2015 Pet Products Spending $44.4B – Part 3: Pet Food Compared to Pet Supplies
Food and Supplies: 2 Completely different stories!
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
Food and Supplies: 2 Completely different stories!
Drilling deeper – We find big demographic spending swings from 2014.
No Big Surprises! Whites, Homeowners and 2+Person Households Spend most of the Pet Products $.
The Minority Groups are “losing ground”.
2015 was a year of extremes with many spending surprises!
Income, Homeownership, Marriage, Education, Race/Ethnicity…Demographics are important factors in Pet Spending.
Millennials are a Generation in transition!
Boomers spent more on their pets than Millennials and Gen Xers combined!
In the U.S. Retail Market, the only constant is…Change!
An intense race for the “Silver”