Attending GPE 2025? It is a showcase for New but has everything that you need! However, You Definitely Need a Plan!

The first Global Pet Expo (APPMA) occurred 67 years ago with 17 exhibitors in 30 booths. The industry & the show have both come a long way since then.  The show is again full strength and attendees at GPE 25 will see and experience:

  • 1118 separate exhibitor booths
  • With over 350,000 square feet of booths (Plus 45,000 sq ft for the New Product Showcase) Global Pet Expo 2025 actually occupies about 18 acres of prime Florida “real estate”.
  • 3000+ new items in the New Product Showcase and the exhibit floor. Plus, 270 Exhibitors “new” to Pet Shows
  • Sharing the aisles with an expected 20,000 attendees, including more than 6000 “buyers”.
  • The opportunity to choose from 50+ educational sessions across 3 days from March 26-28
  • 5 miles of aisles – just to walk the exhibit floor

The show floor is open for 23 hours so let’s put this in perspective and… “Do the Math!”

 If you don’t attend any seminars, visit the New Product Showcase, stop to chat with anyone in the aisles or for food, a drink or to go to the bathroom and maintain a walking speed of 2.5 mph, you can spend about 1 minute & 8 seconds with each exhibitor…You definitely need a plan!

Global Pet Expo definitely has it all… and more. Attendees will find the broadest selection of products and services from 40 countries while Exhibitors have the opportunity to reach a wide range of buyers across all retail channels.

First and foremost, Global is about Pet Products – Food, treats and a vast array of Supply categories. A regular flow of New Products is always critical to keep businesses and the whole industry strong and growing. Private label is still a hot trend and there is a new huge China Pavilion and over 130 exhibitors actively pushing OEM. Obviously, you must take the time to visit the New Product Showcase. You should also sign up for any relevant classes, network with other industry professionals and…walk the whole show.  There are at least twice as many new products being “launched” on the show floor as there are on display in the New Product Showcase. Plus, 30% of GPE 25 exhibitors did not exhibit at a GPE from 2019>24 and 80% of those companies did no pet shows during that period. GPE is about gathering info and making decisions to improve your business – whether they are made on the spot or put on your “must do” list.

Every business can improve in terms of products. If you are a retailer, what sections of your store are not doing as well as you hoped and need a “facelift” or conversely, what areas are growing and need products to fill additional space? Category managers for distributors and retail chains may only be interested in targeted visits to exhibitors relevant to their “categories”. Representatives may be looking for new manufacturers…in specific product categories. Manufacturers could be looking to find distributors to handle their products or just looking to “check out” the competition. In regard to products, there is always something to see…for everyone!

And Global is the place to see it. It’s all there! With so much to see and do, Time is perhaps the most valuable commodity at the show. How do you make the most of your time on the show floor? Here’s an idea.

In 2014 I first designed a tool in Excel, the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner to make “working Global & SuperZoo easier and more productive for ALL attendees – retailers, distributors, reps, groomers, vets…even exhibitors. I have updated the data and produced a tool for every GPE and SuperZoo since then…including GPE 2025.

The “update” is not just exhibitor lists but also to the product category offerings for every exhibitor. I reviewed every exhibitor profile on the show site, but I also visited over 1400 websites and conducted separate internet searches to “validate” the product offerings. It is not 100% accurate, but it is close.

What does the SuperSearch do?… It searches for and produces a list of Exhibitors by product categories.

  • From the simplest – “give me a list that I can look at on my phone or tablet in either Booth # order or alphabetically”
  • To the most complex…”can do a simultaneous search for multiple specific product categories, allowing you to personally narrow down the initial results and see the “final” alphabetically or by booth number. The GPE Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner does both…and more…and does it quickly! Take a look at the Quick Start Guide. You will see that it looks complex but is really quite simple.

GPE 2025 Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner – Quick Start Guide

First: When you download the Excel file, Remember to Enable Editing & Macros!

The GPE Super Search Exhibitor visit planner is designed to make your time on the show floor more efficient and more productive. With the Super Search you can conduct up to 5 separate and distinct product category searches simultaneously with consolidated results produced in booth # order to facilitate your “journey”. There are detailed instructions for reference and to help you understand the nuances of the tool. However, it is really very simple so let’s get started. (Note: No changes in instructions from 2024) Here is the Dashboard where you set up your searche

On the dashboard, the first things to note are the numerous category columns. There are 8 different floor sections, 11 different Exhibitor or Animal Types and 33 Dog and/or Cat Product categories. You can search exhibitors for any combination of these.

Let’s take a specific example running 3 simultaneous searches for several Dog/Cat categories:

  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Catnip & Litter (Must sell both)

Now referring to the Dashboard, let’s take it by the numbers:

  • This column is where you activate each search. Type in a “Y” (Cells C3>C7 will auto-capitalize) This search “line” becomes active.(cell turns green) In our example we are running 3 searches so we have 3 Y’s
  • Now we enter a 1 in the correct column for each search line. Search Line 1: Toys; Search Line 2: Treats.
  • In Search Line 3 we want exhibitors that sell both Catnip and Litter so we put a 1 in both of these columns.
  • Now we just “click” the Execute Search Button. The searches are done simultaneously and the results combined into a single list in alphabetical order.
  • If you would like to view the list in Booth # order, just click the Booth # Sort.
  • You can switch the list back to an alpha view by clicking the Alpha Sort Button.
  • To Clear all your search categories and start a new search, Click the Clear Criteria Button. Then click Execute (#4) again and you will be back to the full list

Note: Any Search Line with a Y and no 1’s in any column will always deliver the entire list regardless of what is selected in other lines. Change the Y back to an N in unused search lines. Now a sample of the results:

Company A – Has Toys Only; Company B has Dog Treats Only; Company C is on the list for Treats and also has Catnip, but no Litter. This is not unusual as Catnip is often a Treat; Company D has Treats & Toys. Company E has both Catnip and Litter and in fact, actually has it all!

Note: The Super Search highlights your search categories so you know “why you are there”. However, it also shows all categories that are available. Some might “pique” your interest while you are visiting the booth.

You can review the exhibitors alphabetically then put the list in Booth # order to make it easier to “work”. The Super Search also allows you to “cut down” the list during your review. (Pg 2; Point #11 – “U Pick ‘em” in Detailed Instructions) But First, I suggest that you “play” with the Super Search to get a “feel” for the tool, and then review the Detailed Instructions. With your “play” experience, the detailed instructions will become a “quick read” and a valuable reference. You will soon be “up to speed” on the full capabilities of Super Search. Good Luck and Good “Hunting” at GPE 2025!

Ready to Start Planning?

Use the links below to download the Super Search Tool (Be Sure to Enable Editing/Macros/Content if asked by your computer), the Quick Start Guide and the Detailed Instructions. Then GET STARTED!


(For the Excel file to work on your computer, be sure to enable saving/macros/editing/content if asked.)

NOTE: Global Pet Expo 2025 is open so this is the Final/For the record Super Search.


GLOBAL PET EXPO 2025…PETS. – Where perspectives spark innovation!

Global Pet Expo, the Pet Industry’s premiere event, continues at its “new normal”. The exhibitor count is currently 1077. It could reach 1139 by showtime. This is more than 1129 in 24 but lower than the 1173 peak in 2019. However, it is still more than enough.

Live events are critical in the Pet Industry because of our attitude towards Pets and Pet Products. Pets are an integral part of our families, and we now increasingly personify them. Pet shows are primarily focused on Pet Products. Studies have shown that over 60% of consumers prefer to make initial buying decisions on Pet Products in person. This makes Pet Products 2nd  only to fresh groceries in this behavior. This preference applies to all Pet Products buyers, not just consumers. The retailers and distributors attending GPE and SuperZoo want to see and touch a new product before they buy. Live shows are not just important, they are critical to the continued growth and strength of the Pet Industry.

Inflation has slowed but it is cumulative. You will again see evidence of its impact in the makeup of exhibitors at GPE 2025. Consumers are looking for Value (Quality + Price). One way to get it is through Private Label products. GPE 25  has  over 120 companies actively soliciting OEM customers. Foreign companies are especially capable of OEM, so their booth share from 40 countries is now 37%. (up from 36% in 24) Back in 2019, it was 25%. These trends have also affected individual product categories. Now, let’s take a brief look at what awaits attendees of GPE 2025.

If all 62 open booths are filled, the exhibitor count will be -2.7% lower than the 2019 peak but the booth square footage will be +0.8% more. Regardless of the final number, there will be more than enough exhibitors to satisfy the needs and wants of every buyer. Here are some relevant facts.

  • 1077 Booths – assigned as of 2/17 but, with commitments the final count could reach 1139
  • 357,000 sq ft of exhibit booth space (Not counting the 45,000 sq ft new product area)
  • 10 x 20 is the most popular size – 361 (33.5% of committed exhibitors), but 10 x 10 is a close 2nd with 355.
  • Booths are bigger – the average size is 318 sq ft, +5% from 2024. Exhibitors want more space.
  • Size matters – Booths 300 to 800 sq ft (26%) occupy 41% of the space. Those with 1000+ sq ft (5%) cover 28%.

Will you see any new exhibitors or is it the usual group? There have been 10 live pet trade shows from 2019>24 – 5 GPEs and 5 SZs. There are currently 1077 exhibitors at GPE 25 but It took 3870 companies to fill all 11 shows. Of the GPE 25 exhibitors:

  • 139 (13%) – Did all 10 other shows
  • 678 (63%) – Did GPE 2024
  • 321 (30%) – Are new to GPE (at least from 2019>24)
  • 257 (24%) – Did NO other shows from 2019>2024

The percentage of exhibitors new to GPE this year is slightly above “normal”. There is definitely plenty of “New” to see.

Special “Floor Sections” at GPE account for 54% of Booths, up from 37.2% in 2019. This was due to the addition of the Supplier Pavilion in 2024 and the China Pavilion in 2025. The primary comparison of GPE 25 to previous years in this and other areas will be by share of booths. 

