplies spending.
  • Baby Boomers – Ave CU spent $156.81 (-$10.71); 2018 Pet Supplies spending = $6.86B, Down $0.62B (-8.3%)
    • 2014>2018:Up $0.19B; A big lift in 2017, then a cut back in 2018. They may be the only group impacted by tariffs.
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $192.20 (+$20.46); 2018 Pet Supplies spending = $6.82B, Up $0.85B (+14.2%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $1.34B; Gen Xers perform best in Supplies. They paid for their Food Upgrade in 2015 with Supplies $ but they have come back strong. They lead in CU spending and are virtually tied in $ with the Boomers.
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $131.13 (+$18.79); 2018 Pet Supplies spending = $4.57B, Up $0.90B (+24.7%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $1.54B; Supplies are again Millennials’ best performing segment. In 2016 they cut spending to help fund increases in Food and Veterinary. Since then, they have come back strong, +$1.8B.
  • Silent Generation – Ave CU spent $90.69 (+3.77); 2018 Pet Supplies spending = $1.47B, Up $0.04B (+2.7%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.23B; Pattern is similar to Gen X, but not as pronounced and with lower results.
  • Greatest Gen. – Ave CU spent $65.77 (+$50.99); 2018 Pet Supplies spending = $0.07B, Up $0.05B (+249%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.05B; Supplies generally have a lower priority for these oldest Pet Parents, but not in 2018.

Most groups cut back on Supplies spending in 2015 due to a combination of rising prices and an attempt to compensate for the cost of upgrading their pet food. In 2016 Consumers value shopped for food and spent some of the saved money on Supplies. Supply prices dropped in 2017 and basically everyone under 90 years spent more! Late 2018 saw added tariffs. Boomers dialed back their purchase frequency. Everyone else was either unaffected or bought more, early.

Next, we’ll turn our attention to the Service Segments. First, Non-Veterinary Pet Services

  • Gen Xers took over from the Boomers. This segment is skewing younger as the Gen X/Millennial share is now 60.2%.
  • Baby Boomers – Ave CU spent $62.99 (-$2.53); 2018 Pet Services spending = $2.76B, Down $0.17B (-5.9%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $0.08B; Boomers still need Services. Their spending drop was the smallest of any segment.
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $94.22 (+$39.54); 2018 Pet Services spending = $3.34B, Up $1.44B (+75.9%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $1.75B; Had a big increase in income. Spent significantly more for the convenience of Services.
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $54.71 (+$17.96); 2018 Pet Services spending = $1.91B, Up $0.71B (+59.0%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $1.20B; They are the only group with an increase every year, but spending “took off” in 2018.
  • Silent Generation – Ave CU spent $43.66 (-$0.92); 2018 Pet Services spending = $0.71B, Down $0.02B (-3.6%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $0.05B; They definitely have a need. Their spending has been reasonably consistent.
  • Greatest Gen. – Ave CU spent $6.62 (+$2.92); 2018 Pet Services spending = $0.007B, Up $0.002B (+42.6%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.03B; A continued drop in the number of CU’s and in pet parents, but eked out an increase.

This segment has always found a way to grow every year – until 2017. The small drop in spending was caused by a combination of factors. An extremely competitive environment created deals so even with increased frequency, consumers paid less. In 2018, the increased number of outlets really hit home, especially for the younger groups. Gen Xers and Millennials used some of their rising incomes to spend $2.15B more for the convenience of Pet Services.

Now, Veterinary Services

  • Boomers are still the biggest spenders in this segment, but they only lead the Gen Xers because they have more CUs.
  • The younger groups both have a consistently growing commitment to this Pet Parenting responsibility. The combined veterinary spending of Millennials and Gen Xers has increased $5.7B (+106%) since 2014.
  • Boomers – Ave CU spent $187.50 (-35.48); 2018 Veterinary spending= $8.21B, Down $1.76B (-17.7%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $2.17B; Like Food, the other “need” segment, they cut Veterinary spending by a double digit %.
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $187.85 (+$22.42); 2018 Veterinary spending= $6.67B, Up $0.91B (+15.9%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $2.97B; Since 2016, their Veterinary spending has exceeded the CU Average. In 2018, although only by a margin of $0.35 per year, they took over the top spot in CU spending.
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $126.25 (+$16.60); 2018 Veterinary Spending $4.40B, Up $0.82B (+23.0%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $2.73B; Their CU spending is up 100% since 2014. Veterinary has become a much bigger priority.
  • Silent Generation – Ave CU spent $115.68 (+$35.01); 2018 Veterinary spending $1.87B, Up $0.55B (+41.1%)
    • 2014>2018: Up $0.24B; Money is always a factor, but they are still committed to the health of their pets.
  • Greatest Generation– Ave CU spent $72.58 (+$39.79); 2018 Veterinary spending= $0.08B, Up $0.03B (+73.5%)
    • 2014>2018: Down $0.12B; Veterinary care is still a big priority for the remaining pet parents in this oldest group.

Gen Xers and Millennials have consistently increased their commitment to Veterinary Services. In 2014, their share of Veterinary Spending was 30%. It is now 52.1% – a 74% increase. This is a big, fundamental change in spending behavior.

One last chart to compare the share of spending to the share of total CU’s for the 4 largest generations.

  • Gen X Performance – Total: 118.5%; Food: 106.8%; Supplies: 127.6%; Services: 142.0%; Veterinary: 116.3%
    • In 2018 the Gen Xers took over the top spot in performance from the Boomers. They “earned their share” in every industry segment as well as Total Pet. They have increased their Total Pet Spending every year since 2014. During this time, their spending has become more diverse and their performance has improved. The only reason that they are not the leaders in Total $ is that the Boomers have more CUs. Gen Xers range in age from 38 to 53 so they are just entering the peak earning years. Expect their commitment and pet spending to continue to grow.
  • Baby Boomers Performance–Total: 113.1%; Food: 122.7%; Supplies: 104.1 %; Services: 94.9%; Veterinary: 116.1%
    • Boomers led the way in building the industry and are still the “top dogs” in $. They earn their share and in fact, are the still the spending leader in Total Pet and every segment but Services. However, their CU numbers are beginning to fall – down 1.3M (-3%) since 2016. Their spending drop in 2018 was by far the biggest ever and the only time that they spent less in every segment. They should hold the lead in Pet $ for several more years and be a major force for many more, but the Gen Xers and then Millennials are preparing to take their turn at the top.
  • Millennials Performance – Total: 81.2%; Food: 79.0%; Supplies: 87.1%; Services: 82.4%; Veterinary: 78.2%
    • Like the Gen Xers, Millennials have increased their pet spending every year since 2014. Their spending has also become more evenly balanced across the segments. They are growing in CU numbers but their future as the Pet Parenting spending leaders is still a long way off. They need increased income and a more stable home situation. They are educated and well connected. Indications are that they may lead the way in adopting new trends, especially in food. Their progress is good news, but in reality, their leadership is still more than a decade away.
  • Silent Generation Performance – Total: 69.4%; Food: 75.1%; Supplies: 60.2%; Services: 65.8%; Veterinary: 71.6%
    • This group ranges in age from 73 to 90. Pet Parenting is more challenging after age 75. The desire and the commitment to their pets is still there. This is evident in the fact that 0.92% of their total CU spending is on pets.

