Price Matters: Petflation Update – Current Trends…Plus a Look Back

Price has always mattered but it has truly come to the forefront in the consumers’ mind since the great recession. In this report we will review the latest “Petflation” trends for all industry segments but we will also take a look back in time 10 years to 2007, before the economic crisis struck. Let’s see what has changed and how we got to where we are today.

The following chart graphically shows the annual CPI change from 2007 to today – Ytd May of 2017.

  • The first thing that you notice is that since 2009 the Supply Segment has travelled to the beat of a different drummer. Prices are only 0.8% higher now than in 2007. In fact, prices now are almost exactly equal to August 2007.
  • The period from 2007 to 2009 was a strong economic time. Prices in all segments just went up, like clockwork. With a 20.5% increase in 2 years, Pet Food was “leading the pack”. There is a story behind this. As a result of the melamine recall of 2007, U.S. consumers became concerned over Pet Food Safety. They moved strongly toward U.S. made Pet Foods, with all U.S. ingredients. These products cost more to produce and drove the overall price of Pet Food up – significantly. Although the 6% increase in 2 years for Supplies may seem tame in comparison, it was triple the segment’s annual rate of increase for the earlier years in the century.
    • The revenue growth in the industry for these years was primarily due to increased prices.
  • Then came the great recession. Most industries felt the impact on prices in 2009, with a drop in the national CPI for the first time since 1955. (The recession was a big deal!) However, prices in the Pet Industry weren’t affected until 2010. Prices fell in both Food and supplies and the increase in Non-Vet Services was slowed. Prices in the Veterinary segment were unaffected. They just kept going up at the same rate.
  • From 2010 to 2013, prices in all segments but supplies increased, but at a slower rate than the “pre-recession” time. Supplies was a completely different story. There are a variety of Supplies categories. Many are considered discretionary spending and have relatively low usage rates. With the consumers’ new shopping priorities – Price is #1, many supplies categories began to be looked upon as commodities and sales became very price sensitive. The initial price drop of 2010 was followed by an even bigger drop in 2013. Obviously, new rules applied to Supplies.
    • With lower inflation rates in this period, more of the industry’s growth was real.
  • From 2013 to 2016, prices in both of the Service segments continued to inflate – the Veterinary segment at 3.5% per year and Services at 2.4%. Revenue in the Service segment was unaffected, but the Veterinary Segment saw all growth coming from price increases. The amount of Vet Services provided in 2015 was actually about equal to 2010 – they just cost more.
  • From 2013 to 2016 – Pet Food prices began to fall. It had become a more competitive environment in this segment. Food sales usually tend to stagnate when prices fall. Consumers don’t buy more food. They just spend less. However, in this case, we were on the edge of a change in food buying behavior. During the second half of 2014, the older Millennials began to try the new classification of foods, dubbed Super Premium. In early 2015 they backed away from this experiment but another group caught the fever – The Boomers. They went for these new, nutritionally concentrated, pet foods in a big way, over a $5.8B increase in spending. However, overall Food prices continued down as the manufacturers of “regular” recipes tried to “buy back” their lost customers.
  • In 2013 and 2014 – Supply Prices dropped sharply. By 2014, this had caught the consumers’ attention and Supply sales moved up strongly. Then prices stabilized and began to move up. Apparently, the price sensitivity in Supplies had become very pronounced. In 2015 Consumers decreased their frequency of purchases by 10% and sales fell about $2B. Prices stabilized in 2016 but still moved up slightly.

As you can see, in the Post-Recession world, price can make a huge difference in consumer spending behavior. Now let’s take a closer look at the recent history of “Petflation”. The following chart documents the monthly change in CPI by Industry segment over the last 24 months, from May of 2015 through May of 2017.

  • Total Pet – Prices in Total Pet increased 1.71% in 2 years, an annual rate of inflation under 1%, which is low. It was produced by a very reasonable 1.49% increase in the first half followed by a dramatically low increase of only 0.22% in the second 12 months. The 0.22% increase is the lowest 12 month inflation rate for Total Pet since they began keeping records back in 1997. This CPI history also clearly demonstrates that you should always look beneath the surface of any summary numbers. The individual parts can tell a very different story from the total.
  • Veterinary – The first half was “business as usual” or even stronger, with a 3.97% increase in prices. However, there was a distinct change in the second 12 months. Prices only went up 1.8% and included a rare one month price drop of almost 1%. Perhaps, this segment is starting to react to a decrease in frequency of consumer visits.
  • Service – The Service segment has a pattern somewhat similar to Veterinary. Prices were up a “normal” 2.25% in the first 12 months. In the second half prices only increased 0.6% and there were 3 monthly price drops, including a 0.7% drop in May ‘17. It’s possible that this discretionary segment is starting to experience competitive pressure.
  • Pet Products – There is one situation of note that applies to both Food and Supplies. The annual CPI numbers can give the impression of a smooth increase or decrease. In the last few years, the norm for these two segments has been wild short term swings in prices. You can see examples of this for both categories in the first 8 months of the graphs. There have still been ups and downs but since January of 2016 the changes have been less radical.
  • Pet Food – As we said, in 2015 the Boomers moved to upgrade their food to Super Premium. This chart shows how strongly the regular brands reacted – with over a 2% overall drop in prices in just 2 months – July and August 2015. The prices gradually worked their way back up to more normal levels by year end. However, another drop began in late summer of 2016. So far the prices have not recovered. One possibility is that even the high end products are now experiencing competitive pressure. Consider this fact. In 2015 there were 108 exhibitors selling Dog and/or Cat Food at SuperZoo. In 2017, just 2 years later, there were 147 – a 36% increase. If you have a good idea, others will try to get a piece of the action.
  • Pet Supplies – Prices were up for most of 2015 and sales were down over a billion dollars. As we approached the prime holiday season, retailers reacted and prices fell almost 2%. It was not enough. The CPI only showed a slight overall increase for the year but sales fell by $2B. Prices moved back up to at or near previous levels and stayed there until the fall of 2016. They have generally moved down since then. The Supplies CPI actually has been relatively stable for 20 months now. We will have to wait and see how this affects consumer spending in this segment. The USBLS’ spending numbers for 2016 will be available in September.

In the past 24 months we have 2 trends that may have long term significance.

  • The high inflation rate in both Service Segments has slowed in the past 12 months.
  • Although both the CPI for Food and Supplies are trending down slightly, they have become more stable. They still have monthly variations but the pricing swings are less severe.

Thus far, we have focused solely on the CPIs for the Pet Industry. Let’s see how they compare over time to the National CPI and other relative industries. The final chart compares the CPI change from 2009, a pivotal year, to May of 2017.

  • The annual inflation rate of Total Pet is only 1.42% – 23% lower than the overall national CPI. However, we know that the story behind the Total Pet number is not quite as rosy as it seems to be.
  • The inflation rate for Pet Food is less than half that of Food & Beverages. There have been big pricing swings in Pet Food and the segment has been in deflation since 2013.
  • The deflation in Supplies is both unusual and concerning because it puts strong profit pressure on manufacturers and retailers.
  • Even with the recent slowing of inflation in the Veterinary segment, prices have increased 13.1% faster than Human Medical care. The consumer impact is magnified because Pet Insurance is not as effective as Human healthcare policies in lowering out of pocket expenses. Plus, the participation percentage is far lower.
  • The inflation rate for the Service Segment has remained relatively constant over this time frame with little to no impact on revenue – so far.

That wraps it up for this Petflation update. We’ll check again when the Spending numbers for 2016 are released.




Attending SuperZoo 2017? – It’s a sure winner! But….You Need a Plan!

There are actually fewer exhibitors at SuperZoo 2017 than in 2016. However, it’s not due to the show losing favor. In fact, it’s because the exhibitors chose to make an even stronger commitment by upgrading the size of their booths…by almost 20%. The staff did everything that they could and found 17,000 more square feet of booth space. However, they needed more overall floor space, which simply wasn’t available. This created an extraordinarily long and unfulfilled wait list. They have found a remedy for 2018 by moving the show dates.

This year’s show is still huge with a full array of exhibitors in every product category. Consider these 2017 SuperZoo facts:

  • 1079 exhibitors
  • 262,000+ sq ft of exhibitor booths (Plus a 20,000 sq ft New Product Showcase – with over 820 new items)
  • Over 25,000 attendees with more than 12,000 buyers.
  • SuperZoo University: Seminars on Retail, Grooming and Animal Health – 90+ hours; 70 separate sessions/topics
  • Over 4 miles of aisles – just to walk the exhibit floor

Whew! This show is huge. The show floor is open for 22 hours so…Let’s “Do the Math!”

If you don’t attend any seminars, visit the New Product Showcase, stop to chat with anyone in the aisles or for food, a drink or to go to the bathroom and maintain a walking speed of 2.5 mph…

[box]This year you can spend….68 Seconds….with each exhibitor…. 6 more seconds than last year!….Perhaps, you still need a plan?


With a higher concentration of Pet retailer attendees and a commitment to groomers, there are subtle differences between SuperZoo and GPE.  However, like GPE, SuperZoo has attendees from every major retail channel and attracts both exhibitors and attendees from around the globe.

Despite the variety of offerings to fill an attendee’s time, SuperZoo is still primarily about Pet Products. New Products are a critical to maintaining and growing any business so you must take the time to visit the new product area. Knowledge is power so you should also sign up for any relevant classes. Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know that matters most. This makes networking with other industry professionals a priority. “Leave no stone unturned” in your quest for success. This means you need to walk the whole show. SuperZoo is about gathering information and making decisions to improve your business – whether they are made on the spot or put on your “must do” list.

Every business can improve in terms of products. If you are a retailer, what sections of your store are not doing as well as you hoped and need a “facelift” or conversely, what areas are growing and need products to fill additional space? Category managers for distributors and retail chains may only be interested in targeted visits to exhibitors relevant to their “categories”. Representatives may be looking for new manufacturers…in specific product categories. Manufacturers could be looking to find distributors to handle their products or just looking to “check out” the competition. In regard to products, there is always something to see…for everyone!