Note: In all charts, the Booth count comparison is as of 2/17/25 vs 2/16/24. In the share portion, the 2019>2024 data is the final number while the 2025 data reflects the status as of 2/17/25. 

  • Natural – 186 Booths. The number of booths is down from 201 in 24 and the share has been falling since 2022. It is still important as it is a strong trend in society. A new subsection of Sustainability was added this year.
  • Modern Pet – 17 Booths. The booth share continues to fall, down 72% from 2019. This Boutique section is essentially the opposite of Natural and more discretionary in a country that is increasingly focused on “needs”.
  • Aquatic – 25 Booths. This category had strong 24>25 growth but the booth share is still down 56% from 2019.
  • 1st Time Exhibitors – 114 Booths. Their share rebounded in 2025 but most of the 321 exhibitors who didn’t exhibit at GPE (at least from 2019>2024) chose the regular floor or another special section. GPE is a “must do” for new companies and New – products and companies are a major focus of GPE. A Startup subsection was added this year.
  • Supplier – 47 Booths. This section was added in 2024 in response to the growing popularity of OEM products. This trend is still going strong.
  • International/Country Pavvilions – The foreign surge continues and grows. 37% of GPE exhibitors are from 40 foreign countries. The most visible impact is the new China pavilion with 220 booths. Note: All are reserved but 34 are still unassigned.

There are large numbers of exhibitors in the “regular” floor space who would qualify for inclusion in these sections. You need to “work” the whole show to ensure that you get a full view of the product categories of interest to you. I will again be creating a GPE Exhibitor Visit Planner that allows attendees to plan their floor time by targeting the exhibitors with products of interest. The GPE 2025 SuperSearch will be made available by March 10th and be regularly updated with last minute changes. Now, let’s take a look at the results from this year’s research on exhibitors’ product offerings.

1st, we’ll Compare Exhibitor Types– By function: By Animal type (Remember, the 2025 numbers are as of 2/17/25)

Results were mostly negative as only 4 categories have currently gained share from the 2024 final.

  • Dogs Still Rule – They are still 83>84% of all booths. 5 out of every 6 booths are selling dog products.
  • Cats had the biggest gain of any animal and are now offered by 61.8% of exhibitors. Up from 40% back in 2014.
  • Fish/Aquatic – This category continues to lose share and is down 55% from 2017.
  • Other Animals – Small Animals lost some ground. All others gained share. The biggest lift was in Birds, +0.9%.
  • Business Services – High prices continue to drive the popularity of private label/OEM products. They lost a little share but it is still triple 2019. This reflects the changes in the industry. BTW, there were 8 exhibitors in 2014.
  • Distributors – Their share fell and is again below 1%. The supply chain is shortening for many categories.
  • Gift/Gen Mdse – Their share has been generally declining since peaking at 7.8% in 2016.

Dogs and Cats are still the undisputed royalty of Pet. Because of their huge impact on the industry, I have divided the products designed for them into 33 subcategories. Let’s see how this year’s GPE Top Ten (by booth count) are doing. Note: The 2025 ranks are as of 2/17/25. The 2019>2024 ranks are based upon the final numbers.

Only 3 have more booths than 2/16/24, but the ranking  changed for 4 – 2 up & 2 down. Clothes/Costumes made the list despite losing -1.1% in share. Food related categories is the big driver. They have the only increases in booth count vs 2024. The biggest share gain was by Meds/Supplements, while Beds had the biggest loss.

  • Treats are still #1 although their share fell by -0.3%. Their priority is reflected in their frequency – 1 in 3 booths offers treats. Many supplements are in treat form and have helped maintain treats at the top.
  • Toys – Toys’ share was stable but they moved up to #2 from #3. This is directly tied to the continuing surge in Chinese companies. 1 in 5 exhibitors are now based in China.
  • OTC Meds/Supplements/Devices – A 3.6% gain in booths and a 1.3% gain in share. Both are the biggest lifts, but they fell from #2 to #3. This anomally was due to a rank change that happened from 2/16/24 to showtime for GPE 2024. They are down 3.6% in share from their peak in 2022, but up 12.8% from 2014 (+116%)
  • Feeding Accessories. They held on to #4. Their booth count and share both rose. Food is the top priority of Pet Parents so bowls/feeders are a necessity. More foreign exhibitors has helped.
  • Collars, Leads & Harnesses – They fell from a tie for #4 to #5. Their share has been relatively stable since 2019 after falling from 22.1% in 2018. In 2016, they also had a 22.1% share which earned them the #2 ranking.
  • Food is a priority as Pet Parents focus on nutrition, health and wellness. Except for some treats, almost all Pet Food sold in the USA is made in the USA. However, frequent purchasing and near record retail prices make it a prime candidate for OEM.
  • Beds/Mats – They had the biggest share loss but stayed #7. They also benefit from more OEM.
  • Grooming Tools – They lost a little share from the record levels of 2023 & 2024, but stayed #8. Once again, Chinese companies are a primary source for this product category.
  • Waste Pickup – They also lost a little share but held on to the #9 spot.
  • Clothes/Costumes – They lost -1.1% in share but Carriers/Crates lost -2.0% so they swapped places – #11 for #10. They are now in the Top 10 for the 1st time since 2022. Both of these strong selling categories are often made for private label.

Pet Parents’ concern for the overall health and wellness of their “pet children” remains a big priority but the impact of strong cumulative Petflation has pushed the “value” of Private Label products to the forefront. Their OEM capabilities plus the end of travel restrictions has caused a recent surge in foreign exhibitors, including the huge new China pavilion. They will occupy over 400 booths (37%). In pre-pandemic 2019 they had 295 booths (25%). You first see the impact at the animal type level. In OEM, Dog & Cat are where the $ are. Dogs are #1 (5 of 6 booths) and Cats continue to gain share, now at a record 61.8% (3 of 5 booths). Some product categories are also gaining or keeping an elevated share including Toys, Bowls/Feeders, Grooming Tools, Collars & Leads, Beds and Waste Disposal products.

The last chart details the specifics for all 33 of the Dog/Cat product categories that I defined. Of note: All the data inputs for this report and the SuperSearch tool come from a review of the GPE online exhibitor product listings AND visits to over 1400 websites. They’re not 100% accurate, but pretty close. Which categories are of interest to your business?

GPE 2025 is about innovation and fulfilling needs. There are products, services and education to fulfill every need and…want. There is also an abundance of “new” – both in products and the 250+ exhibitors who are new to Pet Industry shows. However, to reap the benefits, you need a plan. Exhibitors must showcase the “right” items. Attendees need to strategically analyze their data, determine what they need to improve their business and develop a plan to find the products to fulfill their needs. Then…execute the plan. If they do nothing else at GPE, attendees will have 1 minute and 9 seconds to spend at each booth. You definitely need a plan! The GPE 2025 SuperSearch will be available the week of March 10th. It can help. Try it out. Good luck in Orlando!

Attending SUPERZOO 2024? – It is a great Opportunity! But….You Need a Plan!

SUPERZOO is stronger than ever. With a record 1120+ exhibitors, over 18,000 expected attendees and 1000+ new products in the New Product Showcase, plus many more on the show floor, SUPERZOO 2024 is literally packed with opportunities. To help attendees in working this huge show there are targeted floor sections to better focus their time on the show floor. One thing is unchanged. There is a huge array of exhibitors in every product category.

Consider these 2024 SUPERZOO facts:

  • 1119 exhibitors as of 7/29 with 4 uncommitted booths to be filled from a large waiting list
  • 7 “Targeted” Floor Sections: Natural & Health; Specialty & Lifestyle; Groomers; Aquatics, Birds, Reptiles & Small Animals; Emerging Brands; Farm & Feed; International
  • 302,000+ sq ft of exhibitor booths; Plus, a 32,000 sq ft New Products Showcase
  • SuperZoo Education: Seminars on Retail and Grooming – 100 hours; 66 sessions…plus show floor talks/demos
  • Over 5 miles of aisles – just to walk the exhibit floor.

Whew! This show is huge. The show floor is open for 22 hours so…Let’s “Do the Math!”

 If you don’t attend any seminars, visit the New Product Showcase, stop to chat with anyone in the aisles or for food, a drink or to go to the bathroom and maintain a walking speed of 2.5 mph…

You can spend…1 MINUTE AND 4 SECONDS…with each exhibitorYou definitely need a plan!

With a higher concentration of Pet retailer attendees and a commitment to groomers, there are subtle differences between SUPERZOO and GPE.  However, like GPE, SUPERZOO has attendees from every major retail channel and attracts a multitude of exhibitors and attendees from around the globe.

Despite the variety of offerings to fill an attendee’s time, SUPERZOO is still primarily about Pet Products. New Products are critical to maintaining and growing any business so you must take the time to visit the new product area. Knowledge is power so you should also sign up for any relevant classes. Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know that matters most. This makes networking with other industry professionals a priority.

Every business can improve in terms of products. If you are a retailer, what sections of your store are not doing as well as you hoped and need a “facelift” or conversely, what areas are growing and need products to fill additional space? Category managers for distributors and retail chains may only be interested in targeted visits to exhibitors relevant to their “categories”. Representatives may be looking for new manufacturers…in specific product categories. Manufacturers could be looking to find distributors to handle their products or just looking to “check out” the competition. In regard to products, there is always something to see…for everyone! Plus, there are 596 Exhibitors at SZ 24 that weren’t at GPE 24.

SUPERZOO is a great place to review products but Business Services, everything from Private label to POS, have also become increasingly important. In fact, 1 out of every 5 exhibitors offers some type of Business Service. Attendees can now “Leave no stone unturned” in their quest for business success. SUPERZOO is about gathering information and making decisions to improve your business – whether they are made on the spot or put on your “must do” list. Your only real limitation is time. How do you make the most effective use of your time on the show floor? Here’s a suggestion.

Use the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner to make SUPERZOO easier and more productive. I initially designed it in 2014 and have updated the data and produced a new version for every GPE and SUPERZOO since then…including SZ 2024.