Baby Boomers are still the Pet $ leaders, but Gen Xers, followed by Millennials are ultimately the future of the industry. Both groups seem ready, willing and able to take their turn at the top. As these groups have risen, Pet Spending has become more balanced across the generations. This bodes well for the continued strong growth of the industry.










2018 U.S. TOTAL PET SPENDING $78.60B…UP ↑$1.47B

In 2018 Total Pet Spending in the U.S. was $78.6B, a $1.47B (1.9%) increase from 2017. This was a huge change from the $9.84B increase in 2017. There were a number of factors behind the smaller increase, including some outside the control of the industry. The FDA warning regarding grain free dog food wreaked havoc in the second half and the new tariffs on supplies flattened spending during that period. Veterinary prices turned up again resulting in a net “no gain” in the amount purchased by consumers. There was also a human factor as a significant number of adult children living with their parents moved out and took their pets with them. The Services segment saved the year with a spectacular increase in spending as consumers finally responded to the convenience of significantly more outlets. Here are the $ changes:

  • A -$2.27B (-7.3%) drop in Food
  • A $1.22B (+6.6%) increase in Supplies
  • A $0.56B (+2.7%) increase in Veterinary
  • An unprecedented $1.95B (+28.9%) lift in Services

Let’s see how these numbers blend together at the household (CU) level. In any given week, 27.2 Million U.S. CU’s (1/5) spent money on their Pets – food, supplies, services, veterinary or any combination – down from 28.4M in 2017.

In 2018, the average U.S. CU (pet & non-pet) spent a total of $598.41 on their Pets. This was a small 0.8% increase from the $593.63 spent in 2017. However, this doesn’t “add up” to a 1.9% increase in Total Pet Spending. With additional data provided from the US BLS, here is what happened.

  • 1.1% more CU’s
  • Spent 6.4% more $
  • 5.3% less often

If 67% of U.S. CU’s are pet parents, then their annual CU Total Pet Spending was $893.15. Now, let’s look at the recent history of Total Pet Spending. The rolling chart below provides a good overview. (Note: All numbers in this report come from or are calculated by using data from the US BLS Consumer Expenditure Surveys – The 2016>2018 Totals include Veterinary Numbers from the Interview survey, rather than the Diary survey due to high variation)

  • In 2015, the Food upgrade began, but early in the year consumers were trading $ in other segments to pay for it.
  • In 2016, they were intensely value shopping for super premium foods. They started spending some of this saved money on Supplies and Veterinary Services, but not quite enough as spending fell slightly for the year.
  • In 2017, spending took off in all but Services, especially in the 2nd half. Consumers found more $ for their Pets.
  • In 2018 a spectacular lift in Services overcame the FDA issue in Food, tariffs on Supplies and inflation in Veterinary.

Now we’ll look at some Demographics. First, 2018 Total Pet Spending by Income Group

Only CU’s with an income over $100K increased Total Pet Spending and most of the increase came from $150K+.

Nationally: · Total Pet: $1.47B   · Food: ↓$2.27B  · Supplies: ↑$1.22B  · Services: ↑$1.95B  · Veterinary: ↑$0.56B

  • < $70K(59.7% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $383.10, -2.7%; Total $: $29.88B, ↓$1.49B (-4.8%) from
    • Food ↓$1.53B
    • Supplies ↑$0.07B
    • Services ↑$0.47B
    • Vet ↓$0.50B

Money matters a lot to this group, especially to those on the low end. They were quick to dial back Food spending after the FDA warning. They also cut Veterinary spending and Supplies $ were essentially flat. However, the convenience of more readily available Services appealed to this group too.

  • >$70K – (40.3% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $914.90, +0.4%; Total $: $48.72B, $2.96B (+6.5%) from…
    • Food ↓$0.74B
    • Supplies ↑$1.15B
    • Services ↑$1.49B
    • Vet $1.05B

This group continues to grow, up 6.1% in 2018. This accounted for almost all of their spending increase. They also show that income remains the single biggest factor in Pet Spending. 40% of U.S. CUs spent 62% of Total Pet $. Although they too spent less on Food, without them, Total Pet $ would have been down $1.5B.

  • < $30K(28.7% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $259.13, -9.5%; Total $: $9.47B, ↓$1.44B (-13.2%) from…
    • Food ↓$0.64B
    • Supplies ↓$0.05B
    • Services ↑$0.011B
    • Vet ↓$0.77B

This lowest income group demonstrated their price sensitivity in 2018. However, even they managed to eke out a small increase in Services spending.

  • $30>$70K – (31.0% of CUs); CU Pet Spending: $493.91, +0.2%; Total $: $20.41B, ↓$0.06B (-0.3%) from…
    • Food ↓$0.89B
    • Supplies $0.11B
    • Services $0.46B
    • Vet $0.27B

This low to middle income group is by necessity price sensitive, but is also committed to their pets. They  dialed back Food $. However, they had a strong increase in both Service Segments and a little in Supplies.

  • $70>$99K – (14.5% of CUs); CU Pet Spending: $670.87, -3.9%; Tot $: $12.92B, ↓$0.49B (-3.6%) from…
    • Food ↓$0.69B
    • Supplies ↓$0.16B
    • Services ↑$0.13B
    • Vet $0.24B

This upper middle income group reacted negatively to the situations in Food and Supplies. Pet Services saw a 13% increase and they did ramp up their Veterinary spending by 7%, but it was not enough to compensate.