And SuperZoo is a great place to see it. Plus, there are 481 Exhibitors at SZ 2017 that weren’t at GPE 2017. Your only real limitation is time. How do you make the most effective use of your time on the show floor? Here’s a suggestion.

Use the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner to make SuperZoo easier and more productive. I initially designed it in 2014 and have updated the data and produced a new version for every GPE and SuperZoo since then…including SZ 2017.

The “update” is not just exhibitor lists but also to the product category offerings for every exhibitor. I reviewed every exhibitor profile on the show site but I also visited over 1000 websites and conducted separate internet searches to “validate” the offerings. It is not 100% accurate, but it is close.

What does the Super Search do?…It searches for and produces a list of Exhibitors by product categories.

  • From the simplest – “give me a list that I can look at on my phone or tablet in either Booth # order or alphabetically”
  • To the most complex…”can do a simultaneous search for multiple specific product categories, allowing you to personally narrow down the initial results and see the “final” alphabetically or by booth number.

”The SuperZoo Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner does both…and more…and does it quickly! Take a look at the New Quick Start Guide. You will see that it looks complex but is really quite simple.

SUPERZOO 2017 Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner – Quick Start Guide

The SuperZoo Super Search Exhibitor visit planner is designed to make your time on the show floor more efficient and more productive. With the Super Search you can conduct up to 5 separate and distinct product category searches simultaneously with consolidated results produced in booth # order to facilitate your “journey”. There are detailed instructions for reference and to help you understand the nuances of the tool. However, it is really very simple so let’s get started. Here is the Dashboard where you set up your searches.

On the dashboard, the first things to note are the numerous category columns. There are 5 different floor sections, 11 different Exhibitor or Animal Types and 32 Dog and/or Cat Product categories. You can search exhibitors for any combination of these.

Let’s take a specific example: running 3 simultaneous searches for several Dog/Cat categories:

  •  Toys     •   Treats     •   Catnip & Litter (Must have both)

#1. This column is where you activate each search. Type in a “Y” (Cells C3>C7 will auto-capitalize) This search “line” becomes active.(cell turns green) In our example we are running 3 searches so we have 3 “Y”s.

#2. Now we enter a 1 in the correct column for each search line. Search Line 1: Toys; Search Line 2: Treats.

#3. In Search Line 3 we want exhibitors that sell both Catnip and Litter so we put a 1 in both of these columns.

#4. Now we just “click” the Execute Search Button. The searches are done simultaneously and the results combined into a single list in alphabetical order.

#5. If you would like to view the list in Booth # order, just click the Booth # Sort.

#6. You can switch the list back to an alpha view by clicking the Alpha Sort Button.

#7. To Clear all your search categories and start a new search, Click the Clear Criteria Button. Then click Execute (#4) again and you will be back to the full list

Note: Any Search Line with a Y and no 1’s in any column will always deliver the entire list regardless of what is selected in other lines. Change the Y back to an N in unused search lines. Now a sample of the results:

Company A – Has Toys Only; Company B has Dog Treats Only and is also a 1st Time Exhibitor at SuperZoo; Company C is on the list for Treats and also has Catnip, but no Litter. This is not unusual as Catnip is often a Treat; Company D has Treats & Toys. Company E has both Catnip and Litter and in fact, actually has it all!

Note: The Super Search highlights your search categories so you know “why you are there”. However, it also shows all categories that are available. Some might “pique” your interest while you are visiting the booth.

You can review the exhibitors alphabetically then put the list in Booth # order to make it easier to “work”. The Super Search also allows you to “cut down” the list during your review. (Pg 2; Point #11 – “U Pick ‘em” in Detailed Instructions) But First, I suggest that you “play” with the Super Search to get a “feel” for the tool, and then review the Detailed Instructions. With your “play” experience, the detailed instructions will become a “quick read” and a valuable reference. You’ll soon be “up to speed” on the full capabilities of Super Search. Good Luck and Good “Hunting” at SuperZoo 2017.

Ready to Start Planning?

Use the links below to download The Super Search (Be Sure to Enable editing/macros/content), the Quick Start Guide and the Detailed Instructions. Then GET STARTED!

[button link=”” type=”icon” newwindow=”yes”] Download Quick Start Guide (PDF)[/button]

(To save the PDF to your computer Right Click the download link and select “Save Link As…”)

[button link=”” type=”icon” newwindow=”yes”] Download Detailed Instructions (PDF)[/button]

(To save the PDF to your computer Right Click the download link and select “Save Link As…”)

[button link=”” type=”icon” newwindow=”no”] Download SZ 2017 Super Search 7-19-17 (Excel)[/button]

(For the Excel file to work on your computer, be sure to enable macros/editing/content if asked.)

Super Search has been updated with STILL more changes as of 7/19/17. The new exhibitors and booth number changes since the 7/17 update are highlighted in pink.b

SuperZoo 2017 is not a gamble…. It’s a Sure Winner!

SuperZoo 2017 is only a month away. While it is held in Las Vegas, attending or exhibiting at SuperZoo is no gamble. It’s a sure winner. Along with Global Pet Expo, SuperZoo is a “must do” if you want to be a player in the U.S. Pet Market.

As we have noted before, there are slight differences in the two shows. GPE essentially started the U.S. Pet Industry 59 years ago with their first trade show put on with 17 exhibitors and 30 total booths. It still definitely has a larger worldwide following with over 200 exhibitors from outside the U.S. Of course, the “big guys” all attend but so do the “little guys” as it has welcomed a huge number of Independent pet store attendees into the fold.

SuperZoo has grown tremendously from its roots as a regional trade show for independent Pet Stores. Independents are still its largest share of attendees, but it has also broadened its scope with an emphasis on the fast growing grooming services segment. However, make no mistake. All the “big guys” will be there too and its worldwide impact is also growing as over 100 exhibitors are from outside the U.S.

Let’s take a closer look at what you will see at SuperZoo 2017 compared to last year. Before we get started we need to take note of a “behind the scenes” trend that had an impact on the exhibitor count at this year’s show. As we all know, both GPE and SZ are now huge. Apparently, the SuperZoo exhibitors felt that they needed bigger booths to capture the attention of attendees so they upgraded in size…by almost 20%. The SuperZoo staff managed to add 17,000 more square feet of booth space but that was not enough. They needed floor space which simply was not available in the convention center. This resulted in a drop in exhibitor count and a big unfulfilled waiting list. They have remedied this situation for 2018 by moving the show to a different date when additional floor space is available. However, when we look at the various exhibitor categories we should place greater emphasis on changes in share of space rather than just count. This will give us a better read on trends. Let’s start with some overview numbers then a look at floor sections:

  • Exhibitors: 1079; Down 123 (10.2%) from 2016
  • Booths: 1034; Down 130 (11.1%) from 2016
  • Booth Sq Ft: 262,000; Up 17,000 (6.9%) from 2016
  • 432 SZ 2016 Exhibitors (35.9%) aren’t at SZ 2017
  • 309 (28.6%) are new. They didn’t do SZ 2016
  • 481 SZ Exhibitors weren’t at GPE 2017

  • The key number to remember in this chart and others is -10.2%. Any drop in exhibitor count less than -10.2% and of course, any increase in count will actually result in an increased “share” of SuperZoo Space.
  • The drop in number of booths came from booths under 400 sq ft and especially those 10 x 10 or smaller – down 108.
  • The Special Sections absorbed the entire loss and more. Last year they were the biggest driver of growth with an additional 140 booths and passed 50% of the floor space for the first time. In 2017 they gave it all back. Smaller companies took the brunt of the “hit” as they typically occupy booths that are 10×10 or less.
  • Every special section lost exhibitors. However, the two most impacted were Rodeo Drive and Critter Alley/Aquatic.
  • The Natural Section lost 43 exhibitors but still reflected the strength of this segment maintaining almost a 20% share
  • Groomers and 1st timers lost a few booths but actually gained share which also reflects the priorities of the show.

Now let’s look at the Exhibitors by type, including animal.

  • All segments loss exhibitors but most were relatively stable in share considering the overall drop in exhibitors.
  • There is one exception, Gifts and General Merchandise. There are 45 fewer exhibitors (-32.4%) resulting in a 2.9% drop in share. This is undoubtedly related to the decrease in Rodeo Drive exhibitors.
  • Exhibitors featuring Reptile or Equine Products also decreased but the loss in Share was not severe.
  • Dogs and Cats are the Royalty of the Industry and even with reduced numbers; they gained in share – especially cats.

Let’s take a closer look at the “royalty”. Here are the top 10 Dog and/or Cat Categories at SuperZoo 2017.

  • You see the strength of Cat and Dog products as 6 of 10 had an increase in exhibitors despite the 10% overall drop.
  • Treats are still #1 and growing stronger. They now have 33% more exhibitors than #2, Collars & Leads.
  • Collars & Leads showed surprising growth. Much of this was due to special function products rather than fashion.
  • Food had the biggest growth which is undoubtedly related to the strong movement to super premium foods.
  • Meds/Supplements also remains strong and is pushing Collars & Leads for the #2 Spot.
  • Grooming tools is a surprise, but the drop comes 1 year after a spectacular 34% increase so it may just be stabilizing.
  • With the show’s emphasis on grooming, Shampoos is not a surprise. They edged out carriers for the #10 spot.

Make no mistake. SuperZoo 2017 is still huge and offers a wide choice of exhibitors across all the Product Categories. Remember just 2 years ago the Exhibitor count was under 1000. The impact from the decrease in small booth exhibitors was born by the Special Floor Sections, especially Rodeo Drive and Critter Alley/Aquarium Terrace. The exhibitor types and product categories actually remained relatively stable in share. The biggest gainers were Dog and Cat Products, especially Food , treats and Meds/Supplements. However, only 5 of 32 Dog and Cat Product Categories lost any share and those losses were minor. The most significant loser in the exhibitor type section was Gifts/General Merchandise.