The “update” is not just exhibitor lists but also to the product category offerings for every exhibitor. I reviewed every exhibitor profile on the show site, but I also visited over 1100 websites and conducted separate internet searches to “validate” their product offerings. It is not 100% accurate, but it is close.

What does the Super Search do?…It searches for and produces a list of Exhibitors by product categories.

  • From the simplest – “give me a list that I can look at on my phone or tablet in either Booth # order or alphabetically”
  • To the most complex…”can do a simultaneous search for multiple specific product categories, allowing you to personally narrow down the initial results and see the “final” alphabetically or by booth number.

The SUPERZOO Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner does both…and more…and does it quickly!

Take a look at the Updated Quick Start Guide. You will see that it looks complex but is really quite simple.

SUPERZOO 2024 Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner – Quick Start Guide

First: When you download the Excel file, Remember to Enable Editing & Macros!

The SZ 2024 Super Search Exhibitor visit planner is designed to make your time on the show floor more efficient and more productive. With the Super Search you can conduct up to 5 separate and distinct product category searches simultaneously with consolidated results produced in booth # order to facilitate your “journey”. There are detailed instructions for reference and to help you understand the nuances of the tool. However, it is really very simple so let’s get started. Here is the Dashboard where you set up your searches.

On the dashboard, the first things to note are the numerous category columns. There are 7 separate floor sections, 11 different Exhibitor or Animal Types and 33 Dog and/or Cat Product categories. You can search exhibitors for any combination of these.

Let’s take a specific example running 3 simultaneous searches for several Dog/Cat categories:

  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Catnip & Litter (Must sell both)

Now referring to the Dashboard, let’s take it by the numbers:

  1. This column is where you activate each search. Type in a “Y” (Cells C3>C7 will auto-capitalize) This search “line” becomes active.(cell turns green) In our example we are running 3 searches, so we have 3 “Y”s
  2. Now we enter a 1 in the correct column for each search line. Search Line 1: Toys; Search Line 2: Treats.
  3. In Search Line 3 we want exhibitors that sell both Catnip and Litter, so we put a 1 in both of these columns.
  4. Now we just “click” the Execute Search Button. The searches are done simultaneously, and the results combined into a single list in alphabetical order.
  5. If you would like to view the list in Booth # order, just click the Booth # Sort.
  6. You can switch the list back to an alpha view by clicking the Alpha Sort Button.
  7. To Clear all your search categories and start a new search, click the Clear Criteria Button. Then click Execute (#4) again and you will be back to the full list

Note: Any Search Line with a Y and no 1’s in any column will always deliver the entire list regardless of what is selected in other lines. Change the Y back to an N in unused search lines. Now a sample of the results:

Company A – Has Toys Only; Company B has Dog Treats Only and is also a “Startup”; Company C is on the list for Treats and also has Catnip, but no Litter. This is not unusual as Catnip is often a Treat; Company D has Treats & Toys. Company E has both Catnip and Litter and in fact, actually has it all!

Note: The Super Search highlights your search categories, so you know “why you are there”. However, it also shows all categories that are available. Some might “pique” your interest while you are visiting the booth.

You can review the exhibitors alphabetically then put the list in Booth # order to make it easier to “work”. The Super Search also allows you to “cut down” the list during your review. (Pg 2; Point #11 – “U Pick ‘em” in Detailed Instructions) But First, I suggest that you “play” with the Super Search to get a “feel” for the tool, and then review the Detailed Instructions. With your “play” experience, the detailed instructions will become a “quick read” and a valuable reference. You’ll soon be “up to speed” on the full capabilities of Super Search.

Good Luck and Good “Hunting” at SZ 2024!

Use the links below to download The 8/5 Updated Super Search (Be Sure to Enable editing/macros/content), the Quick Start Guide and the Detailed Instructions. Then GET STARTED!  

(To save the PDF to your computer Right Click the download link and select “Save Link As…”)

(To save the PDF to your computer Right Click the download link and select “Save Link As…”)

(For the Excel file to work on your computer, be sure to enable macros/editing/content if asked.)

Note: SZ 24 had some last minute changes so we now have a FINAL FINAL. The changes from the Final are:

  • Waggin Water & Yappy Hour in #2146 cancelled.
  • The New Zealand Natural Pet Food Co moved from #2149 to #2146
  • Eli Pet Products #2147 expanded to include #2149 but kept the same booth #, 2147
And… 1 new exhibitor was added:
  1. Texas Pet Products in #6375

There was a net loss of 1 exhibitor

  • The new exhibitor and booth change are highlighted in Purple. The changes from 8/5>8/9 are still highlighted in Orange and the changes from 7/29>8/5 are still highlighted in Blue in the file.



SUPERZOO 2024 is only 4 weeks away. You will see in this advance look that the Pet Industry is stronger than ever as SUPERZOO 24 reflects the ever-increasing record level of Pet Products & Services sales.

The pandemic fueled the strong growth of Pet Products sales on the internet, which has continued because of value and convenience. However, most of these $ are coming from proven products. Buyers of all kinds, from consumers to chain store executives prefer to make in person buying decisions on new pet items. That’s what makes in person trade shows so important. You will see this clearly demonstrated at SUPERZOO 2024 with the strong influx of new exhibitors.

Currently SUPERZOO 2024 has 1112 exhibitors. That is equal to the pre-pandemic 2019 record. However, that record is sure to fall. There are 8 uncommitted booths, with a wait list that is now limited to 50 companies. SUPERZOO 24 will have a full house of 1120 exhibitors and set a new record. Actually, the primary reason that SUPERZOO’s growth is not even stronger is that the WPA ran out of floorspace. This situation was made even worse by many exhibitors insisting that they must have bigger booths. You will see the impact of this trend when we take a closer look at Special Floor Sections.

So how big is the SUPERZOO 2024 “full house”? There are 302,000 sq ft of booths, a 32,000 sq ft New Products Showcase, with over 1000 items, and 15,000 sq ft devoted to 28 Show Floor Education and demonstration sessions. There are also 66 educational sessions on grooming or business subjects in separate rooms off of the show floor. Combined, these sessions offer over 120 hours of valuable education. This is a great opportunity for the expected 10,000+ buyers but also a challenge. They need to make a plan to take full advantage of the amazing strength of SUPERZOO 24. Total attendance including Buyers, Exhibitors, Media/Guests is expected to be 16,000+. The show will be crowded.

New is always a focus at Pet Trade shows. That also applies to exhibitors. At SUPERZOO 2024:

  • 434 Exhibitors weren’t at SZ23
  • 596 weren’t at GPE24
  • And 344 didn’t do either show

Plus, over 325 are SUPERZOO 1st Timers and 283 haven’t done any other major pet show, at least from 2019>2024. Those are some strong arguments for attending SUPERZOO 2024. It is definitely a “must do” for all Pet Industry participants. Now, let’s look at some specifics of what you will see there. While a change in the booth count is important, I suggest that you focus on the changes in the share of booths. Changes in this measurement will indicate how a particular group or product category is performing relative to other groups. This will help identify key trends in the industry – both positive and negative. This can be very important in corporate decision making.

First, we’ll look at the overall show floor in terms of specialized sections.

  • Because they help guide attendees’ time on the huge show floor, special sections are very important. They exceeded 50% of SUPERZOO booths for the 1st time in 2021. They are down slightly from 2023 but are still 57% of all booths.
  • Natural & Health are the unquestioned biggest trends in Pet Products. WPA combined them in 2022. They almost always go together so it makes sense to put them in one section. Natural has been the biggest section for years. They are down slightly in count (bigger booths) but are still 28% of exhibitors and 31% of total booth space.
  • Specialty & Lifestyle (Fashion) again lost share, -1.0%. This section continues to trend down.
  • Aquatics/Animals had a small lift in booths. This is an important section as non-dog/cat pets started the industry.
  • Feed & Farm had a big drop, largely because poultry products have become part of the mainstream.
  • Grooming is a major focus of SUPERZOO. This section was stable with 8% of exhibitors, the 2nd largest.
  • The International Pavilion is small and doesn’t reflect the importance of over 200 exhibitors from outside of the U.S.
  • The small drop by Emerging Brands is not significant as most new companies choose a special section or the open floor so they can have a bigger booth. In fact, 1st Time SUPERZOO exhibitors occupy 30+% of booths at the show.

Now let’s look at the Exhibitors by type, including animal.

  • All classifications but Reptile & Dog have fewer exhibitors and lost a small amount of share.
  • In terms of Animals, there are still plenty of exhibitors offering products to cover every need for Pet Parents of all animal types. Dogs are still the “Pet Kings”. They gained 1.6% in share and are found in over 4 of every 5 booths.
  • Business Services is again the exhibitor type leader. This segment includes companies that offer services to improve existing businesses and those that help in private label production – ingredients, packaging or finished products. In 2015 there were 65 SUPERZOO exhibitors in this category. In 2023 there were 223. In 2024, there was a small drop to 212. However, many other manufacturers also offer OEM services. The recent inflation surge and cumulative high prices have made Private Label products very appealing to consumers. Retailers also usually make more profit.

Let’s take a closer look at the “Pet Royalty”. Here are the top 10 Dog and/or Cat Categories at SUPERZOO 2024.

  • This chart shows the strong performance by the top Cat & Dog products. The current top 5 grew in booths and share while #6 > 10 had small decreases. Feeding Accessories had the biggest gains.
  • The categories are the same as 2023 & 2022 but only 1 moved up and 1 down one spot in ranking from 2023.
  • Treats & Meds/Supp secured their place in the top 2 spots and have 98 or more booths than #3.
  • Toys had a 6.4% gain in booths. They also gained 1.2% in share and stayed #3 in rank.
  • Collars/Leads gained 3.5% in booths and 0.6% in share and stayed 4th in rank.
  • Feeding Accessories had a 17.5% gain in booths, a 2.5% gain in share and moved up to 5th from 6th in ranking.
  • Food is the biggest $ producer but had a small drop in # & share. It also fell from 5th to 6th in rank.
  • Beds & Mats had 2 fewer booths and lost -0.2% in share. They held on to 7th
  • Grooming Tools had 3 fewer booths and also lost -0.3% in share but stayed #8.
  • Shampoos have 2 less booths and a -0.2% share loss. Both drops were slightly less than Grooming Tools.
  • Apparel had the biggest drops in booths & share and only leads #11 Waste Pickup by 1. Plus, they gained 2 booths.