  • $100K>$149K– (13.1% of CUs); CU Pet Spend: $874.85, -2.9%; Tot $: $15.34B, $0.32B (+2.2%) from…
    • Food ↓$0.80B
    • Supplies ↑$0.56B
    • Services ↑ $0.38B
    • Vet $0.18B

They were the Star of the income groups in 2015 and 2017. In 2016, they had the worst performance with decreased spending in every segment. They are very responsive to industry trends, especially in Pet Food. They have the money to do what is needed or what they want, but are still very “value” conscious.

  • $150K> – (12.7% of CUs); CU Pet Spending: $1238.40, +2.0%; Total $: $20.46B, $3.12B (+18.0%) from…
    • Food $0.75B
    • Supplies ↑$0.75B
    • Services ↑$0.99B
    • Vet $0.6

Money Matters! They are the proof. They are the best performing income group in Total Pet Spending with 12.7% of U.S. Households generating 26.0% of all Pet $. They are also the only income group to increase annual Pet Spending every year since 2014. In fact they have furnished 55% of the Pet Industry’s $14.3B spending increase since 2014. There is more good news. This group is growing. They added 2.5 million CUs in 2018, a 17% increase. In fact their $3.12B was primarily fueled by additional CUs. It does demonstrate that pet spending grows with consumers’ income, especially once you reach the $150K+ level.

Income Recap –  The top 2 drivers in consumer spending behavior are value (quality + price) and convenience. That makes income , especially disposable income, very important. You see this in the huge difference in pet spending behavior at the opposite ends of the income spectrum and the increase/decrease spending dividing line of $100K. This line is somewhat deceptive as there were still values to be had in Veterinary and Supplies that appealed to most groups for much of the year. Plus, all groups responded to the increased convenience in Services. The biggest issue was in Food. The FDA warning about grain free elicited 2 different responses. Many in the <$150K groups dialed their spending back to more traditional foods, but the $150K+ group may have upgraded to even more expensive varieties. The trend to super premium has made income more important to this segment and more susceptible to big swings in spending.

Next let’s look at 2018 Total Pet Spending by Age Group

All groups but 55>64 yr olds spent more but the 35>44 yr olds led the way.

Nationally: · Total Pet: $1.47B   · Food: ↓$2.27B  · Supplies: ↑$1.22B  · Services: ↑$1.95B  · Veterinary: ↑$0.56B

  • <25 – (5.8% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $355.36, +37.3%; Total $: $2.79B, ↑$0.81B (+41.0%) from…
    • Food $0.50B
    • Supplies ↑$0.004B
    • Services ↑$0.18B
    • Vet $0.13B

This youngest group stepped up in 2018, but they are the only group to increase Pet $ every year since 2014.

  • 25-34 – (16.2% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $489.10, +9.5%; Total $: $10.35B, $0.79B (+8.3%) from…
    • Food $0.20B
    • Supplies ↑$0.30B
    • Services ↑$0.31
    • Vet ↓$0.02B

These older Millennials are just starting their families and careers, so they are prone to trading $ between segments. However, they have shown slow, but steady total pet spending growth since 2015.

  • 35-44 – (16.7% of CUs); CU Pet Spending: $659.61, +13.9%; Total $: $14.46B, $2.31B (+19.0%) from…
    • Food ↓$0.05B
    • Supplies ↑$0.56B
    • Services ↑$0.96B
    • Vet $0.84B

This group has the largest families and is in the middle of building their careers. This makes them very sensitive to value. However, they have a growing commitment to their pets. Their Food spending was basically unchanged, but they truly “stepped” up with big increases in the other segments, especially Services and Veterinary.

  • 45-54 – (17.5% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $769.35, +5.4%; Total $: $17.73B, $0.56B (+3.3%) from…
    • Food ↓$0.32B
    • Supplies ↑$0.27B
    • Services ↑$0.43B
    • Vet $0.19B

This group has the highest income and now occupies the top spot in Pet Spending. This was their second consecutive annual increase, which hasn’t happened since 2009, when the Boomers owned this group. They did this despite having 2% fewer CUs. Food spending dropped but all other segments were up, especially Services.

  • 55-64 – (18.6% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $709.69, -18,1%; Total $: $17.50B, ↓$3.95B (-18.4%) from…
    • Food ↓$3.51B
    • Supplies ↑$0.18B
    • Services ↑$0.03B
    • Vet ↓$0.64B

Here is the problem. These younger Baby Boomers had a huge drop in Food and Veterinary. They are committed to their Pets and react very strongly to changes in the market as is evident in the chart. Whether it is a hot new food trend, value shopping or an FDA warning, they get on board quickly and the “swing” can be $ Billions.

  • 65-74 – (14.7% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $587.88, +0.3%; Total $: $11.29B, $0.42B (+3.9%) from…
    • Food $0.75B
    • Supplies ↓$0.09B
    • Services ↑$0.006B
    • Vet ↓$0.24B

This group is growing, +4.2%. Many are retired and now 80% are Baby Boomers. They are careful with their money, but their commitment to their pets is very apparent as 1.05% of their total spending is on their companion animals. They didn’t follow the lead of the younger Boomers and cut back on Pet Food $. They spent 18% more, but they helped pay for it by reducing their CU spending in the Veterinary and Supplies segments.

  • 75> – (10.4% of U.S. CUs); CU Pet Spending: $332.53, +9.5%; Total $: $4.48B, $0.52B (+13.0%) from…
    • Food $0.18B
    • Supplies $0.00B
    • Services $0.03B
    • Vet ↑$0.31B

Pet Parenting is more difficult, and money is tight for these oldest Pet Parents, but their commitment is still there. They increased spending in 3 of the 4 industry segments, with significant lifts in Food and Veterinary.

Age Group Recap: The age dividing lines in Total Pet Spending were very clear. The 55>64 year old Baby Boomers had a huge drop in spending which was driven by Food and Veterinary. However, the industry had a positive year due to increases by literally every other group. The younger groups, especially the 35>44 year olds had the biggest lift but the 65+ year olds also contributed a $0.94B increase.

Normally, we now look at the biggest winners and losers in each demographic category. However, this didn’t reflect the true situation in 2018. As we saw in the age group analysis, the “loser” was very defined. However, it took a group effort to produce a positive result. In our final graph, we’ll look at where these demographic spending lines were drawn.

Key Demographic “Dividing Lines” for 2018.