Finally, there are a few Dog/Cat categories outside the Top 10 with significant movement in Exhibitor count.

  • Electronic – Up 34.6%. This long anticipated trend in “electric” products may be taking off and helping to drive:
    • Containment – Up 11.1%
    • Collars – Up 2.5% (Remember, the overall exhibitor count was down 10.2% so up 2.5% is significant)
  • Waste Pick up – Up 10.6%; The number of exhibitors in this category is up 35.9% in 2 years.
  • Outside Houses/Kennels – This category had a big decrease in exhibitors – Down 26.3%.

The chart below details the specifics for all 32 of the Dog/Cat product categories that I defined for the Super Search Exhibitor Visit Planner.  (Note: The SZ 2017 Super Search will be released in early July.) All the data inputs for this report and the Super Search were derived from reviewing the SuperZoo online exhibitor product listings AND then validated by visits to over 1000 websites and numerous separate internet searches. They’re not 100% accurate, but pretty close.

Changes of special note from 2016 are highlighted. Which categories are of interest to your business?


Pet Products Spending by Generation: Mid-Year 2016 Update

Pet Products spending totaled $43.46B for the 12 month period ending 6/30/16. This was an increase of $0.93B (+2.2%). Total U.S. spending for the period totaled $7.26 Trillion, up $230B (+3.3%). For this 12 month period, Pet Products are not quite keeping up the pace. However, they still account for almost 2/3rds of all Pet Spending and 0.6% of Total U.S. consumer spending – not insignificant numbers.

In this report we will update Pet Products Spending for perhaps today’s most popular demographic measurement – by Generation. Are the Baby Boomers still spending like they used to? What about Gen X? They are next in line. And the Millennials, the hope for the future, are they making progress to eventually lead the way? The numbers come from or are calculated from Data in the US BLS Consumer Expenditure Survey.

First let’s define each generation and look at their share of U.S. Financially Independent Consumer Units (H/H’s)

Generations Defined                                      

Millennials: Born 1981 and after: In 2016, age 18 to 35

Gen X: Born 1965 to 1980: In 2016, age 36 to 51

Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964: In 2016, age 52 to 70

Silent Generation: Born 1929 to 1945: In 2016, age 71 to 87

Greatest Generation: Born before 1929: In 2016, age 88 and over

  • In terms of Financially Independent Consumer Units, Boomers are still the largest group with 44M (34.4%)
  • The two oldest generations are significantly losing numbers, primarily due to death and movement to assisted living facilities. The Greatest Generation will soon be too small to be a viable, measureable separate spending group.
  • Gen X, while it gets little publicity, is currently the second largest CU group, balanced between the Boomers and Millennials, who both have more total members.
  • Millennials now are the largest generation in sheer numbers, but are developing financial independence more slowly than past generations. Ultimately, they will “grow up”, which will move them into the #1 spot in CU’s. They will also get the biggest lift from immigration. As their marriage rate increases, the CU count will fall slightly.

There is the obvious difference in age to be considered and differences in behavior. However, we have also learned that there are key Consumer Unit characteristics, like income, family situation and home ownership that make a difference in Pet Spending. Let’s look at some of these key differences.

  • It just takes 2. Households with 2 or more people account for 81.5% of all Pet Products Spending
  • The size of the CU and number of children is all about Family responsibility and all the financial pressures that this generates. As you can see, it is beginning to slowly ramp up with the Millennials but is at its peak with the 36 to 51 year old Gen Xers.
    • Married couples with children (especially over 6 yrs old) have always been an important segment in Pet Products spending, especially for Supplies.
    • However, the recent move to upgrade to Super Premium Food by the Boomers has changed the dynamics of this somewhat and brought Food even more strongly to the forefront of Products Spending.
  • Boomers still average 2+ people in the CU. However, they are much less likely to have children <18 at home. As their human children leave home, they turn their attention and spending to their Pet Children who are still with them.
  • Pet Products spending is also tied to the number of earners in a CU. 2 Earner CUs annually spend 38% more on Pet Products than 1 Earner CUs. As you can see the “earning” is being done in America by Gen Xers, Millennials and Boomers with Gen Xers at the top, as to be expected.
  • Homeownership – Owning and controlling your own space has always been a key to increased Pet Ownership and spending. Homeowners currently account for 79.3% of all Pet Products Spending. In fact, the Pet Products Spending by Homeowners with mortgages is up $1.2B through 6/30/16.
    • The Gen Xers have reached the national average and homeownership continues to increase until we reach the oldest Americans – 88+ years old.
    • The Millennials are obviously lagging behind. The first big lift in Homeownership occurs from age 25>34. Right now 39% of these older Millennials own a home. When Gen Xers and Boomers were the same age 48% of them owned homes – over 20% more.

Next we’ll compare the Generations to the National Avg. :

In Income, Spending, Pet Products Spending and Pet Products Share of Total $pending

CU National Avg: Income – $72,990; Total Spending – $56,258; Pet Products Spending – $336.98; Pet Share – 0.60%

  • Income – The 35>51 year old Gen Xers lead the way. The Boomers earn about 15% less and their income will continue to fall as they age. The big drop occurs with the Silents as retirement becomes almost universal. The Millennials income is over 20% less than the Boomers and only about 2/3rds of the Gen Xers.
  • Total Spending – The Gen Xers make the most and spend the most but it’s not out of line with their income. Boomers also spend more than the average but once again their income can support it. Spending doesn’t fall as fast as income with the older generations. In fact, they are actually deficit spending in relation to their after tax The Millennials under 25 are also in an after tax income deficit spending situation. However, the rising income from the 25>35 group makes up the difference and brings overall generational spending in line with income.
  • Avg CU Pet Products Spending – The Gen Xers spend 33% more than the Millennials but still slightly less than the National Average (97%). The Boomers spend 42% more than Gen X and is the only group spending above the National Avg. on Pet Products. However, it hasn’t always been this way. In 2014 Gen X and Boomers spent exactly the same amount annually on Pet Products (within 1 cent) which was 113% of the National Average. The Boomers’ upgrade to Super Premium resulted in a huge increase in the national average and left the Boomers alone at the top.
  • Pet Products Share of Total Spending – One measure of the level of commitment to their Pets.
    • Only Boomers exceed the National Average but The Silent Generation comes in 2nd, demonstrating a lifetime commitment to their Pets. It also should be noted that these older generations have a much stronger commitment to higher quality, higher priced Foods.
    • Gen Xers overall make and spend the most money. They are also second in actual Pet Products Spending. Two things stand out – they are probably not opting for Super Premium Foods and Supplies are much more important to them than to the older generations.
    • Millennials are in third place but their percentage is a definite indication of commitment to their Pets. They are definitely value shopping for Foods but Supplies are extremely important to this group with Spending nearly matching Food.
    • The Greatest Generation at 87+ is still hanging on and you can see that the necessity of Food is of primary importance in their Pet Products Spending behavior.
  • It’s time to look at actual $ Spent by Generation on Total Pet Products as well as Food and Supplies in terms of share of sales as well as the Mid-Year 2016 performance compared to the previous year starting with Total Pet Products…

  • Regarding share, Boomers continue to dominate largely due to their Food upgrade in 2015. Not only do they have the biggest piece of the Pet Products “pie” (47.5%), it is 11% larger than #2, Gen X and #3, Millennials combined.
  • The Greatest Generation is a welcome part of the industry but at 0.4% share they are no longer a factor.
  • In terms of 2016 Mid-Yr Performance, it was all Boomers. They were up $2.02B in Pet Products spending. Every other generation spent less…a total of $1.1B less. Let’s get specific.
  • Boomers – Ave CU spent $464.15 (+$43.56); 2016 Mid-Yr Pet Products spending = $20.63B, Up $2.02B (+10.9%)
    • The increase came entirely from the 1st 6 months. Ave CU spent $327.34 (-$12.09); 2016 Mid-Yr Pet Products Spending = $11.59B, Down $0.26B (-2.2%)ths. – Jul>Dec 15, Up $2.9B; Jan>Jun 16, Down $0.88B.
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $327.34 (-$12.09); 2016 Mid-Yr Pet Products Spending = $11.59B, Down $0.26B (-2.2%)
    • Almost all of the decrease came in 2016. – Jul>Dec 15, Down $0.02B; Jan>Jun 16, Down $0.24B
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $247.02 (-$14.41); 2016 Mid-Yr Pet Products Spending = $7.04B, Down $0.34B (-4.6%)
    • Sales bounced back in 2016. – Jul>Dec 15, Down $0.52B; Jan>Jun 16, Up $0.18B.
  • Silent Gen. – Ave CU spent $228.12 (-$27.85); 2016 Mid-Yr Pet Products Spending = $4.02B, Down $0.44B (-9.9%)
    • All of the drop came in 1st 6 months. Jul>Dec 15, Down -$0.48B; Jan>Jun 16, Up $0.04B – a slight increase.
  • Greatest Gen.– Ave CU spent $90.86 (-$5.47); 2016 Mid-Yr Pet Products Spending= $0.17B, Down $0.06B (-26.1%)

The Total Spending increase was all due to Boomers. Now let’s look at individual segments. First, Pet Food..