SUPERZOO will have a Record Exhibitor count, but the house is full. One factor slowing future growth is the increase in the average booth size. In 2024 the average SUPERZOO booth was 282 sq ft, basically 10’x30’. This is only up 3% from 2023 but it is +41% from 200 sq ft in 2016. This is a big reason why the WPA ran out of space. However, new and existing Products and Services are available to fill virtually every need or want of the attendees. Plus, the continued strength of targeted special floor sections, which helps attendees fulfill their primary needs along with a massive amount of educational sessions are 2 prime examples of the WPA’s ongoing efforts to continually improve the show.

941 exhibitors (85%) focus on Dog and/or Cat. Let’s take a closer look.

There will be more Exhibitors at SUPERRZOO 2024 than at 2023. Those offering Dog and/or Cat products grew by 12. The Dog/Cat share of exhibitors increased slightly from 83.6% to 84.6%. Dogs and Cats remain the unquestioned “royalty” of the industry. Here are some of the changes from SUPERZOO 2023

  • 17 of 33 categories increased their number of exhibitors; 12 had decreases; 4 had no change
  • 16 categories increased their share of total exhibitors; 13 lost share; 4 No Change
  • Ranking changes: 6 up; 6 down; 21 no change

In terms of booth gains & losses, the Top 10 had 5 of the 17 increases. The biggest increase was 28 by the Feeding Accessories category (#5). The Top 10 also had 5 of the 12 category decreases but CBD Products had the biggest drop.

When you look at share gains & losses, the Top 10 had 5 of the 16 gains, including the biggest, +2.5% by Feeding Accessories and 4 of the 5 that were at least 1.0%. They had 5 of the 13 losses but the -1.8% drop by CBD Products was the largest. Apparel (#10) is the only other category to lose -1%.

The Top 10 only had 1 of the 6 increases in rank & 1 of the 6 drops, but the biggest changes were all outside the group.

All Dog & Cat product needs are much more than covered, with a lot of choices in each. We should also note that while the overall “Cat” share was -0.6%, 3 cat “driven” categories – Litter, Scratching & Furniture all gained in share.

SUPERZOO again showcases what is “happening” in the Pet Industry and offers a great opportunity for Industry participants, both exhibitors and attendees, to drive the growth of their businesses. It still takes effort and commitment from everyone, but SUPERZOO 2024 is the surest bet in Las Vegas!

Finally, the chart below details the specifics for all 33 of the Dog/Cat product categories that I defined for the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner.  (Note: The SZ 2024 Super Search will be available at on 7/29.)

Attending GPE 2024? It is a showcase for New but has everything that you need! However, You Definitely Need a Plan!

The first Global Pet Expo (APPMA) occurred 66 years ago with 17 exhibitors in 30 booths. The industry & the show have both come a long way since then.  The show is back to full strength and attendees at GPE 24 will see and experience:

  • 1137 separate exhibitor booths
  • With over 344,000 square feet of booths (Plus 45,000 sq ft for the New Product Showcase) Global Pet Expo 2022 actually occupies about 18 acres of prime Florida “real estate”.
  • 3000+ new items in the New Product Showcase and on the exhibit floor. Plus, 276 Exhibitors “new” to Pet Shows.
  • Sharing the aisles with an expected 15,000+ attendees, including more than 6000 “buyers”.
  • The opportunity to choose from 50+ educational sessions across 4 days from March 19-22.
  • 5 miles of aisles – just to walk the exhibit floor

The show floor is open for 24 hours so let’s put this in perspective and… “Do the Math!”

 If you don’t attend any seminars, visit the New Product Showcase, stop to chat with anyone in the aisles or for food, a drink or to go to the bathroom and maintain a walking speed of 2.5 mph, you can spend about 1 minutes and 10 seconds with each exhibitor…You definitely need a plan!

Global Pet Expo definitely has it all… and more. Attendees will find the broadest selection of products and services from 35 countries while Exhibitors have the opportunity to reach a wide range of buyers across all retail channels.

First and foremost, Global is about Pet Products – Food, Treats and a vast array of Supply categories. A regular flow of New Products is always critical to keep businesses and the whole industry strong and growing. Due to high Petflation, Private Label has beccome a hot trend in “new” and GPE 24 fills that need. There is a new Suppliers Floor Section and over 120 exhibitors pushing OEM. Obviously, you must take the time to visit the New Product Showcase. You should also sign up for any relevant classes, network with other industry professionals and…walk the whole show.  There are at least twice as many new products being “launched” on the show floor as there are on display in the New Product Showcase. Plus, 30% of GPE 24 exhibitors did not exhibit at a GPE from 2019>23 and 3/4 of these companies did no pet show during that period. Global is about gathering information and making decisions to improve your business – whether they are made on the spot or put on your “must do” list.

Every business can improve in terms of products. If you are a retailer, what sections of your store are not doing as well as you hoped and need a “facelift” or conversely, what areas are growing and need products to fill additional space? Category managers for distributors and retail chains may only be interested in targeted visits to exhibitors relevant to their “categories”. Representatives may be looking for new manufacturers…in specific product categories. Manufacturers could be looking to find distributors to handle their products or just looking to “check out” the competition. In regard to products, there is always something to see…for everyone!

And Global is the place to see it. It’s all there! With so much to see and do, Time is perhaps the most valuable commodity at the show. How do you make the most of your time on the show floor? Here’s an idea.

In 2014 I first designed a tool in Excel, the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner to make “working Global & SuperZoo easier and more productive for ALL attendees – retailers, distributors, reps, groomers, vets…even exhibitors. I have updated the data and produced a tool for every GPE and SuperZoo since then…including GPE 2024.

The “update” is not just exhibitor lists but also to the product category offerings for every exhibitor. I reviewed every exhibitor profile on the show site, but I also visited over 1300 websites and conducted separate internet searches to “validate” the product offerings. It is not 100% accurate, but it is close.

What does the SuperSearch do?… It searches for and produces a list of Exhibitors by product categories.

  • From the simplest – “give me a list that I can look at on my phone or tablet in either Booth # order or alphabetically”
  • To the most complex…”can do a simultaneous search for multiple specific product categories, allowing you to personally narrow down the initial results and see the “final” alphabetically or by booth number.” The GPE Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner does both…and more…and does it quickly! Take a look at the Quick Start Guide. You will see that it looks complex but is really quite simple.

GPE 2024 Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner – Quick Start Guide

First: When you download the Excel file, Remember to Enable Editing & Macros!

The GPE Super Search Exhibitor visit planner is designed to make your time on the show floor more efficient and more productive. With the Super Search you can conduct up to 5 separate and distinct product category searches simultaneously with consolidated results produced in booth # order to facilitate your “journey”. There are detailed instructions for reference and to help you understand the nuances of the tool. However, it is really very simple so let’s get started. (Note: No changes in instructions from 2023) Here is the Dashboard where you set up your searches.

On the dashboard, the first things to note are the numerous category columns. There are 5 different floor sections, 11 different Exhibitor or Animal Types and 33 Dog and/or Cat Product categories. You can search exhibitors for any combination of these.

Let’s take a specific example running 3 simultaneous searches for several Dog/Cat categories:

  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Catnip & Litter (Must sell both)

Now referring to the Dashboard, let’s take it by the numbers:

  • This column is where you activate each search. Type in a “Y” (Cells C3>C7 will auto-capitalize) This search “line” becomes active.(cell turns green) In our example we are running 3 searches so we have 3 “Y”s.
  • Now we enter a 1 in the correct column for each search line. Search Line 1: Toys; Search Line 2: Treats.
  • In Search Line 3 we want exhibitors that sell both Catnip and Litter so we put a 1 in both of these columns.
  • Now we just “click” the Execute Search Button. The searches are done simultaneously and the results combined into a single list in alphabetical order.
  • If you would like to view the list in Booth # order, just click the Booth # Sort.
  • You can switch the list back to an alpha view by clicking the Alpha Sort Button.
  • To Clear all your search categories and start a new search, Click the Clear Criteria Button. Then click Execute (#4) again and you will be back to the full list

Note: Any Search Line with a Y and no 1’s in any column will always deliver the entire list regardless of what is selected in other lines. Change the Y back to an N in unused search lines. Now a sample of the results:

Company A – Has Toys Only; Company B has Dog Treats Only; Company C is on the list for Treats and also has Catnip, but no Litter. This is not unusual as Catnip is often a Treat; Company D has Treats & Toys. Company E has both Catnip and Litter and in fact, actually has it all!

Note: The Super Search highlights your search categories so you know “why you are there”. However, it also shows all categories that are available. Some might “pique” your interest while you are visiting the booth.

You can review the exhibitors alphabetically then put the list in Booth # order to make it easier to “work”. The Super Search also allows you to “cut down” the list during your review. (Pg 2; Point #11 – “U Pick ‘em” in Detailed Instructions) But First, I suggest that you “play” with the Super Search to get a “feel” for the tool, and then review the Detailed Instructions. With your “play” experience, the detailed instructions will become a “quick read” and a valuable reference. You will soon be “up to speed” on the full capabilities of Super Search. Good Luck and Good “Hunting” at GPE 2024!

Ready to Start Planning?

Use the links below to download the Super Search Tool (Be Sure to Enable Editing/Macros/Content if asked by your computer), the Quick Start Guide and the Detailed Instructions. Then GET STARTED!


(For the Excel file to work on your computer, be sure to enable saving/macros/editing/content if asked.)

