2021 U.S. Pet Spending by Generation – Gen X Moves to the Top!
Gen X was the best performer in every Pet Industry segment. They earned the top spot in Pet Spending!
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
Gen X was the best performer in every Pet Industry segment. They earned the top spot in Pet Spending!
Record increases from all segments but food produced a record $16.23B increase in Total Pet, which was demographically widespread.
A record $7.82B increase with 94% of all demographic segments spending more in 2021 than they did in 2020!
Retail Sales are up vs 2021 but the amount sold YTD vs 2021 is down again for most channels.
Petflation is now 50% higher than the national rate for October and just passed the YTD rate!
A strong, widespread Pandemic recovery as 90% of demographic segments spent a record $2.2B more on Services!
Supplies Spending comes roaring back with the biggest, most demographically widespread lift in history.
Retail spending vs 2021 is still up but the amount of product sold is still down!
Petflation is now 34.5% higher than the National Rate!
Pet Food spending falls slightly after the pandemic binge buying in 2020.