2017 Total Pet Spending was $77.13B – Where did it come from…?
A Pet Spending Wave across America!
Over 45 years in Consumer Products including 31+ years in the Pet Industry developing and executing successful strategic sales and marketing plans for manufacturers.
A Pet Spending Wave across America!
Baby Boomers spend $6.5B more on their Pet Children!
The E-commerce “wave” continues!
Great Values drove the big lift in spending!
An increase in the amount spent… PLUS an increase in frequency!
More users bought more often. They just spent less.
The spending lift that started in the second half of 2016 continued and accelerated across virtually all demographics!
The Pet Food Upgrade trend is becoming epidemic among Pet Parents.
In 2018 prices inflate in all industry segments, with big lifts in Services and Supplies!
No surprise! The Internet/Mail Order channel is driving the growth!