NOTE: Global Pet Expo 2024 opens in 2 days but there were a couple of exhibitor changes from 3/15>18. The latest file is dated 3-18. 2 Exhibitors dropped out and the APPA created a new lounge in the Supplier Section. As of 3/18 there are 2 available booths.

Earlier Changes: From 3/4 to 3/8, 2 exhibitors changed their name, orange highlight. Plus, 10 new exhibitors were added, light green highlight. The changes from 3/8 to 3/15 were: 1 name change and 3 moves, beige highlight. One new exhibitor was also added, light blue highlight. 1 exhibitor dropped out leaving 1 available booth, also highlighted in light blue. Always look at the date in the file name to make sure that you are using the most up-to-date version of GPE 24 SuperSearch.

GLOBAL PET EXPO 2024…Innovation in Motion!

Global Pet Expo, the Pet Industry’s premiere event, is back to near “normal”. The exhibitor count is up from 2023 and should reach 1136 (+11% vs 23) by showtime. This is lower than the 1173 peak in 2019 but it is still more than enough.

Live events are critical in the Pet Industry because of our attitude towards Pets and Pet Products. Pets are an integral part of our families, and we now increasingly personify them. Pet shows are primarily focused on Pet Products. Studies have shown that over 60% of consumers prefer to make initial buying decisions on Pet Products in person. This makes Pet Products 2nd  only to fresh groceries in this behavior. This preference applies to all Pet Products buyers, not just consumers. The retailers and distributors attending GPE and SuperZoo want to see and touch a new product before they buy. Live shows are not just important, they are critical to the continued growth and strength of the Pet Industry.

The Pandemic crisis is over, but it has been replaced by a new worry – strong inflation. You will see evidence of its impact in the makeup of exhibitors at GPE 2024. Consumers are looking for Value (Quality + Price). One way to get it is through Private Label products. GPE 24  has  over 120 companies actively soliciting EOM customers. Foreign companies are especially capable of EOM, so their booth share has surged to 36%. The previous peak was 25% in 2019. These trends have also affected individual product categories. Now, let’s take a brief look at what awaits attendees of GPE 2024.

As we said, the show is smaller than the 2019 peak, both in square footage (-2.5%) and number of exhibitors (-3.3%) but there is still more than enough to satisfy the needs and wants of every buyer that attends. Here are some relevant facts.

  • 1110 Booths – assigned as of 2/16 but, with commitments the final count should be 1136
  • 344,000 sq ft of exhibit booth space (Not counting the 45,000 sq ft new product area)
  • 20 x 10 is again the most popular size – 411 (36.2%), but 10 x 10 is a close 2nd with 389 (34.2%)
  • Booths are smaller – the average size is 303 sq ft, -4% from 2023, largely due to the 10.9% increase in exhibitors.
  • Size matters – Booths 300 to 800 sq ft (25%) occupy 41% of the space. Those with 1000+ sq ft (5%) cover 24%.

Will you see any new exhibitors or is it the usual group? There have been 8 live pet trade shows from 2019>23 – 4 GPEs and 4 SZs. There are 1110 exhibitors at GPE 24 but It took 3305 companies to fill all 9 shows. Of the GPE 2024 exhibitors:

  • 167 (15%) – Did all 8 other shows
  • 692 (62%) – Did GPE 2023
  • 328 (30%) – Are new to GPE (at least from 2019>23)
  • 267 (24%) – Did NO other shows from 2019>2023

The percentage of exhibitors new to GPE this year is slightly above “normal”. There is definitely plenty of “New” to see.

Special “Floor Sections” at GPE account for 34.5% of Booths, up from 32.8% in 2019. This was due to the addition of Suppliers. The primary comparison of GPE 2024 to previous years in this and other areas will be by share of booths.

  • Natural – 201 Booths. The number of booths in this section is again at an all-time high. The share is down slightly from 2023 but +25% vs 2019. This reflects the strength of the natural trend in our whole society.
  • Boutique (Modern Pet) – 27 Booths. The booth share is even with 2023 but down 55% from 2019. Boutique is essentially the opposite of Natural and more discretionary in a country that is increasingly focused on “needs”.
  • Aquatic – 18 Booths. The popularity of this category stabilized but the booth share is down 56% from 2019.
  • 1st Time Exhibitors – 99 Booths. The share continues to trend down but most of the 328 exhibitors who didn’t exhibit at GPE (at least from 2019>2023) chose the regular floor or another special section. GPE is a “must do” for new companies and New – products and companies are a major focus of GPE.
  • Supplier – 47 Booths. The APPA added this section in response to the growing popularity of EOM products.
  • International – The big news is the foreign surge. There are 406 exhibitors (36%) from 35 countries outside the U.S at GPE 2024. GPE is truly GLOBAL!

There are large numbers of exhibitors in the “regular” floor space who would qualify for inclusion in these sections. You need to “work” the whole show to ensure that you get a full view of the product categories of interest to you. I will again be creating a GPE Exhibitor Visit Planner that allows attendees to plan their floor time by targeting the exhibitors with products of interest. The GPE 2024 SuperSearch will be made available by March 4th and be regularly updated with last minute changes. Now, let’s take a look at the results from this year’s research on exhibitors’ product offerings.

1st, we’ll Compare Exhibitor Types– By function: By Animal type (Numbers are based on booths assigned by 2/16/24)

Results were mostly negative as only 3 categories gained share from 2023.

  • Dogs Still Rule – They are up to 84.9% of all booths. 6 out of every 7 booths are selling dog products.
  • Cats had the biggest gain of any animal, now offered by 59.9% of exhibitors. Up from 40% back in 2014.
  • Fish/Aquatic – This category continues to lose share and is down 51% from 2017.
  • Other Animals – Horses were stable. All others lost share. The biggest drop was in Birds, -1.7%.
  • Business Services – Inflation continues to drive the popularity of private label/OEM products. The huge lift in count and share reflects the changing needs in the industry. BTW, there were only 8 exhibitors in 2014.
  • Distributors – Their share fell below 1% for the 1st The supply chain is shortening for many categories.
  • Gift/Gen Mdse – A big drop after a slight lift in 23. It has been generally declining since peaking at 7.8% in 2016.

Dogs and Cats are still the undisputed royalty of Pet. Because of their huge impact on the industry. I have divided the products designed for them into 33 subcategories. Let’s see how this year’s GPE Top Ten (by booth count) are doing.

All have more booths than 2023, but the ranking  changed for 7 – 3 up & 4 down, including the 1st change in the top 4 in years. The biggest share gain was by Toys, while Treats had the biggest loss.

  • Treats are still #1 although their share fell by -1.3%. Their priority is reflected in their frequency – 1 in 3 booths offers treats. Many supplements are in treat form and have helped maintain treats at the top.
  • Toys – With a big increase in booths, Toys moved up to #2. This is directly tied to the huge surge in Chinese companies. 246 exhibitors (21.7%) – 1 in 5 booths, are now based in China.
  • OTC Meds/Supplements/Devices – A slight gain in booths but a -1.1% drop in share. They are down 5.1% in share from their peak in 2022. However, in 2014, their share of boot was only 11%.
  • Collars, Leads & Harnesses – They held the #4 spot and their share has been stable since 2019 after falling from 22.1% in 2018. In 2016, they also had a 22.1% share which earned them the #2 ranking.
  • Feeding Acc. They held on to #5. Their share surged in 23 & held in 24 with the return of foreign exhibitors.
  • Food remains a priority as Pet Parents focus on nutrition, health and wellness. However, almost all is USA made.
  • Beds/Mats – Fell from #6 to #7. Their share has improved in 23 & 24 with the influx of Far East exhibitors.
  • Grooming Tools – They moved up from #10 to #8 and reached a record share. Once again, Chinese companies are a primary source for this product category.
  • Waste Pickup – They fell from #8 to #9 largely because of the huge surge by Grooming Tools.
  • Carriers/Crates – Fell from #9 to #10 but set a record share, due to the continued increase in Chinese exhibitors.

Pet Parents’ concern for the overall health and wellness of their “pet children” remains a big priority but the impact of strong Petflation has pushed the “value” of Private Label products to the forefront. Their EOM capabilities plus the end of travel restrictions has caused an unparalleled surge in foreign exhibitors. They now occupy over 400 booths (36%). In pre-pandemic 2019 they had 295 booths (25%). You first see the impact at the animal type level. In EOM, Dog & Cat are where the $ are and both reached a record booth share in 2024. Some product categories are also showing an elevation in share including Toys, Bowls/Feeders, Beds, Carrier/Crates and Grooming Tools.

The last chart details the specifics for all 33 of the Dog/Cat product categories that I defined. Of note: All the data inputs for this report and the SuperSearch tool come from a review of the GPE online exhibitor product listings AND visits to over 1300 websites. They’re not 100% accurate, but pretty close. Which categories are of interest to your business?

GPE 2024 is about innovation and fulfilling needs. There are products, services and education to fulfill every need and…want. There is also an abundance of “new” – both in products and the 260+ exhibitors who are new to Pet Industry shows. However, to reap the benefits, you need a plan. Exhibitors must showcase the “right” items. Attendees need to strategically analyze their data, determine what they need to improve their business and develop a plan to find the products to fulfill their needs. Then…execute the plan. If they do nothing else at GPE, attendees will have 1 minute and 10 seconds to spend at each booth. You definitely need a plan! The GPE 2024 SuperSearch will be available the week of March 4th. It can help. Try it out. Good luck in Orlando!

Attending SuperZoo 2023? – It is a great Opportunity! But….You Need a Plan!

SuperZoo is stronger than ever. With 1100 exhibitors, 16,000+ expected attendees and 1000+ new products in the New Product Showcase, plus many more on the show floor, SuperZoo 2023 is literally packed with opportunities. To help attendees in working this huge show there are targeted floor sections to better focus their time on the show floor. One thing is unchanged. There is a huge array of exhibitors in every product category.