In 2018, 50 of 82 Demographic Segments (61%) spent more on their Pets. Usually, this would produce a strong increase, but the biggest single segment drops were so large that the overall increase was only 1.9%. Let’s look at the specifics:

Generations – Boomers have long been the biggest positive factor in the pet industry. In 2018, their influence turned negative as their spending fell -$6.48B. This affected a huge number of demographic categories. You see this over and over again in the downside entries on the chart. The younger generations led the way up, but in fact all other generations spent more on their pets in 2018 and ultimately overcame the “Boomer Bust”.

Age– The 55>64 yr olds are all Boomers. Every other group spent more, with the 35>44 yr olds leading the way, +$2.81B.

Education – As usual, higher education means higher income, better informed product decisions and more Pet $.

Housing – If you paid monthly for housing, you spent more on pets. 38% of Boomer CUs are homeowners w/no Mtge.

Area – This one goes against the norm. Lower population areas generally spend more on Pets. The 2018 situation reflects the continued urbanization of America, which is being driven both by the younger groups and downsizing older CUs.

Occupation – This demographic clearly reflects the importance of income in Pet spending.

CU Composition – We see the positive influence of both young and old groups here. Singles tend to be at either end of the age spectrum and Married, with children CUs are invariably younger. Married, w/no children CUs usually have “room” for more pet spending, but not in 2018.

CU Size – The usual phrase has been “It just takes 2” and 2 person CUs led the pack in spending. In 2018 it was “Any number but 2.”

Income – Income matters in Pet Spending with big disparities between high and low and a dividing line at $100K in 2018.

# of Earners – # of earners is not quite as important as total income, but it is definitely a factor. The “everyone works” CUs led the upside while 1 earner 2+ CUs, which generally have the greatest financial pressure, had the biggest decrease.

Racial/Ethnic – Hispanics and African Americans had a significantly greater increase in pet spending than the much larger White, not Hispanic group. This goes back to the generational differences, as these minorities are 33% of all Millennial and Gen Xer CUs, but only 22% of Baby Boomers.

Finally: The Pet Industry came out on top in 2018, but just barely. Besides normal concerns and trends, there were unusual outside issues like the FDA warning and tariffs. However, their impact was primarily on Baby Boomers, so the problem was simple. The solution, as we have seen, was not. Fortunately, virtually everyone else stepped up to produce a Pet Spending increase. I don’t know if this trend will continue but it is obviously time to take a deeper look at generational pet spending.






Veterinary Services is the second largest segment in the Pet Industry. In recent years, a high inflation rate, over 3.5%, caused a reduction in Veterinary visits and put spending on a roller coaster ride. In 2017 inflation slowed markedly (+2.2%) and consumers responded. In 2018 prices turned upward (+2.6%) and spending plateaued. Veterinary Services Spending in 2018 reached $21.23B – Up -$0.56B (+2.7%) from 2017, but “real” growth (adjusted for inflation) was only 0.1%. In this report, we’ll take a closer look at the demographics behind the 2018 numbers. (Note: All 2018 numbers in this report come from or are calculated by using data from the US BLS Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, rather than their Diary report. The low frequency of Veterinary Visits is still generating an exceptionally high variation on the data collected by the Diary method. Interview seems to be a more logical and accurate way to track Veterinary Service Expenditures.)

Let’s get started. Veterinary Spending per CU in 2018 was $161.51, up slightly from $159.01 in 2017. (Note: A 2018 Pet CU (67%) Spent $241.06) More specifically, the increase in Veterinary spending came as a result of:

  • 1.1% more CU’s
  • Spending 1.8% more $
  • …0.2% less often

We’ll take a closer look. But first, the chart below gives an overview of recent Veterinary Spending.

The big spending drop in the first half of 2015 coincided with the upgrade to Super Premium Foods – Trading $. Then consumers began value shopping for Premium Foods. The subsequent savings freed up $ for Veterinary Services. Spending began to climb until it flattened out at the beginning of 2017. In 2017, Veterinary inflation slowed markedly in the second half. The result was that spending literally “took off”. In 2018 prices turned up again. Consumers responded by essentially “holding their ground”. There is definitely some price sensitivity in Veterinary Services Spending.

Now, let’s look at Veterinary spending by some specific demographics. First, here is a chart by Income Group. Outlined in Red, Spending was Down from 2017. If Green, Spending was Up. A Pink fill indicates that 2018 Spending was lower than 2014. 

Although not as pronounced as Pet Services, Veterinary Spending is driven by income. The lowest income group cut back on spending while the all the other groups increased. The biggest lift came from the $150K+ group – up $0.64B (+11.2%)

  • Over $150K (12.7% of CU’s) – $6.32B, Up $0.64B (+11.2%) This highest income group is definitely the biggest driver in Veterinary Spending as 12.7% of CU’s generated 30% of 2018 $ and 60% of the $4.12B increase since 2015.
  • $100>150K (13.1% of CU’s) – $4.50B, Up $0.18B (+4.2%) This middle/upper income group responded strongly to the slowed inflation rate in 2017 but as prices turned up in 2018, their increase slowed
  • $70K>100K (14.5% of CU’s) – $3.67B, Up $0.24B (+6.9%) Their spending pattern is relatively stable but responsive to the lower inflation rate since 2017.
  • $30K>70K (31.0% of CU’s) – $4.95B, Up $0.27B (+5.8%) After bottoming out during the 2015 Food upgrade, the spending by this group has grown steadily. The pattern is remarkably similar to the $150K+ group, just not quite as strong.
  • Under $30K (28.7% of CU’s) – $1.79B, Down -$0.77B (-29.9%) This group is very price sensitive. After an increase in all segments in 2017, they dialed back their pet spending, especially on Food and Veterinary Services in 2018.

Now, here is Veterinary Spending by Age Group

The 25>34 Millennials spending was flat and the 55>74 yr olds, primarily Boomers, spent less. Everyone else spent more.