  • Since their 2015 Upgrade, Boomers continue to spend more on Food/Treats than all other Generations combined.
  • Gen X has 24% more CU’s than the Millennials but spent 78% more on Pet Food.
  • Millennials spent $0.59B less on Food Mid-Yr 2016 versus the previous 12 months.
  • Boomers – Ave CU spent $332.75 (+$59.36); 2016 Mid-Yr Food spending= $14.73B, Up $2.66B (+22.0%)
    • July>Dec 15 (+$3.5B) – Reflects Food Upgrade; Jan>Jun 2016 (-$0.84B) – Looks like they pulled back a bit.
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $199.66 (+3.65); 2016 Mid-Yr Food spending= $7.03B, Up $0.21B (+3.1%)
    • The lift came entirely in Jul>Dec 15 ( +0.44B); In Jan>Jun 16 they gave half of the Fall increase back (-0.23B)
  • Silent Generation – Ave CU spent $159.46 (-$19.94); 2016 Mid-Yr Food spending $2.8B, Down $0.32B (-10.3%)
    • Spending fell in both halves. Jul>Dec 15 (-0.21B); Jan>Jun 16 (-0.11B)
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $138.90 (-$21.87); 2016 Mid-Yr Food Spending $3.94B, Down $0.59B (-13.0%)
    • Age 25>34 upgraded Food in late 2014, then pulled back in 2015. Dec 15 (-0.89B); However, they showed some resiliency as they bounced back in Jan>Jun 16 (+$0.3B)
  • Greatest Gen. – Ave CU spent $63.73 (+$4.63); 2016 Mid-Yr Food spending= $0.12B, ↓ $0.02B (-14.3%)(less CUs)

We are still seeing the residual effect of the Boomers 2015 Upgrade. 2016 is not starting off well as there is some pull back on the upgrade and only Millennials are showing plus numbers for the 1st half. Now on to the Supplies Segment.

  • Boomers still have the largest share but unlike Food, the Younger Groups – Gen X and Millennials control 51.6%.
  • Millennials – Ave CU spent $108.12 (+$7.46); 2016 Mid-Yr Supplies spending= $3.11B, Up $0.26B (+9.1%)
    • FINALLY, a bright spot for Supplies. Jul>Dec 15 (+$0.38B); Jan>Jun 16 (-$0.12B) But it faded a bit in 2016.
  • Baby Boomers – Ave CU spent $131.40 (-$15.80); 2016 Mid-Yr Supplies spending= $5.90B, Down $0.64B (-9.8%)
    • In 2016 the Spending decline basically stops. Spending Jul>Dec 15 (-$0.6B); Jan>Jun 16 (-$0.04B)
  • Gen X – Ave CU spent $127.68 (-$15.74); 2016 Mid-Yr Supplies spending= $4.56B, Down $0.47B (-9.3%)
    • The same story as the Boomers. Spending decline turns flat in 2016. Jul>Dec 2015 (-$0.43B); Jan>Jun 16 (-$0.01B)
  • Silent Generation – Ave CU spent $68.66 (-$7.90); 2016 Mid-Yr Supplies spending= $1.22B, Down $0.12B (-9.0%)
    • Spending in the 1st half of 2016 actually increased. (+$0.15B). However, not enough as Jul>Dec 15 was (-$0.27B)
  • Greatest Gen. – Ave CU spent $27.13 (-$10.11); 2016 Mid-Yr Supplies spending= $0.05B, Down $0.04B (-44.4%)

It appears that the steep drop in spending during 2015 could be coming to an end. Sales in the first 6 months of 2016 were down only $0.06B and essentially were flat versus the same period in 2015. Boomers and Gen X, which account for 70.5% of all Supplies Spending, both mirrored this trend. We’ll see what the 2nd half of 2016 brings.

In the final chart we will look at the spending performance of each generation. We will compare their share of spending on Total Products, Pet Food and Pet Supplies to their share of CU’s and see “Who is earning their share?”

Performance = Share of Spending/Share of CU’s;        100+% indicates you are “earning your share”

  • Silent Generation Performance – Pet Products: 66.7%; Pet Food: 71.0%; Pet Supplies: 59.4%
    • This group ranges in age from 71 to 87. Pet ownership is more difficult after age 75 and this is reflected in the low share of Pet Products spending. However, the desire and the commitment is still there. This is evident in the 71% performance on Pet Food. While they don’t “earn their share”, their performance is better than the Millennials.
  • Baby Boomers Performance – Pet Products: 136.5%; Pet Food: 148.0%; Pet Supplies: 114.4%
    • The Boomers led the way in building the industry and they are still doing it. They are earning their share and in fact, the spending leader in both Food and Supplies. Ultimately, this will fade as they age but based upon their history, they will continue to perform for many more years, well into old age.
  • Gen X Performance – Pet Products: 96.4%; Pet Food: 88.8%; Pet Supplies: 110.8%
    • Next in line and next in performance to the Boomers, the Gen Xers are the only other generation to “earn their share” in spending on a Pet Product segment – Supplies. Spending on Supplies is a much higher priority for the younger groups. Gen Xers range in age from 36 to 51. As they reach the 50 to 54 age group, their children will start to move away from home and their focus will turn to their Pet Children. Expect their performance to surpass the 100% level within the next 5 years as they move to take over the #1 spot from the Boomers.
  • Millennials Performance – Pet Products: 72.6%; Pet Food: 61.9%; Pet Supplies: 93.7%
    • The Millennials are widely touted as the future of the industry. This is ultimately true, but the future is still a ways off. The Millennials are currently 18 to 35 years old. They have pets, a lot of them, but their responsibilities are growing and money is still in short supply. They spend a lot on Supplies as they are establishing Pet households and actively seek products that make Pet Parenting easier. However, value shopping is still the rule. They initially bought into the food upgrade in 2014 but pulled back in 2015. They are 20 years away from occupying the highest income group. Also, since they are having children later, the spending lift from children leaving will undoubtedly be delayed. We’ll keep a close eye on them, but realistically, they are 20 years away from being the dominant force in Pet Spending.

U.S. Pet Services Spending (Non-Vet) $6.82B (↑$0.96B): 2016 Mid-Year Update

The US BLS just released their Mid-Year Update of the Consumer Expenditure Survey covering the period 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016. The report shows Non-Vet Pet Services Spending at $6.82B, Up $0.96B (+16.4%) from a year ago. The following charts and observations were prepared from calculations based upon data from that report and earlier ones. The first chart will help put the $6.82B into perspective with recent history.

Specific Comparisons

  • 2013 > 2015: ↑$0.98B (+18.6%)
  • Mid-Yr2014> Mid-Yr2016: ↑$1.5B (+28.2%)
  • 2015 ($6.26B) vs 2014 ($5.67B)
    • ↑$0.59B (+10.4%)
      • 1st Half ↑$0.19B
      • 2nd Half ↑$0.4B
  • Mid-Yr 16 ($6.82B) vs Mid-Yr 15 ($5.86B)
    • ↑$0.96B (+16.4%)
      • Jul>Dec 2015 ↑$0.4B
      • Jan>Jun 2016 ↑$0.56B


  • Pet Services has shown uninterrupted growth since 2013.
  • The growth has accelerated since the second half of 2015.
  • Although inflation has slowed from the beginning of 2015 through Mid-year 2016, it has still averaged over 2% per year. Thus far, the rising prices have not had an impact on overall Pet Services Spending.

Let’s take a look at the Mid-Year Services Spending by Age Group.

Age Group Observations

  • The bulk of Pet Services Spending (70%) is done by the 45 and over group (61% of all CU’s)
  • All but 2 Age Groups are spending more on Pet Services
  • The 35>44 Age group is down slightly. This is the group of Gen Xers who are under strong financial pressure as they are at the peak of Family responsibilities.
  • The over 75 group is more likely to “need” pet services than have them as a convenience. In this case, it is possible that the rising prices could be impacting this lower income group.

Now let’s look at Pet Spending by Income Group

Income Group Observations

It’s an interesting pattern. The Below Avg income group and the wealthiest group over $150K are driving the increase.

  • Under $70K ↑$0.32B and $70K > $150K ↓$0.32 exactly cancel each other out.
  • CU’s making over $150K, with a $259K avg income, are in effect, generating the entire $0.96B increase.
  • The above average income group, primarily those who are Gen Xers, are at the peak of family pressure and are thinking twice about the largely discretionary spending on Services.


The $0.96B growth in Services Spending in the 12 month period ending 6/30/16 was the biggest growth in any 12 month period since they began the annual survey in 1984. It beats out the $0.82B increase in 2012 which came after a 2 year spending decline in 2010-11 due to cautious spending as a result of the financial crisis. Also, the inflation rate for Mid-Yr 2016 was 2.5%, which sounds like a lot. However, the annual inflation rate from 2000 to 2009 in this industry segment averaged 4.1% so 2.5% is a 40% drop. It also means that 85% of the recent $0.96B growth was real.

Of the $0.96B increase, $0.4B came in July-Dec 2015 and $0.56B came in the first half of 2016. So what’s in store for the second half of 2016? Inflation continued to slow, finishing up at 2.03% for the year. Except for the 2010 recession aftermath year, that’s the lowest rate since 1999. 2016 seems to be poised to be an exceptional year for services.

The good news also is widespread. Here are some of the biggest Demographic Segment gainers In Services Spending:

  • All Wage & Salary Earners ↑$0.66B
  • White, Not Hispanic ↑$0.96B;
  • College Grads ↑$1.09B
  • Homeowners & Renters are all Up. HomeOwners w/o Mtge ↑$0.51B
  • Suburbs ↑$0.77B…only Rural areas are down.
  • All Married and Unmarried CU’s are Up. Married Couples “only” (No children) lead the way ↑$0.56B
  • All Sizes of CU’s (1 > 5+) are up. 3 person or Less CU’s ↑$0.85

U.S. Pet Supplies Spending $14.84B (↓$1.01B): Mid-Year 2016 Update

2015 was quite a year for Pet Food but not so good for Pets & Supplies. Now it’s time to see what the beginning of 2016 brought to Supplies Spending. In the US BLS Mid-Year Update of their Consumer Expenditure Survey covering the 12 month period ending 6/30/16, Supplies Spending was $14.84B, down $1.01B from a year ago and even slightly less than 2013. The following chart should put the recent history into perspective.

  •  2015 ($14.9B) vs 2014 ($17.0B)
    • $2.1B (-12.4%)
      • 1st Half ↓$1.15B
      • 2nd Half ↓$0.95B
  • Mid-16 ($14.84B) vs Mid-15 ($15.85B)
    • ↓$1.01B (-6.4%)
      • Jul>Dec 2015 ↓$0.95B
      • Jan>Jun 2016 ↓$0.06B – Flat
  • 2015 vs 2013 – Spending Flat:↓$0.06B
  • Mid-16 vs Mid-14 – Spending ↓$1.09B

The Chart clearly shows the Spending ride that Supplies has taken since 2013, climbing to the summit in 2014 then descending into the valley in 2015. Supplies is a diverse and complex segment so there are a number of factors behind these changes in Spending. For this report we will focus on 2 which seem particularly relevant.