Consider these 2023 SuperZoo facts:

  • 1100+ exhibitors
  • 7 “Targeted” Floor Sections: Natural & Health; Specialty & Lifestyle; Groomers; Aquatics, Birds, Reptiles & Small Animals; Emerging Brands; Farm & Feed; International
  • 292,000+ sq ft of exhibitor booths; Plus, a 32,000 sq ft New Products Showcase
  • SuperZoo Education: Seminars on Retail and Grooming – 84 hours; 62 separate sessions … plus, show floor talks & demonstrations
  • Over 5 miles of aisles – just to walk the exhibit floor.

Whew! This show is huge. The show floor is open for 22 hours so…Let’s “Do the Math!”

If you don’t attend any seminars, visit the New Product Showcase, stop to chat with anyone in the aisles or for food, a drink or to go to the bathroom and maintain a walking speed of 2.5 mph…

You can spend…1 MINUTE AND 12 SECONDS…with each exhibitorYou definitely need a plan!

With a higher concentration of Pet retailer attendees and a commitment to groomers, there are subtle differences between SuperZoo and GPE.  However, like GPE, SuperZoo has attendees from every major retail channel and attracts a multitude of exhibitors and attendees from around the globe.

Despite the variety of offerings to fill an attendee’s time, SuperZoo is still primarily about Pet Products. New Products are critical to maintaining and growing any business so you must take the time to visit the new product area. Knowledge is power so you should also sign up for any relevant classes. Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know that matters most. This makes networking with other industry professionals a priority.

Every business can improve in terms of products. If you are a retailer, what sections of your store are not doing as well as you hoped and need a “facelift” or conversely, what areas are growing and need products to fill additional space? Category managers for distributors and retail chains may only be interested in targeted visits to exhibitors relevant to their “categories”. Representatives may be looking for new manufacturers…in specific product categories. Manufacturers could be looking to find distributors to handle their products or just looking to “check out” the competition. In regard to products, there is always something to see…for everyone! Plus, there are 533 Exhibitors at SZ 23 that weren’t at GPE 23.

SuperZoo is a great place to review products but Business Services, everything from Private label to POS, have also become increasingly important. In fact, 1 out of every 5 exhibitors offers some type of Business Service. Attendees can now “Leave no stone unturned” in their quest for business success. SuperZoo is about gathering information and making decisions to improve your business – whether they are made on the spot or put on your “must do” list. Your only real limitation is time. How do you make the most effective use of your time on the show floor? Here’s a suggestion.

Use the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner to make SuperZoo easier and more productive. I initially designed it in 2014 and have updated the data and produced a new version for every GPE and SuperZoo since then…including SZ 2023.

The “update” is not just exhibitor lists but also to the product category offerings for every33 exhibitor. I reviewed every exhibitor profile on the show site, but I also visited over 1100 websites and conducted separate internet searches to “validate” their product offerings. It is not 100% accurate, but it is close.

What does the Super Search do?…It searches for and produces a list of Exhibitors by product categories.

  • From the simplest – “give me a list that I can look at on my phone or tablet in either Booth # order or alphabetically”
  • To the most complex…”can do a simultaneous search for multiple specific product categories, allowing you to personally narrow down the initial results and see the “final” alphabetically or by booth number. The SuperZoo Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner does both…and more…and does it quickly!

Take a look at the Updated Quick Start Guide. You will see that it looks complex but is really quite simple.

SuperZoo 2023 Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner – Quick Start Guide

First: When you download the Excel file, Remember to Enable Editing & Macros!

The SZ 2023 Super Search Exhibitor visit planner is designed to make your time on the show floor more efficient and more productive. With the Super Search you can conduct up to 5 separate and distinct product category searches simultaneously with consolidated results produced in booth # order to facilitate your “journey”. There are detailed instructions for reference and to help you understand the nuances of the tool. However, it is really very simple so let’s get started. Here is the Dashboard where you set up your searches.

On the dashboard, the first things to note are the numerous category columns. There are 7 separate floor sections, 11 different Exhibitor or Animal Types and 33 Dog and/or Cat Product categories. You can search exhibitors for any combination of these.

Let’s take a specific example running 3 simultaneous searches for several Dog/Cat categories:

  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Catnip & Litter (Must sell both)

Now referring to the Dashboard, let’s take it by the numbers:

  • This column is where you activate each search. Type in a “Y” (Cells C3>C7 will auto-capitalize) This search “line” becomes active.(cell turns green) In our example we are running 3 searches, so we have 3 Y’s
  • Now we enter a 1 in the correct column for each search line. Search Line 1: Toys; Search Line 2: Treats.
  • In Search Line 3 we want exhibitors that sell both Catnip and Litter, so we put a 1 in both of these columns.
  • Now we just “click” the Execute Search Button. The searches are done simultaneously, and the results combined into a single list in alphabetical order.
  • If you would like to view the list in Booth # order, just click the Booth # Sort.
  • You can switch the list back to an alpha view by clicking the Alpha Sort Button.
  • To Clear all your search categories and start a new search, click the Clear Criteria Button. Then click Execute (#4) again and you will be back to the full list

Note: Any Search Line with a Y and no 1’s in any column will always deliver the entire list regardless of what is selected in other lines. Change the Y back to an N in unused search lines. Now a sample of the results:

Company A – Has Toys Only; Company B has Dog Treats Only and is also a “Startup”; Company C is on the list for Treats and also has Catnip, but no Litter. This is not unusual as Catnip is often a Treat; Company D has Treats & Toys. Company E has both Catnip and Litter and in fact, actually has it all!

Note: The Super Search highlights your search categories, so you know “why you are there”. However, it also shows all categories that are available. Some might “pique” your interest while you are visiting the booth.

You can review the exhibitors alphabetically then put the list in Booth # order to make it easier to “work”. The Super Search also allows you to “cut down” the list during your review. (Pg 2; Point #11 – “U Pick ‘em” in Detailed Instructions) But First, I suggest that you “play” with the Super Search to get a “feel” for the tool, and then review the Detailed

Instructions. With your “play” experience, the detailed instructions will become a “quick read” and a valuable reference. You’ll soon be “up to speed” on the full capabilities of Super Search.

Good Luck and Good “Hunting” at SZ 2023!

Use the links below to download The Super Search (Be Sure to Enable editing/macros/content), the Quick Start Guide and the Detailed Instructions. Then GET STARTED!  

(To save the PDF to your computer Right Click the download link and select “Save Link As…”)

(To save the PDF to your computer Right Click the download link and select “Save Link As…”)

(For the Excel file to work on your computer, be sure to enable macros/editing/content if asked.)

Since 8/6:

  • 2 Exhibitors moved
  • 1 Exhibitor changed their name
  • 2 Exhibitors dropped out
  • 6 New Exhibitors were added:

Note: The booths are all sold so this should be the FINAL list.

In the FINAL SZ 23 SuperSearch the name/booth changes since 8/6 are highlighted in beige and New Exhibitors are higlighted in pink. The name/booth changes from 7/30>8/6 are still highlighted in orange and New exhibitors are still highlighted in blue. The exhibitors that were added in the 7/24>7/30 period are still highlighted in light green.


SuperZoo 2023 is only 4 weeks away. You will see in this advance look, that the Pet Industry and in person trade shows, especially SuperZoo have come back stronger than ever from the pause due to the pandemic.

Consumers’ apprehensions regarding personal contact fueled exceptional growth in Pet Products sales on the internet. However, most of these $ are coming from proven products. Buyers of all kinds, from consumers to chain store executives prefer to make in person buying decisions on new pet items. Therefore, the strong return of in person Pet Trade shows is critically important to the continued growth of the Pet Industry. You will see this demonstrated at SuperZoo 2023 with the strong influx of new exhibitors.

Currently SuperZoo 2023 has 1099 exhibitors. That is 74 more than 2022 but still 13 less than pre-pandemic 2019. Another good indication of a return to “normal” is the increased enthusiasm from the exhibitors. As of this date, there are over 200 companies on the wait list for a booth. However, they are only 5 booths left and all are reserved. The only reason that SuperZoo hasn’t blown past the exhibitor count of earlier shows is that the WPA ran out of floorspace.

So how big is the SuperZoo 2023 “house”? There are 292,000 sq ft of booths, a 32,000 sq ft New Products Showcase, with over 1000 items, and 17,000 sq ft devoted to Show Floor Education and demonstrations – 29 sessions; 22 hours. There are also 62 separate educational sessions on grooming or business subjects totaling 84 hours. This is a great opportunity for the expected 10,000+ buyers but also a challenge. They need to make a plan to take full advantage of the amazing power of SuperZoo. Total attendance including Buyers, Exhibitors, Media/Guests is expected to be 16,000+. The show will be crowded.

New is always a focus at Pet Trade shows. That also applies to exhibitors. At SuperZoo 2023:

  • 446 Exhibitors weren’t at SZ 2022
  • 533 weren’t at GPE 2023
  • And 337 didn’t do either show

Plus, over 265 are SuperZoo 1st Timers and 224 haven’t done any other major pet show, at least from 2019>2023. Those are some strong arguments for attending SuperZoo 2023. It is definitely a “must do” for all Pet Industry participants. Now, let’s look at some specifics of what you will see there. While a big change in the booth count is important, I suggest that you focus on the changes in the share of booths. To gain share, a category in any chart must increase their booth count by more than the 7.2% overall increase. Changes in this measurement will indicate how a particular group or product category is performing relative to other groups.

First, we’ll look at the overall show floor in terms of specialized sections.

  • Because they help guide attendees’ time on the huge show floor, special sections have continued to grow in size and importance. They exceeded 50% of SuperZoo booths for the 1st time in 2021. They are now up to 60%.
  • Natural & Health are the unquestioned biggest trends in Pet Products. WPA combined them in 2022. They almost always go together so it makes sense to put them in one section. Natural has been the biggest section for years. They had the biggest increase in exhibitors and gained almost 1% in share.
  • Specialty & Lifestyle (Fashion) again lost share, -0.3%. This section has been trending down in recent years.
  • Aquatics/Animals had a huge lift in booths. This is an important section. This shows that the COVID impact is over.
  • Feed & Farm continues to be important, especially with the growing “presence” of poultry in the Pet Industry.
  • Groomers will always be a major focus of SuperZoo. With a 16.9% increase in booths and a 0.7% increase in share to 8.2%, a new record high, their importance is further validated.
  • The International Pavilion is small and doesn’t reflect the importance of over 200 exhibitors from outside of the U.S.
  • The increase in share by Emerging Brands is very important because it shows the continued strong return of new companies to the industry. In fact, 1st Time SuperZoo exhibitors occupy 1 in every 4 booths at the show.