  • <25 (5.8% of CUs) – $89.56 per CU – $0.68B – Up $0.13B (+22.7%) This youngest group is getting serious about the responsibilities of Pet Parenting. Their Veterinary spending has more than doubled in 3 years. (+134%)
  • 25>34 (16.2% of CUs) – $118.36 per CU – $2.52B – Down -$0.02B (-0.9%) The commitment of these Millennials to their pets is growing. In 2018 they focused on the other segments as Veterinary $ stabilized after 3 annual increases.
    • 0.1% more CUs
    • Spent 5.3% less $
    • …4.5% more often
  • 35>44 (16.7% of CU’s) – $174.01 per CU – $3.83B – Up $0.84B (+28.3%) In 2017 this group had double digit increases in the other 3 Pet Industry segments. In 2018 it was the Veterinary segment’s turn as these mostly Gen Xers significantly ramped up the amount they spent on Veterinary Services.
    • 4.3% more CUs
    • Spent 27.1% more $
    • …3.2% less often
  • 45>54 (17.5% of CUs) – $234.93 per CU – $5.42B – Up $0.19B (+3.6%) This group has the highest income, but value is still a big driver. In 2017, the radically slowed inflation caused them to spend significantly more money and more often. In 2018, prices turned up. Their frequency slowed slightly but they still had a double digit increase in $ spent.
    • 2.2% fewer CUs
    • Spent 10.5% more $
    • …4.1% less often
  • 55>64 (18.6% of CUs) – $195.31 per CU – $4.78B – Down -$0.64B (-11.9%) This group is all Baby Boomers and until 2015 was the leader in Veterinary Spending. In 2015 they spent an extra $5B to upgrade their Pet Food and Veterinary Spending was severely reduced. In 2016, they regained the lead in Veterinary spending and held it until 2018 when their spending on both Food and Veterinary Services plummeted.
    • 0.9% fewer CUs
    • Spent 9.4% less $
    • …1.8% less often
  • 65>74 (14.7% of CUs) – $149.76 per CU – $2.89B – Down -$0.24B (-7.7%) This group is growing in numbers and very price sensitive. The pricing “slow down” in 2017 brought a big lift. As inflation turned up in 2018, their spending fell.
    • 4.2% more CUs
    • Spent 8.6% less $
    • …3.1% less often
  • 75> (10.4% of CUs) – $81.08 per CU – $1.11B – Up $0.31B (+38.9%) This group of oldest Pet Parents has a strong commitment to their pets – in 2015 a $1B increase in Veterinary Spending. In 2016, they upgraded their food. In 2017 they increased spending in Food, Supplies and Services. In 2018, they turned their attention back to Veterinary.
    • 3.9% more CUs
    • Spent 13.0% more $
    • …18.4% more often

Now, let’s take a look at some other key demographic “movers” behind the 2018 Veterinary Spending numbers.

Veterinary spending increased by $0.56B (+2.7%) in 2018. Considering the 2.6% inflation rate, the “real” increase in the amount of Veterinary Services was only +0.1%. 2018 Veterinary Spending was truly a “mixed bag” as 47 of 82 demographic segments (57.3%) spent more on Veterinary Services while 35 segments spent less. In the chart you see the influence of income with “winners” like, $150K+, Self Employed and BA/BS degrees and “losers” like Under $30K, Retirees and 2+ People, No Earner CUs.

There were also some of the “usual” winners like Homeowners with mortgages and White, Not Hispanic CUs. However, that doesn’t tell the whole story. There were some truly surprising outcomes:

On the winning side:

  • Single person CUs were the winner in 3 separate demographic categories – That never happens! They tend to have fewer pets and generally lower incomes.

On the losing side:

  • Advanced College Degrees – Generally have higher income and spend more on their pets, especially on Veterinary.
  • Married Couple Only – Traditionally the biggest pet spenders.
  • Rural – Big spenders in Food and Veterinary
  • Asian – Not big pet spenders but they do have the highest income, so it is not just about money.

You also see strong evidence that points a finger at Retirees for the decreases in spending including:

  • Retirees: -$0.62B
  • Homeowners w/o Mtge -$0.49B
  • No earner, 2+ CUs -$0.39B

However, you run into a problem when you recall that the over 75 age group, virtually all retired, was up +$0.31B.

The answer is obvious – The Baby Boomers. After driving the growth of the Pet Industry since the 1980’s, the Boomers seem to have “stumbled”. Veterinary spending fell -$1.8B but their overall Pet Spending dropped -$6.5B. Some of this is related to their adult children moving out with their pets. However, it’s just possible that the “Boomer Age” may be starting to fade.

In Veterinary spending the younger groups definitely stepped up as the Gen Xers (+0.91B) narrowly edged out the Millennials (+0.82B) for the biggest increase. This explains the strong performance by Center City and Singles. Also, Unmarried, 2 adult CU’s spent $0.33B more and Married Couples with children were up +$0.58B – both younger groups.

Although the younger crew deserve most of the credit for the Veterinary $ increase, the “Silents” (1929 to 1945) weren’t far behind at +$0.55B. Even the 90+ year old Greatest Generation spent +$0.03B more. Pet parenting is a lifetime calling.

Boomers have the most CUs and are the $ spending leaders. They will be a force in the industry for years to come, but the Gen Xers are the now CU spending leader in Total Pet and all segments but food. They seem poised and ready to take their turn at the top.


2018 U.S. PET SERVICES SPENDING $8.72B…Up ↑$1.95B

Except for 2017, Non-Vet Pet Services has shown consistent growth in recent years. However, in 2018, the performance was spectacular. Spending grew $1.95B to $8.72B, a (+28.9%) increase from 2017. The number of outlets offering Pet Services has been increasing at a rapid rate. It looks like that this commitment really paid off in 2018. In this report we will drill down into the data to see what groups fueled the biggest spending increase in history for this segment. (Note: All numbers in this report come from or are calculated by using data from the US BLS Consumer Expenditure Surveys)

Services’ Spending per CU in 2018 was $66.36, up from $52.06 in 2017. (Note: A 2018 Pet CU (67%) Spent $99.04)

More specifically, the 28.8% increase in Total Pet Services spending came as a result of:

  • 1.1% more households
  • Spending 21.11% more $
  • 5.24% more often

The chart below gives a visual overview of recent spending on Pet Services

You can see that spending flattened out for 18 months from mid-2016 through 2017. This was a time when competition was building in the marketplace through an increased number of outlets. Value was available but it didn’t increase the number of users. The existing users just paid less. However, the impact of increased availability and convenience really hit home in 2018. Despite a return to a more normal inflation rate, +2.4%, more people opted to use Pet Services and to do it more often. This generated by far the biggest spending increase in history for this segment, +$1.95B, which came from strong growth in both halves. Now, let’s look at some specific spending demographics. First, by Income Group.