The first is pricing – inflation/deflation. Many Supplies Categories are commoditized so spending is impacted by the rise and fall of prices. 2014 was a “deflation” year. Prices were down so the largely discretionary Supplies spending was up, way up. During the Holiday season of 2014, prices turned upward. Spending was not significantly slowed…but the prices stayed up into the new year. This would have a negative impact.

At the same time in 2015, another trend was starting in another segment. A large group of consumers, mostly Baby Boomers was choosing to upgrade their Food to Super Premium. This upgrade was significantly more expensive so this group immediately began looking for ways to save on discretionary spending. Basically, everyone was looking for savings and Supplies prices were going up. The result was a $2B drop in Supplies spending primarily from only a 10% decrease in purchase frequency.  In Nov-Dec 2015, the Consumer Price Index for Pet Supplies dropped by a record 2% – but it wasn’t enough to turn the year around. Prices stayed down for the first half of 2016 and Spending stabilized at the level of the same period in 2015, which is not good, but at least it stopped falling.

Now let’s look at the 2016 Mid-year Supplies Spending versus previous year by Age Group

At the end of 2015, every age group was showing decreased spending on Supplies vs 2014. At the Mid-Year update in 2016 we are starting to see evidence of at least a pause in the decline if not the beginning of a turnaround.

  • The biggest drop in Supplies is still occurring in the age groups which have Baby Boomers who range in age from 52 to 70 at the time of this report. In 2015 the Boomers opted to upgrade to Super Premium Foods and reduced spending in other areas, especially Supplies. We’re still seeing the residual effect of that choice.
  • Supplies have always been an important portion of overall Pet Spending for the younger groups so it’s fitting that the Under 35 group is showing an increase. Perhaps the turnaround will start with the Millennials.
  • Another point to note is the increase, although slight, at both ends of the age spectrum. The individuals in age groups are always changing. This increase indicates that new pet households are being added and that existing pet households are being maintained.

Now let’s look at Supplies Spending by Income Group to see if Money Matters.

Just like the Age Groups, every Income group showed decreased spending in 2015. At the 2016 Mid-Year update, the decline is still pretty pervasive but there are a couple of positives.

  • The $1B decrease is almost equally split between the Over $70K and Under $70K groups.
  • All the Income Levels under $70K are also showing a drop in Supplies Spending.
  • The $100>$150K group is still reflecting the cut back in Supplies Spending which was driven by the Food Upgrade and value shopping. Their income is $120K but this group is at the peak of family responsibilities & children <18.
  • There is a slight increase of $0.12B in the above average income group $70>$100K. There is probably a strong correlation between this group and the lift in the 25>34 age group, especially married couples only.
  • The Over $150K group is also showing an increase of $0.11B. With an average income of $259K, discretionary spending is just that…at their discretion.


2015 was not a good year for Supplies. It was a year of price inflation. While not strictly tied to the CPI, many of the commoditized Supply Categories are strongly influenced by price. With inflation, Spending fell $2.1B in 2015. Prices had a record drop in November-December. This may have mitigated the decline but it was not enough to turn the second half around. The lower prices continued for the first half of 2016 and Spending stopped falling and flattened out at a level equal to the first half of 2015. What will happen in the second half? We’ll just have to wait and see. The Segment could certainly use a turnaround. Here are some large Demographic segments that are showing an increase in Supplies Spending for the first Half of 2016 and might lead the way.

  • <$100K ↑$0.36B
  • 35>44 yrs ↑$0.19B
  • 3 Person or less CU’s ↑$0.5B
  • College Grads ↑$0.14B
  • White, Not Hispanic ↑$0.14B
  • Northeast & Western Regions ↑$0.3B


U.S. Pet Food Spending $28.6B (↑$1.94B): Mid-Year 2016 Update

The US BLS just released their Mid-Year Update of the Consumer Expenditure Survey covering the period 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016. The report shows Pet Food Annual Spending at $28.62B (Food & Treats). The following charts and observations were prepared from calculations based upon data from that report and earlier ones. The first chart will help put the $28.6B into perspective with recent history.

  • From 2013 to 2015 the Pet Food Segment grew from $23B to $29.5B – a $6.5B (28.3%) increase in 2 years!
  • Most of the increase occurred from 2014-2015 when spending reached $29.5B – a $5.4B (22.4%) increase
    • First half of 2015 – Up $2.6
    • Second half of 2015 – Up $2.8B
  • Mid-Year 2015 ($26.7B) vs Mid-Year 2014 ($22.9B)Up $3.8B
  • Mid-Year 2016 ($28.6B) vs Mid-Year 2015 ($26.7B)
    • Up $1.9B
    • July>Dec 2015 – Up $2.8B
    • Jan>Jun 2016 – Down $0.9B

2015 was the critical year. It produced the tremendous lift in spending due to the move to upgrade to Super Premium, which was primarily driven by the Baby Boomers. However, 2015 was a unique year in another way too. There was a radical increase in Food Spending and at the same time, the biggest deflation since they began keeping records back in 1997. These don’t usually go together since you don’t buy more food just because it’s cheaper. Perhaps the brands that were losing consumers to the Super Premium Foods were trying to “buy them back”. The result was we had the huge lift due to the upgrade at the same time that everyone else was paying less for their regular food. This appears to have created a value shopping mentality in that the consumer was looking for the best price in other retail outlets and the internet. The deflation continued through the first half of 2016 and so did the pricing scramble.

Let’s see where the $28.6B came from – First by Age Group

  • The 55>64 Age group, which is all Baby Boomers is still driving the mid-year increase – Up $2.95B
  • You also see the influence of the youngest Boomers in the small lift in the 45>54 Age Group.
  • The 65>74 age group is a different story. This group, who originally bought into the Food Upgrade, appears to have backed off a bit.
  • The 25>44 age group was the first to try upgrading Food in the second half of 2014 which started the “lift”. In 2015 they backed away. The drop you are seeing is primarily a result of that.
  • At the extreme edges of the Age Spectrum, it appears that the Under 25 group is adding pets and the over 75 folks are maintaining them.

Now let’s look at Spending by Income Group:

  • Pet Food Spending is almost evenly divided between CU’s earning < $70K and those earning >$70K
  • This upgrade to Super Premium was not strictly about money but more about the benefit to your Pet.
  • The biggest decrease is coming in the mid to upper income groups. This seems unusual but it is still reflective of the roll back from Super Premium in the 25>44 age group that occurred in 2015.
  • You can see that the Under $70K group (Note: Avg U.S. Income is $73K) and the super high incomes are driving the increase. The >$150 is certainly not all Baby Boomers. We may have a new convert to Super Premium.


Mid-Year 2016 Pet Food Spending totaled $28.62B, an increase of $1.94B (7.3%). That is excellent but I’m sure the question on everyone’s mind is what about the $0.88B decrease in the first 6 months of 2016? What does that mean? Unfortunately, there is no absolute answer. The huge $5.4B lift in Food in 2015 came primarily from the upgrade in Food by Baby Boomers. In fact, their increase was closer to $5.8B so they made up for declines in other groups.

When a large group makes a major change like switching to Super Premium, not everyone will stick with it. You will undoubtedly see some slippage. In the first half of 2016, the 55>64 age group spent slightly less than in 2015 – $0.19B. The Retired group spent a lot less – $0.9B.

There is another factor at work here in the decline in spending in the first half of 2016 which affects everyone…deflation. There was strong deflation in Pet Food Prices for all of 2015 and this continued into the first half of 2016. Even if you are loyal to your Pet Food Brand, why would you pay more than you have to? In today’s world, price comparison is much easier and the internet is now a real option for Food as well as Supplies. Consumers did their homework and paid less.

So what will happen in the second half of 2016? Will there be a net increase in spending for 2016 over 2015? The answer is of course, no one knows.

For 2016 to show an increase over 2015, consumers would have to spend $0.9B more in the second half of 2016  than they did in the second half of 2015, which was the largest second half of all time. Deflation ended in July of 2016 but without a move to Super Premium by a significant demographic segment(s) an overall increase for 2016 seems unlikely. We’ll wait and see. Don’t be overly concerned. In reviewing 30 years of Pet Food Spending history I have noted that there are periodic plateau years where spending slows or even declines slightly, only to bounce back with a renewed vigor. Recent Plateau years occurred in 2013, 2010, 2006, 2003, 2000 and 1997. Pet Food will come back strong, either in the second half of 2016 or in 2017. It always has. Here are some demographic segments that showed strength and increased Pet Food spending in the first half of 2016:

  • $150K – ↑$0.59B
  • Total Wage & Salary Earners – ↑$0.54B
  • 25>34 yr Age Group – ↑$0.41B
  • Hispanics, African Americans & Asians – ↑$0.66B
  • Homeowners with Mortgages ↑$0.63B
  • Center City ↑$0.72B

U.S. Pet Spending: Single Pet Parents – Does Gender Matter?

The subject of this report is Single American Consumer Units (H/H’s) – 1 adult, no children or other adults. Most of our discussions on Pet Spending have focused on the various demographics segments that have 2 or more people, with or without children. There is good reason for this as they spend 80% of all Pet Dollars. However, we shouldn’t overlook the singles segment. Currently they represent 11.6% of the total U.S. population. However they are 29.5% of all Independent Financial Units (CU’s) and account for 20% of Total Pet Spending. With 29.5% of CU’s and “only”20% of Pet Spending they are not as productive as many segments. However the Total Pet Spending in 2015 by U.S. Singles was more than…

  • The total of all Hispanic, African Americans & Asians
  • The entire Millennial Generation.
    • Single Women alone spent more than Millennials
  • The whole Northeast Region of the U.S.
  • Everyone earning between $100K and $150 K
  • And almost equal to all CU’s with incomes over $150K

I think that they deserve a closer look. But before we get started, I want to give credit to the US BLS. All the numbers were taken from or calculated from data in their Annual Consumer Expenditure Survey and a special report on singles spending by gender. To get a valid sample size for single men and women, they combined the data from 2014 and 2015. In order to compare these numbers to overall national data for the same period I calculated the average spending for 2014-2015. Let’s first look how singles are dispersed across society by age group.