Now let’s look at the Exhibitors by type, including animal.

  • All classifications have more exhibitors and only 2 lost share – Bird & Gen Mdse/Gifts
  • In terms of Animals, there are still plenty of exhibitors offering products to cover every need for Pet Parents of all animal types. However, the biggest share gains were by Dog and Fish. Fish had the biggest % gain in booth count.
  • Business Services is again the big story on this chart. This segment includes Companies that offer services to improve existing businesses and those that help in private label production – ingredients, packaging or finished products. In 2015 there were 65 SuperZoo exhibitors in this category. In 2023 there are 220, 1 in 5 booths and a 238% increase, more than triple. The driver has been the ever-increasing appeal and availability of Private Label products. Private Label brands allow retailers to differentiate themselves, offer consumers more value and usually make more profit.

Let’s take a closer look at the “Pet Royalty”. Here are the top 10 Dog and/or Cat Categories at SuperZoo 2023.

  • This chart shows that the overall strong showing by Cat & Dog products was largely driven by these most popular categories. Only Treats has fewer booths but there were 3 with share losses – Treats, Med/Supp & Shampoos .
  • The categories are the same as 2022 but 5 moved up or down 1 spot in ranking.
  • Treats & Meds/Supp lost the most in share, but they are still in the top 2 spots with 100 more booths than #3.
  • Toys had the biggest gain in booths. They also gained 1.8% in share and moved up from 4 to3 in rank.
  • Collars/Leads gained 0.1% in share but fell from 3rd to 4th in rank. This was due to the big increase in Toys.
  • Food is the biggest $ producer and grew even stronger with a 0.4% gain in booth share.
  • Feeding Accessories had a 19% gain in booths, a 1.5% gain in share and hung on to the #6 ranking.
  • Beds & Mats had the biggest gain in share, +2.1%. They also moved from a tie for 8th in 2022 to 7th place in 2023.
  • Grooming Tools gained 0.8% in share but fell from 7th to 8th in rank, due to the big increase in booths by Beds/Mats.
  • Shampoos only have 2 more booths than 2022 so they lost share and fell from 8th to 9th in rank.
  • Apparel gained 1.0% in share showing than fashion may be coming back “in style”.

SuperZoo has an Exhibitor count close to 2019 but the average booth size grew to 273 sq ft from 252 in 2019. This is another reason why the WPA ran out of space. However, new and existing Products and Services are available to fill virtually every need or want of the attendees. Plus, the continued growth of special floor sections and making them more targeted to fulfill attendees primary needs along with a massive amount of educational sessions are 2 prime examples of the WPA’s ongoing efforts to continually improve the show.

922 exhibitors (84%) focus on Dog and/or Cat. Let’s take a closer look.

There are 74 more Exhibitors at SuperZoo 2023 than 2022. Those offering Dog and/or Cat products grew by 69. The Dog/Cat share of exhibitors increased slightly from 83.2% to 83.9%. Dogs and Cats remain the unquestioned “royalty” of the industry. Here are some of the changes from SuperZoo 2022

  • 24 of 33 categories increased their number of exhibitors; 7 had decreases; 2 had no change
  • 21 categories increased their share of total exhibitors; 12 lost share
  • Ranking changes: 6 up; 8 down; 19 no change

In terms of booth gains & losses, the Top 10 had 9 of the 23 increases. The biggest increase was 32 by the Toys category. The Top 10 only had 1 of the 8 category decreases and CBD Products had the biggest drop.

When you look at share gains & losses, the Top 10 had 7 of the 21 gains, including the biggest, +2.1% by Beds/Mats and 4 of the 7 over 1.0%. They had 3 of the 12 that lost share and the -2.4% drop by Treats was the largest and the only decrease over 2%.

The Top 10 had 2 of the 6 increases in rank & 3 of the 8 drops. However, the biggest changes were all outside of the group.

All Dog & Cat product needs are much more than covered, with a lot of choices in each. We should also note that while the overall ‘Cat” share of booths was unchanged from 2022, 3 of the 7 product categories that gained over 1% in share are cat “driven” – Litter Acc, Scratching & Furniture.

SuperZoo again showcases what is “happening” in the Pet Industry and offers a great opportunity for Industry participants, both exhibitors and attendees, to drive the growth of their businesses. It still takes effort and commitment from everyone, but SuperZoo 2023 is the surest bet in Las Vegas!

Finally, the chart below details the specifics for all 33 of the Dog/Cat product categories that I defined for the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner.  (Note: The SZ 2023 Super Search will be available at on 7/24.)


Attending Global Pet Expo 2023? – It has Everything that you need! But, You Definitely Need a Plan!

The first Global Pet Expo (APPMA) occurred 65 years ago with 17 exhibitors in 30 booths. The industry & the show have both come a long way since then.  The show is back to a normal size and attendees at GPE 23 will see and experience:

  • 1013 separate exhibitor booths
  • With over 319,000 square feet of booths (Plus 45,000 sq ft for the New Product Showcase) Global Pet Expo 2022 actually occupies about 17 acres of prime Florida “real estate”.
  • 3000+ new items in the New Product Showcase and on the exhibit floor
  • Sharing the aisles with an expected 15,000+ attendees, including more than 6000 “buyers”.
  • The opportunity to choose from 38 different educational seminars – 50 hours of classes
  • 5 miles of aisles – just to walk the exhibit floor

The show floor is open for 24 hours so let’s put this in perspective and… “Do the Math!”

 If you don’t attend any seminars, visit the New Product Showcase, stop to chat with anyone in the aisles or for food, a drink or to go to the bathroom and maintain a walking speed of 2.5 mph, you can spend about 1 minutes and 18 seconds with each exhibitor…You definitely need a plan!

Global Pet Expo definitely has it all… and more. Attendees will find the broadest selection of products and services while Exhibitors have the opportunity to reach a wide range of buyers across all retail channels.

First and foremost, Global is about Pet Products – Food, treats and a vast array of Supply categories. A regular flow of New Products is always critical to keep businesses and the whole industry strong and growing. Obviously, you must take the time to visit the New Product Showcase. You should also sign up for any relevant classes, network with other industry professionals and…walk the whole show.  There are at least twice as many new products being “launched” on the show floor as there are on display in the New Product Showcase. Plus, over 30% of GPE 23 exhibitors did not exhibit at a GPE from 2019>22 and over 2/3 of these companies did no pet show during that period. Global is about gathering information and making decisions to improve your business – whether they are made on the spot or put on your “must do” list.

Every business can improve in terms of products. If you are a retailer, what sections of your store are not doing as well as you hoped and need a “facelift” or conversely, what areas are growing and need products to fill additional space? Category managers for distributors and retail chains may only be interested in targeted visits to exhibitors relevant to their “categories”. Representatives may be looking for new manufacturers…in specific product categories. Manufacturers could be looking to find distributors to handle their products or just looking to “check out” the competition. In regard to products, there is always something to see…for everyone!

And Global is the place to see it. It’s all there! With so much to see and do, Time is perhaps the most valuable commodity at the show. How do you make the most of your time on the show floor? Here’s an idea.

In 2014 I first designed a tool in Excel, the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner to make “working Global & SuperZoo easier and more productive for ALL attendees – retailers, distributors, reps, groomers, vets…even exhibitors. I have updated the data and produced a tool for every GPE and SuperZoo since then…including GPE 2023.

The “update” is not just exhibitor lists but also to the product category offerings for every exhibitor. I reviewed every exhibitor profile on the show site, but I also visited over 1000 websites and conducted separate internet searches to “validate” the product offerings. It is not 100% accurate, but it is close.

What does the SuperSearch do?… It searches for and produces a list of Exhibitors by product categories.

  • From the simplest – “give me a list that I can look at on my phone or tablet in either Booth # order or alphabetically”
  • To the most complex…”can do a simultaneous search for multiple specific product categories, allowing you to personally narrow down the initial results and see the “final” alphabetically or by booth number.” The GPE Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner does both…and more…and does it quickly! Take a look at the Quick Start Guide. You will see that it looks complex but is really quite simple.

GPE 2023 Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner – Quick Start Guide

First: When you download the Excel file, Remember to Enable Editing & Macros!

The GPE Super Search Exhibitor visit planner is designed to make your time on the show floor more efficient and more productive. With the Super Search you can conduct up to 5 separate and distinct product category searches simultaneously with consolidated results produced in booth # order to facilitate your “journey”. There are detailed instructions for reference and to help you understand the nuances of the tool. However, it is really very simple so let’s get started. (Note: No changes in instructions from 2022) Here is the Dashboard where you set up your searches.

On the dashboard, the first things to note are the numerous category columns. There are 7 different floor sections, 11 different Exhibitor or Animal Types and 33 Dog and/or Cat Product categories. You can search exhibitors for any combination of these.

Let’s take a specific example running 3 simultaneous searches for several Dog/Cat categories:

  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Catnip & Litter (Must sell both)

Now referring to the Dashboard, let’s take it by the numbers:

  • This column is where you activate each search. Type in a “Y” (Cells C3>C7 will auto-capitalize) This search “line” becomes active.(cell turns green) In our example we are running 3 searches so we have 3 “Y”s.
  • Now we enter a 1 in the correct column for each search line. Search Line 1: Toys; Search Line 2: Treats.
  • In Search Line 3 we want exhibitors that sell both Catnip and Litter so we put a 1 in both of these columns.
  • Now we just “click” the Execute Search Button. The searches are done simultaneously and the results combined into a single list in alphabetical order.
  • If you would like to view the list in Booth # order, just click the Booth # Sort.
  • You can switch the list back to an alpha view by clicking the Alpha Sort Button.
  • To Clear all your search categories and start a new search, Click the Clear Criteria Button. Then click Execute (#4) again and you will be back to the full list

Note: Any Search Line with a Y and no 1’s in any column will always deliver the entire list regardless of what is selected in other lines. Change the Y back to an N in unused search lines. Now a sample of the results:

Company A – Has Toys Only; Company B has Dog Treats Only; Company C is on the list for Treats and also has Catnip, but no Litter. This is not unusual as Catnip is often a Treat; Company D has Treats & Toys. Company E has both Catnip and Litter and in fact, actually has it all!