In 2018, all income groups increased spending and the $30>70K group spent 38% more, but 70% of the increase came from $100K+ CUs. Services spending is still driven by income as the $100K+ group, 25.8% of CU’s, spends 59.8% of the $.

  • <30K (28.7% of CU’s) – $20.45 per CU (+5.5%) – $0.77B, Up $0.01B (+1.4%) – This segment is getting smaller and money is tight. However, even they managed to eke out an increase in CU spending and overall Services $.
  • $30>70K (31.0% of CU’s) – $40.33 per CU (+38.6%) – $1.64B, Up $0.46B (+38.4%) – This group dialed back their spending on Food but they spent the “saved” money on other segments, especially Services.
  • $70>100K (14.5% of CU’s) – $57.26 per CU (+14.5%) – $1.09B, Up $0.13B (+13.1%) – They cut back spending on Products and focused on Services and Veterinary. However, their Services spending is still below the 2014 level.
  • $100>150K (13.1% of CU’s) – $108.59 per CU (+19.8%) – $1.87B, Up $0.38B (+25.1%) – They cut back on Food $ and focused on the other segments, including a second consecutive strong increase in Services $.
  • $150K> (12.7% of CU’s) – $200.45 per CU (+20.2%) – $3.34B, Up $0.99B (+41.8%) – They have long been the driver in Services Spending. After a minor dip in in 2017, they came back with a $1B increase in 2018.

Now, let’s look at spending by Age Group.

Although we had to take the numbers to 3 decimal places, all age groups also spent more on Services in 2018. However, the increase was clearly driven by the <55 groups, especially the 35>44 year olds. Here are the specifics:

  • 75> (10.4% of CU’s) – $30.69 per CU (+3.3%) – $0.42B – Up $0.03B (+7.3%) This group has the greatest need for pet services, but money is always an issue. The competitive values made a huge difference in 2017. In 2018 they “got a good price” and significantly ramped up their frequency. 3.9% more CU’s spent 15.7% less $, 22.5% more often.
  • 65>74 (14.7% of CU’s) – $64.35 per CU (-3.6%) – $1.243B – Up $0.006B (+0.5%). This group is also very value conscious. They were the only age group to decrease CU Services spending. However, they grew in numbers and increased purchase frequency, so they eked out a small gain. 4.2% more CU’s spent 8.2% less $, 5.0% more often.
  • 55>64 (18.6% of CU’s) $66.96 per CU (+2.8%) – $1.64B – Up $0.03B (+1.9%) In 2016 they took over the #1 spot in Services spending. They fell to #3 in 2018. Despite decreasing in CU’s, they basically held their ground while spending in the younger groups exploded. 0.9% less CU’s spent 2.1% more $, 0.7% more often.
  • 45>54 (17.5% of CU’s)- $83.24 per CU (+32.1%) – $1.92B – Up $0.43B (+29.2%) This highest income group was the leader in Services spending until 2016. They spent a lot more in 2018, but not enough to beat the new leader, 35>44 yr olds. 2.2% fewer CU’s spent 36.6% more $, 3.3% less often.
  • 35>44 (16.7% of CU’s) – $90.81 per CU (+85.4%) – $2.0B – Up $0.96B (+93.3%) Spending fell in 2016. They began to recover in 2017, but spending took off in 2018. The group grew in size. but their income grew even more, +11.3%. Obviously, they spent some of the extra $ on Services. 4.3%, more CU’s spent 73.5% more $, 6.9% more often.
  • 25>34 (16.2% of CU’s) – $55.53 per CU (+35.2%) – $1.18B – Up $0.31B (+35.3%) In recent years this group of Millennials focused first on upgrading Food and then Supplies and Veterinary. During this time, Services’ spending has been essentially flat. In 2018 it was Services’ “turn” as 0.9% less CU’s spent 10.7% more $, 22.2% more often.
  • <25 (5.8% of CU’s) – $42.19 per CU (+133.4%) – $0.32B – Up $0.18B – (+133.3%) With increases in every segment, this small, youngest group became a “player” in 2018. The same # of CU’s spent 137.5% more $, 1.8% less often.

Finally, let’s take a look some other key demographic “movers” behind the 2018 Pet Services Spending “Explosion”

The Services spending increase was very widespread. Overall, 72 of 82 total segments (88%) spent more. As you can see from the chart, 6 of 12 demographic categories had no segments that spent less on Services in 2018.  This included:

  • Racial/Ethnic Groups
  • Education Levels
  • Age Groups
  • Regions
  • CU Sizes
  • CU Compositions

The decreases were also small. The average drop was -$0.08B, driven by Boomers and Retirees who each fell -$0.17B.

Pet Services is the most discretionary of all the Industry Segments, so income is the most important factor in spending. Although the spending lift was widespread across income groups in 2018, the biggest driver was the $100K+ CU’s. This dependence on income is reinforced by some of the winners in our chart above, including:

  • Managers & Professionals
  • $150K+ Incomes
  • 2 Earners
  • College Grads

We also see key evidence of the other big Services Spending driver – younger groups, especially Gen Xers.

  • Gen Xers
  • 35>44 yr-olds
  • Singles (A “rare” winner in any segment)

On the upside there were some of the “usual suspects”:

  • White, Not Hispanic
  • Center City – pet services began here
  • 2 People – the biggest pet spenders

On the downside, here are 5 groups with decreased spending that have a common thread:

  • Retirees
  • 2+ CU, No Earner
  • Homeowner w/o Mtge
  • $30>39K Income (avg for retirees)
  • Baby Boomers – A specific subgroup of Boomers drove the decreases

For the younger Baby Boomers Pet Services’ spending was basically flat, +$0.03B. It is the older Boomers, specifically those who have retired, that drove most of the few demographic spending decreases in the Services Segment.

2018 was a year like no other in the history of Pet Services Spending, To put the $1.95B increase into perspective, the previous biggest gain was +$0.8B in 2009. In fact, total Spending for the Services segment didn’t even break the $2 Billion barrier until 1999.

So, what caused this eruption in spending? We saw the impact in 2018, but it actually has been building for a few years. In an effort to counteract the impact of the internet and the mass market, more and more pet outlets began offering Pet Services. Afterall, “You can’t get your dog groomed online”. “One Stop Shopping” is always a great draw for consumers. Retailers began applying this to Pet Products and Services. Convenience…which included a rise in mobile grooming.