  • Two peaks at either end of the age spectrum with the low point at 35>44, which is prime time for marriage & family.
  • Note that single men outnumber women up to age 55 then things change radically. Longevity may be a factor.
  • Actually the percent of single men remains rather stable after age 25 – ranging from 10 to 15%.
  • The 51% number in the small <25 group is a bit deceptive. The bulk of singles are in the older groups. 53% of all singles are over 55 (63% of women). Over 45, the numbers jump to 66% of all singles.(58% of Men; 74% of Women)

Now let’s get to know a little more about their characteristics, starting with homeownership and employment.

  • Homeownership – (82.6% of all U.S. Pet Spending comes from Homeowners)
    • Singles are much less likely to be a homeowner.
    • Women have a higher percentage – over 50%.
    • Homeownership increases with age maxing at 65>
    • Only 3% of singles under 25 own a home.
  • Earning Income – (83.1% of U.S. Pet Spending is done by “earners”)
    • 40% of all singles don’t earn money.
    • Single men are 40% more likely to be an earner.

Speaking of earning, let’s look at income and spending.

We’ll compare Singles to the National Avg in Income, Spending, Pet Spending and Pet Share of Total $pending

In the first chart we saw that Singles were significantly below par in the percentage of homeownership and “earners”. This usually results in decreased Pet Spending. Here’s how they compare on income and spending.

  • Income – The average income of Singles is 50% of the National Average, about $34.5K
    • At $39.4K Men make 30% more than Women at $30K
    • While this seems challenging, consider the fact that all CU’s with an income of less than $70K make up 64.2% of the U.S. total. Their average income is $32.2K, but they still manage to spend 44% of all Pet $ and 49% of Pet Food.
  • Total Spending – Annually, Single Men and Women spend about the same amount of money, which is high considering their income. This situation is especially pronounced among Single Women who make 30% less.
  • Pet Spending – As you can see, Pets are important to Singles. To be more precise, Pets are extremely important to Single Women. They make 56% less than average. Overall they spend 41% less than average. However, when it comes to their Pets, their spending is basically on par with the total Nation. Amazing! Single Men spend less than 40% of what Single Women spend on their pets. This disparity is so great that it undoubtedly indicates that far fewer Single Men actually have a pet.
  • Pet Spending as a Share of Total Spending – 1% has become the benchmark for performance. Pet Spending first reached 1% of Total Spending in 2008. Since then it has remained at or near this level. In 2014-15, the time covered by the data in this report, Pet Spending was 0.95% of Total Spending.
    • Total Singles – At 1.07% they are in the elite “Top 25” of the 85 demographic segments that I monitor, but as usual the story gets more complex when you drill deeper.
    • Single Women – At 1.5% they are in line for the Silver medal. Only truly Rural CU’s with a population less than 2500 and located outside of a Metropolitan Area beat them – with 1.65%.
    • Single Men – At 0.6% this is the flip side. Only 5 Segments are lower, including – Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, the members of the Greatest Generation (Born before 1929) and CU’s where the oldest child is under 6.

Now we’ll “Show you the Money” as we compare Avg CU Pet Spending to Single CU’s for every age group.


Total Singles – Overall, the pattern of CU spending generally mirrors that of the National trend. Spending starts to grow in the 25>34 age group, builds to a peak at 55>64 then falls off after 65. One thing to note is the huge spending increase for Singles between age groups 25>34 and 35>44 – 50%. The National increase is only 18%. Singles acquire pets a little later than the general population.

Single Men – This pattern is markedly different. Spending triples when they reach the 25>34 age group as they are acquiring pets. However, their spending peak comes early at age 35>44. From 45>64 their spending falls off a little bit, but it is basically static. When they reach 65, spending drops 25%. The stability in the spending from 35>65 indicates that there are few new pet households but those who have pets are committed to their pets. Also, the spending drop at age 65 is less precipitous for Single Men than the overall national numbers.

Single Women – Spending takes off in the in the 25>34 age group and essentially matches the national average by age 35>44. However, it continues to accelerate after age 45 and peaks at 55>64 at a rate that is 20% above the national average. Remember, their income is still under $40K and less than half of the national average. The 50% drop after age 65 suggests that there is a significant decrease in Pet households.

Final Thoughts

Single Pet Parents are a significant segment in the Pet Industry both in size and in spending. Here are the totals:

  • 2015 Total Pet Spending for Singles was $13.45B – a 6.7% increase, despite a 1.1% drop in the number of CU’s
    • This was better than the overall industry increase of 5.3% which included a 1.1% increase in CU’s.
  • Based upon the US BLS special report on singles,
    • Single Women accounted for $9.95B (74% the total)
    • Single Men Accounted for $3.50B (26% of the total)

That’s an incredible difference, considering that these groups are close to the same size – Women – 52% of CU’s; Men – 48%. We have found that gender definitely does matter in terms of Pet Spending by Single consumers.

Let’s consider the experience of Pet Parenting for Singles. It’s an enormous responsibility for anyone. However, if you are single, then all the responsibilities, big and small, “belong” to you, unless you choose to hire someone to help. By the way, that does happen. $1.64B (26%) of all 2015 Pet Services Spending was by Singles.

Singles are very interested in any product or service that makes going “solo” as a Pet Parent significantly better or easier. With relatively low income, price will always matter. However, they will spend more for a product that is significantly functionally better.

In terms of reaching this group, there appear to be 3 major opportunities/challenges:

  1. Opportunity – Overall, the spending commitment to their Pet Children by Single Women is high but it actually increases significantly as they age. Remember, 1.5% of their Total Spending is on their Pets. However, the 45>54 age group spent 1.9% and the 55>64 group spent 2.4%. That last number is truly amazing and it’s not just %. The money is there – $3.4B – about the same as the spending for all single men. Make sure that older single Women have everything they need or want for their pets. Be especially cognizant about the Pet Parenting difficulties that arise as singles move into old age.
  2. Challenge – The main issue with single Men as Pet Parents seems to be getting them to participate. Pets seem to be a more natural addition to the household for women than men. Getting single men started when they are young and as they reach middle age is the challenge. Through HABRI, we have an amazing amount of scientific evidence documenting the benefits of Pets. This is further magnified by the companionship that pets provide for singles. We need to put on our marketing thinking caps and find ways to get the message across to this group.
  3. Income – With lower income, money will always be an issue for singles. There is also a high percentage of older adults in the group, both men and women, so some sort of Senior Discount makes sense. We need to keep singles spending and encourage transaction building. Overall, Singles didn’t participate to any great extent in the 2015 movement to upgrade to super premium food. Price was undoubtedly a major factor in that decision.

That wraps it up for this report. The Single Pet Parents demographic group definitely deserved a closer look and we certainly answered the question regarding Pet Spending and gender. Currently, it does matter and if it’s a contest, women win in a runaway.

U.S. Pet Industry $ales in 2016: $66.75B – Taking a closer look!

According to the numbers from the American Pet Products Association (APPA), the total U.S. Pet Industry increased $6.47B (10.7%) in 2016. This was spectacular to say the least. However, about $4B came from a data reporting adjustment to Food $ales based upon information from the US BLS which indicated that previous years Food numbers were too conservative. What is most important is that this year’s numbers more accurately reflect the true strength of the industry, especially in the largest and critically important Food Segment. Even factoring in “Petflation”, the increase in the amount of goods and services sold was 9.2% and 85.9% of the industry’s growth was “real”. Less than 15% came from price increases.

In this post we’ll take a closer look at the performance of the total market and importantly, the individual segments. The report will cover 2016 but also put this year’s numbers into perspective for the period from 2009 to 2016, the time since the great recession.

Here are the details for 2016. Some key data is highlighted:


  • Two consecutive years of deflation in the Food segment ended in 2016 with a reasonable CPI increase of 0.2%.
  • Sale of Live Pets fell slightly for the third consecutive year, which is a concern.
  • The Supply segment came up short of projected numbers but prices were flat so 97% of the growth was real.
  • The Service segment hit their projected sales number but the inflation rate was relatively high so only 67.3% of the increase was real, down from 77.5% in 2015
  • The Veterinary Segment also reached the projected number but the continuing high inflation rate resulted in Pet Parents actually buying less in terms of the amount of veterinary services for the second consecutive year.
  • The Total Pet Market – up 10.73%…was primarily driven both by the performance and the reporting adjustment in the Food segment. The Food and Supplies segments, with minimal price increases pushed the real growth up to 85.9% – outstanding. The high inflation rate in the Vet Segment continues to depress consumer sales, affecting the entire industry’s numbers.

The Chart below may make it easier to compare the situation in the individual Segments

Now let’s take a look at the performance of the individual segments from 2009 through 2016 starting with Food.


  • The adjustment to more accurately reflect the current sales of Pet Food made quite a difference in the average numbers for the period from 2009 to 2016
    • 7.02% Annual Growth Rate
    • Low average inflation – 0.82%
    • 6.15% CPI adjusted Growth Rate: 88% of the growth since 2009 has been “real” – That’s Outstanding!
  • In the 7 years since 2009…
    • 3 were deflationary (-0.6%) Average
    • 4 were inflationary (1.9%) Average

Both deflation and strong inflation can be concerning. We have only had 4 deflationary years in Food (2000 was the other). The 2010 deflation came after a combined 20% Food CPI increase from 2007 to 2009 – in the heart of the recession and real growth ceased. The decrease in 2010 was a welcome break and brought a big positive response from the consumer and adjusted growth exceeded retail sales.