Note: The Super Search highlights your search categories so you know “why you are there”. However, it also shows all categories that are available. Some might “pique” your interest while you are visiting the booth.

You can review the exhibitors alphabetically then put the list in Booth # order to make it easier to “work”. The Super Search also allows you to “cut down” the list during your review. (Pg 2; Point #11 – “U Pick ‘em” in Detailed Instructions) But First, I suggest that you “play” with the Super Search to get a “feel” for the tool, and then review the Detailed Instructions. With your “play” experience, the detailed instructions will become a “quick read” and a valuable reference. You will soon be “up to speed” on the full capabilities of Super Search. Good Luck and Good “Hunting” at GPE 2023!

Ready to Start Planning?

Use the links below to download the Super Search Tool (Be Sure to Enable Editing/Macros/Content if asked by your computer), the Quick Start Guide and the Detailed Instructions. Then GET STARTED!


(For the Excel file to work on your computer, be sure to enable saving/macros/editing/content if asked.)

NOTE: Global Pet Expo 2023 is now over. There were a few exhibitor changes at the last minute. This file shows the final list for your future reference. Changes from the 3/19 version are highlighted.

GLOBAL PET EXPO 2023…It Has Everything You Need!

Global Pet Expo, the Pet Industry’s premiere event, is back to near “normal”. The exhibitor count is up over 35% from 2022 and should reach 1000 by showtime. This is lower than the 1173 peak in 2019 but it is still more than enough.

The world is rapidly becoming more virtual so how important is a live event? In the Pet Industry it is critical because of our attitude towards Pets and Pet Products. Pets became an integral part of our families in the 90’s as Pet Owners became Pet Parents. This relationship has grown even stronger in recent years as we now increasingly personify our pets. This is why a live show is important. Pet shows are primarily focused on Pet Products. Studies have shown that over 60% of consumers prefer to make initial buying decisions on Pet Products in person. This makes Pet Products second only to fresh groceries in this consumer behavior. This preference applies to all Pet Products buyers, not just consumers. The retailers and distributors attending GPE and SuperZoo want to see and touch a new product before they buy. Live shows are not just important, they are critical to the continued growth and strength of the Pet Industry.

The Pandemic crisis is basically over but it has raised our awareness so we are more conscious of health concerns and responsible personal interactions. These personal interactions at industry trade shows have been a key factor in the long term growth of the industry. In 2023 they will be back at full strength. Now, let’s take a brief look at what awaits attendees of GPE 2023.

As we said, the show is smaller than the 2019 peak, both in square footage (-13%) and number of exhibitors (-16%) but there is still more than enough to satisfy the needs and wants of every buyer that attends. Here are some relevant facts.

  • 984+ Booths – as of 2/17 but more are still being added daily
  • 314,000+ sq ft of exhibit booth space (Not counting the 45,000 sq ft new product area)
  • 20 x 10 is again the most popular size – 253 (35.9%), demonstrating the need for a little more space.
  • Booths are smaller – the average size is 320 sq ft, -16% from 2022, reflecting the 35+% increase in exhibitors.
  • Size matters – Booths 300 to 800 sq ft (29%) occupy 45% of the space. Those over 1000 sq ft (4%) cover 23%.

Will you see any new exhibitors or is it the usual group? There have been 6 live pet trade shows from 2019>22 – 3 GPEs and 3 SZs. There are 984 exhibitors at GPE 23 but It took 2725 companies to fill all 7 shows. Of the GPE 2023 exhibitors:

  • 179 (18%) – Did all 6 other shows
  • 531 (54%) – Did GPE 2022
  • 298 (30%) – Are new to GPE (at least from 2019>22)
  • 222 (23%) – Did NO other shows from 2019>2022

The percentage of exhibitors new to GPE this year is about the same as “normal”. There is again plenty of “New” to see.

Special “Floor Sections” at GPE account for 33% of Booths, about the same as 2019>20. Due to the big change in booth count, the best way to compare GPE 2023 to previous years in this and other areas may be by share of booths.

  • Natural – 193 Booths. The number of booths in this section is at an all-time high. The share has grown to 1/5 of all booths from 1/7 in 2019, reflecting the growing strength of the natural trend in our whole society.
  • Boutique – 25 Booths. After a brief resurgence in 2020, the booth share of this area continues to fall. Boutique is essentially the opposite of Natural and more discretionary in a country that is increasingly focused on “needs”.
  • Aquatic – 16 Booths. Popularity of this category continues to trend down.
  • 1st Time Exhibitors – 95 Booths. The share is now about the same as pre-pandemic 2019 but most of the 287 exhibitors who didn’t exhibit at GPE (at least from 2019>2022) chose the regular floor or another special section. GPE is a “must do” for new companies and New – products and companies are a major focus of GPE.
  • International – Although not listed as floor sections, international pavilions are back this year with China, Taiwan, Canada and Brazil participating. There are 230+ exhibitors from 25 countries outside the U.S at GPE 23.

There are large numbers of exhibitors in the “regular” floor space who would qualify for inclusion in these sections. You need to “work” the whole show to ensure that you get a full view of the product categories of interest to you. I will again be creating a GPE Exhibitor Visit Planner that allows attendees to plan their floor time by targeting the exhibitors with products of interest. The GPE 2023 SuperSearch will be made available by March 6th and be regularly updated with last minute changes. Now, let’s take a look at the results from this year’s research on exhibitors’ product offerings.

First, we’ll Compare Exhibitor Types – By function: By Animal type (Numbers are based on assigned booths as of 2/17/23)

Results were mixed. 5 categories gained share while 6 lost ground.

  • Dogs Still Rule – They are still in about 83% of all booths. 5 out of every 6 booths are selling dog products.
  • Cats gained ground. Cat Products are offered by 59% of exhibitors. Up from 40% back in 2014.
  • Fish/Aquatic – This category continues to lose share and is down 47% since 2017.
  • Other Animals – Only Birds gained share, with the biggest drop coming in Equine.
  • Business Services – Inflation has driven the popularity of private label/OEM products. The huge lift in count and share reflects the changing needs in the industry. BTW, there were only 8 exhibitors in 2014.
  • Distributors – The share is about the same as “normal” 2019. Only 8 exhibited in 2014.
  • Gift/Gen Mdse – The share had a slight lift but has been generally declining since peaking at 7.8% in 2016.

Dogs and Cats are the undisputed royalty of Pet. Because of their huge impact on the industry. I have divided the products designed for them into 33 subcategories. Let’s see how this year’s GPE Top Ten (by booth count) are doing.

The top 4 are the same as 2022 but the top 2 had the biggest losses in share. There was a slight shuffling in the rankings from 5>10 – 2 moved up in rank while Food fell. Carriers/Crates returned to the Top 10 as Apparel fell to #11.

  • Treats are still #1 although their share fell by over 7%. The high share in 2022 reflects their priority. 1 in 3 booths offers treats. Many supplements are in treat form and the share of this category is still up 5+% from 2019.
  • OTC Meds/Supplements/Devices has a similar pattern to Treats and also continues to grow in importance. In 2014, their share was only 11%.
  • Toys – With a big gain in share, Toys held onto #3. This relates to the return of many Far East exhibitors.
  • Collars, Leads & Harnesses – They held the #4 spot and their share has been stable since 2019 after falling from 22.1% in 2018. In 2016, they also had a 22.1% share but that earned them the #2 ranking.
  • Feeding Acc. had the biggest share gain and moved to 5th which again reflects the increase in foreign exhibitors.
  • Beds/Mats – Their share declined in 20>22 but rebounded in 2023 with the influx of Far East exhibitors.
  • Food remains a priority as Pet Parents focus on nutrition, health and wellness. However, almost all is USA made.
  • Waste Pickup – They have been growing in popularity. They broke into the Top 10 in 2020 and now rank 8th.
  • Carriers/Crates – They dropped out of the top 10 in 2022. Once again the lack of foreign manufacturers was a big factor. In 2023 they returned to their normal #9 with a record high share.
  • Grooming Tools– After years at 9/10, they fell to #12 in 2020 but have returned to their normal #10 spot.

Pet Parents’ concern for the overall health and wellness of their “pet children” remains a big priority but the impact of strong Petflation has pushed the “value” of Private Label products to the forefront in many categories.

The last chart details the specifics for all 33 of the Dog/Cat product categories that I defined. Of note: All the data inputs for this report and the SuperSearch tool come from a review of the GPE online exhibitor product listings AND visits to over 1000 websites. They’re not 100% accurate, but pretty close. Which categories are of interest to your business?

GPE 2023 is the place to literally find “Everything you need!” There are products, services and education to fulfill every need and…want. There is also an abundance of “new” – both in products and the 200+ exhibitors who are new to Pet Industry shows. However, to reap the benefits, you need a plan. Exhibitors must showcase the “right” items. Attendees need to strategically analyze their data, determine what they need to improve their business and develop a plan to find the products to fulfill their needs. Then…execute the plan. If they do nothing else at GPE, attendees will have 1 minute and 28 seconds to spend at each booth. With a 35+% increase in the number of exhibitors, you definitely need a plan! The GPE 2023 SuperSearch will be available the week of March 6th. It can help. Try it out. Good luck in Orlando!

Since no Exhibitor list is available on line, you can download one by clicking the link below. It is in an excel format and is based upon data from 6 pm EST on 2/17.