The “movement” didn’t show immediate positive results. We saw some turmoil in 2017, as Services Spending actually fell -$0.07B, quite a rarity. The increased number of outlets caused some pricing pressure. Consumers are always looking for a good deal. In 2017 they found it. It didn’t change their overall behavior or spending frequency, They just paid less.

However, in 2018 the convenience message finally hit home across the Market. Significantly more consumers began using Pet Services for the first time or more often. We’ll see if the Segment can maintain this new level.




2018 U.S. PET SUPPLIES SPENDING $19.80B…UP ↑$1.22B

Due to a drop in Pet Food spending, Total Pet spending moved up only slightly to $78.60B in 2018, a $1.47B (1.9%) increase from 2017. The Supplies segment exceeded this pace as spending reached $19.8B, up $1.22B (6.6%). (Note: All numbers in this report come from or are calculated by using data from the US BLS Consumer Expenditure Surveys)

The first half of 2018 continued an upturn in Supplies spending which began in the second half of 2016. However, in the second half of the year spending flattened out. In this report we’ll “drill down” into the data to try to determine what and who are “behind” the lift and subsequent pause in 2018 Pet Supplies Spending.

In 2018, the average household spent $150.62 on Supplies, up 5.4% from $142.90 in 2017. (Note: A 2018 Pet CU (67%) Spent $224.81) This doesn’t exactly match the 6.6% total $ increase. Here are the specific details:

  • 1.1% more CU’s
  • Spent 4.8% more $
  • 0.6% more often

Let’s start with a visual overview. The chart below shows recent Supplies spending history.

Since the great recession, spending trends in the Supplies segment have been all about price – the CPI. Although many supplies are needed by Pet Parents, when they are bought and how much you spend is often discretionary. Additionally, many of the product categories in this segment are now considered commodities, so price is the main driver behind consumer purchasing behavior. When prices fall, consumers are more likely to buy more. When they go up, consumers spend less and/or buy less frequently.

2014 was the third consecutive year of deflation in Supplies as prices reached a level not seen since 2007. Consumers responded with a spending increase of over $2B. Prices stabilized and then moved up in 2015.

In 2015 we saw how the discretionary aspect of the Supplies segment can impact spending in another way. Consumers spent $5.4B for a food upgrade and cut back on Supplies – swapping $. This, in conjunction with inflation, caused supplies to suffer as consumers spent 4.1% less, but they bought 10% less often. That drop in purchase frequency drove $1.6B (78%) of the $2.1B decrease in Supplies spending.

In 2016, supplies’ prices flattened out and consumers value shopped for their upgraded food. Supplies spending stabilized and began to increase in the second half. In 2017 supplies prices deflated, reaching a new post-recession low. The consumers responded with a huge $2.74B increase in Supplies spending that was widespread across demographic segments. An important factor in the lift was an increase in purchase frequency which was within 5% of the 2014 rate.

In 2018 prices started to move up in April and rapidly increased later in the year due to the impact of new tariffs. By December, Supplies prices were 3.3% higher than a year ago. This explains the initial growth and pull back in spending.

That gives us an overview of the situation. Now let’s look at the “who” behind the numbers. First, we’ll look at spending by income level, the most influential demographic in Pet Spending.

National: $150.62 per CU (+5.4%) – $19.8B – Up $1.22B (+6.6%). (1st Half: +$1.23B; 2nd Half -$0.01B). Specifically:

In 2018 The spending increase was driven by the $100K+ group, those least affected by price, but it is not that simple.

  • <$30K (28.7% of CU’s)- $70.09 per CU (+2.3%)- $2.64B– Down $0.05B (-1.7%). (1st Half: +$0.12B; 2nd Half: -$0.17B) This group is very price sensitive as is evidenced by their spending drop due to the price increase. However, there is more to the story. Their CU supplies spending actually increased 2.3%, but the number of CU’s fell 4%.
  • $30K>70K (31.0% of CU’s)- $129.31 per CU (+2.3%) $5.26B Up $0.11B (+2.2%). (1st Half: +$0.18B; 2nd Half -$0.07B) This lower income group closely matches the national pattern and is the only group besides $150K+ to have annual increases since 2015. As you can see, they also reflect the price sensitivity of the segment.
  • $70>$100K (14.5% of CU’s) – $150.95 per CU (-4.0%) – $2.88B Down $0.16B (-5.2%). (1st Half: -$0.25B; 2nd Half +$0.09B) This middle-income group is the only group to have a drop in both CU average and total $. They fell 2% in the number of CU’s, but they also had an overall decrease in their total consumer spending, not just pet.
  • $100K>$150K (13.1% of CU’s) – $219.71 per CU (+12.4%) – $3.79B Up $0.56B (+17.5%). (1st Half: +$0.27B; 2nd Half +$0.29B) This group is growing and size and spending. They had the biggest percentage increase in Total $ and a huge lift in CU spending. The price increase has had no impact… so far.
  • $150K> (12.7% of CU’s) – $312.98 per CU (-1.1%) – $5.22B Up $0.75B (+16.7%). (1st Half: +$0.91B; 2nd Half -$0.16B) The lift in this group was driven by the $200K+ group. The drop in CU average came from the $150>199K group. Both groups spent slightly less in the 2nd Half. Money matters in Supplies but price increases can impact anyone.

The increase was driven by $100K+, but the performance of the $30>70K group showed that pet parenting is widespread across income groups. We also saw that price is a key factor to almost everyone in a discretionary segment like Supplies.

Now, we’ll look at spending by Age Group.

National: $150.62 per CU (+5.4%) – $19.8B – Up $1.22B (+6.6%). (1st Half: +$1.23B; 2nd Half -$0.01B). Specifically:

The increase was driven by 25>54 year olds, Millennials and Gen Xers, but every group but the 65>74 year olds spent the same or more on Supplies in 2018. However, the price increase had a definite impact. Here are the details.