The years from 2011 to 2013 brought CPI increases in the 2+% range. This was a bit too high and dropped the percentage of real growth below 50%. In 2014-15, prices fell so the consumer paid less but “real” growth improved. The big concern with deflation is the impact on the supply and distribution channels and ultimately on the consumer… thru reduced choices. In 2016, prices moved into a healthier range. In the future, a positive inflation rate for Food that stays at or below 1% should produce the best results.

Here’s what the period from 2009 to 2016 looks like on a graph:

2017 Retail Food sales are projected to increase 5.2% to $29.69B. This seems very reasonable. In the chart you also see the big lift caused by the adjustment. It’s important to remember that the 2016 numbers are more accurate. If the APPA were to adjust the numbers from earlier years it would likely just straighten the growth line’s path to the top. It’s also a little too early to project the Pet Food CPI for 2017. February prices are up 0.1% from December and up 0.17% from a year ago. This is on track for a desirable low increase in the CPI.

Let’s turn next to Pets & Supplies.


  • Deflation
    • Cumulative
      • Prices are 4.87% below 2009 (and still about equal to what they were in April 2008)
      • Falling at an annual rate of -0.71%
    • Short Term – Stopped with very minor CPI increases in both 2015 and 2016
  • Retail Sales – When deflation ended, the retail growth rate slowed as this category is now very price sensitive.
  • Over the whole period, the Consumer bought more…and paid less!
    • Retail Sales annual growth rate is 4.24%
    • Price Adjusted annual growth rate is 4.99% – 18% higher than the retail rate

In Supplies, the first deflationary year was 2010. However, we should remember that inflation has generally not been a big issue in this segment. From 1997 to 2004 Pet Supplies increased in prices at an annual rate of under 0.5%. Then in 2005 and continuing through 2009, the CPI increased an average of 2.75% per year. This doesn’t sound like much but remember it was 5 times the rate of the previous 7 years and 2 of the biggest increases (over 3.0%) came in 2008 and 2009, in the heart of the recession. The consumer reacted – and bought less.

Prices fell 1.7% in 2010 and the consumer bought more. The prices briefly stabilized in 2011 and then began moving downward. The consumer’s reaction was to buy more. 2015 and 2016 brought another pricing pause, similar to 2010. Overall Retail growth slowed to 2.5% and adjusted growth dropped from 4.6% in 2014 to 2.4% in 2016.The good news for the sellers is that this growth was 99% real and more profitable.

Here’s the graph:

In 2017 Pets & Pet Supplies are projected to increase only 0.8% to $16.94 B. This reflects an expected $100M decrease in Live Animal Purchases and minimal growth in Supplies (1.5%). Many categories in the Supply segment have become commoditized and commodities are very price sensitive. February 2017 prices are down 0.9% from December and 0.7% from a year ago. If this continues, it could spur increased spending. However, innovation is the only real cure. Consumers will spend more for products that make Pet Parenting easier or better.

Now onto the Service Segments – First, NonVet Services.


  • Growth
    • Annual Retail Growth rate 8.00% – The highest in the industry
    • Annual Inflation rate – a little high at 2.42% but appears to be slowing.
    • Years of inflation may be catching up to this segment as the spending increase in 2016 was about half of the increase in 2015.
    • 68.1% “real” growth – 75+% should be their target.

There are no big negatives regarding this segment. However, it is largely driven by discretionary spending so the consumers’ spending power is a big factor. That’s why years of relatively strong inflation could result in a consumer “push back” at some point. However, it has grown strongly and consistently in the improving economy since the recession, especially since 2011. In 2015 the growth even reached double digits at 11.8% but slowed to a more normal 6.5% in 2016. The impact on the industry is limited as it is by far the smallest segment, only accounting for 8.6% of total Pet Industry Sales…but that’s better than 7.4% back in 2009.

Here’s how the sales look on a graph:

2017 sales are projected to be $6.11B, up 6.1%. This increase is down a bit from last year’s 6.5% and 25% below the segment’s average annual growth rate. In regard to inflation, prices are up 0.2% since December and 1.4% from a year ago. Inflation is still ongoing in this segment. The big question is how much? If it stays near or below 2% then their real growth would be about the same as 2016 – 66%. Since price is increasingly a factor in spending, we’ll periodically update the CPI status for all segments during 2017.

Veterinary Services generate 23.9% of Total Pet Industry $ales.

Let’s take a closer look at the Veterinary Service Segment.


  • Retail Growth
    • Sales are Up 32.5% since 2009
    • Annual growth rate 4.10%
  • Inflation is the problem
    • Annual average CPI increase 3.59%
  • Price increases account for 88.1% of Retail growth!
  • “Real Sales”
    • Consumers actually bought less in vet services in 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016. They just paid more.
    • Sales have been stagnant since 2009 – average annual growth rate 0.49%
    • Even worse, 2016 “real” sales were about equal to 2010 (actually a little less). Consumers bought the same “amount” of Veterinary Services. They just paid almost $4B more.

Regular veterinary visits are generally viewed as a “need” not a “want”. The high inflation rate over the years finally generated a consumer response in 2011…they cut back on veterinary services. Consumers have turned to OTC medicines, supplements, treatments and home testing whenever possible. Some NonPet Retailers are offering “no appointment” clinic days in their stores where Consumers can bring their pets for vaccinations and other procedures at radically discounted prices. Pet Health Insurance is growing and there may be fundamental changes in Veterinary Clinics – more chains and groups. Major medical procedures and emergency care will always be needed but it seems steps should be taken to make regular veterinary care more affordable.

Here’s the graph of sales since 2009:

Veterinary Services are projected to reach $16.62 B in 2016, up 4.2%.That seems a bit high considering recent performance. Inflation continues unabated as the CPI in February is already up 1.2% since December and 2.5% from a year ago. If the Veterinary Segment can hit the projected Sales number then they will likely avoid a third consecutive year with a decrease in services. However price increases would probably still account for 80+% of the increase in sales.

Now in our final section we’ll go back to the total pet market.


  • Retail Sales in 2016 46.6% since 2009; Annual growth rate 5.62%
  • Inflation: Only 10.57% since 2009; 1.45% annual CPI increase.
  • “Real” Sales are 73.2% of the Total increase with an annual growth rate of 4.11%

The great Total Pet Retail numbers are a big reason why so many people are attracted to the industry. They look even better with the APPA’s adjustment in Food reporting to get a more accurate number, but the retail numbers are consistently good across all segments. However, as I’ve said so often, you need to look a little deeper into “petflation” and the actual amount of goods and services being sold. In recent years we have been struggling with deflation in Food and Supplies and inflation in the Veterinary Segment.

  • Deflation in the Supplies Segment has now paused for 2 consecutive years. Commoditization, channel migration, consumer value shopping and lack of innovation had created extreme competitive pressure which deflated prices. Consumers were buying more… but paying less. Recent small increases in the CPI have slowed the growth of retail sales slightly. We’ll see if deflation begins again or if this segment has truly reached a turning point.
  • After 2 years of deflation in the Food segment, prices rose slightly in 2016. However, the big news is the significant consumer move to Super Premium foods, which offer superior nutritional benefits at a higher price.
  • The Veterinary segment has the opposite pricing problem. Years of inflation have caught up. Consumers bought less in 4 of the last 7 yrs. 88% of growth is from price increases and 2016 “real” sales are slightly below 2010.

Here’s the graph of Total Pet Sales since 2009:

In 2017 the Total Industry is expected to increase 3.9% to $69.36B. This could be a little low if the Super Premium Food trend continues and expands and Supplies bounce back with improved growth. In terms of CPI Inflation, the 2016 rate of 1.39% seems to be a reasonable estimate. Recent years have seen real sales growth at about 3%. Combined with the CPI this would produce a Total Industry Increase of 4.4% to $69.7B. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

One last thought – Always look beneath the surface in your business numbers. The headlines may not tell the whole story!

Why are Baby Boomers so connected to their pets? – One View

The Pet industry has grown fantastically, from just over $2B in 1971 to almost $68B in 2015, according to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The oldest Boomers turned 25 in 1971 and began to establish households and families, which included Pet Children. Pet ownership took off and so did spending. I came into the industry on April 19, 1989. The oldest Boomers were just turning 43 and fast approaching the time when income peaks and children start leaving home.

In recent years, there has been a great deal of concern about the future. Will succeeding generations grab the baton when it is passed and maintain the spending level of the Boomers? It’s a valid question and concern. We all know that Boomers still account for a tremendous share of pet spending (48%). In fact, in 2015 they upgraded their Food to Super Premium. The result was a $5B increase and Boomers (34% of CUs) accounted for 53% of Pet Food Spending in the U.S.

That is now. Gen Xers and Millennials are much younger. How does their spending compare to the Boomers when they were the same age. Such comparisons can be difficult if you just compare $. There has been considerable inflation through the years and face it, the available product mixture of 30+ years ago was minuscule compared to today. One fair way to compare is to look at the share of Total Pet spending when each group was the same age. Pet Spending starts to take off in the 25 to 34 year old age group. In 2015, the oldest Millennials turned 34 and they “owned” this age group. For Gen X this happened in 1999. The Boomers did the same in 1980. We don’t have detailed data until 1984. However, the comparison is still reasonable as everyone aged 25 to 34 in 1984 was a Boomer.

Take a look at this graph. It shows the share of CUs, the share of total pet spending and the performance for all three generations when they first owned the 25 to 34 age group. Note: Performance = share of spending/share of CUs

  • The first thing to note is that all measurements decline with succeeding generations.
  • Share of CU’s – Gen X share of CU’s was 20% smaller than the Boomers and Millennials are down 26%.
  • Performance – Gen X was 19% lower than Boomers and Millennials dropped off by 33%.
  • Share of Total Pet Spending – Here’s the result. Compared to Boomers, the share of Total Pet Spending for…
    • Gen X is 64.6% of the Boomers. – less than 2/3
    • Millennials is 49.2% of the Boomers. – less than half

Of note, in 1984 the 25 to 34 age group (Boomers) ranked second in Total Pet $spending at $2.36B. They were edged out by the 35 to 44 group (half Boomers) at $2.38B. The Gen Xers fell to 3rd place in 1999. The Millennials fell to 5th in 2015, only beating out the Over 75 and Under 25 groups.

Let’s look at one other comparison – The pet spending share of total CU spending.

The next chart compares the Pet Percentage of Total CU spending, nationally and for the 25>34 group by generation.

  •  Nationally, Pet Spending as a share of CU spending doubled to 0.94% from 1984 to 2015.
  • The Boomers are the only generation to exceed the National Average for the 25>34 group.
  • The Pet Spending share for this age group has increased about 50% but the younger generations have not kept pace with the Boomers.
  • In fact, it the Boomers who were the primary drivers in National Pet Spending, as they grew older, their income increased and their human children left home.

Speaking of aging, we can go one step further in our generational comparison – the 35>44 age group – Boomers vs GenX. The 35>44 age group is the time when family responsibilities are reaching a peak. Careers are also being built but income has not quite caught up. As a result, this group has a great deal of financial pressure.

  •  The Gen X 35>44 age group is 15% smaller than the Boomers.
  • The Pet Spending Performance by the Gen Xers is 11% lower than the Boomers but both generations “earned their share” with 100+%.
  • The net result is that the share of Pet Spending is significantly lower for the Gen X group – 25%.
  • Although not quite at the Boomer “level”, Gen Xers obviously still have a strong commitment to their Pet Children.

Finally let’s compare the Pet Percentage of Total CU spending for the 35>44 age group for the two generations.

  • From 1990 to 2009 the Pet Spending share of Total CU Spending almost doubled to 1.11%’
  • The Boomers, in their day, kept pace with the national number.
  • The Gen Xers increased the percentage of Pet Spending by this group 79% to 1.04%. However…
  • They couldn’t keep pace with the national level being driven up by the older Boomers in their peak earning years.
  • Of Note: Pet Spending share of Total CU spending broke the 1% barrier and peaked in 2008 at 1.13%. The Boomers were at the peak of their earnings. Their human children had left the nest and their attention and spending turned to their Pet Children. With the onset of the great recession, the Pet share of total Spending began to decline, falling below 1% in 2012 and currently stands at 0.944 % in 2015. However, Boomers still spend 1.23% of their total expenditures on their Pets – far more than any other generation.

Boomers’ spending on their animal companions shows a commitment that exceeds both earlier and later generations. They were the driving force in the industry’s spectacular growth. Let’s consider the “why” behind that commitment.

To answer the “Why?” question we will get away from math. We’ll look at one key national event and then I’ll get “personal” with some of my own remembrances about growing up as a Boomer with Pets. In the end, Pets are a very personal experience. Every Pet Parent has their own memories of their introduction to Pets and how they became an integral part of their life and a full-fledged member of the family. Now, for that “National Event”

The key event leading to the strong bond between Baby Boomers and their Pets happened before the first Baby Boomer was born. Boomers were born from 1946 through 1964. Here’s a picture of what happened on June 22, 1944.

This is a President Franklin Roosevelt signing the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, The G.I. Bill. While World War II was not over, Victory seemed to be only a matter of time. The law was designed to help the returning servicemen readjust to society and reward them in a small way for their service and sacrifice on behalf of the country.

The law had two key elements that radically impacted U.S. Society. The first was Education Benefits which provided financial assistance for Veterans in gaining higher education and training. By 1956 7.8 million Americans had taken advantage of this program. This increased their level of education and the income for millions of families. With more income, came increased spending. There was more money available for necessities and discretionary spending on their families and ultimately in acquiring and maintaining pets.

The second key feature was VA Home Loans. This provided low interest, zero down payment home loans for servicemen. The terms were even more favorable for new construction compared to existing housing. This encouraged millions of families to move out of urban housing into new housing. There was a boom in new construction and the result was a new living space – the suburbs. These were planned communities with schools and public works in place. The growth was truly explosive as some builders were completing as many as 30 houses a day. The communities were near Urban areas but they became self-sufficient from the Urban “core”, both as a place of work and a place of dwelling. This was a new way of living for Americans, with more space and convenience.

Homeownership in the U.S. reached its low point of the 20th century in 1940 at 43.5% of households. By 1960 it had reached 60%. It continued to climb, reaching a peak of 68% in 2004. It remained basically stable at or near this level until the economic crash. Since then it has fallen and stood at 62.3% in 2015. (In 2015, Homeowners accounted for 82.6% of Total Pet $)

Space that you own and control is a key factor in pet ownership. The Suburban environment had an additional benefit ….  a yard – more room for pets. Also remember that years ago most rental properties had a simple rule – no pets. This only changed when landlords had to respond to the pressure from the high percentage of the population who own pets.

Now, let’s take it down to a personal level. My Mom and Dad were both of the Greatest Generation, born in the early 1920’s. They met, married and ultimately lived in Kansas City, Kansas. My Dad served in the Army in WW II, fighting island to island in the Pacific Theater until he was “knocked out action” and sent home to recuperate. My Mom fought on the “Home-front”, including working in a defense plant, where she used her nimble fingers to install flight instruments in PBY “Flying Boats”.

My brother Jacque was born in July of 1945 so he is not a “true” Boomer. However, we shared the same experiences, the same values and usually the same “Boomer” ideas so he has earned an “honorary” membership in the club. I came along in December of 1948. In the early years my family moved (so I am told) through a succession of rental situations.

That all changed forever in 1951. Taking advantage of a VA Loan, my parents bought a home in a rural/suburban area. It was a small, 2 bedroom house, typical for the time. We lived near, but not in a housing tract and had a huge quarter acre lot. Ten years later we would move to a traditional suburban neighborhood, which gave my brother and I easier access to our friends but still with a big yard. This yard space was always an important factor in our interaction with our pets.

Our first pet came along shortly after moving into that first house in 1951. She was a small black and white “mixed breed” dog which came from a friend of my parents whose dog just had a litter. Apparently, I get credit for her name. I was only two at the time and had trouble pronouncing some letters. When I first saw her I tried to describe her as a “little bitty” puppy. What came out was “Jiddle Biddy”. This was shortened and her name became “Jid”.

Many of my earliest memories are playing with Jid. She was the first pet in our household but soon got company. Both my brother and I wanted more and we nagged our parents about it. We got Jid when I was 2 years old. By the time that I was 8 and in third grade, we had 2 dogs, 2 cats, a canary, a parakeet, a hamster and…a raccoon. I know that date because I remember taking Robbie, the raccoon to “show and tell” at school. The dogs and cats all came from friends. The canary was my Mom’s idea. Her mother always had one so she “grew up” with a singing canary in the house. The Parakeet and Hamster both came from Woolworth’s. The argument that my brother and I made for getting these pets was simple and effective. “All our friends have one.” The Raccoon was another story. My Dad accepted him from friends. His parents had been killed by hunters. I guess he was about 4 to 6 weeks old. I set up his home in a cardboard box with old clothes to sleep on and a ticking alarm clock to mimic his mother’s heartbeat. I hand fed him milk from a doll’s bottle that I borrowed from my cousin, Cindy. Raccoons are truly incredible. They are smart, mischievous and their paws are more like hands than paws so he was always getting into “trouble”.

Except for the birds and the hamster, all our pets lived outdoors. They had access to the basement in inclement weather but spent the vast majority of their time roaming the yard and neighborhood. This is where the dogs became “leaders of the pack”. It was a different time then. There was no air conditioning so everyone’s windows and front door were open when they were at home. We relied on screen doors to keep out the bugs and let in any breeze as a relief from the blistering Kansas summer heat. There were no leash laws and fewer fenced yards so dogs roamed free. We kids also were free. In the summer my brother and I ate breakfast then left to go play. We grabbed lunch at whoever’s house we were playing at and made it home for dinner. Our dogs were literally our constant companions. Wherever we went, they went. I remember that my Mother once said that she always knew where to find us. She just looked for our dogs lying in the front yard. When we played pick up baseball games, everybody’s dog was there, lying patiently on the sidelines.

The bond between Boomers and our pets, especially our dogs was forged in our formative years. My brother and I spent more waking hours with our dogs than we did with our parents, especially in the summer. They were always there both with us and for us, our constant friends and companions. They were ready to play at any time, to listen to our childhood rants when no adults would and always ready to extend a paw or a friendly lick when things weren’t going so well.

Is it any wonder that when we Boomers grew up that we welcomed the friends and companions of our youth into our households – not as pets, but as full-fledged members of the family. To do anything else would have been unnatural and go against everything that we learned growing up.

My adult life differs from the vast majority of other Boomers in that I have spent most of it “on the road”. I got involved in Consumer Products Sales and Marketing shortly after finishing college. As a travelling salesman, I first hit the highways then moved up to the airways. I estimate that I have put in over 750,000 miles driving for business and over 2.5 million air miles, in and out of 157 North American Airports…plus some foreign travel. I have spent Over 4000 nights in hotels. I am not bragging. I only mention this because Pet Parenting is a big responsibility. You need to be there for your Pet Children. They depend on you for both care and companionship, especially dogs.

Without exception, during the “family” years of my life, pets were always a welcome and integral part of the household. When I lived alone, usually they were not. Looking back, they would have helped but my decision was based on concern for their welfare, not mine. Why we have pets truly hit home to me a few years ago. I got home on a Friday night after a tough week on the road. No one was home so I collapsed on the couch. Licorice, my black, long haired feline companion came over, curled up on my lap and began to purr. I began to stroke him. Within seconds, I felt noticeably better; less tired, mentally and physically. Besides all the benefits of having Pets that HABRI has documented, the simple fact is that our relationship with our Pets just makes us feel better. This applies to everyone but I think we Boomers are even more susceptible because of those free, open years in our youth spent with our pet companions.

Well, that’s my pet connection story. What’s yours?