  • 45>54 (17.5% of CU’s) $195.56 per CU (+8.7%) – $4.51BUp $0.27B (+6.3%). (1st Half: +$0.31B; 2nd Half: -$0.05BThis highest income age group has been the leader in Supplies spending since 2007. Fewer CU’s (-2.2%) spent 17.4% more on supplies, 7.4% less often. A drop in purchase frequency often comes with a price increase.
  • 35>44 (16.7% of CU’s) $184.23 per CU (+11.3%) – $4.05B – Up $0.56B (+16.0%). (1st Half: +$0.36B; 2nd Half: +$0.20B)   This group is second in income and overall expenditures. They had the biggest lift in Supplies spending, but growth has been exceptionally strong for the last 3 years. 4.3% more CU’s spent 3.6% more $, 7.4% more often.
  • 25<34 (16.2% of CU’s) $132.72 per CU (+12.0%) – $2.83BUp $0.30B (+12.0%). (1st Half: +$0.19B; 2nd Half: +$0.12B)  These Millennials are the only group spending less on Supplies in 2018 than in 2014. During that time, they have upgraded their food and increased their veterinary spending. However, in 2018 they turned their attention back to Supplies as  0.1% more CU’s spent 5.3% more on supplies, 6.3% more often.
  • 55>64 (18.6% of CU’s) $177.48 per CU (+5.3%) – $4.34B – Up $0.18B (+4.3%). (1st Half: +$0.23B; 2nd Half: -$0.05B)  In 2017 this “Boomer” group found the lowest Supplies prices since 2007 very alluring. They bought $0.82B more. The growth continued into 2018. Then prices turned sharply upward in the 2nd half and the growth stalled. 0.9% less CU’s spent 3.5% more on Supplies, 1.7% more often.
  • 65>74 (14.7% of CU’s) $122.01 per CU (-7.7%) – $2.36B – Down $0.09B (-3.8%). (1st Half: +$0.10B; 2nd Half: -$0.19B) There a lot of “price sensitive” retirees in this group. When prices turned up, they immediately cut back on spending. 4.2% more CU’s spent 11.1% less, 3.9% more often.
  • <25 (5.8% of CU’s) $88.21 per CU (+0.7%) – $0.67B- Up $0.004B (+0.6%). (1st Half: +$0.02B; 2nd Half: -$0.02BThis small group had the same # of CU’s, spent 2.9% more $, but 2.2% less often. The net result was that the 2nd half loss essentially wiped out the small gain in the first half.
  • 75> (10.4% of CU’s) $75.87 per CU (-3.7%) – $1.04B, Even $0.000B (0.0%). (1st Half: +$0.03B; 2nd Half: -$0.03BThis group is truly price sensitive as they spend 18% more than they earn. Like the youngest group, their 2nd half spending cut back produced a net “no gain” for the year. 3.9% more CU’s spent 5.8% more, 9.0% less often.

The impact of the price increase was readily apparent in this category. While 6 of 7 groups maintained or increased their Spending in 2018, 5 of 7 had decreases in the 2nd half. The other 2 had increases but they were 40% less than the 1st half.

Next, let’s take a look at some other key demographic “movers” in 2018 Pet Supplies Spending. Those boxed in black are different from 2017. If they are boxed in red, they flipped from 1st to last or vice versa.

There was some turmoil. 18 of 24 segments (75%) are different from 2017. 3 flipped from 1st to last and 1 went from last to 1st. Overall, the winners are definitely stronger than the losers. That’s what produced the $1.22B increase.

Three categories: Housing, Area & CU size had no negative segments. You see some of the usual “suspects on the “plus” side, like White, Not Hispanics, Homeowners with mortgages, Suburbanites and Married Couples only. The importance of income to Supplies spending is also clear with $150K+, 2 Earners and College Grads all having the biggest increases.

The positive influence of the younger crowd is very apparent with Millennials, 35 to 44 year olds, 4 People CU’s and white collar workers coming out on top.

On the downside, you see the impact of the strong inflation on Supplies Spending. There are a number of lower income, and/or price sensitive groups who spent less on Supplies in 2018. They include, Retirees, 65 to 74 year olds, Single Parents, 2+ people CU’s with only 1 Earner and those without a high school diploma.

The biggest “losers” in 2018 Supplies Spending were the Baby Boomers. They were down -$0.62B after an increase of $1.11B in 2017. That’s quite a turnaround. I looked a little closer and found that they were up $0.02B in the 1st Half of 2018, then went down -$0.64B in the 2nd half. In the Food Segment we saw evidence of reduced spending due to a number of their children moving out on their own. This undoubtedly contributed to the drop in Supplies $, but the drop also coincided with the price increase. I decided to look closer at the impact of that inflation across the demographics.

The following chart shows the biggest 2nd Half “losers” in 2018 Supplies Spending along with the winner in the category. To make the list, a segment had to have a minimum change of $0.1B.

Supplies Spending started out strong in 2018. In the 1st half, 67 of 82 demographic segments (82%) spent more. Then came the 2nd Half. Prices increased by 1.7% and only 38 segments (44%) had a spending increase over a year ago. By year end, 64 segments spent more on Supplies (78%). 2nd half numbers were not all bad. 5 segments that started out negative ended up on the plus side for the year. However, 8 segments that were positive in the 1st Half ended up spending less for the year because of the 2nd Half. Plus, some of the effect of inflation was hidden. 30 segments increased spending in both halves. However, 24 of them 80% had a smaller increase in the second half. The inflation had a broad impact.

The spending decrease was -$0.01B in the 2nd Half of 2018. In a couple of cases the behavior was clearly divided.

Education: College Grads +$0.30B; <College -$0.31B

Age: 25>44 +$0.32B; 45> -0.32B

The 2nd Half numbers strongly reinforce the importance of two demographic categories in Supplies Spending – Income & Age

Income – Supplies Spending is very price sensitive. Strong inflation causes low income and financially pressured groups to spend less – <$50K (46% of CU’s), 2+CU’s with 1 or no earners, Retirees, <College grads, Married Couples with Children, 4 Person CU’s. These groups all have monetary concerns. $100>149K, 3 Earners, College Grads, Homeowners with a paid off mortgage that aren’t Retirees are generally under less financial pressure.

Age – Perhaps, it is because they are less focused on “need” and have a more expansive and active “take” on Pet Parenting than their older counterparts, but Supplies Spending has always skewed towards the younger groups. The spending in both halves of 2018 by 25>44 yr olds, Millennials and 2+ Unmarried Adults reinforces this observation.

2018 definitely validates the price sensitivity of Supplies. After 24 months of consistent, strong growth, +$4.97B, spending turned down in the second half of 2018. The most likely cause – 1.7% inflation, driven by tariffs. What comes next? Inflation continued into 2019 growing another 1.7% in the first half. In fact, Supplies’ prices in the 1st half of 2019 were 3.4% above the same period in 2018. This doesn’t bode well for Supplies $ in 2019, but we’ll have to wait and see.